Part 2
After the bell rings, Y/N finds himself walking past Veronica. The semi-formal's coming soon and he figured it'd be best to know the daughter of Hiram Lodge since they could be beneficial at some point in the future.
"Hey Veronica, a second?" He calls out. Veronica immediately stops to face him with that polite smile she wore when they met at Pop's. "Umm.... I was thinking since Betty will most likely ask Archie and you being the new girl and all." He mentions. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the semi-formal... together." He asks, gesturing between him and her.
Veronica seems a little surprised at the request, but smiles with a shrug. "Sure, why not?" She agrees, and Y/N happily nods his head.
"Great, meet you..... somewhere." He slightly stutters, realizing he has no idea where she lives. "I'll text you?"
She nods and the two exchange phone numbers. Y/N then hurries to his next class with a smirk.
Background music in case you're interested and it's catchy.
The night arrives and the gym is now covered in neon lights, and dancing teens. Veronica, Archie, Betty, and Y/N arrive with Betty's arm around Archie's and Veronica's arm around Y/N's.
Inside, they easily notice all the memorial pictures of Jason Blossom. Although he's glad Jason's disappearance has sparked the attention he was hoping for, part of Y/N still feels anger, though he doesn't know why.
"Well, it's not the med ball." Veronica comments as they all observe the photos hanging around the ceiling or staged on the ground.
"I wonder if my death would get this much attention...." Y/N adds on with a begrudging tone.
"Hey, when do you have to let Coach Clayton know about football?" Betty asks Archie in a curious voice. The guy seems to be split between the two.
"This weekend." He answers, semi-distracted. The day of July the fourth is still fresh in his mind and it makes him a tiny bit antsy.
"Guys, can we just liberate ourselves from the tired dichotomy of jock, artist?" Veronica advises them, clearly not up to hearing about school. "Can we in this... post-James franco world, be all things at once?"
"Including absolute party rags?" Y/N jokingly adds. "Whatever that means..."
"Working on it, guys." Archie assures them, though not sounding so sure himself.
"Work faster." Veronica enforces. Then she pulls Y/N away over to the stand. "Y/N and I are getting punch." She tells them, whispering to Betty, "You got this."
With them gone, Betty swallows her anxiety and leads Archie closer to the dance floor. "It's about following your heart, right?" She says, adjusting his tie. "What does your heart say? Music or football?"
Archie doesn't answer the question, his eyes find Ms. Grundy sitting next to the food stand which causes him to get distracted again, July the fourth.
"Betty, will you give me one minute?" He requests from her. "And I promise when I get back, I'll be a much better date, okay?" Archie promises, and Betty nods. "I have a plan, okay?"
With that, he walks away, leaving Betty alone but only for a couple seconds as Kevin appears next to her almost soon after. "Betty, you will not believe who just propositioned me in the in the bathroom." He tells her in a gossipy voice. "Give you a hint, his name may be Moose, but I describe a certain appendage of his as... horselink."
Meanwhile, Y/N and Veronica make casual talk at the table with punch. Y/N tells the girl about his favorite Sci-fi horror movie, Aliens 2. "And this mother and daughter relationship they create is hands down the best part of the film. 'Get away from her, you bitch!' " He mimics his favorite line.
"Yeah, that... definitely hits home." Veronica mumbles to herself. Y/N doesn't hear her, sipping the drink which is surprisingly tastier than expected.
"So, you only came here with your mom, right?" Y/N queries as politely as he can. "Because your dad was arrested for some reason or whatever?"
"Yeah...." Veronica nods, the news is pretty much common knowledge. "So, we had to move here after being fined of jewelry, half our money, even the clothes we used to wear." She lists off.
"Dang...that's something." Y/N whistles. "You know, you're lucky you met Betty. She's one of the actually decent people in this creepy town, even her parents are controversial."
"What do you mean?" Veronica inquires, wondering where that came from. "Have you met her parents before?"
"Of course, and let me tell you, her mother is the most judgmental person you can find." Y/N emphasizes hard. "I mean, her dad is only slightly better, but he's just better at hiding it."
As they conversation drags on from there, they walk off, Y/N asks Veronica more questions about her. At some point, he notices Archie walking past and towards the punch, eyeing Grundy.
"Don't panic, I'm not stalking you." Archie says when he notices Ms. Grundy glancing at him uneasy.
"Archie, didn't we have a deal?" Grundy, first name Geraldine, questions. Archie shakes his head, drinks the entire cup, and sits next to her.
"No, Geraldine we have a secret, multiple secrets actually." Archie retorts, looking at her with a serious look. "And maybe it's possible Jason was there at Sweetwater River or maybe we're just jumping to conclusions. And, I won't tell anyone anything, but you need to help me. This summer, the only thing that kept me sane was writing those songs." Archie scoots up closer. "So here's my not-so-decent proposal. I want to do an independence study with you as many mornings a week as you can spare, and I swear that's all it will be. I won't tell anyone about July Fourth, ever." Archie lays out his offer, awaiting her response. "Deal?"
Grundy mentally sighs, this guy is as stubborn as a box of nails. "Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Seven-thirty, A.M before first period." She schedules. "I'll set it up, see about getting you credit."
She then leaves the seats. Unfortunately for them, Y/N has been listening to their entire conversation.
"Good evening, friends. Are you all having a good time." The voice of Cheryl Blossom echoes around the gym. She stands on the stage, a group of familiar looking girls stand with her. The crowed cheers yes, and Cheryl raises a hand for silence. "As honorary chairperson, and de facto queen of tonight's semi-formal, it is my great pleasure to introduce this evening's main entertainment." The echoey voice of a speaking turning on can be heard. "To know them is to be obsessed with them. Though they usually preform their own material, tonight they're making an exception and debuting a cover of the song my parents claimed they were listening to the night Jason and I were conceived." She states. "This one's for you J.J."
Archie walks up next to Betty after finally finding her. "Sorry about that." He briefly apologizes.
"I give you Josie and the pussycats." Cheryl hands them the stage, and the crowed cheers. The band is very familiar and famous with the school.
Y/N immediately recognizes the song as 'All Through the Night' originally by Cyndi Lauper. Archie looks at Betty with an inviting smile. "Wanna dance?" He asks her, and Betty couldn't be more excited.
"Yeah." She eagerly nods, wrapping her arms around him. She looks back at where he came from. "Did that go okay?" She inquires.
"Yeah... yeah. So, I'll study with Miss Grundy before school, football practice after school, I'm working with my dad on the weekends, it's gonna be nuts." Archie tells her, and Betty nods listening.
"So long as you don't give up your passion." Betty giggles. The two don't talk anymore after that. Betty sways her hips back and fourth, the pussycat's music taking over their bones.
After a quick circle, Betty spots Y/N and Veronica who mouth, 'do it, go for it.' to her before looking at back at each other. The music is actually kinda catchy, so they keep dancing. Like Betty, Veronica sways her hips and Y/N smiles, genuinely this time.
"Um.... Now that I'm... a river vixen, and you're going to be on varsity football..." Betty anxiously sets up slowly, to which Archie silently chuckles to. "I have this fantasy of us... as a power couple, or maybe even just a couple." She confesses, and Archie's smile drops.
"Betty..." He mumbles, unable to get the words out since it wouldn't be wise to say who he's already seeing. Betty notices his hesitant expression.
"Is that so impossible to imagine?" Betty questions him, hurt, her arms off of him. Archie glances at Grundy, and although the Cooper girl can't see who he's looking at, she catches on fairly quickly.
The song ends and everyone claps, or in the case of Y/N, Kevin, and Veronica, very awkwardly, or for Betty and Archie, not at all. That easily dampened the mood. Cheryl sees the two a little farther away, a mischievous look in her eyes.
"Make sure those two turtle doves come to my after party, Veronica and Y/N too." She instructs the two girls standing next to her. She smirks devilishly. "I'm in the mood for chaos."
If only Betty could catch a break.
With the night approaching, Y/N made a quick trip to grab his Ghostface costume before making it to Cheryl's after party. He always as it on his person when the sun goes down as part of a habit, in case he improvises a moment in which he wants to dawn it. He's taught himself how to fold it perfectly so he can slip it in anything, besides obviously his pocket. But thanks to it's lightweight, it's easy to fold into something small.
He also usually has his camcorder on him, if he can have it. Usually when he needs record a piece for his film. It's small enough he can fit in his pocket or something, but it's less easy to hide when he wants it to be hidden.
A part of the guests, Archie, Cheryl, Veronica, Betty, Y/N, one of Archie's fellow jocks Reggie, and a couple other girls stand or sit around the living room, prepared for whatever the hostess has planned.
"It's gametime at shea Blossom, kitties." Cheryl announces. She has her arm around Y/N, pulling him close in an attempt to make Betty feel single. And judging from her posture as she sits on the couch, it's working. It doesn't help that Y/N seems to just be letting it happen.
"We're going old school tonight, seven minutes in heaven." She decides the game, explaining the bottle in her free hand. "Who wants to tryst in the closet of love first? My vote is A for Archie. Anyone care to second it?" She votes, catching Archie by surprise.
"Wait, actually-"
"Yes! Andrews, yes!" Reggie agrees with an excited voice. Archie gives him a look that makes the jock laugh at him. Cheryl smirks victoriously.
"Alright, gather around kids." She beckons the group closer and she sets the bottle down on the coffee table. "Let's see who's riding the ginger stallion tonight." The bottle spins, Veronica and Betty look at it anxiously. The bottle stops, pointing directly at the Raven-haired girl.
"Oh, no way!" Reggie laughs his ass off at the result. Y/N tries to keep himself from chuckling too, keeping to his masquerade. Archie looks at the two, now uncomfortable, and the two girls look very much the same.
"It clearly points to the new girl." She states in a mischievous tone, even giving a look that screams the devil's advocate. "This should be fun."
"Um, I'm not doing this." Veronica refuses with a shake of her head.
"That's up to you." Cheryl rolls her eyes at her. "But if you don't, house rules decree the hostess gets to take your turn." She declares, Veronica glances at both Betty and Archie regretfully.
They both go into the closet.
Needless to say, Cheryl's obvious plan succeeds. Her and Y/N quickly notices the tears in Betty's eyes as she storms off and out of the building. No one really caring as they expected this reaction.
"See, that's why you never form a crush on someone in high school." Reggie jokingly comments, preferring the life of partying and hook ups, something Y/N can understand.
"I actually agree with you on that one." Y/N nods, looking at where the girl left. The two never really agree on anything, nor do they like each other. "That's always how teens die in horror movies. They get heartbroken, run off, and then get slashed by the killer."
Seven minutes later, Veronica and Archie return from the closet. "Nailed it, yes." Reggie compliments with a proud fist. The two scan the room to see that a certain blond is missing.
"Where's Betty?" Veronica asks, now feeling even more guilty. Cheryl steps up in front of them.
"She spiraled and fled." She gleefully informs them, something they probably guessed by now. "Between us, she's a long more high-strung than she looks."
"You shady bitch." Veronica curses in her face as her and Archie leave to go find her. Cheryl makes a face of mock hurt and Y/N checks the time on his phone.
"I gotta go soon too." He lies, there's no deadline, nor does he listen to anything his 'parents' say to him. "Guess that means it's my turn." He spins the bottle, and it points straight at Cheryl Blossom.
"Lucky, bitch..." Reggie whispers, and some of the other party guests also look at him with envy. Y/N stares at the result, slightly surprised, and Cheryl gives him a deadly smirk.
"Oh, boy..." Y/N voices with a smirk of his own. This should be something.
They both go into the closet....
Archie checked Pop's, but Tate has told him he hasn't seen her. He did find his old pal Jughead, who despite their relationship being stained, advised him to just talk to her, saying it will go a long way.
'Mr. Popular agrees, the next place to look would be the Cooper house. The feeling of what happened at the party still gnaws at him as he realized just how deeply Betty felt for him. Part of him wished he felt the same way, but after Summer with Grundy, he never really had those kinds of thoughts about her.
The front door opens, and Archie sees Betty walk out, having changed into something else, though her new hairstyle remains. He sees that she's still broken by what happens, and it hurts him inside.
"I'm not gonna ask what you did with Veronica at Cheryl's." She speaks first, Archie swallows nervously, preparing for whatever he has to say. "But I'm asking you now, right now if you love me, Archie." She shrugs. "Or even... like me?"
"Of course I love you, Betty." Archie answers, walking up to the front yard, as a friend. "But I can't give you the answer you want."
Archie takes another step, this is going to sound stupid, but here it goes. "You are so perfect." He starts. Betty seems frustratingly confused. "I've never been good enough for you, I'll never be good enough for you."
The girl in front of him doesn't say anything else, seemingly too emotional to let out another word. She turns around and walks back into the front door. Archie moves to stop her, but realizes it's too late. 'You're a fucking idiot Archie....'
And so... it wasn't one heart that broke that night, it was two.
Unknown to them, Ghostface hides in the shadows, camcorder in hand which was recording them the entire time. The figure sneaks off to their way back home, having obtained the footage they needed.
And the night was far from over.....
Kevin and Moose step out of the car that's parked next to Sweetwater River. "For the record, I'm not gay." The latter claims as the two then begin stripping their clothes.
"Obviously not Moose, you're on the football team." Kevin sarcastically remarks, unconvinced. "But if you were gay, what would you like to do?" He queries him, as a form of challenge.
"Everything, but kiss." Moose answers, not specific enough which makes Kevin laugh.
"Oh, I love a good closet case." Kevin playfully says to himself as he unbuttons his jacket. "So, let's start with skinny dipping, and then see what happens?"
Before Moose can answer, Kevin trips on something that causes him to fall in the water before he can take off his shirt. "Dude!" Moose laughs at his expense. But notices that Kevin has froze, staring at something in the water. "Are you okay?"
He follows his gaze and sees a dead body, rotten which hints that it's been in the river for a long time. It has a bullet wound in his forehead, and open mouth. The body's entire face reads terror in it's final moments and with the ginger hair to top it off, the two quickly realize who it is.
"Oh my gosh.... It's Jason." Kevin lets out, confirming to himself that it's definitely him. "He was shot."
Clear, cut, murder.
(A/N) And now we reach the end of Episode one. Ghostface is now soon to be the talk of the town, though that will be in the second one.
Hope you enjoyed, plz vote if you did so I know if you want more. Comments will enforce that even more.
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