With the horse Haldir gave her for the way up to the entrance of Mirkwood, Ethiriel rode for a half day to there. She made the brown horse free once, and walked the little rest of the way on her walking. She was also given an elvish coat, with the silver detailing and the needlework of Lorien's bests dressmakers.
When she got it, felt something very different about the air of those woods. It was more dense, hard to breath. Almost anxious. For good fortune, Ethiriel could not get lose in those similar paths. She knew every tree and every rock. Ethiriel walked for three hours. It was a silent and calmed walk until she saw from the distance something coming directly to her. It was a giant spider. She took Farasicil, her dagger, and decapitated the spider in one mild movement. The body fell down as a rock when you let it fall into the ground. A few steps more, Ethiriel stopped when she heard some voices. She claimed the closest tree so she could see better the situation, and then, she achieved her first goal: finding the dwarfs. Unfortunately, they were not alone. They got caught by the guard of Mirkwood, and with them, there was Légolas, Thranduil's son, King of Mirkwood. She made some effort in order to listen at least a part of the conversation. With the powerful hearing elves have, it was not so hard to try.
-Not just a thief, but a liar as well - said Legolas with no regret to Thorin Oakenshield.
All the dwarfs were tied only by their hands. Ethiriel followed the conversation until she understood Legolas would bring the dwarfs in front of Thranduil, inside the Kingdom. She put back in her dagger into its sheath and followed them quietly climbing tree by tree until the group entered into Thranduil's reign. Ethiriel knew it was impossible to find a way in and breaking the security. The walls were perfectly efficient. She decided to call. She was no liar, she had a mission and Thranduil had to understand. It was ten minutes later that she decided to ring those great gates that seemed very lonely in the outside. She jumped off the tree and got close to slowly knock three times. Three seconds later, the gates opened. Two elvish male servants showed up with bows and arrows.
-May I have a word with Lord Thranduil? - said keeping the same calm as always even the arrows were threatening her life - Lady Galadriel sends me.
The two guardians looked each other and accepted with no reply knowing the elvish queen demanded that chat with their Lord. She walked through long and wooden passages of the hidden kingdom until Thranduil was on their view. The guardians were taking away to the dungeons Thorin, meanwhile that was happening, Ethiriel was trying to hide her face in order Thorin would not see her. Indeed, he did not. Thranduil, on the other hand, attended Ethiriel with an untruthful face. He thought the troubles were coming along at the same day and it was exhausting.
-Who are you and what do you want?
-I am here because...
-Iston i nîf gîn... (Your face is familiar to me) - said Thranduil with a lazy intention to remember.
-Ethirielië... Taurëcundo hesto... (I am Ethiriel, captain of the forest guardians)- she said trying to keep the most respectful she could - I am sent by Lady Galadriel in order to complete a mission.
When Thranduil knew the title of our main character, his face changed. He did not respect anyone he knew, but not taking very seriously the words Galadriel and Forest Guardians in the same quote, was insulting to another and bigger power over his.
-And what is... that mission? - his face was serious, but proud anyway.
-Watching Thorin Oakenshield's path until they get to Erebor. Lady Galadriel wants me to protect them.
-Well... You are not doing a very well job... Don't you think?
At that moment, Legolas came into the room, and by his side, was a very familiar elf for Ethiriel.
-¿Ethiriel? - asked the feminine voice.
She turned around already with a smile.
-Do you know her...? - asked Thranduil to Tauriel with an unpleasant voice.
-My Lord, Ethiriel watch these woods many years ago, don't you remember? She is from the Forest Guardians.
-Captain, apparently... - he mocked.
-Lord Thranduil - said Ethiriel with a very serious voice and face -, I must ask you to let the dwarfs go away.
-Why should I do that if they don't please me? I asked with good manners to that stupid dwarf to give me what's mine from that mountain.
-Letting the dwarfs go away? Never - interfered Legolas -. They stole and lied and came into our kingdom without consent.
- That's what Lady Galadriel asked. Not just her, but the White Council. I must ask you to be patient and...
-Nátyë necindo! (You are insane) - yelled Thranduil to Ethiriel.
Tauriel and Legolas where shocked the way and strength Thranduil said those harmful words to Ethiriel and even that way, she started at him with those serious eyes.
-I'm sorry. But you know that I, as a Forest Guardian, have no rules or laws of any kingdom.
-But now you are into mine. You are in my home. Stop disrespecting me!
-I am not disrespecting you. I am telling you this is a situation of emergency. You must let the dwarfs go to Erebor.
-What do I win with it? - calmed his tone Thranduil.
-What is that you requested to dwarf Lord?
-I asked him to be allies so I could help him letting him go with the condition he would bring me those gems of pure star, which are inside the mountain.
-You'll get those gems, Lord Thranduil.
-You will bring them to me?
-No, that's not my mission. If you let go Thorin Oakenshield, you could send someone to make sure they get it and then take those gems.
Thranduil stared at her. Looking Ethiriel now with a smile in his face.
-My Lord! - a guardian appeared with a very sever anxious face - The Dwarfs! They are gone!
All four, surprised looked at each other.
-Are you related to anything of this?! - screamed Thranduil.
-No, I'm alone.
-Run after them! - ordered, and with a challenging eyes, looked directly into Ethiriel's eyes - You... go with them! Do that mission! But I know you lied... I don't care who sent you!
Ethiriel did not take very seriously Thranduil's threats. By the way, she run with Tauriel looking after the dwarfs.
-How many you captured? - asked Ethiriel while running.
-Thirteen - answered Legolas.
-Thirteen? What about the hobbit?
Both of them, looked without understanding what Ethiriel was saying.
-Hobbit? What hobbit?
They went outside. The dwarfs and the apparently new appearance of Bilbo Baggins achieved getting a way out of Mirkwood's kingdom: wine barrels sailing through the river. They were not alone, new company came: orcs, a great quantity of orcs. They fought against them with no fear. The most quick and deadly: Ethiriel.
The Dwarfs and Bilbo were going so fast because of the river's strength. It was mortal, some of them were drowning and battling for breathing. Ethiriel was watching their backs, but most important trying to follow side by side the dwarfs. With good luck, they would thought she was from Mirkwood. At every moment, less orcs showed up. Tauriel and Ethiriel were the ones who killed more orcs. Ethiriel put on the top of the coat in order to not letting other see her face. She had no more arrows, so used Farasicil. Tauriel stopped following them, but Ethiriel went on and on. She was not tired to continue running as fast as she could. And finally, when the water started to be less rude and more quite, she decided to hide behind some bushes. She finally had the dwarfs in a distance were she could watch them. They were resting, breathing with no situation of danger.
Twenty minutes later, the unexpected happened. An unknown man, with a bow, was threatening the dwarfs and Bilbo. She was so upset for what was happening that she did not realize the noise she made behind those plants. Everyone looked directly into those bunch of trees and buches.
-Thorin, I think someone followed us - posted a hurt Kili, by an orc's arrow.
The man with the bow now pointed the trees.
-Show yourself! Now! - yelled.
Ethiriel had no other option. She cursed herself on the inside. With the weapons hidden and the arms up in the air, she slightly showed up, but yet, not showing her face.
-I said, show yourself - repeated the man.
Ethiriel, slowly, took off the hood of the coat, letting see all the ones there her face. She showed up with a calmed and peaceful way her eyes opened.
-Who is she? - asked Oin with a very upset voice.
-A Mirkwood elf. I'm sure - mocked Thorin.
-I am not - smiled Ethiriel.
-It's true - pointed Balin -. Her clothes... Those are not from Mirkwood, they are very different.
-I am Ethiriel - said, trying to look everyone's eyes, and at the end, the man's eyes -. Don't worry. I am not trying to stop you from anything.
-How do you know we are doing "something"? - pointed very very upset Dwalin.
-Because, Dwarven Lords, you are anyways the reason I am here.
-What do you mean? - asked Fili.
-I am sent from the Lady Galadriel and Mithrandir in order to watch and protect you.
-Mith...? Mithrandir? You mean... Gandalf? - asked Bilbo.
-Yes, I do, Mr. Baggins - she smiled.
Even she was having a quite nice manners, she still had her hands up in the air.
-Protect us? - said with a laughter Thorin - Of what?
-From those orcs? For example.
-I'm sorry, but I still don't know who you are and why are you here - interrupted the man.
Minutes later, the dwarfs tried to convince the man that they were simple dealers of dwarven products and they were trying to get to Iron Foot. The man hardly believed them, specially with the speech the elven woman did. Then, Ethiriel interfered saying that she was someone who protected them, only that. Balin asked the man if he could bring them to Esgaroth, lake town, with the boat that was at the end of the river. The man said "for a price, maybe".
They finally agreed, but not for Ethiriel.
-They paid, you did not - said once and clearly the man directly into Ethiriel's eyes.
She was obviously agree with him. Then, she decided to pay. Took fro her back a bag of silver and golden coins. She took five golden coins and showed them to the man.
-Is it enough?
The man, very surprised with the simplicity and kindness of the words from the elvish woman, laughed and answered with a "yes".
-She can't come! - yelled Dwalin - We don't know her!
-But I do know you, I'm a friend of Gandalf. He asked me to be with you.
She tried to convince the dwarfs in any possible way, changing the words and the events in order to get what she wanted. It was hard, but they were convinced. They all got in the man's boat.
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