Part 3
Whyte Worm:
Obviously, after Y/N and Archie almost created their own version of the bar level in Paint the Town Red (Not a horror movie reference, but who cares), They, Moose, and Kevin were promptly forced out by Mr. Jones, and something tells Y/N that if he had the ability to be scared again, he probably would have.
"Mr. Jones, I'm so sorry for that whole interaction, but if I can be honest, you look just like one of my heroes." Y/N runs his mouth while walking backwards out the bar, facing Jughead's father. Obviously, he's talking about Billy Loomis. "I mean, the hair's different, a-and you're a whole lot more older, but I'm sure he would look like you at modern times if he wasn't fictional-"
"Kid, for the third time, you need to leave." FP Jones orders the kid, encouraging him to keep it moving. "If it was heroes you're looking for, then I'm afraid you've entered American Psycho levels of territory."
"Horror movie references, see?!" Y/N excitedly points to him while gushing to Archie. "That is exactly what he would do!" He turns to FP Jones as if looking at his idol, or God even. "We have a lot in common, Mr. Jones."
"Kid, go! I'm not gonna ask again." FP enforces, pointing over to Kevin and Moose who stand further away. Y/N breaks his expression and slowly nods disappointed, but turns to leave with them along with Archie. "Not you Red, you stay." FP orders, and the others turn back, now feeling a little concerned on what he's going to do."
"I'm good." Archie assures the three, and they hesitantly leave the guy to his fate. He then slowly turns back to Jughead's father, the revelation that he's also the leader of drug dealers is now affecting his emotions even more than they were earlier. Now he understands why Jughead was reluctant to go with him and Y/N, because he didn't want to share the truth with them.
"What the hell are you doing here?" FP Jones questions Archie, seriously trying to wonder why he's going to a place not fit for a kid like him, especially the kind that start confrontations with people that can snap him in half.
"Looking for the thugs that trashed my dad's equipment." Archie tells him with venom. "We figured it was the Serpents, angry for getting kicked off their land...." FP Jones chuckles at this. ".... but now that I know you're a Serpent, I'm thinking this is personal." Archie accuses with a hatred glare. "Going after my dad, his company, this is payback, right? For when he fired you?"
"Man, you've got a bigger imagination than Jughead." FP remarks. "And that's saying something."
"This isn't a joke. My dad could lose everything!" Archie strongly states, not taking his amused quips very well.
"And what, you think I'm responsible?" FP Jones questions, raising his response to Archie raising his. As if reminding him who's the adult in this situation. "That I've been, what, waiting all these years for a chance to get back at your old man? No, no kid, life's too short."
"Well, with this new information, you could be Ghostface for all I know." Archie shoots back, his rage now controlling his mouth. FP Jones just chuckles at him again, knowing that the kid is way too out of it to actually see reason.
"You actually think that I'm the maniac going around killing people in this town? That I shot Jason Blossom, cut poor Rose's throat, disappeared Sugarman and Chuck?" FP Jones questions him like a therapist questioning his patient's logic. "Hell, bet you think I gun downed your old girlfriend as well-"
"Don't you speak of her." Archie growls, his buttons now pressed. FP Jones glances with a bitter expression, also having his cords stuck negatively as well. "I know about the snake sent to Betty's house after she was attacked, all because she discovered about the drugs you deal on the side."
"Listen here, kid." FP Jones takes a very intimidating step towards him. "I have a son, just like your own daddy does, and if you think for a second, that I would abandon the family I have left just because of something that happened in the past, you've got another thing coming."
Archie simply glares back at him, and the tension is finally dropped when he turns to see his father's truck pulling into the parking lot. "I called him, the second you step foot in the bar." FP tells the kid, as Fred steps out with a very displeased look on his face.
"Get in the truck, Archie."
Down The Street:
While leaving the bar, Y/N has had a strange feeling crawling in the back of his neck. That guy, the one Archie pretty much picked a fight with, he feels like he remembers him from somewhere, or at least saw him before.
Y/N leans onto a wall of a random building and pulls out his phone, looking up the nickname 'Mustard', assuming that's the right one from his memory. He's already got suspicion thrown onto the Jones family, and it's still there despite what alibi Jughead has. His father isn't off the hook, Y/N can tell when he hears the gossip around school.
Eventually, he finds what he was looking for....
Now, he's got another mark.
Back at the Whyte Worm:
"So what, you're a Serpent now?" Fred questions FP, also surprised by this new fact that he's only learning recently. "Thought you left that behind?" He queries, wondering what else happened the past few years.
"A guy's got to make a living." FP remarks with a shrug, it's not like he chose to go back after all, especially with a kid. "And not many people would hire me, after...."
"Right, it's my fault you run with criminals that rough up teenagers and trash my equipment?" Fred interrupts with a glare. FP now feels like he's having the same conversation with Archie now, as the saying goes, like father like son.
"You really think I'd come after you? Even when there's a serial killer on the loose killing kids? That I'd put you in your kid in danger after everything you've done for my boy?" FP questions, a little hurt by the accusation, but guess it's justified after what happened between them. "Look, I'm.... I'm sorry for your troubles." he tells him, genuine when he says it. "How bad is it?"
"I got no crew, I got no cash, and it's all taking place during the scariest time of Riverdale's so called, 'Ghostface'. " Fred lays it out with a big sigh. "Never been worse."
"Let me ask around, see if any of my guys have heard who it could be." FP offers, knowing it's the best he could do for his situation, plus maybe a little more.
"I'd appreciate it." Fred says with a nod, any help is better than none.
"You'll pull through Fred, you always do." FP tells him assuringly, giving the man a friendly tap on the shoulder. "But you might wanna keep tabs on that boy of yours." He advises while heading back inside the bar. Fred mentally agrees while turning around....
Only to discover that he's gone.
Somewhere In a Motel:
Mustang, the guy Archie fought with in the bar, is not chilling back at home now that his mood had turned sour. Those Riverdale Jocks.... they always like fucking around the place as if they own it.
He's about to relief himself with a morphine shot when his cell phone starts ringing. He unstraps his arm, sets the syringe down on the kitchen counter and answers it after seeing that it's not a suspected scam, knowing not many people should have this number. "What?"
"It's me, Mustang. You're in the clear" FP confirms for him, letting the biker know he's not in any trouble with the cops. "I let them know it was that redhead that started it, everyone saw it happen."
"You know it's not assault charges I'm worried about, boss." Mustang reminds him as he stands up. "The guy that offed the Blossom kid is still at large, and now a couple of fed-like motherfuckers have arrived to investigate the entire Riverdale town, from the top, to it's massive asshole."
"We'll be fine, you need to stop talking about it if you truly want to keep the cops from hearing about it." FP advises, there's a slight pause as Mustang passes the bathroom door while he paces around the house.
"They know about Jason's stash of drugs, I'd be surprised if those detectives didn't have hidden cameras on our shoulders as we speak." Mustang remarks, going through random stuff in his kitchen cabinets. "Doesn't really feel wrong to be paranoid. Didn't they find one of our snakes in that blondie's home?"
"I'm trying to figure that part out, if one of our own is truly the guy killing people in a Halloween costume, I'll deal with the bastard myself." FP assures him, though Mustang wonders if that means him alone or everyone else in the gang as well. "Are you still taking dope?" He then suddenly questions in a low voice.
"What? No, boss, I told you I quit that shit a month ago, I'm not using our product anymore." Mustang answers with a very bold lie, feeling anxious as that's brought up again. He also doesn't like the fact that FP sounds like he already knows that answer.
"Oh really? 'Cause your friends at the bar say otherwise." FP sates, letting the guy know that he's not a fucking idiot. "Don't play dumb with me Mustang, the last thing I need is for you to confirm that we're dealing when that dead kid's friends are blabbing it around town."
"Who the fuck are you to decide what my vices are? After all the shit that's happening on your side?" Mustang criticizes, losing his temper despite it being the Serpent's leader. "You're the one who's son got put in questioning because of your decision to stick around."
"So that's how you feel?" FP growls, not taking that comment very well. "You know, hearing you say that, it makes me..."
Suddenly, a figure in a cloak and mask pops up from the Bathroom and catches Mustang off-guard with a stab in the back. "ANGRY!" Ghostface yells in his ear, finishing the sentence. Mustang is send against the wall due to the shock of the attack, but quickly gets himself together as the killer tries driving the knife further in.
He pushes Ghostface off with his back and smacks him across the mask, causing him to fall back into the kitchen. Mustang grabs him and shoves him against the cabinet, but the killer uses a man's best asset against him and gives it kick before footing him against the fridge where the knife goes further in.
Ghostface stands straight and tilts his head while Mustang, despite the knife, stands up and glares at the killer before attempting to charge him. It fails when the killer quickly grabs a frying pan from the stove and whacks him across the head with it, sending him back down. He hits him a couple more times with it, before then slowly pulling out his knife in a sadistic manner, letting Mustang feel the pain of it leaving his flesh while blood then pours out. The killer then grips the handle before sending it against the other side of his heart, pressing down hard.
Mustang then finally goes still while Ghostface tilts his head, taking massive breaths during the process. He.... he actually did it.
He killed a Serpent.
The Pembrooke:
After that was settled with the Serpent, Y/N meets up with Archie to head over to the baby shower that Polly Blossom's having, as it was suggested earlier. Y/N was originally going to head over there after his shift was done, but of course, shit went south fast, and he found a new opportunity for a chess in his plan.
However, the two aren't coming in formal suits, ready to stand and be polite gentlemen. They, meaning mostly Archie, are here to confront Jughead of this new character trait about his dad that he neglected to mention.
As soon as Y/N opens the door, the both of them with a blank, but easily readable peeved expression, whatever fluff moment that was happening in the room gets stung. "Hey, Polly, good to finally see you." Y/N dryly comments as he and Archie stomp over to Jughead who stands in the dining hall/corner of the room. They try sticking to the walls, but Y/N can tell everyone's eyes are on them.
"Archie? What are you two-" Jughead anxiously looks at them confused before Archie cuts him off by grabbing him by the shirt and aggressively pushing him into the dining room and against the wall. It's probably an attempt at putting this confrontation in a different room, but the loud thud that emits makes it fail as everyone then jumps while turning towards them.
"You were protecting him, that's why you never told us!" Archie exclaims in extreme rage, the same he displayed on Betty earlier. "You knew he had no alibi when all those people were killed!"
"Archie?!" Betty and Veronica exclaims in shock, walking over while everyone else stays frozen in place.
"Relax, man. You're overreacting." Jughead replies as he tries to get Archie to let go, but the 'Red' refuses to loosen his grip. "What the heck happened at the bar?"
"What do you think happened? Did you really think we weren't going to find out?" Y/N questions with a pointed look, clearly showing some frustration on his part as well as Jughead sheepishly glances down.
"What are you guys doing?!" Veronica hisses, bringing their attention back to the crashed baby shower.
"Did you know Jughead's father is a Serpent?" Archie queries Betty, nodding his head towards the guy as he keeps him on the wall, his arm on his neck and torso. "The same ones that have been hiring Jason Blossom for drug deals, and who's snake was found in your house?"
"No..." Betty shakes her head, looking at Jughead with a surprised look.
"That's why he tried to stop us from going to the bar, so we wouldn't find out that he's on the police's main suspect list." Archie explains to them, looking back at Jughead with a fury-filled glare. "After everything my dad has done for you..."
"I didn't tell anyone because I knew you react exactly like this, especially after Grundy died." Jughead states, clearly trying to defend his actions despite the damage already being done. "I was scared, a-and-"
"Yeah, no shit we would react like this. You've deliberately kept this from us from the beginning of school day one." Y/N brings up with a glare, angrily throws his arms up. "Now, for all we know, he could be the murderer!"
"The last thing my dad is, is a fucking killer, alright?!" Jughead retorts, finding the strength to push against Archie's hold. "But your logic, that how come your parents aren't suspects?'
"Because they are on a business trip, one airplane flight away from us, dumbass."
"Guys." Veronica calls out to them, the boys all snap out of their argument to see that they're now already close to spoiling the mood at the baby shower, assuming they haven't already. "You three need to check yourselves, I mean it." She orders, and Archie lets out a steaming breath before slowing letting go of Jughead.
"No, save it." Archie cuts Jughead off again, not wanting to hear him talk as he and Y/N angrily leave the room, Jughead watching them go with a defeated expression. Thankfully, Archie has the power to refrain himself from literally slamming the door on his way out.
"I can't believe it, this entire time, I thought I knew everything I needed to know about Jug, and he's still been keeping secrets from me." Archie mutters, venting to Y/N as they walk down the hotel's hallway.
"I've only bumped into him a couple times before Jason's death, how long have you known him?" Y/N questions curiously, he's now found another hole in Archie's friendships, and this time, he isn't going to let it heal with time. Something's brewing with Polly's return, and he's all but ready to exploit it.
"Since childhood, childhood, and I never knew that his father was...." Archie tells him, before letting out a big breath. "I really lost in back there, didn't I?"
"Hey, this may sound wrong to say, but I honestly think you were justified to react the way you did." Y/N assures him, as the two briefly stop in the middle of the hallway. "I mean..... if Cheryl died, I would be pretty pissed if people left out details revolving Ghostface."
Archie slowly nods, putting his hands on his hips while trying to figure out his emotions at the moment. "Thanks, Y/N.... really, I expected all of you guys to say how I 'never meant it' again." He says to him with grateful look.
Y/N nods as he plants the final seed in this childhood friendship's coffin. "Why other secrets do you think he's keeping from us?" Y/N wonders out-loud, and Archie turns to him a serious look.
"I don't know, but I hope I find out, sooner or later." Archie bitterly remarks as he continues down the hall, walking towards the elevator.
Y/N smirks like the devil as he follows him out.
Andrews Residence:
Back at home, after Archie has changed takes off his jersey, now only wearing the grey, long-sleeved shirt he likes to wear, he heads into the kitchen so he can talk with his father about the Whyte Worm bar incident. "Dad, before you say anything, I was trying to help."
"It was reckless." Fred points out, especially after hearing about how it all went down. His worriment also went up when he disappeared out of nowhere as if they were in a Batman movie, but he'll excuse that this time.
"Yea, but it doesn't matter. I wanna pull my weight around here. I wanna help you the way you help me." Archie states passionately, hating the fact that some angry competitor can screw around with his father and get away with it. It's like we're living in the gilded age all over again. Heck, he wouldn't be surprised if Riverdale never left it.
"We've both done everything we can." Fred tells him, looking like Nepoleon when he was exiled to the island with practically nothing left in his life. "I need you to know, son.... I tired, my whole life, to build stuff. I tried to build a family, that didn't work out. I'm trying to build us a safe life for you, and the jury's still out on that." He talks, and Archie looks wounded by how broken he sounds. "I've been pouring concrete and laying brick since I was your age. That's who I am.... That's all I am." He lets out, absolutely defeated, and Archie, as selfish as it sounds, wishes he could sick that serial killer onto the people who's now turned his dad down to his lowest point.
"Dad, I was thinking....." Archie steps around the island, so he can literally be standing face to face with him, despite it actually being him looking down at his dad on his chair while he remains standing. "What if I had a kid someday, and what if that kid hates music, doesn't want anything to do with it, and says...." He lets out a amused exhale. " 'Nah, I wanna build houses and buildings like grandpa.' I think would be pretty friggin cool, dad."
"That would be something." Fred comments with a nod, finding a little bit of a smile in him.
"This is your legacy, which makes it mine too." Archie states, and although he has a really bold way of showing it, Fred nods. The question still remains however....
What happens now?
Trailer Park:
FP Jones was kicking back, watching the game while he sipped his whisky, when he got a knock on his door. Thinking it was his kid or one of his friends, he opened it, only to find two formal dressed suiting gentlemen with the most blank expressions a man can muster.
"FBI, Detectives Bailey and Markus." The one with curly hair (Markus) professionally introduces as he shows his badge and ID to the man. "We're gonna have to ask that you come by the station so you can answer a couple of questions for us."
"Is that so?" FP reacts, glancing at the both of them. Didn't think they would come looking for him so soon.
"We have probable cause and suspicion, before you bring any of that up." Bailey tells him, hands held together as he stares at FP. "We know everything the sheriff discovers, and that means we know about the drug deal with Jason Blossom."
"Well, when you put it like that..." FP, knowing the cat's out of the bag, shrugs and throws his bottle in the trash before two take him outside and to their car. Outside, Jughead and Betty have just now recently arrived so the former can see his dad being taken away for questioning.
"Dad?" Jughead utters, jogging over as the detectives enter the vehicle. "Dad, what's going on?" He asks him, now a little mentally panicked.
"Son, listen...." FP pleads with a low sigh. "I'm not a perfect father, Jughead, no getting around that, but..... I'm no killer." With that, the car drives away, leaving Jughead and Betty to wonder how long he's going to be held there.
Ghostface also watches the car leave in he shadows, before sneaking off to other places he has to be.
The Pembroke:
Polly, home alone at the moment while Betty's off with Jughead, hears someone knocking on the apartment door. She's hesitant at first, but when she sees a familiar face through the peephole, she opens the door for Y/N L/N.
"Hey...." Y/N awkwardly greets, knowing that the last time he was in here wasn't on good terms. "Uh.... sorry about earlier, that wasn't really a good way to show myself after a year of you being gone."
"Don't worry, it wasn't you that spoiled the food tonight." Polly assures him with a low voice, still genuinely good to see him again after Jason's death. "You want to come in?"
"Yeah, thank you." Y/N nods, stepping inside as he glances around the expensive apartment for the second time. Even though he's already seen it before, it still makes his house pare in comparison to the Lodges'. "Look.... I wanted to wait until you got back into living a normal life before telling you this."
"Tell me what?" Polly queries with a curious look, recognizing that hesitant look Y/N carries when he's about to say something he feels could make the other upset.
"I know usually, most people catch up, but I think you deserve to know about this." Y/N tells her before pulling out the letter Jughead and Betty found in Jason's room. "Jason, after faking his death, was going to help a reporter expose his parents for what they truly were." He informs Polly while she reads it with a somewhat shocked expression. "But.... we both know how that turned out."
"Why are you showing me this? Isn't this something for the police to know?" Polly questions, to which Y/N chuckles.
"Come on, Polly, we both know which family influences the Riverdale police, and I don't trust those detectives either." Y/N states, and he can tell Polly's giving him a knowing look behind her eyes. "I think the Blossoms had something to do with their son's murder, and now they're having someone else clean up their mess."
Polly looks to be considering this theory, but Y/N can tell her mind is already made up, which makes him mentally giggle like a jester.
Now he's got them.
SoDale Construction Site: The Next Morning.
Hermione and Hermione, now the only two people left of the construction crew. The hoodlums from the nights before have discouraged anymore teenage help, so that plan is now tossed in the bin. "I've got calls into Greendale and Centerville. Clifford Blossom couldn't have hired every crew in the state."
"Well, in the meantime, we'll just be a two-person crew." Fred states, though what they find at the construction site says otherwise.
"That won't be necessary." FP announces as they both look at the three squads of people, ready for duty. Now released from questioning, stands in the center of his boys with arms spread wide. "You need a crew? My guys are always looking for work. And you've never had a better foreman than me." He offers before as they walk up to him. "I won't leave you hanging this time."
Fred nods. "What if there's trouble?" He queries, reminding him of the thugs that promised they would be back if construction continues.
"We can handle trouble." FP assures him, glancing at his guys who've seen a thing or two when it comes to brawling, and he's not talking about stereotypical bar fights.
"We're burning daylight." Fred mentions, satisfied with this answer. FP smirks at this, nodding to his men while stepping away with Hermione for a second.
"I'll catch up, we're just gonna get the paperwork done." He tells Fred while he and Hermione walk toward the office trailer, having themselves a private chat in the process. "I asked around about the bruisers going after your mom's crew. Turns out they weren't local."
"Why are you telling me, not Fred?"
"One of my guys says he knows 'em from a stint doing time up north.... in Montreal." FP mentions, giving the shocked Hermione a knowing look. "Pretty sure we know who has business in Montreal."
"Hiram? But...." Hermione stutters, confused by the fact that it's the land's own owner sending men to rough up Fred's crew. "Why would he even-"
"Maybe he got a whiff of your little romance with Freddy Andrews?" FP theorizes with a shrug. "The real question is, who ratted you out?"
As he walks away from Hermione, a similar figure in a black cloak that's very interested in this project looks around before leaving.
It would make for the perfect climax.
(A/N) This is honestly a episode-ending song that has been stuck in my head, so please enjoy it while you read these ending scenes.
The Pembroke:
"Mom had no idea, Polly." Betty promises her sister. Even though Alice had another confrontational dispute with Penelope Blossom had the baby shower, the good thing that came out of it was that it was revealed from Polly that Hal had originally planed to have a doctor hired to get rid of the baby, behind everyone's back. "Dad never told her, she swears it."
"I just.... I can't believe she kicked him out." Polly says after blowing out some air. Now she's met with a choice, follow up on The Blossom's offer of staying at Thornhill, who have now agreed to keep Polly along as well, or move back in with her mom, who are now also ready to take both mother and child in.
"She meant what she said. She wants you and the baby to feel safe." Betty assures her, holding Polly's hand like a sister would. "Which means... you can come home now." She states, and Polly truly believes her.
Sadly, after the talk with Y/N, she now knows what she has to do.
L/N Residence:
Y/N, home alone with bottles of booze littering the floor, has been attempting to drink himself to sleep. He's never actually told anyone this, but in truth, he's been doing it for the past few months. The memories of his past has started to return, and although he clings to it like a child with candy, he consumes the alcohol so it doesn't keep him up at night.
He gets a hum and buzz from his phone, and with his vision still clear enough, he sees it to be a text from Polly.
Polly: I've arrived, please don't tell the others our true goal until I've found something that lines with our suspicions.
Y/N smirks as he replies, making sure to take it slow as to make it sound obvious he's half-drunk.
You: No problem, I can keep a secret.
He then tucks phone back in his pocket before shutting his eyes, letting his body fall to the carpet floor where he falls into a blissful sleep.
He doesn't really need the bed for that anymore.
(A/N) Alright, so we're at the final 4 episodes, and now that I have a little more experience writing my own stuff to add to the story, the whole 'Archie's mad' plotline is actually going to stick for a little longer, without it being resolved offscreen like how I handled it in Episode six.
Now, things are going to more serious by Episode Nine. It'll appear the same at first, but then Y/N's growling manipulation will play things differently behind the scenes, and I plan to have Episode 13 be an entirely different story/plotline.
You know, it's interesting that despite me hanging back from this fic a couple times, the motivation to write some more piles up.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
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