Part 2 (End)
The search is still going on, because why wouldn't it? The question of who the killer is has been going on for months, and now is the time to finally answer that before their minds get damaged from all of this suspense and fear that's been terrorizing them since the day it started. Y/N has now moved from having his arm hugged to having it wrapped around Cheryl's shoulder who now holds his chest as they stumble around.
"Okay, so.... if I wanted a room that no one else could find, where would I put it?" Y/N questions out loud as he tries to delve into the mind of Clifford, looking around the dining room they just stepped into, before noticing an oddly placed door. "Maybe... here?" He queries as Cheryl follows him towards it.
He slowly opens the door which emits a loud creek and finds a row of stairs leading down to an area of absolutely no lights on. It kind of looks like the way to the place most movie characters should avoid going when they're in a haunted house. "Yup... it's definitely in here." Y/N comments with a small chuckle, even making ghost sounds before he nods Cheryl over. "Come, let's go."
"A-Are you sure?" Cheryl questions, suddenly getting a bad feeling for even her usual courageous attitude not to handle very well. This makes Y/N, who's gone down a couple steps, to look back up at her with a confused look. "I've already explored that room before, and haven't found any secrets, and that was in I was a curious-no barriers-wanting kid."
"Sure, I'm sure, you don't find everything on your first try." Y/N responds with a small quip, before look back up at her with a pleading look. "Babe, I really need you to stay with me down here. You and I both know that you need to figure out what your parents have been keeping from you to yourself." He reminds her with a voice he knows will win her over, holding out his hand for her. "Please?"
Cheryl looks back, her brain in mental debate before she ends up giving in and taking his hand, allowing him to guide her down the stairs. Y/N smiles, giving her a grateful kiss on the hair before he and her take their town going down the stairs, one by one. "I know we just started, but.... I love you, you know that?" He then whispers softly in her ear, his breath causing a chill to go down the girl's spine, a good chill.
"I do." Cheryl says as she smiles at him. They then reach the bottom floor at this point, which allows him to fully face her and put a hand on her cheek tenderly, a touch she leans into.
"Which is why.... I'm..... almost sorry." Y/N then tells her in a oddly soft tone, which then makes Cheryl blink in confusion.
"Sorry for what?"
Meanwhile, Archie and Veronica are starting their patrol in the place they believe is suspicious. Since both parents have been raising red flags every time they've appeared, no matter if they are together or not, they two decide to check Clifford's room first just for convivence that it's the closest to them from where they are standing.
"So.... what are we looking for, exactly?" Archie asks out loud as they begin looking around at the paintings on the wall, the bed sheets, the closets, and the various desks that the man has. They know that they gotta be searching for clues, but the non-specific aspect of that goal is off the charts.
"Your guess is as good as mine...." Veronica responds very honestly with a shrug, prompting the two to just look the first place they decide. A lot of what they see is the expected expensive item. A tiny statue on the desk, and the draw, the lamp near the bed having a very interesting pattern and glow to it, possibly unique to only the person who owns it.
"You think Y/N's been telling Cheryl everything?" Archie then brings up curiously, the silence of them aside from thuds, bangs, and creeks is painful to him, a con of being in the football teem where everyone, no matter where you are, is loud. "Like, as in, who we think may have killed Jason?"
"I hope not, I'm sure he just appealed to Cheryl's.... special side, to allow us to get away with this." Veronica responds, her tone of voice about as idle as Archie's. She spots some unusual choice of clothes for Clifford, but nothing that hints at murder. "Is everything with your dad still okay?"
"Yeah, mostly, it looks like Mr. Jones kept on his word, he and his men have fought off every thug or hoodlum that's been trying to harass them." Archie lets her know, that side of their lives being a-okay for the most part. "Have you.... settled things with your mom?"
"No..." Veronica admits with a big sigh. "Hey, I'm really sorry, you know... about Valerie." She then brings up, causing Archie to stop with a big exhale.
"Yeah, well..... you know, I kind of have to get by, right now." Archie responds with a mixed expression as he shrugs, knowing that as of right now, this is what he has to do, some the bastard from killing anyone else. "You know, for Val."
Veronica empathetically nods. "Yeah, I know. I just wish I had that same motivation too, the only reason I came here was because my mother-" She replies before cutting herself off when she notices something in the neighboring room. "Archie?" She the calls out, causing the red head to look over and see her walking across.
Inside, they find themselves in what looks like a jewelry room. All kinds of such are in here on display, necklaces, bracelets, etc. However, what really got Veronica's attention was the ring that was left out of its box. She walks over and takes it to get a closer look, which confirms her suspicions. "Isn't this the ring that Betty mentioned early?" She asks Archie. "The one that was Jason's?"
Arcie looks over her shoulder, squinting. "I'm not sure...." He answers honestly, never having a good look from it aside from what Polly described it as. As he glances around, making sure it's not any of these other rings, he then spots something else. "Hey, look over here." He calls her attention as he walks over to an object that's clearly not as flashy as the others. It's a very odd shaped device they haven't seen before. "Do you know what this is?" He asks the much richer woman.
"No....." Veronica says, before noticing a name written on one side of it. "Wait a second...." She calmly takes the device from his hands. She then examines both sides of it, noticing a speaker kind of thing on one side, and a black circle on the other, it's tiny holes hinting that it's what the speak picks up. She holds up to her mouth and...
She instantly cuts herself off the second she hears another person's voice coming out of it. "Archie... this...." The two share a look, a very creeped out look as Veronica puts it up to her mouth again. "Archie, it has our voices." She realizes as Polly's own voice comes out of it. "Meaning..."
"It wasn't Y/N who called Polly.' Archie finishes her sentence. "We need to-"
That deafening scream causes all of them to instantly stop searching as they all turn towards the door. Archie and Veronica share a look, but they don't need another second before breaking their search to go over to it. At this point, they've learned to take every loud yell seriously.
They rush down the hallway until they see..... Josie, still at the mansion.
She's having a hard time running as she wobbles a bit around the carpet trail. She then finally sees them, and upon making eye contact, Veronica notices how she looks like she's seen a ghost. "Guys, guys!" Josie sprints over to them, and in a few seconds, Kevin appears as well, right behind her. "We.... we gotta leave, all of us!"
"Why? What's going on?" Archie asks her with a concerned look, while trying to be calm so she doesn't get stressed out with her answer. One look over, and they eventually realize that not only are they scared out of their minds, but she and Kevin have... blood stained on their clothes.
"It's.... it's Polly." Kevin answers for her, noticing how much Josie is sobbing. "I-I heard Josie screaming as we were heading to our cars, and she.... she.... Polly, was in her vehicle."
Veronica squints, wondering why they sound so scared when they mention it, only for her heart to begin telling her what it could mean. "Oh, no.... don't say it..... " She begs of them, but sadly, despite her biggest wishes that it weren't so, Kevin confirms with a haunted nod.
"She's.... she's not moving or breathing."
"Oh no.... they knew." Archie realizes as he grabs his head, wondering how the killer is already here and already aware of the party that was going to happen. "They knew, and they turned this entire mansion into a death trap."
"WHAT?!" Josie screams, already scared enough as it is.
"He's right... But it's okay, it's okay!" Veronica agreeingly says, though quickly assures the terrified girl as her tears threaten to come back. "Look, this... okay, he didn't kill you, so it sounds like they are currently in the house." She points out with a swallow. "So... we should just find everyone else and drive away, let the cops deal with the body."
"Yeah, what she said." Archie agrees.
"You're right." Kevin says as he holds Josie comfortingly, the four of them all trying their best to get their heads together in various. "Like we said earlier, this is like a horror movie. Even if they're here, We should be fine if we all stick together, right?"
Archie nods at him, now glad that they are all on the same page. "Right, exactly, so let's-"
However, before he can finish whatever he was going to say, someone comes from the side and socks him clean in the face, causing him to fall and hit his head against one of the statues that was displaying near a window.
Everyone screams as Ghostface, the infamous killer, snaps his head towards them. They all take off, not really knowing where they are going, with the slasher not wasting time in pursuing them. As they run, Veronica tries to do things that slow the killer down, but the determined maniac dodges or jumps over every obstacle that she throws his way, showing the stakes of this night.
He chases them into a bedroom, the last place they wanted to find themselves. Right as they enter, sadly, the killer catches up to the hysteric Josie who's been going way slower than the others, and as Kevin and Veronica turn around, not having anywhere else to go, they watch as Ghostface puts his knife into the girl's back several times, eventually getting the heart before he drops her, all while staring at the other two directly the entire time.
Then, at a very bad time, Reggie pops in through the same doorway. "Hey, what's going on-" He questions upon hearing the yelling, before he eventually sees the carnage going for himself. "Holy crap!" He exclaims before the Ghostface pushes him away. He then turns back towards Veronica and Kevin, but the jock resurfaces a few seconds later and grabs the attacker, wrestling with him against one of the closets.
At one point, Ghostface manages to finally turn himself around to face he jock. And then, the fight ends with the unwanted outcome, as Reggie grunts loudly when he feels something sharp impale his gut. He stumbles away, and everyone sees that he was stabbed. The killer wipes the blood off in his memorable way. Thankfully, the guy's alive and standing, though his opponent clearly intends to finish the job.
Veronica thinks fast, looking at a glass figure on the nightstand of whatever room they've found themselves in. "HEY!" She yells with fury, prompting Ghostface to look at her before his face gets met with the object, causing it to shatter while he also falls to the ground, grabbing his face. "GO! GO!" She then strongly advises the others. Reggie, not needing to be asked twice, takes off while holding his bloody stomach. However, Kevin stands back to help her face.
She grabs another one to keep the killer down. But right as she's about to bash his head again, Ghostface spins around and slashes her weapon arm with his blade, causing her gasp and accidentally drop it. "Veronica!" Kevin exclaims before frantically trying to find a weapon of his own. Seeing nothing, he panics and frantically runs over and pushes the killer away. His strength that wants self-defense seems to help as Ghostface tumbles away and falls against the door in clumsy fashion. "Come on, come on...." He then urges as the two of them exit the room in a hurry, barely avoiding another knife slash from the ground.
Fortunately for them? The killer doesn't follow.
Unfortunately for someone else? Reggie, who's rushing a staircase, turns around to see that he's following the path he took instead. "Oh, you son of a-!" He almost swears out-loud as he picks up the pace, despite his bleeding.
He keeps running until he finds himself in yet another hallway, also with a carpet, because of course. He turns around against and sees the killer. However, when he tries to turn around, he almost falls to knees, which is the moment he begins to realize that he's fading fast.
He manages to stand himself up, but the second he does, Ghostface gets an idea, and grabs the end of the carpet Reggie's feet are on, before pulling it out from under him. The jock doesn't expect the fall, and ends up doing a flip, a flip which ends with his head landing on the floor, which abruptly twists around with a nasty crunch.
With his neck broken, Ghostface marches over to check, and feels that he still has a pulse. This prompts him to look over at the nearby window, and decide that to make sure he's really dead, he grabs the heavy man by the shirt, forces him up, and sends him crashing through the window, the glass cutting his skin in various places. But that obviously doesn't kill him. No, what really kills him is when he flies until he hits the ground again, only that what he hit was made out of stone. His skull cracks open and he is bleeding in two places.... not moving.
Ghostface looks down, knows that he is dead, and turns around to find the others.
"Come on, come on!" Veronica encourages as they keep running, the girl sometimes directing Kevin to the correct direction that leads to the living room and thus the path she and Archie entered earlier. It's hard to navigate the entire mansion while dealing with the stress of a killer chasing and memorizing the entire blueprint all at the same time, but so far, they're making good progress....
Until they make a turn and suddenly bump into someone. "Crap!" The man exclaims as they all separate. It's just Moose, holding a medieval looking sword while looking extremely terrfied. "Where the heck did you two come from?!"
Kevin blinks at him. "The stairs?!" He tells him as if that was the stupidest question he's ever heard in his entire life. Then they both look down at his weapon and get a little nervous. "And what the heck happened to you, man?"
"I..... I saw the Ghostface costume, then I heard the big loud crash..... then I look out in the window and see Reggie freaking dead on the pavement!" Moose explains frantically as he stutters a bit in his words. "I'm kind of freaked out, in case you didn't notice!"
"Thanks captain obvious...."
Before Veronica can say anything, she sees the window curtains whooshing around, and the Ghostface killer dashing into the hallway, snapping his head towards them. "Moose! LOOK OUT!" Veronica screams as she points behind him.
But it's too late, the second Moose turns around, Ghostface is already in his face, and sticks his blade through his eye hole, which comes out the other side and sprays a small bit of blood onto both Kevin and Veronica. Groaning, the jock subconsciously drops his weapon, giving the killer the hint to pull his knife out.
Kevin and Veronica obviously run in the opposite direction, while Ghostface wipes the blood off his knife before continuing his chase of them. However, he's suddenly tackled from his rear by Archie who appears out of nowhere. They wrestle with each other, until Ghostface manages to kick him off. Then, as Archie throws a punch, which the killer dodge, he slices his arm and socks him again, sending him back down.
He then turns his attention back to the other two. During which, a problem arises as Kevin and Veronica go in opposite directions. By the time the girl realizes this though, Ghostface is in-between them and chooses to go for her instead.
Ghostface almost gets her one time, but slips and heads his head against the wall, giving Veronica an opportunity to find a random room to hide the second she turns the corner, out of the killer's view. It's desperate and maybe stupid, but she knows that the likely athletic slasher will catch up to her eventually.
Staring through a crack in the door, Veronica notices the Ghostface stop directly at the door, causing a chill to go down her spine. The killer observes it and the rest of his surroundings, his curiosity telling him that someone's breath is nearby.....
But then he continues down the hall, ignoring that feeling for now. This allows Veronica to breathe. She slowly tilts the door open, looking both ways as if about to cross the street, before she goes in the direction she just fled in. She needs to check on Archie, and either find Kevin or just find some same place to call the cops, since the 'finding everyone plan is slowly falling apart with the killer now in the house, on a bloodlust.
However, when she goes back to when Moose died, his body is still there, but Archie isn't. Veronica frantically looks around, glad that he's alive but wondering where he went. Part of her hopes that he made the selfish decision and fled, just so his death isn't on her conscious. At this point, she would understand.
She eventually finds herself in the dining room, where she spots a nearby door wide open, and as she steps closer, she hears some human-like noises inside. After leaning her ear a little closer, she soon recognizes it as feminine weeping. This encourages to make the decision to investigate it, the outcome being 50/50 in terms of good and bad.
When she finds herself in the basement, she notices how there barely is any light, but the weeping gets more audible, her ears are leading her in the right direction. She follows it all the way to yet another door, a possible closet.
She slowly puts her hand on the knob and opens it, and there she finds.... Cheryl Blossom.... half naked, scratched in multiple place.... and tied up with rope and tape. She looks so.... so broken, it makes Veronica put her hand over her mouth in shock. Not only dead, but Archie is unconscious beside her, and Dilton Doyle is dead on the floor, his throat clearly slit open. "Oh my gosh..." She silently exclaims. Upon seeing her Cheryl stops whimpering and turns over to her, mumbling something pleadingly, though it isn't intelligible due to the tape over her mouth.
Knowing that she needs to stay focused, Veronica shakes her shock away and quickly walks over and rips the tape off of Cheryl's mouth, causing her to suck in some air to breath properly. "I'm sorry... I'm so, so, so, sorry..... this is all my fault...." Cheryl cries earnestly, her tears falling onto the floor like a waterfall, causing the other girl to look at her confused.
"What are you talking about?" Veronica asks, her curiosity getting the best of her, causing Cheryl to look up at her with a seemingly betrayed expression.
"Ghostface.... it's..... it's....."
Before she can deliver the big spoiler, Ghostface suddenly appears behind Veronica and knocks her out with a blunt object to the back of her skull, hitting the brain that holds her ability to stay awake. The Lodge girl drops to the floor in front of Cheryl, who slowly looks back up at the killer who tilts his head at her, eyeing the terrified expression on her face.
And it's too priceless.
Riverdale: Sweetwater River
At least half of the Riverdale police force has arrived to the same river where Jason Blossom was killed, an ironic choice of location for Polly to call them all to. Sheriff Keller doesn't waste time in ordering his men to search in various locations and directions, starting the search immediately so they aren't too late, in case the killer is possibly here.
During the patrol, the deputy with Keller looks around with a conflicted expression on his face. "Sir, with all due respect, why would a pregnant girl disappear and flee to the river?" He voices to the Sheriff, not wanting to sound..... stupid or apathetic. "That's.... the opposite direction of the police station."
"Everyone does what they can while terrified, don't question it too much." The Sheriff calmly answers. Besides, they heard Polly's own voice, according on the man on the phone, so it's not like this is some kind of trap.
"Sheriff! I found something!" Another deputy announces to him and the others from a fair distance, prompting the main man and everyone else to come over since he made it sound like it's the end of the search. "I think we might be too late..."
"What do you mean?" Sheriff Keller queries as the deputy gets closer and shows him what he found. A note, tiny, but visible in comparison to the dirt and grass. Taking it from the cop's hands, Tom then unwraps the many folds of the paper, allowing him and the men next to him to see that it's a drawing of the Ghostface mask in pure red, as well as the words under it.
Nice Try
Tom then notices an additional sentence under it.
I'd advise Thornhill if you want to see her and Kevin Keller alive.
Sheriff Keller grips the paper tightly. "We need to move..." He says in an unnerving quiet voice, knowing that the other men know which place he's thinking.
"We need to move NOW!"
Despite whatever protests Betty had, she and Jughead are now in the back seat while Markus and Bailey drive them to some place they haven't really explained yet. All they really know for sure is that it's a safe house, and that they are likely the killer's 'final target'. As if the constant harassing phone calls were bad enough.
"So, when did they start happening?" Markus then begins asking Betty after who knows how many minutes of silence, causing both her and Jughead to blink at him. "We checked the phone records, you've gotten at least six calls from the same number, which you still have as unknown. Kind of weird to keep picking up someone when you don't know them, don't you think?"
"Geez, what haven't you guys checked?" Jughead questions with a raised brow, to which Markus looks over and smirks at him through the rear-view mirror. "Forget I asked..." He then says, not wanting to hear whatever joke the cop was going to make.
"It's all part of the job, and besides, it's not like we didn't lose any sleep trying to find a hint of what the Riverdale slasher was looking for." Bailey, the driver, tells them with an reassuring tone, not wanting them to feel intimidated from sharing anything. "Trust me, it's better this way. We already got your mom and Jughead's dad into the safehouse."
"What?" Betty then utters, surprised at the mention of their parents being brought into this. "Is there some reason we aren't being informed of this as well as not being told about Polly beforehand?" She asks them with a slightly frustrated voice.
"Because we can't let the people that are close to you know, every investigation has been going quiet ever since we lost a man last winter." Bailey tells him, a serious look on his face as he thinks of the moment that mission went to hell.
"Oh...." Jughead sarcastically nods his head. "And what is this pattern that makes them and us the next targets?"
Bailey sighs, knowing that the bombard of questions was going to continue eventually. "You know, there's a thing called waiting..." He remarks with a tired voice as he takes his eyes away from the road to glance at him. "You should give it a-"
"CAR!" Markus warns, but it's too late as their front rams straight into a police cruiser in the middle of the empty road....
It almost feels like they are going to black out, but despite a massive headache, Betty blinks a bit before finding herself still kicking. She looks up and sees that the car is still right side up, but next to her, Jughead has his head leaning against the window, knocked out cold.
"Dang it...." Markus swears with a groan, signaling that he's awake as well to Betty. "That better have just been an accident..." He vents before looking over at his partner. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah...." Bailey confirms with a nod while grabbing his head, which has a nasty bruise that's bleeding around his forehead. "Wait a second...." He then utters, looking like he's noticed something odd about the car they just rammed into. He gets himself out of the driver's seat, and walks around it along with Markus who curiously follows his lead. The detective checks the license plate. "That number.... isn't this the car we ordered to escort Mrs. Cooper and Mr. Jones?"
"You put them in the same car?" Markus questions instead of giving a serious response, looking at his partner with a judging brow. "Are you stupid or something?"
"For fuck's sake, Markus..." Bailey face palms at him. "Now is not the time for-"
He's then abruptly stabbed in the knife from the side, causing him to gaps and gargle as he grabs his new opened wound. Markus, who was standing on the other side of the car, hears him and looks over to see his partner falling to the ground, bleeding heavily. "Bailey!" He calls out in fear, before seeing a hint of the Ghostface costume dashing behind the car for cover. "Hey!"
Markus pulls out his gun and quickly sprints around. While this is happening, Betty watches, able to see it despite the headlights hurting the lightning, and begins to frantically panic. "Jughead..." She quickly tries to shake him awake, but no matter how hard she grips his shoulder or moves him, he shows no response. It's at this moment that she also sees him bleeding from his head as well, as the blood drips from under his beanie. "Jughead, please, wake up...."
The detective circles around, but doesn't see Ghostface behind the cover, which does admittedly makes sense given how quick to move the killer has proven himself. He quickly snaps his head around, but the killer isn't there either, not trying to get a stab in on his back. He checks the inside of the police cruiser, but aside from a few dead deputies, one with a slit throat and one with a glass shard in a quarter of his face, no living being inside. Where the heck is he?
Betty, still failing to get Jughead awake, instead tries to try and drag him out to a safer area for the both of them. However, due to this still being a cop car, the door is locked from the inside. Mentally sighing in frustration, she looks back outside.... and sees Markus cautiously walking back to the vehicle itself.... until Ghostface pops his head up from the shadows. "Detective!" She calls out as a warning.
Markus snaps around and reacts just in time before Ghostface can stab him, letting his arm take the blow for that one. He grunts, but accepts the pain and responds by backhanding the killer away, sending him back a couple feet. Now, he's on the concrete, and completely exposed to a clean shot. He then aims his gun down at him and.....
He feels something burning in his chest, and freezes..... looking down, he sees a hole in his chest, and looks back at the killer who's now holding Bailey's gun. His mind processing what this means, he collapses onto the street, not moving.
Betty is now panicking even more as she doubles her 'efforts' to open the door, but can't really do much from where she is. Ghostface, knowing this, takes his time as he walks over and casually sits himself into the driver's seat, having a much different location in mind for her and Jughead.
Just as he re-twists the keys, however, Markus comes back into view on his own two feet. Despite the gunshot, his commitment shines through as his shaky hands point the gun at the driver. "Get.... out of the car!" He orders.
"Shoot him!" Betty demands as her fear increases ten-fold, knowing that Ghostface will not likely do it. Markus, pressing his lips together, just can't. Betty and Jughead are way too close, so the risk of missing the shot is way too high.
"Get out of the car!" Markus orders again in a much higher tone. Ghostface stares at him with whatever expression he has under his mask, though due to his body language being still as a rock, it's likely that it's emotionless.
He tilts his head.....
Then presses on the breaks.
Markus hears the tires moving and jumps by insinct to present himself from getting runover, but that still means he's forced to join the ride as Ghostface drives around the other car and over Baily's corpse with a nasty bump, the detective clinging onto the hood for dear life while Betty finds flies around the back due to her seatbelt now being off.
"STOP!" Markus yells through the cracked front mirror, trying to still point his gun at him despite the bad position he finds himself in.
He turns back, and sees a hint of a wall getting closer and closer....
Sheriff Keller and the other policemen swarm the outside of the Blossoms mansion, they know that the two main adults of the house had left town for the weekend, meaning that whoever went in here and more than enough privacy for whatever sick games their town's terror is now playing tonight.
Inside, Kevin Keller, the only current survivor in the mansion, wakes up from in a very dark bedroom with aching feeling in his head that could only have been left behind by a blunt object. He forces himself up, his mind quickly reminding him of the events that happened right before, and when he looks out the only window in the room, he sees the police preparing to swarm the building, including the Sheriff.
"Dad? Dad!" Kevin calls out, frantically banging his hands onto the window. However, they obviously can't see or hear him due to where he is and how dark it is. Coming up with a random plan, he urgently scrounges the room for an object that can work as a sign or something, anything that can warn his father of where he is.
There's just one problem.
"Can't see shit...."
So, he glances back at the drawer that the moon shines it's light onto, and grabs the lighter standing near the ash try...
He then flicks it a couple times until.....
Suddenly, the entire mansion is consumed by flames as a massive shockwave send everyone outside back a couple inches. The bursts of fire catch a few who fall to the ground with slight burns or bumps from the material they landed on, including Keller.
All that he can really do is now is look on in shock as the mansion goes from quiet one second, to being on fire the next. Of course...That was a trap too.
And it's only a matter of time before Sheriff Keller realizes that his son truly was inside that mansion.
Riverdale: Drive-in
Betty never knew how long she's been out, the crash having taken almost everyone in the car out. By the time she's opened her eyes, she finds herself outside the car, near the same wall they slammed into, but Detective Markus.... wasn't so lucky. She stares at the messed up hood and sees him in-between the wall and the car, his body incredibly bloody from head to toe.
Even worse.... when she looks at the back seat.... Jughead's missing.
"Jughead?!" Betty calls out as she stands herself up, her energy quickly coming back as worry and fear consume her body and motivate her to get back to surviving. "JUGHEAD?!" She tries again, still no answer. She then looks around and realizes that she's at the remains of the Andrews construction site, where the old drive-in was demolished.
With nothing else to consider, and her phone missing from her person, she investigates the area. She notes how the lights that are usual on and this time of night are all off, all except for one, which stands out like a sore thumb. This gets her attention as she quietly walks towards it.
It's hard to see what it's highlighting, but once Betty moves around the bulldozer that's in her way..... She finds Jughead tied up a pole, his mouth duct taped. And this time, he's fully awake. Not only that, but as she looks towards both sides to him, she finds F.P Jones and.... her mom, also tied up to various construction vehicles, unable to move or speak either.
"Jughead?" She calls out to him as she comes out from behind the shadows, scaring the boy a little bit until he realizes that it's her.
However, his slightly calm body language turns into panic, as he yells something very muffled while facing her while struggling with his binds. It takes Betty a moment before she thinks that Jughead is yelling at something behind her, not at her.
She turns around, and there he is.... Ghostface, the killer, walking towards her slowly with his knife at his hip. Betty freezes, Jughead keeps yelling non-understandable things through his tape, and the main antagonist behind this whole thing stops when she sees him, tilting his head at her.
"Well, lookie, lookie. The family's all here." Ghostface speaks through her in his main voice, the voice changer in his mask as he talks. "All these weeks and weeks of killing, yet you know deep down that all of them were connected to you in some way or another. You and the rest of the 'core four' who were too busy caring about business deals, and their spouses being in prison to take a good look at who their true friends were. A long time coming..." He rants to her, pointing his knife at her before dropping it again.
"Who are you?" Betty asks the big question, prompting Ghostface to drop his head a little as he thinks about his response for a few seconds. Jughead keeps trying to yell, but eventually gives up as the confrontation between them continues.
"The other half of you..." Ghostface answers critically. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, when will Dark Betty come out to play?" He then makes a references as he then walks around the edges of the little scene he's created, allowing all of them to focus on each other and ignore the outside world. "When will she come out? Show the world who the true Betty Cooper is?"
"What about you? When will you show it instead of hiding behind a mask?" Betty questions with a hate-filled glare as if he's a coward, keeping his body facing Ghostface no matter which direction he paces.
"Heh, you already know who I am..." Ghostface responds with a dark chuckle, causing Betty to raise a brow at him. "I once had a family too.... but I wasn't meant to be for them. My mother cheated on her boyfriend for F.P Jones, and it lasted all the way until the condom broke." He explains to her, and the mention of F.P causes Betty and Jughead to all stare at the men, who's slowly stirring back out of dream land. "And for nine years I was in an orphanage until it was demolished by the greedy Blossoms who needed private land, taking only one before forgetting about us..... little old, Cheryl Blossom. I had no parents, I had to fend for myself to survive, and during that time, I spent years trying to find my real mother, but when I knocked on her door, I learned that she went under a new last name...... Alice Cooper! You and Polly were the only children she ever accepted, Betty, she shut me out in the cold forever! Her only son...."
At long last, Ghostface rips the mask off, revealing the true mastermind behind everything...... Betty stands there in shock, a Jughead, and as F.P and Alice have finally re-awakened themselves, they find themselves in the scene as well, while the killer combs his hair in a mocking manner. "Y/N L/N, inspiring director...." The man re-introduces himself with a smirk, before taking the voice changer connected to his mask and bringing to his mouth. "And brother."
"You?" Betty whispers, still unable to believe it. "All of this was you?"
"Everything." Y/N confirms with a proud grin. "No partner, no informants, just me and my unique gadget here." He quips as he looks down at his toy, once again bringing up to his mouth. "And it was very..... useful." He remarks in Betty's own voice, before cracking out a laugh. "And man, did I fun! I've killed so many people tonight, and you know, what? I think I'm gonna get away with it!"
"You're sick..." Betty seethes at him, her expression of shock now turning into pure anger. "You've seen one to many horror movies."
Y/N rolls his eyes at her. "You too? You know that argument is getting old right? Cinema doesn't inspire violence, neither do video games, and everything else you wanna argue. This is real life okay? Get your mind out of the politics." He criticizes her, before walking a little closer to his hostages. "You know, I thought you would be a little nicer to me, now that you know that we're all family." He quips with a teasing smirk, opening his arms to gesture towards everyone. "Every single one of us."
"No, that's not-" Betty beggingly stops him from talking as she closes her eyes, the mention of family being too much for her to handle in one day mixed with everything else. "This isn't....." She looks towards her mother, who's awake, and slowly beginning to understand what is happening. "How could you do this?! Human beings.... dead, because you..... you..."
"Because I have NOTHING ELSE!" Y/N yells at her with absolute fury, angry that she still doesn't get it. "Do you know what it's like, having a family that doesn't want you? Parents who are barely home? Knowing that the man and woman who gave you life has just forgotten about you?! You know that? You think you've known suffering?!" He glares deeply into her soul, showing his true self to everyone nearby. "And what? The Blossoms? They aren't any better! All I am is money to them! They didn't realize who I was either! That's how much people forgot about the orphans, when we were are all cast out and left to fed for ourselves. But hey? look at sweet old Jughead, seeing his father sober himself up, or Betty who's given her mom a better reason to live! Look at poor Cheryl who lost her brother! That's all everyone could talk about, but homeless children? Not one word!" He rants at her, breathing heavily. "Face it.... if it was Jughead that was found dead in the river..... the case would've been cold in a week."
Betty sucks in a beath, sniffling as she feels scared standing in front of an actual serial killer, or maybe her emotions are going through multiple places at once, making her unable to handle them. "That doesn't make this right....." She manages to let out, though her voice is painfully quiet that Y/N almost failed to catch it.
Y/N takes a menacing step towards Betty, who instantly grabs a big hard for self-defense, causing him to smirk amused at her reaction. "You know, what? Maybe you're right. Maybe we should just... talk this out like family." He says with a mocking nod, leaning closer to Jughead's face. "What about it, bro? You think we should talk?" He questions with a head tilt, to which the boy just galres at him. "No? Hmm.... what about daddy?" Y/N then walks over to F.P who's now fully conscious, ripping off the rope that connects him to the roller and forces him up to his bound feet. He stands behind him and takes off his mouth tape before putting a knife to his neck. "You got anything to say? Now that we've had this big reveal? Hmm?"
"Y/N, listen.... don't do this..." F.P shakes his head, shaking his head in a pleading manner. "Do whatever you want to me, but leave the Coopers and my boy out of this, those kids had no idea what was going on."
"I know...." Y/N accepts with a soft nod, before looking at Betty with one big smirk. "That's why I told them."
With that, he then abruptly cuts F.P's neck open with one swipe, causing Betty to gasp and Jughead to yell out in again in muffled screams, tears now falling out of his eyes as he watches his dad's blood pouring all over his leather jacket before Y/N tossing onto the ground, letting him die there. "No! You...... you filthy coward!" Betty swears at him with fury.
"No! They are Betty! They are the cowards! Dad and mom killed everyone from Jason to Kevin Keller." Y/N responds with a passionate, unhinged grin as he points the knife directly at her. "You called me away from the party because you and Jughead discovered a lead to the killer, I came, and everyone here was dead. When the cops come, they'll figure out that F.P and Alice fell back in love and started this whole thing in revenge for the town that wronged them, up until the male killer went rouge. Then, Alice lashed out, killing everyone at Thornhill before finally getting payback against her partner." He nods at the dying Jones. "You and Jug came at the wrong place, wrong time, causing you to die to prevent witnesses. but me? I'll be the local hero! Who bravely face down the psychopath and killed her with her own knife!"
"The cops will figure it out eventually!" Betty retorts as she grips the rock harder. "They'll know it was you!"
"That's impossible, because Y/N Smith would be at least five years older than Betty and Polly, and Y/N L/N? Come on, the world knows he's still in high school." Y/N calls her out with a unhinged grin, having planned everything down to the exact detail. "And now all of you are going to pay, Betty. For the mother...... for the father..... and for the family.... and for the.... fuck! EVERYTHING YOU ALL HAD THAT I NEVER DID!"
"Gosh, won't you shut up!" Betty finally snaps, her personality changing in seconds as Y/N snaps out of his angry daze to realize that he's now staring at a much different Betty Cooper. "You're whining and your excuses, you sound just like Chuck!"
"Chuck was a rapist!"
"And what does that make you?!" Betty questions Y/N in a challenging tone, not accepting his motivation in the slightest. "You wanna know the real reason more than a dozen people are dead? You wanna know why you killed people?"
Y/N shakes his head in denial. "Shut up...."
"Because you chose to! There is no other excuse!"
"I said shut up!"
"You still had a life, Y/N, but you pushed all of us away without us even knowing it!"
"Fuck you!"
"Fuck you!"
Y/N whips out the gun he stole from the cops, only for Betty to throw the rock at his head, causing him to grab it in pain. He re-opens his eyes and is still ready to take the shot, however, but right as he pulls the trigger, Archie appears from the side and tackles him once again, causing the bullet to fly in another direction and the gun to roll away.
"Betty! Free them!" Archie advises the blondie, before getting elbowed by a pissed off Y/N and kicked away. As the Ghostface killer gets up though, he's bonked in the back of the head by Veronica, who's also holding a rock.
That still doesn't stop him however, as Y/N growls before getting his knife back off the ground. "You fucking bitch..." He curses at her as he holds the spot where his head hurts with one hand while glaring at her. Veronica responds by swinging the rock at him again, only for her wrist to be grabbed and for her stomach to get stabbed by said knife.
"NO!" Archie yells as he gets back up and grabs Y/N by his chest from the back, causing them two of them to engage in yet another wrestling match. This one ends with the two on their feet, but Y/N managing to grab his head and slamming it repeatedly against a construction vehicle, hoping that it cracks soon.
"Hey!" Until someone calls out and Y/N turns around to see Jughead hitting him over the head with a shovel. The killer falls back onto the ground, before looking up and seeing the boy ready to hit bash him again with vengeance in mind. Before he can get the second hit, however, he swipes his legs, causing him to trip and fall.
Y/N then finds his knife, then gets on top of Jughead, raising it......
Until a crane's hook hits his Occipital lobe.
By the time he wakes back up, he's surprised to find himself not in an ambulance to be escorted to prison, but instead, he's still in the construction site. He looks around, confused and still a little disoriented. That's when he realizes that everyone is gone, including his hostages, leaving only the tape and rope they were bound with behind.
"No.... no...." Y/N growls, his blood boiling up to intense levels as he snaps is head around, murder on his mind. "BETTY!"
Blinking, he looks down and lifts up his cloak so he can pull his phone out of his pocket. He looks at the number, and sees that it's none other than Betty's. Deciding to figure out what's going on, he slowly puts it up to his ear. "Hello?"
"Hello, Y/N L/N....." Ghostface's voice replies, causing Y/N to frantically check his pockets a second time, and realize that his voice changer is missing. "It's been a long time, coming... hasn't it? You... alone... with just me and my blade for company."
"Really? You're pulling this stupid crap?" Y/N questions with a shaky laugh, glancing around as he finds and grabs the cop's gun, pacing from one side to the other to try and find her. "You know you could've killed me when I was on the ground, asleep."
"But what's the fun in that? I thought you liked it when your victims gave you a chase." Ghostface quips in respond, now just making fun of him. Y/N checks every hiding spot he can, the construction vehicles, cars that are still parked here, massive rock piles, but all he finds is dirt and rubber. "Or is it only fun when you're the killer? Is that what this was all about, Y/N? Being in control? Owning the playing field?"
"You think I'm scared of dying?" Y/N defiantly asks with a crazy-like chuckle. "I'm the director here, not you! I made this killing spree! I left a legacy behind, and you, are going to see much more of me. I promise you that...." He swears, taking a pause in his searching before getting back to it, trying behind the light posts but still not getting anywhere.
"Are you done?" Ghostface asks, unimpressed, but which does succeed in pressing Y/N's buttons. "Maybe I don't plan to kill you, maybe I plan to keep you alive, so you can rot in a cell while the world slanders your name for you. Ever thought of that?"
"Oh, okay, look, now you're just running your mouth!" Y/N snaps as he grips the phone tighter, his frustration growing even farther as he's still failing in capturing his target. "I'm the Blossoms newest heir! How do you think this is gonna go? WHO DO YOU THINK WILL BE A STEP AHEAD?!"
There's a bit of heavy breathing coming from the other end until Y/N gets a response. "Probably the one who's still alive...."
Y/N then hears a rustle, but doesn't have enough time to turn around before feeling a sharp and intense pain in his back. He yells in agony before the knife gets pulled out of his back and his falls to the ground. Groaning, he looks up to see... Betty, holding his own knife.
"Wait....." Y/N whimpers, but it falls on deaf ears as Betty doesn't let him have a second word. Instead, with the blackest expression possible, she gets on top of him and stabs again.... and again.... and again....
and again.....
and again....
and again....
and again....
She stabs him about 47 times, emitting a new scream from Y/N with each impalement. "Betty!" She finally hears, snapping her out of it as she looks over at Jughead, Archie, and Veronica who watches the entire thing. However, after today, they aren't scared or anything, instead, Jug nods at her. "You got him..."
Betty, taking a deep breath, looks down at Y/N who's gargling on his own blood, still kicking despite all of that. It's clear that he's going to die eventually though, so the blonde gives him only one inch of mercy. "You got blood on my sweater..." Is all she says before she stands back up, leaving him to bleed out alone.
She re-joins the others, and they all come together in a massive group-hug, despite whatever wounds they have, an act that lets them all know that they're all alive.
A few minutes later, sirens blare out and the four of them look to see the cops pulling up to the area, arriving just at the wrong time, but they clearly got her as fast as they could judging by the tire marks each car's left behind. They watch as they cover the area while one of the deptuies approaches.
"Hey, you kids okay?" The deputy asks them, before scanning their current state. Veronica holding her gut with a wince, the slices on Arche's body, the dirt on Jughead's clothes, Betty soaked in blood, and of course, Alice sitting on the ground, dead silent. "Geez, you all look like crap..."
The four teens chuckle. "Yeah, we know-"
Y/N abruptly stands up and charges/punches the cop, taking his gun. However, before he can shoot anyone, Betty swiftly reacts by cutting his throat open with his own knife. The killer then falls back to the ground, now undoubtably dead. His eyes dead as they stare up at the sky is clear evidence of that.
He's gone for good.
"Ow...... damn it...." The cop mutters as he holds the place where Y/N socked him, before looking down at the dead teenager. "Shit.... it was him?" He asks out loud, turning to the others with a look of surprise.
"Yeah..." Betty nods her head. "Yeah, it was him."
The deputy blinks, seeing everyone not denying it. "Alright then, let's get you guys checked by the paramedics." He advises, nodding them over to get some much-needed treatment. Meanwhile, the cops look around and continue their work cleaning up the place and gathering evidence.
As the four and Alice left the scene, it was there that the story pretty much came to a close. For some, it was a mostly good ending, the killer is dead, and Riverdale was finally safe, only having a now tarnished legacy left behind. But for others, they've either lost a lot, or have gotten the ending they weren't expecting.
Fred eventually learned that it was Hermione's husband, the convict Hiram Lodge that sent the goons to harass his crew. He 'broke up' with her shortly after, and despite her attempts to get the man off their backs, Fred refuses the sell the project back to them, not believing it to be the town's best interest. So, he'll be seeing her at work.
Jughead has not lost his father, and despite the others being there for him, he's constantly reminded of the man wherever he goes, causing him to always find excuses to go into the bathroom of whatever building he's in or another private place to cry. At some point, though, while visiting his dad's own trailer that will probably be sold to someone else soon since he won't be needing it, he gets a visit from member of the serpents themselves. They know what Y/N tried to do, to frame their leader, and knowing Jughead's pain, they state that Serpents take care of their own, so under a new leadership, they offer Jughead a place to stay in return for joining the gang, which he does. A new purpose for himself, he'll see if it sticks.
Archie was a little conflicted at having to actually deal with his parents officially divorcing, but with help from Veronica and such, he's still been able to love his family, no matter how complicated it gets. The constant reminder that his friend, Y/N L/N, tried to kill all of them, is still hard to process, but he knows that if he continues to talk to his dad, he'll be fine.
Veronica's family situation is still hard, she's been trying not to be so angry with her mother all the time, but Hermione's constantly been making decisions that keeps making her change her mind at the very end, and give her a piece of her mind. She decides that she's going to stick her ground, and not become a part of whatever she or her dad have in mind. And of course, her friends and their families will make sure to stay behind her in case anything goes south, especially Andrews.
Betty and Alice clearly have a new baggage, but the police aren't pressing any charges thanks to the clear suspect, Y/N, being easily deduced after his botched attempt to kill them and frame the scene. Betty's relationship with Jughead has improved tremendously, especially ever since she's revealed dark side to him, which he's managed to take very well, likely because there's a clear person to compare her to. However, the fact that Y/N was family to both the Coopers and the Jones will never be forgotten, and both families will likely be forced to face the damage that's been left behind because of this scandal in the future.
Cheryl Blossom has been put in serious therapy, the Andrews have volunteered to have custody until she finds a home suitable for her until the investigation of the Blossoms is over, but all of that stuff is still in the works. Due to Y/N's massacre of five kids at the mansion, the cops discovered the underground drug operation Clifford was secretly working behind his maple syrup business, which put him in handcuffs. Penelope is currently under suspicion of knowing and is being interrogated for whatever she knows. It's likely she will soon join her husband, and the Andrews offer will be taken. Life is not going to be easy for their adopted daughter.
All victims have officially gotten an altar, peace to the fallen of all that were targeted by a vengeful teenager who never realized the friends or girlfriend he really had. They are visited daily by at least one person who family. Sometimes with tears, with flowers, or just to remind themselves that the reason this happened was because of all the secrets that everyone kept from each other, and that they all have to do their own part to make Riverdale a better place.
And lastly, Y/N L/N. Although his plan failed, there was one thing he was right about... he's left a legacy behind. As Hal Cooper paces around his new home, after being kicked out by his old family, he looks up at his father and grandfather's old sword, and remembers the promise they made with it.
He was already angry, but learning that F.P slept with his wife behind his back is the straw that's broken the camel's back.
He then officially makes a choice to himself, and goes to his room, opening his closet...
He takes the Ghostface mask inside, as well as his own personal voice changer.
"What's your favorite scary movie?"
(A/N) The End
I know a lot of people wanted Y/N to get away with it, but honestly, I made Y/N do some very messed up things in this book that I think it was time that I made one of my evil characters pay for his crimes. Someone commented about having Cheryl join him, and I did think of that, but it needs to be said that he constantly harassed her by making fun of her brother's death with notes, Ghostface masks, and other reminders.
Also, he saw his friends and simple toys to play with, making the choice to take his time with all of them before the finale. He made the choice to watch as they tried to help people before taking a life and messing the whole thing up. Pretty much like all of the my Ghostface Y/Ns, but this one is the most morally evil imo. And so, his fate ended with death at the hands of Dark Betty.
Sorry that this took so long, I lost a lot of motivation for this, but you all really seemed to like it. So, I hoped that the ending I gave was satisfactory enough. If you guys want me to continue my other Scream fanfics, let me know. Meanwhile, I think I'm gonna going back to Tagged, TVD, or the Spiderman one.
Plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one.
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