YOU QUICKLY GRABBED YOUR BOOKS THAT LAYED OUT ON YOUR DESK AND BOLTED. Keeping your head down — which soon became a pain in the ass — as you tried to weave through all the students. Your heart was racing a mile a minute as you tried to make it to the schools front doors before he could catch up to you. Looking left and right was a regular habit you have picked up over the weeks — it's the only thing keeping you at peace in your mind — because you needed it to stay clear of him. Releasing the breath that you've been holding for a while felt amazing as your lungs took in the newly accepted oxygen.
Starting down the sidewalk you paced yourself as you looked behind you only to see unfamiliar faces coming and going. His face was no where to be see to you dismay you loved not seeing his face, but that familiar burning pit in your stomach always made you feel guilty for not talking to him.
"Y/n!" You heard his sweet voice call out only making your legs go into overdrive mode. You quickly made several turns and race towards your house wanting to get away. You refused to talk to him, you wanted absolutely nothing to do with that horrid boy. Before your hands go grasp the doorknob your waist was grabbed with such force it took a little breath away from you.
"Please its been over three weeks we have to talk about this." Sweet Pea spoke softly his hands cupping your face. You quickly jerked your face away from his calloused hands and went to the doorknob. "So you're just gonna ignore me then?"
"That's what it looks like doesn't it." You spat back venom coating every word you spoke. His heartless laugh caught you off guard as you were almost free from the situation. Clenching your fist you turned around to face him — holding back the sudden urge to bitch slap him — your eyes narrowed. "What's so fucking funny."
"The fact you're making a big deal over something that isn't worth it." He spat back with just as much anger and despair as you did moments ago. Quickly biting your tongue to hold back the foul words wishing to spill.
"Not worth making a big deal over! SweetPea you cheated on me and to make matters worse you got the girl pregnant!" You bellowed at the top of your lungs as your stared at the ignorant boy. The rolling of his eyes only pissed you off more.
"Oh calm down it's just a child I'll help take care of it." He shrugged nonchalantly. His hands once more reaching out to grasps yours. Pulling back with even more force the last time.
"Now you listen to me having a baby is a huge deal especially since it's your child you're gonna stay with that girl and make sure her and that child is taken care of to great lengths. I don't want you to even look at me when you're with this girl as far as I'm concerned I will only check in with you for that baby's sake. Me and you from this point on are done, now I want you to get off my porch and stay the hell away from me." You seethed out through gritted teeth ; jabbing his chest with every step you took to get him to go away. SweetPea held his hands up in surrender as he backed away. His hands were clenched at his sides as he walked down the concrete path beating himself up for being so drunk one night and doing such a stupid mistake that it costed him the love of his life.
Ever since the dispute between you and SweetPea things have never been the same. Over time you soon found out the girl's name was Elora and she was a beautiful girl who deserved to be treated right.
"I'm still sorry about all this." Toni spoke softly as she rubbed your hand across the table. You smiled sadly as you stared once more at SweetPea.
"It's not your fault it's mine for thinking he'd ever truly care for me." You mumbled as you pulled your hand back and tugged at the ends of your sleeves. Toni's eyes were glue to you — In fear of looking away — she didn't want you to waste more tears on someone who doesn't deserve it. Soon you two were joined by a very concerned Cheryl.
"I'll destroy him." She seethed our through gritted teeth as she looked back at SweetPea. Her fisted were clenched so hard her knuckles became a more pale white. Toni quickly grabbed her girlfriends hand in an attempt to calm her down.
"No please don't do anything." You sighed as you wiped the new tears that were burning and begging to spill over you waterline.
"Why not the pig deserves a smack in the face. Y/n you know I hate seeing you like this." Cheryl commented as she eyed your appearance. The oversized jumper and sweatpants were a usual outfit now-a-days. You sighed as you understood what she meant. You wanted to be more like yourself, but you just couldn't. It was different without him by your side and it's gonna take some time to get used to it.
"I'll get over it soon, but the heartbreak is still fresh I just need a little more time. Would you guys mind coming over tonight?" You questioned as you stared at your lap. You were thankful that today was Friday. Both girls nodded a smile present on their faces.
Quickly grabbing your stuff you made a b-line for the school doors. You huffed as the current papers you were fumbling with finally had enough as you collided with someone and they went flying.
"I'm so sorry." You quickly spoke gathering up all the spilled papers and piling them into your bag. A hand was stretched out as it handed you the other papers.
"Don't be I wasn't watching were I was going." SweetPea spoke rubbing the back of his neck. The tension was so thick a sharped blade wouldn't even dull it. "So how've you—"
You quickly grabbed the papers and bolted towards the door not letting him finish his sentence. When you got to your house you noticed the two girls already in there — finding the spare key when they got their before you— Maybe you were overreacting I mean talking to him shouldn't be something you have to avoid.
"Yes it should. And you were talking out loud again." Cheryl sighed as she placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. She pulled you towards the couch as Toni popped in a random movie and the three of you got settled in. The movie titles shown across the screen as you fumbled with the blankets ends. Your eyes lit up as you saw Nick Robinson pop up on the screen. Love, Simon was gonna be a roller coaster.
You notice throughout the movie Toni was more focused on her phone. You tried your best to crane your neck to even get a glimpse of the screen, but she would always shut it off before you could.
"Everything okay?" You questioned pulling your legs up to your chest.
"Oh yeah it's just Fangs needed help with his book report and I'm giving him pointers." She smiled as she grabbed the popcorn. You nodded your head and continued to stare at the screen. Not even a few moments later Cheryl's familiar dig tone kept going off as well.
"Damn it, I didn't tell the girls practice was canceled." Cheryl groaned as she quickly tore her eyes away from the movie and tapped away at her screen. After typing what felt like a lengthy message she — a little harshly — put her phone down on the table. She resumed her gaze at the tv. Toni excused herself to the bathroom a moment later. Looking over you noticed her screen had a notification on it curiosity got the better of you ANS you stared in disbelieve at the message across the screen.
Toni you don't understand how much I miss her. She's everything I need in my fucked up life. I know what I done was bad...
You didn't see the rest of the message as it was cut off by the screen. Toni was soon back and you gathered up the courage to speak.
"Take me to SweetPea right now."
By herronszach
Ooooo this was shit I'm sorry!
Also I just wanted to ask you guys since I'm going to walker stalker this year would you guys like a story time of the event on my main account?
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