Part 1
Every town has one. The spooky house, that all the kids avoid. Ours was Thornhill, the Blossom family's mansion, with it's very own graveyard. And, trapped within it's walls like some gothic heroine, was Cheryl Blossom. Still grieving for her beloved brother Jason. Linked in death even as they were in life.
Cheryl walks down the main stairs in a red dress, a three-way candle in hand. She eventually walks to her midnight destination, Jason's grave, his death still haunting her for as long as the killer remains at large.
She takes a step forward and softly opens the casket, Jason's body however is still bleeding, his bullet wound fresh as if she's just now discovered her body. Then he reaches out and grabs her wrist roughly!
"He's coming for you, Cheryl....." Jason then speaks to Cheryl, scaring her even more He pushes himself forward, causing the casket to lean and fall right off with a painfully loud thud. "He wants to be inside you, Cheryl! YOU'RE GONNA DIE ALONE!"
Then, out of thin air, Ghostface appears behind her and stabs in her in the spine! She squeals in pain as the killer turns her around and starts carving into her stomach and digestive system without any mercy.
"Oh, Cheryl~" Ghostface whispers seductively whilst looking at the redhead's poor figure. He then raises his knife....
"I think I see something else red!"
Cheryl mentally screams herself awake, taking a massive gasp as she shoots up. She takes big, rapid breaths, calming herself down before noticing the door slowly opening, Penelope leaning on it.
"I told you Cheryl, no more sleeping in Jason's bed." Cheryl's mom reminds her, as if criticizing her behavior. She looks around and sees that she must've passed out while writing.
"I....I was working on the eulogy for Jay-Jay." Cheryl explains, gesturing the papers surrounding her on the bed.
"Don't bother. You won't be speaking at his memorial." Penelope tells her, walking up and taking a sip of her drink. Cheryl looks down. "God knows what you'd say. Something to humiliate us?"
She takes a piece of paper and squeezes it in her palm. The paper ball rolls on the floor.
Riverdale High: Blue and Gold
"This is how my dad had his Jason Blossom murder board before it was trashed." Kevin displays it Infront of the trio all by memory, which is impressive.
"Any leads on who did that? Or what they were looking for?" Jughead asks, wondering if this was the killer's doing or a third party.
"Nope. No fingerprints." Kevin shakes his head, somewhat bitter about the fact. "But they stole a bunch of files, background checks, and all the video and audiotapes of police interviews."
"Guess he should probably get some modern technology..." Y/N remarks, and every turns to see him looking at his phone.
"Hey, quick reminder that we're talking about the case." Jughead acidly criticizes him, lightly tapping to get him back on track.
"You guys telling me you aren't interested in who the heck made this poll?" Y/N gestures to his phone, which has already gotten a couple votes, despite only appearing since last night.
Another Disgusting Adult: 4
A Slutty Cheerleader: 2
"I'd honestly prefer we ignore it." Betty somberly comments, the introduction to it was a shock to everyone, and people in school already do the job of mentioning to everyone. Weather it's about how harsh it is, crazy, or saying outload who they want to see get killed.
Y/N shrugs, putting the phone back in his pocket. The door then opens and the ex-football player Trev steps in.
"Hey, Betty..." He nervously walks in the room.
"Trev, hi!" Betty greets him back, in her usual friendly way.
"Sorry to interrupt..."
"Oh, no... it's okay." Betty comfortably assures him. Trev then glances at the board the teens are standing around with a curious expression. "We're just, uh, working on....."
"Our murder board." Jughead finishes when Betty stutters. Trev anxiously glances at the board and them, Y/N jokingly gestures to it like it's the coolest thing ever. Betty awkwardly nods, but keeps her amazing smile.
"Tada!" Y/N humorously exclaims.
"Well, I just wanted to make sure we're still on for tomorrow?" Trev inquires, and Betty confirmingly nods.
"Absolutely, it's a date." Betty states, causing the rest of the boys to look at her with perplexed expressions. "I mean, I'll.... I'll see you there, bye."
Trev grins and leaves, and Kevin turns to Betty with an eyebrow raised. "Going on a date with Trev?" Kevin repeats what he's already figured out. "Does Mama Cooper know about that?"
"Krev, I'm not on house arrest." Betty remarks, and Kevin gives her a look. "Okay, she's out of town at a Women in Journalism spa retreat. Anyway, it's not a 'date' date."
"You just called it a date." Jughead mentions, Y/N wonders if he's seeing a hint of jealously in his dry humorous tone. "You literally said, 'it's a date'."
"It's just my cover. Really, it's an intelligence gathering mission." Betty informs them, causing Y/N and Kevin to glance at each other. "We should focus on the one thing we have access to that your dad doesn't, the kids at Riverdale High. You know, maybe Trev knows something about Jason he didn't think was important."
Okay then.
Football Field:
"Betty, you're positively radiation Nicholas Sparks." Veronica remarks after hearing of Betty's 'date' while her, Betty, Jughead, and Kevin walk along the bleachers. "Tell me about this Trev."
"Oh, there's nothing to tell. Just one of Betty's sources, there's nothing romantic in the offing." Kevin sarcastically replies, causing Veronica to scoff.
"Why is everything weird here? Why can't a date just be a date?" Veronica questions as they sit down next to a distracted Archie, who's examining football plays. "What about you, Archie? How's life in a PG world?"
Archie turns to finally notice their presence, but instead of answering, he stands up and walks away to a farther side of the bleachers where Y/N sits watching Netflix on his phone. "O-kay...." Veronica awkwardly mutters, that hurt. Betty solemnly looks at him as Archie sits next to Y/N as if they never talked to him.
"Um..... did I miss something?" Kevin turns to the others, hoping for one of them to explain why Archie's gotten so cold. Ever since Grundy's body was found, Archie has distanced himself from Betty and Veronica, Y/N being the expectation for some reason.
"You know she feels like crap after the incident, right?" Y/N mentions to Archie while keeping his eyes on the MTV Scream episode he's watching.
"I know, I know...." Archie lets out a long sigh. "It's just... every time I take a single peak at them, I'm reminded of Ms. Grundy, and that's the last thing I need on my mind right now."
"Why? Something big happening?" Y/N inquires, noticing that the redhead seems to be studying the football cards a little too hard.
"Coach Clayton says I have a shot at being varsity Captain. So, I'd rather think about that then anything else right now." Archie tells them, and Y/N slowly nods.
"And this whole career-focus-only mindset is you taking your bitter feelings and turning them into football?" Y/N questions with an eyebrow.
"If you want to put it like that." Archie replies with a shrug, Y/N wonders if the guy thinks he's able to master football and music at the same time, guess he can't blame him. "I'm just trying to get my life back on track."
"I can help with that." Someone chimes in, sitting next to Archie. Y/N recognizes her as Valerie Brown from the Pussycats. The two supposedly got along after Archie wrote a song for the band, which worked very well. "I know Ms. Grundy was tutoring you....."
"Indeed, she was." Y/N suggestively comments.
"But, there's this amazing storywriter from New York, who's an adjunct at Carson College?" Valerie mentions the place as if the two know it. Archie just nods in response. "Incredible mentor. He does some coaching on the side, and I told him about you. You wanna meet him?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'd love to but football-"
"Hey, I thought your heart said music the most my guy." Y/N butts in, tapping the guy on the shoulder. "You shouldn't skip out on the things you love."
"Call him if you want, but do it soon." Valerie strongly suggests, sticking a note into his breast pocket. "His spots fill up fast."
"Thank you, Val." Archie says earnestly with a grateful smile, and Valerie grins before leaving the two to their own devices. They're not alone again for too long, however.
"Hello, Archie, Y/N." Cheryl greets them with a surprisingly pleasant tone, grabbing the boys' full attention. "I'm here to formally invite you to Jason's memorial at Thornhill this weakened."
She hands them a black and red letter, truly meaning 'formal', which they both take. "Thanks... Cheryl." Y/N takes them with a polite smile and Archie nods, trying to be the same. "I hope you'll be speaking at the memorial, I've recorded every....."
"Speech I've taken place in?" Cheryl finishes with a knowing smile, and Y/N looks at her as if wondering how she knew that. "I've seen the videos on YouTube, I appreciate how you always get the best angles."
She leaves, and Y/N notices Archie giving him a teasing smirk. "What?" He questions, only getting a chuckle in response. He ignores him and instead glancing back down at the letter.
Sheriff has been brought to the Blossom's mansion for what seems to a particular reason, or so Keller's been told. "Jason's memorial will be held in this room. Before he's laid to rest, in the cemetery on Thornhill's grounds." Penelope tells him, which he can tell, given the decor. "We've invited everyone on our list."
"What list is that?" Keller questions her.
"List of suspects, of course." Clifford answers, getting the sheriff's attention. "People with grudges against us, many of them members of Riverdale's founding families, I'm sorry to say. Someone in this town killed Jason."
"You know, that's out thought too." Keller agreeingly admits with a nod. "Since whoever broke into my house, knew that I'd be at the drive-in."
"Which means, there's a very real possibility Jason's murderer will soon be in this room." Penelope concludes, and Cheryl walks inside to overhear this.
"That's why you invited the Lodges and everyone else? To investigate them?" Cheryl realizes, finding the irony of it all slightly funny. "And you think I'm manipulative and heartless and making this all about myself?"
Penelope rolls her eyes; Cheryl can't believe it.
But then.... why did they include Y/N on their list?
Coopers House: Night
Betty comes to the garage to see Hal tweaking the car. "Hey, good timing." Hal acknowledges upon her arrival. "Why don't you uh, grab a wrench and tighten up that hose for me."
Betty, helps, giving her dad the extra hand to help. However, she didn't really come here to help him fix cars. "Dad... every time I ask mom about Polly, she shuts me down. Can we please talk about it?" She requests from him with a somber tone. "What happened? What did Jason do that was so bad?"
Hal wipes his hands with a towel, hesitating a bit before giving her daughter an explanation. "Jason and Polly had a fight. I don't know what it was about, but afterwards, Polly was pretty devastated. " He tells her gloomingly. "And I came home from work one day and I.... I heard the water running in the bathroom upstairs. I went upstairs, I knocked on the door, I asked if Polly was all right, and.... She didn't say anything. So, I kicked the door down. Polly was trying to hurt herself, Betty."
What? But Polly never looked like she was.... "That's why we sent her away." Hal explains, interrupting her thoughts. "To stop her from trying to take her own life again."
The sadness that comes from explaining it makes them fail to see Ghostface emerging from a bush and sneaking out, having overheard their entire conversation.
Riverdale High: School Lounge
Betty tells Jughead and Y/N everything her dad said, as well as what Trev told her. Jason became secretive sometime after he dated Polly, he sold everything he could, and got involved in the drug business. This is bigger than they thought.
"Betty, I'm sorry." Jughead says with sympathy for the girl, not knowing how that could feel. "That's hardcore."
"I asked my dad if I could call Polly, he said she was doing better. But when she heard about Jason's death, she had a big setback." Betty testifies, which Y/N can't help but think that sounds odd. "He doesn't want to risk another one."
"Why does a rich kid sell drugs?" Jughead wonders, asking the bigger question.
"He was running away from his parents." Betty theorizes, going by what Cheryl told the police earlier about Jason wanting to fake his death.
"Yeah, probably." Jughead shrugs, standing up to pace around the room. "Or drug dealers."
"Or maybe Jason already knew some psycho was after him." Y/N also guesses.
"Oh my gosh, is that really possible?" Betty questions, wondering just how big this case is.
"It's a theory. Yours is more likely, but why would he have to run way from mommy and daddy?" Jughead asks, it's the new question Trev's statement has created.
"Because they are controlling, manipulative devils?" Y/N answers, and Betty looks like she agrees with him.
"Yeah, but why, specifically?" Jughead emphasizes, there has to be a bigger reason behind it.
"Well, we can't exactly just ask them." Betty brings up, the only thing that would do is make them look book.
"So we have to ask Jason." Jughead states, causing Betty and Y/N to look at him confused.
"Are you saying that we should turn Jason into a deadite?" Y/N questions, and Jughead looks at him as if he's stupid.
"No, dead men tell no tales." Jughead scoffs, he then glances around to makes sure nobody's looking for getting closer.
"But their bedrooms...? Their houses...?"
(A/N) This was shorter than I thought it'd be, but I guess that happens when you trim the episodes for only one plotline, even if it's shorter than the others.
Plz vote and commet, and I'll see you in the most likely longer part 2.
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