Part 2
The Pembroke:
Veronica steps outside her room in some very parish attire, which easily catches the eye of her mother who looks at her with a perplexed look. "Where are you going?" Hermione questions. "And don't say clubbing, it's a school night."
"But that's exactly why I'm going." Veronica replies with a cheeky smile. "And do you know why? Because I have a 'get out of jail free' card."
Hermione sighs. "Okay Ronnie, enough. Checkmate, what do you want?" She asks her for the sake of her sanity.
"For you to admit what you did." Veronica demands, not really being specific enough since there's like three reasons she's a little mad at her right now.
"Fine, I kissed Fred Andrews."
"No, mom, the other thing." Veronica re-traces to a certain thing involving the old drive-in. "It involves you forging my signature to get Fred Andrews that stupid contract to build on dad's land."
"Veronica, I asked you to sign that-"
"You broke the law, mom, and you used me to do it." Veronica criticizes, obviously still bitter about that whole thing. "When dad finds out, he's gonna think that I betrayed him."
"He won't, I will tell him." Hermione promises, though Veronica looks a little skeptical about that.
"Really? When? Right now?" Veronica questions, grabbing her purse and standing up. "Because I'll cancel my plans for that."
"You know it doesn't work that way-"
"In that case, I'll talk to you later, my friends are waiting." Veronica tells her mother, walking out to door to commit her plan of rebel-styled payback.
"Ronnie, do not go out that door." Hermione commands, afraid of the current conflict that radiates from Veronica's entire soul.
Veronica does go out that door.
The Roving Eye:
"I feel.... tipsy just standing in this line." Y/N comments as he, Kevin, Veronica, Josie, and Reggie stand at the front of the night club, ready to let loose. The horror-freak turns to Kev. "Does that make any sense?"
"I think it's just painfully obvious you've never been to one before." Kevin replies, to which Y/N admittedly nods. Yeah, that's probably it. "Anyway, did you hear from Betty? She okay?"
"Yeah, that Ghostface guy took off the second your dad arrived." Y/N replies with a shrug, purposefully getting the details a little wrong for the sake of his cover. "Guess we found their weakness."
Kevin chuckles.
Dancing comes as instinct about five minutes after walking inside the building, the lighting is decent for the club, and a couple drinks encourage even Y/N to brave the dance floor. Not that anyone usually cares about dance moves unless you're a fifty-year-old grouchy, ex- dancing teacher that got fired for looking like Humpy Dumpty's cousin.
The five seem to share their own little circle under he disco lights, the guys take turns twirling the girls around while they take the almost-literal spotlight. To top it off, they boost their moods up in a little jumping huddle.
After whom knows how long, they find themselves falling on one of the booths, drinks in hand and with a little giggle coming out. "Mmm-mmm girl, you better hydrate." Josie encourages, glancing at the cup of alcohol in her hand. "You practically left your body on the dance floor."
"I wish, Josie. I wish I could leave my body sometimes." Veronica remarks, and Y/N looks curiously at her. "Leave Riverdale, leave everything."
"Yeah, I wish it could disappear, all of it..." Y/N mutters before chuckling at himself a moment after. "Wow, I must've had too much to drink."
"You aren't.... planning to explode any houses, are you?" Kevin humourosly questions, to which the two laugh at each other.
"Drats, I've been exposed." Y/N chuckles. "In all seriousness, thank gosh it's a club. With any other place, it's a perfect spot for the serial killer to get at drinking teens like us..... fresh meat."
"Anyway, Val, I gotta ask, is this helping?" Kevin then turns to Veronica. "Going out, going Black Swan, any of it?" He can't help but query, and Veronica sets her glass cup down for what must be an actual serious talk.
"When my dad got arrested, the police, the lawyers, the judge, the courts, they took everything from us." Veronica mentions, emphasizing on 'everything.' "Our houses, our cars, our club memberships, our yacht, even, I'm not kidding, the clothes off our backs."
"Holy shit..." Y/N swears, chuckling. "Must've been a lot for you..." He comments, hiding the sarcasm in that sentence.
"I guess.... Anyway, my mom sat me down on the edge of my canopy bed and she told me not to cry." Veronica says, staring off into space as the memory plays in her head. "Because there was one thing in this world that no one could ever take from me, not ever."
"Your trust fund?" Reggie guesses.
"Your hair?" Y/N also guesses, they both get unimpressed looks from Veronica.
"My name, which, after telling me no one would ever take it, that is exactly what she did." Veronica finishes, the feeling of betrayal coming back. "Like it meant nothing, like it was nothing..... Like I was nothing."
Y/N slowly nods to himself, another example of shining 'parents' and their lessons....
Riverdale Police Station:
The Deputy who responded to the call at Betty's house, Hanks, is currently drinking coffee next to his police car in front of the station. That's where Sheriff Keller returns after making a little visit of his own.
"You found them?" Hanks questions him, referring to the Coopers, and Keller nods.
"Yeah, they think someone removed the battery when they made a pitstop for groceries earlier before the break-in." Sheriff Keller replies. "If someone tried it at the paper, they would've saw him, or so they say." He then looks at Hanks. "What about the snake?"
"They deny delivering it to the house, but part of me isn't really in the mood to believe them." Hanks replies, giving him a knowing look. "It's worth mentioning that Mr. Jones was last seen in a bottle before morning, at least so his gang says."
Keller nods, to which Hanks looks at him curiously. "You think he did it? Jason, I mean?" He questions to which the Sheriff shrugs with a sigh.
"I guess we'll see...."
Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe:
The game has changed with the new revelation to the public about Polly's baby belonging to Jason. To her surprise Cheryl has offered to talk to her parents about Polly's new problem surrounding money.
"Clifford and I were so relieved when Cheryl told us that Polly and the baby are safe and sound." Penelope tells Betty, who keeps her straightest face.
"And money won't be a problem Betty. Not now, not ever, not with us." Clifford adds, knowing Thornhill to be living proof that they can provide for whatever is needed. Betty nods, sneaking a glance at Cheryl whom she notices looks.... plastic, among her mom and dad.
"But, of course, we don't want to just offer financial support, we want to give Polly all the emotional support that a young mother-to-be needs." Polly then also states, and Betty robotically nods again. "Where is Polly staying now?"
Betty nervously glances at both of them. "I'd rather not say, yet..." She anxiously responds. "You understand."
"Of course, but you and Polly are part of the Blossom family now, and we will protect you ferociously." Penelope promises, putting an unexpected mother's hand onto hers. "All you have to do is trust..."
"Will you?"
Riverdale Police Station:
Deputy Hanks sits at his desk, a new set of work on his desk as he's now pretty much volunteered to help the Sheriff with his serial killer investigation. His current job, try to find any possible belongings that were pulled out of Jason and Polly's car before it exploded and burned. That, or any kind of a lead.
"Alright, if I was a maniac who killed spoiled adults and kids, where would I be...?" Hank mumbles to himself. He then remembers that at the night of Chuck Clayton's disappearance, a surveillance camera was on, recording somewhere nearby.
He goes to his computer to re-check any footage that the station's managed to get access to after Ghostface's third public victim. Let's see, what was that date again? Ah, got it. He starts it with Chuck walking into the Muggs residence, but it takes a painfully long while before Hank spots the interesting thing.
A car pulls up and parks to a spot two houses down, at least that's what Hank is able to tell from this angle. But... that's not the most interesting part yet, he's about to figure out. After seeing it with his own eyes, someone in a Ghostface costume walking down the street and somewhere off-screen, he then pauses and gets scans the car they left out of.
It looks familiar, Hanks can't quite place it yet. Wait, wait, wait. That's Robert Phillip's car! Actually, Hanks then remembers a drunken call they gotten tonight about a 'dead man's car' at the Raving Eye.
The knows where he needs to look next, and he better head there fast.
The Roving Eye:
Back at the booth with the five, a predicted situation happens when the club manager walks up to them with a not-so-pleased look. "I'm sorry, Ms. Lodge, but your card's been declined." He tells her, though the look on her face indicates more satisfaction than annoyance.
"Really?" Veronica smirks, much to Kevin and Y/N's surprise. "And let me guess, it's been reported stolen?" She questions with a knowing expression.
"It has, in fact." The Manager nods. "We're supposed to call the cops.
"Yeah, sure, call the cops." Reggie chimes in, scoffing. "We'll be happy to tell them how hold we are."
"Oh, or I could call my mom, the mayor." Josie adds, joining the taunting remarks.
Y/N half-drunkenly chuckles, looking at the manager with a knowing look. "Spoiled kids, am I right?" He remarks, giggling as he takes another drink out of his sixth refill. Though, you would be forgiven for missing the resentment in that sentence.
Veronica pulls out wad of cash from her purse, clearly having seen this coming. "This should cover it." She states. The manager shrugs, taking the money as the rest of the kids laugh, looking at the Raven.
"Veronica, did your mother cut you off?" Kevin questions with an surprised brow.
"She did." Veronica confirms with a smirk.
"And that's a good thing?" Reggie questions, wondering why she looks so smug.
"Oh Reggie, this is how we Lodge women roll." Veronica tells him with a cheeky smile as she grabs her goat and puts it back on. "We fient, we parry, we approach, we retreat. We're like a cobra and a mongoose dancing." She explains, and the boys all glance at each other. "She blinked, which means, I suspect, that Hermione Lodge is ready to negotiate."
She leaves, victorious. The others all glance at each other, mentally guessing that it's their time to go as well, since they do feel a little exhausted. The group splits up to either use the bathroom first or walk straight out the door. Y/N did honestly have a little bit of fun, all the Ghostface stuff can be tiering, having to come up with plans after coming up with other plans that came before the newer plans.
However, as he leaves, he notices a Deputy's car parked a little too close to Y/N's own parking spot than he likes. What adds more to his suspicion is the fact he doesn't see any kind of cop inside, meaning he's somewhere else nearby.....
Y/N finds a secret spot to switch his attire, something tells him he'll need to.
Hanks has found the car from the Muggs residence. How this car hasn't been reported stolen yet is beyond him, but now's time to focus are the current lead at hand.
He glances behind him to see if anyone's looking toward his direction before switching his flashlight on and investigating the car parked in the very back of the club. He checks the license plate, definitely the correct vehicle.
With his suspicions confirmed, Hanks walks closer and tries to take a look inside, which is obviously difficult with the windows up. Despite this, he leans in to try and spot something, and that's when he notices a Bulldog jersey with some very similar numbers.... This is Jason's jacket!
Time to call this in. Hanks grabs his walkie talkie... before suddenly being impaled by something that sends him shoved against the car itself. He groans in pain as he realizes he's being stabbed from behind.
Another knife plunges it's way into his spine before Ghostface tosses the deputy to the ground. The flashlight falls and shines onto the direction of the car as the killer casually gets inside of it, non-caring of the bleeding deputy trying his best to make some kind of movement.
Hanks hand twitches at his walkie-talkie, the only thing that can get him some help as the car goes reverse away from the man on the ground. The deputy feels his hand almost close to his device, but it's unnaturally hard to press the buttons as his fingers keep twitching.
Then, weirdly, the car then starts heading back into the alleyway, only with a lot more speed. Hanks mentally realizes in horror what's about to happen as the car speeds up straight towards his broken body on the ground.
Then, in a flash, his head breaks right off of his shoulders, flying into the club's wall. Ghostface then grabs Jason's jacket and his personal items in the car before leaving the area. Part of him wishes that this was in part of his plan, but it was honestly a slight improvising moment. Killing a cop might bring disastrous consequences, but he's got a few back up plans in case of that.
The car? They can find with it's bloody tire. He has no use of it anymore.
Riverdale High: The Next Morning
Y/N now has that mentioned back-up plan. Killing a cop in an improvised moment is going to definitely provoke an actual curfew, because this will be something the big dogs can't try to write off as a big deal. If this serial killer has managed to bag a man of the law, than it will cause the fear Y/N wants for this town to feel.
He's also now approached the framing part of his TV Show, as he's now planted the first piece of evidence against the Jones family, the snake in a box. He's learned the gang's motto very well, maybe better than they expected.
The boy's thoughts are confirmed when he sees Sheriff Keller and Principal Weatherbee walking Jughead Jones himself down the hallway. Very interesting.
Y/N holds the smirk coming rising in his expression.
Riverdale Police Station:
As Keller sits in front of Jughead, he can't help but notice the way he sits. Uneasy, as if waiting for five questions mixed with a suspicious glare. The sheriff shouldn't be surprised by this, given his records, but thankfully for him, it's not strict conversation they're looking for here.
"Relax, you're not under any suspicion here." Keller assures the Jones kid, much to what seems like Jughead's surprise. "We're able to tell you have nothing to do with last night."
"What are you talking about?" Jughead questions, to which Keller pulls out a couple photos. To his shock, he sees a body bag being carried into an ambulance, a previous shot shows the body in a police uniform.
"A drunk and horny couple went into an alley where they saw a car with a bloody tire and a cop who's head was five feet away from it's shoulders." Keller tells Jughead, as if he needed to hear that last part. "We have a suspect, but he's a little hard to find right now."
Jughead looks up at him curious. "Do you know what your father was doing last night?" Keller questions, and the kid immediately realizes what this is about.
"Wait, you think that...." Jughead mutters, scoffing at the assumption. "I was with him the most of that night, and then he passed out on the couch, completely boozed up. He had no time, to commit this." Jughead strongly states, pointing at the body bag photo.
The sheriff slowly nods. "Well then... that's alright, there's still another." He comments before standing up to leave, not letting Jughead ask about who that other is. "Let's hope this is good enough..."
Another suspect? Could they have also figured out about the orphanage.
Hope. A word so close to home, and as tricky.
"My parents, I don't think they want to help you." Cheryl warns the Coopers, having manage to catch the hint their mother has been unknowingly showing. "They want you out of the picture, Polly, it's not safe for you with them." She glances down at her stomach. "It's not safe for Jay-Jay's baby."
Polly turns to the group with a panicked expression. "Where am I supposed to go? I can't go back to the attic."
"No, you don't have to Polly." Veronica assures her, looking at her and Betty with a place of her own in mind. "And don't worry, Betty, she'll want to help."
As much as we wanted the serial killer caught, and the town, our home, to feel safe again, with every day that passed, our hopes dimmed more and more.
"Of course, you can stay, as long as you need." Hermione nods, happy to give them whatever hospitality she can offer. "Anything for Alice Cooper's daughters."
"Thank you Mrs. Lodge." Polly gratefully nods.
"And thank you, Veronica." Betty adds with a smile, and the raven-haired girl nods.
"You're welcome girls." Hermione pridefully smiles. "And please, now that we're going to be Roommates, Polly, It's Hermione." She adds. "Come, sit, make yourself at home.."
There's that old cliched saying, 'it's darkest before the dawn.' But sometimes.....
Y/N glares daggers at the mansion, Thornhill. Clenching a fish he didn't know he was making. For as long as it stands, the place continues to mock him, especially when it's right in his face. One day, he's gonna make it burn.
There's just darkness.
Keller sits in his office, still slightly boiling inside about the deputy he just lost, when two men open the door with badges on their chest. The Sheriff recognizes who they are immediately.
"Detective Markus, and this is Detective Bailey." The man standing right in front of Keller's desk makes the introductions.
"We're here to help you with your new serial killing problem."
(A/N) So yeah, this was kind another filler episode, but that was because it was kind of a set up to the much more added plotlines and stuff where I attempt to make this show more interesting.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
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