Part 1
Thicker than blood, more precious in oil. Riverdale's big business is maple syrup. Since the town's founding, one family has controlled its lucrative syrup trade, the Blossoms.
To showcase this, there's a brief flashback where Jason, Penelope, Cheryl, and Clifford Blossom all collectively pour a small amount of maple syrup into their cups, and they both raise their glasses before drinking it down.
They were a part of the fabric of our daily lives.... rich or pour, old or young, we consumed Blossom syrup by the bucket. That sickly sweet smell was inescapable. The death of Jason Blossom precipitated a crisis. With the heir apparent gone, who would inherit the family business one day? Certainly not Cheryl.
While the three family members that stand alongside Polly on the snowy ground, their umbrellas trying to block the rest out, the rest of the Blossom blood drive in with their expensive vehicles. Everyone has shown up to Riverdale to help answer that very question.
It was a question that brought the wolves to Riverdale. And now, the Blossoms were circling the wagons against possible attack, from within their own ranks.
Riverdale High: The Blue and Gold
"And that, my ladies and gents, is why Riverdale's serial killer is targeting people at random. Because there is no way to satisfy his or her bloodlust." Y/N speaks in front of his laptop, his camcorder a little.... out of shape every since that fight in the bar. It most likely fell out of his inventory when he got thrown onto the pool table, but how was he gonna guess that Archie would instigate a bar fight? Anyway, he been having to use the laptop camera and it's poor audio for the Blue and Gold's social media recently "This is, Y/N L/N, and I'll you guys later, preferably when I get a new camera." He concludes with some humor before stopping the recording, where he then lets his expression drop to one of someone who is really tired. "Fuck...."
"Well, well, if love had a voice, I plead that you never stop speaking." A female suddenly chimes in with a very suggestive smirk, and Y/N quickly shuts his laptop closed to surprisingly find Cheryl Blossom standing in the doorway.
"Cheryl? What are you doing here?" He asks after some confused blinking. "I-I mean... that I'm bothered by it or anything. It's just that it's called the Blue and Gold, not the Red and Black." Y/N quickly adds with his sense of humor as he stands up with a nervous chuckle, realizing that may have still sounded uninviting.
"Did you know that this week's the official start of maple syrup season?" Cheryl queries, walking over to stand right next to Y/N as he leans on the table. The guy not knowing if this should feel awkward for very pleasing.
"Uh, no, no I did not." Y/N admits with a shrug, looking at her curiously. "Should I have?" He asks with a raised brow.
"If you live in Riverdale, probably. And every year, we host a tree-tapping ceremony, a tradition that honors the Blossom bloodline. Our Heritage" Cheryl explains, and Y/N nods as if he's listening intently.
"That sounds cool." Y/N comments, not actually meaning it, but he can tell there's kind of point if she decided to tell him about it.
"It is. Beyond." Cheryl agrees, though Y/N now wonders if she also means that when she says it. "It's also incredibly exclusive. Family and inner circle only." She mentions before slightly leaning in. "Wanna be my date?" She then asks, causing Y/N to blink, thinking that he misheard her at first.
"Me?" Y/N points to himself, appearing surprised at being asked out as a date. "But I.... I'm just a horror film-freak, isn't that like, something your parents would appreciate having around?" He brings up, feeling a little nervous about the idea.
"To you and others, maybe, but I can tell you're much more than that, as cheesy as that line sounds." Cheryl tells him, and Y/N feels her arm slightly brushing against his. "Also, the maple-tapping's something Jason and I have done together since we could walk. It was our extra-special thing." She maunders at the memory, now looking a little anxious. "But I.... can't face it alone." She then says, before giving him a look that seems to plead for help. "If you came, as my escort, I think I could get through it."
Y/N clicks his tongue, clearly still not expecting to be invited to something that seems so important to her family. The fact that he might be out of place is also a factor that makes him a little hesitant, but he knows deep down, that he can't pass up an opportunity like this. "Okay..... okay, yeah, I think I can do that.... just let me make sure I'm free first." Y/N finally tells her, trying to form a smile that hides the nervousness.
"Out of everyone here, you're one of the best." Cheryl says as a subconscious smile forms on her face. Y/N keeps his expression until she suddenly gives him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll let my parents know." She tells him before leaving, while Y/N just stands there, processing what just happened while his fingers examine the cheek that just tasted Blossom lipstick.
He curiously hums.
Riverdale High: Lunch period
At Lunch, the group has to admit that they've underestimated Archie's anger this time. They assumed it was gonna be the same thing with Betty, and Jughead would be able to talk it out. But despite living in the same room, he's about as much progress as a crab trying to dig through dirt.
During this period, Jughead marches over to Betty, Kevin, and Veronica's table as if he were on a mission. "We need to do something about the killer before the year ends." He states with a serious expression. The others look obviously perplexed as to where this came from.
"Why, what's happening?" Betty asks with a somewhat concerned look. Jughead hasn't even brought any food to the table, which has to mean he's ready to talk about something extremely serious, and he can't afford pause with a snack. Jughead shows what's wrong by pulling out his phone, showing the same poll app that's appeared ever since Rose's death.
'Kill Ghostface, Kill'!
"The poll has now turned into a discussion about what Ghostface will do next or has done." Jughead shows them, and judging by his tone, he doesn't like that one bit. "Any comment that questions what the heck these people are thinking is drowned out by the unnecessary amounts of praise our tormenter does to us whenever he gets the chance."
"Yeah, I saw it too." Kevin nods as he whistles, a little freaked out by it as well. "Creepiest thing about it is that it didn't even start as a joke, it went straight to. 'all abord the Ghost train where we act like he's our man in the sky.' It makes me worried about society."
"They're after us, too, I just know it, even if they have done a good job at not showing it to everyone else." Jughead states with certainty that has Betty convinced as well. The others on the other hand...
"Wait, hold on-" Veronica tries to chime in, but Jughead cuts her off.
"Don't you get it? This has gone on for half a year, and the cops and investigators have found absolutely nothing. Ghostface waits patiently before creating a big crime scene and vanishing." Jughead reminds her, now even more convinced to bring this guy down.
"So you want us, teenage kids who are still in highschool, to see if we can do anything better than them?" Kevin queries, seriously questioning his logic. "Personally, I feel like that murder board you have in your room is enough."
"Relax, I don't mean that we go form a mob and attack the killer with pitchforks." Jughead assures him as he glances around before leaning in, lowering his voice. "Just that we take the whole investigation thing a lot more seriously." He advises leaning back in as he then stands up with some parting words.
"What if they go after one of our family members next?"
Meanwhile, out in the hallway, Y/N was now created a phony script which he kinda uses a planning template, even though he's mostly gone by improvisation so far. He was slightly absorbed into it, he didn't notice the woman approaching behind him.
"Y/N." Penelope Blossom addresses the kid by his full first name as he turns around to be surprised to see the woman in front of him. Did he just accidently put on a spell that made women go where they wouldn't expect to be at? "I was going to get Principal Weatherbee to summon you."
"Hey, Mrs. Blossom..." Y/N nervously greets back, removing his EarPods. "Umm..." He clears his throat. "Can I help you with anything?"
"Have a moment to chat? About Cheryl." Penelope requests, now Y/N is even more odded out. The smile she wears makes Y/N almost certain he's staring at a serial killer, like Nancy Loomis has came back from the grave and has told him that his current Ghostface copycat spree is a three out of ten. "I believe she invited you to our tree-tapping ceremony?"
"Yeah, she did, and but I've now told her that Jughead and Betty have now started pulling me into the Blue and Gold more and more, so..." Y/N anxiously shrugs, trying to not let his eyes be filled with red at the sight of her. "I'm sorry."
"Cheryl tells me you have a keen interest in the film industry, both movies and now a little bit of journalism." She mentions as she then briefly plays with his shirt/jacket, making him even more weirded out. "Is that true?" She asks as Y/N makes an expression of admittance. "Did she tell you her Great-Uncle Craven sits on the edge of Hollywood's biggest producers?" She then brings up pridefully, as even Y/N blinks surprised at it.
"That's.... that's awesome, I didn't know your family was in touch with that kind of stuff." Y/N comments before quickly putting up a hand. "No offense or anything..."
"None taken, many in Riverdale seem to not notice that the Blossom family doesn't trust profit of the maple industry." Penelope offhandedly remarks as Y/N nods, very interested as to see if she's going to propose what he think she will. "What if I were to put in a word on your behalf? I can promise it would immediately gain you interest in almost every studio."
"I.... you dead serious?" Y/N utters as he processes this new offer. It's unknown yet if he'll get introduced to the big guys, and suits after everythign ends, but if he can time it right. He can escape into an even better life than he planned after the fires start burning. "I-I don't know what to say."
"Say you'll reconsider escorting my daughter to the tapping. It's just the afternoon." Penelope practically displays the terms for Y/N. "And it would mean the world to my Cheryl." She adds, though the guy doubts if she's actually doing this for her sake as well.
"Uh..." Y/N considers before taking a deep breath, finally giving in. "Alright, yeah, I'll talk to Betty and Jughead, tell them what's going on. Then I'll ring Cheryl again."
"Archie was right about you, Y/N, when the light hits you just right..." Cheryl compliments in that way she does as Y/N just gives a nod. "I'll call Great-Uncle Craven immediately." She informs him, making his ambitious light shine even brighter.
He ends up silently laughing to himself, making a few of the kids look at him strangely.
Riverdale High: Student Lounge
As the table is now littered with more snacks or fruits than usual, Betty and Jughead finally arrive to the lounge, completely the group once again. Well.... kinda. "Just in time, we're celebrating." Veronica informs the two, much to their curiosity.
"Y/N was just telling us how's he's going to meet Hollywood's biggest names in under a day." Kevin amusingly shares with them, making the others now wonder even more what happened after lunch.
"Maybe, if it happens though, it will be a huge deal for me going forward." Y/N boasts with a excited grin. "Heck, I could probably meet the actual Skeet Ulrich and not have to settle with Jug's dad."
"Very funny." Jughead sarcastically comments. "This have something to do with you informing us that you wouldn't be coming to the Blue and Gold today?" He then queries, and Y/N's shrug tells him that he's got it right on the money.
"Yeah, Mrs. Blossom came by earlier and said she'd put in a good word in for me to a Blossom producer over in Hollywood. I heard he helped with Hellfest and the newest Terrifier, and maybe a season on Slasher..." Y/N mentions, clearly trying to emphasize how big this is.
"Amazing." Kevin comments.
"Terrifying." Veronica says in sync with Kevin, causing him to give her a look.
"Uh-huh, what's she getting out of it?" Jughead asks, obviously not very trusting of this supposed deal. Is Y/N surprised? If he was, you'd be legally aloud to throw a brick threw his window and hit him over the head with it.
"Nothing much, I just gotta be Cheryl's arm candy at some Tree-tapping thing they have going on at Thornhill." Y/N answers with a easy shrug. "Archie thought it was a good idea to accept and I agree with him."
"Thought it was a good idea to be a gigolo now?" Jughead questions, causing Y/N to turn to him with a very un-amused look on his face. Clearly, he has no idea who's being fooled here.
"Okay, first, I don't even know what that means." Y/N comments as he leans down and pulls out a candy box, using it as a metaphor. "Second, it's a film-freak's wet dream to be holding up Grammys, Oscars, and other rewards so they can put it on their shelfs. Come on, see this from a brother's perspective. I'm not staying in Riverdale, so I gotta find connections for when I get out."
"That's the way of the world, it's all about connections." Veronica agreeingly admits, though she also seems a little hesitant about Y/N going along with it. "But, Jughead's right. These kinds of favors always come with a price tag." She glances over at the blond. "Betty, back me up here."
"I think it's a great idea." Betty voices her opinion, which is surprisingly different from everyone else's, to which Y/N happily points a finger at her. "And, while you're there, would you talk to Polly for me? I just want to make sure she's okay."
"Yeah, of course." Y/N promises with a shrug, mentally telling her that she didn't need to ask. Betty gives him a grateful look as he turns to Veronica next. "And don't worry, 'Ronnie', I can take care of myself." He assures her, but that only makes Veronica smirk as if she correctly guessed a prophecy.
"Famous last words, Y/N."
A couple hours later, Y/N now has on his best coat for the snowy weather, he should probably find something similar for his Ghostface costume if he's going to do anymore chaos during this time of the year.
"Forgive me if this sounds judg-y or something, but.... aren't your legs cold?" Y/N queries Cheryl as they walk down towards the tree-tapping ceremony together. Her leg skin appears to be bare, in some kind of compliment to her high boots and little cape that surrounds her red coat. He honestly isn't minding the view, it's just.... really?
"Oh, Y/N...." Chery simply remarks in response as she gives him a playful smirk, which makes him concerned if he missed something in the female style department. When they finally make it to the spot they were directed towards, it seems as if they're the last to arrive. "You know, when Jason died, I thought I'd tap my last tree." She maunders as she notices Y/N's hands buried deep in his pockets. "Now don't be nervous. All you have to do is hold the bucket steady, I'll handle the rest."
Y/N looks around and sees the entire red colony gathered around the tree, which he looks at curiously. What kind of status did the Blossoms get by destroying the orphanage? Questions, questions. "Who are all these people?" He asks Cheryl as he squints at all of them.
"Entre nous, they're Daddy's board of trustees. They smell blood in the water, that's why they're here." Cheryl explains, and Y/N can definitely see that. The way they stand, pose themselves. They look more professional than ever... too professional, if that's a thing. "They're worried Daddy's losing his grip on the company and they're looking for a way to take it away from us." She notes with a sigh.
"They can do that? Walter White style?"
"No, they're not gonna put bomb in wheelchairs." Cheryl quickly shoots down, though Y/N can slightly tell the thought amuses her at least a little bit. "If they all vote together, they can easily take privileges. When Jason died, followed by Rose, it was a PR debacle. And now, here's Polly, pregnant and unwed." She mentions the girl, who Y/N glances at through the crowd and sees her rocking the same dark red and black colors. It looks like Anakin Skywalker's fall all over again. "It's no wonder they've descended upon us like some biblical plague."
They eventually step next to Clifford Blossom, who nods at their arrival before looking at all of the people in front of them. He opens up a scroll, yes, a literal scroll, before giving his little speech. "Nearly one-hundred years ago, Grandfather Blossom came to this sacred maple grove. The annual tapping ceremony portends each season's bounty." He heads out-loud before finally acknowledging the men and women with his own words. "Now, I've performed this ceremony many times in my life. My son Jason when he came of age, performed it as well." He mentions, and Y/N notices a small visible reaction in Penelope upon saying his name. "In his place, I put forth my daughter, Cheryl." He then announces, pointing the scroll towards them.
Cheryl quicky puts on a smile despite her obvious anxiety at messing this up and embarrassing her parents. Y/N puts a comforting hand on Cheryl's pack, giving her a smile as he softly rubs it, to which she gives him a thankful look before they walk over to the tree with the tap inserted it in. Y/N takes the bucket and crouches down, hovering it under the tap's trajectory. He glances over to see all of the Blossoms staring down at them, as if judging their very presence, and even Cheryl's new role at taking Jason's place. After all, Y/N did notice Cliford bring himself and his son up during his speech, no female at all. As Cheryl holds the hatchet, Y/N notices her shake even more, and not because of the cold.
"Hey.." Y/N whispers, making sure she's looking solely at him, and not the others for even a second. "You're Cheryl fucking Blossom." He reminds her, and Cheryl's expression shows that, that was all she needed to hear. She brings up the hatchet and swings it against the tap, causing it to let out its liquid into the bucket. The small crowd clap and slightly compliment her efforts as Cheryl's face finally brights up, and soon does Y/N's. "Nice shot."
After the small line in which the other Blossom members take turns filling their bucket from the tap. Clifford gets the butler to set up the old-fashioned camera so they can take their yearly photo. "Y/N, come join us before the snow starts again." Clifford invites, and Y/N, surprised that they want to have him included, still jogs over and stands next to Cheryl and Polly. The butler now turned photographer counts down as the light shines upon them for that brief second, then everyone breaks and heads back to their cars. Y/N and Polly briefly share eye contact, to which they both mutually nod, mentally communicating that they're still on mission. Or.... she is, at least.
"I don't buy this dog-and-pony show for a second." Y/N and Cheryl easily hear the two people in front of them as they walk along the path. "Cliff can't control his own family, let alone the company."
"Agreed, and if he tries to put Cheryl forward as a successor....Do you remember what she did at the funeral? Crocodile tears." The woman adds, and that appears to be the last straw for Y/N.
"Y/N, you don't need to-" Chery tries to stop him, but Y/N doesn't pause, despite the hand on his shoulder."
"No, Cheryl loved Jason. What was she meant to do at his funeral, not cry?" Y/N criticizes, seemingly ready to go off on him. "And yeah, Jason was on the football team, but Cheryl was at every single game too, doing as much to help the Bulldogs win as he did."
"Also, 4.0." Cheryl then inserts.
"Also, she has a 4.0 grade point average." Y/N quickly picks up on it. "If there's one thing I learned being in Cheryl's class, it's don't underestimate her." He glances at her, noticing her now prideful smile. "And don't bet against her, ask Reggie and Jughead." He humorously adds.
The two then march past them, their point now clear. During which, Y/N feels Cheryl constantly staring at him. "What?" He asks with a cheeky smirk, obviously playing dumb so she can say the words.
Chery sighs, but eventually gives in while trying not to smile again. "You are the.... best, Y/N."
"Knew it!" Y/N exclaims with a chuckle and fist pump into the air. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else you said that." He assures her with a wink.
Cheryl rolls her eyes, but her cheeks perk up anyway.
(A/N) Man, I was really in the mood to write. Did this all in one day, (excluding the intro), so please show some support for your boy.
Plz vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one.
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