Middle Earth
Everything had finished. When Ethiriel asked Thorin like a thousand times if he was ok - if he had any deep cut - Thorin answered with a smile that he was fine and then Ethiriel started her way down to the Raven's Hill. Now, she needed to check out if Bard was ok, so she started looking for him in Dale.
She didn't find him. Looked all over the city for almost half hour, but didn't find him. It was then when she remembered what she told him the past night: that she wouldn't search for him. She stopped looking and stood quite in the middle of a street. She turned around and started running to Erebor. She had to cross the hole filled of dead bodies. There were dwarfs, elves, men and orcs. But he wasn't there.
-Ethiriel! - called her Bilbo when he saw her.
The elvish woman realized that at the entrance of the Mountain there was a group of known people. Gandalf, Thorin, Kili, Fili, Tauriel, Glóin, Balin, Dwalin and Bilbo, of course.
-Ethiriel - smiled Balin -, god bless you for helping Thorin with Azog.
-I almost got him - joked Thorin acting like an angry dwarf.
They were happy, or at least, they tried to seem like they were. The number of lost people was big. It always is with a war.
-I did what I had to - answered Ethiriel, trying to look like she was also happy, but she could not get Bard out from her head.
While the dwarfs were chatting, Ethiriel realized that Tauriel and Kili were completely saved. In fact, they were holding hands fearless of what people could say. Tauriel noticed Ethiriel's eyes and the only thing she did was smile at her. This adventure had brought good luck to some people.
-You! - they heard from the distance.
A hostile Thranduil showed up riding a white horse. His sword was so cleaned that it seemed it wasn't used for the battle.
-Welcome, Thranduil - smiled Thorin with a funny tone.
-My gems.
Thorin looked at everybody with a little smile. Then, he looked at Glóin and showed his agreement with his head. Glóin went and came back as fast as he could, but also carefully. In a red little pillow, a tied bag was resting on it. Thranduil grabbed the bag and opened it. His face was whiter because of the radiant shining of the gems. They remind him at his dead wife.
-There you have - said Thorin.
Thranduil tried to look at Thorin with the same proud, but it was like he couldn't.
-Thank you - said Thranduil.
Thorin, with his arms crossed and the same smile, moved his head as he said that everything was ok. Then, Thranduil turned his eyes into Tauriel's, who tried to avoid them.
-I could kill you for betraying me.
-I did not betray you, Sir... - whispered Tauriel, with a very small heart.
-You can't come back - said Thranduil, trying to look severe, but he couldn't -. You can't come back home.
Thranduil felt very hurt saying those words, and Tauriel for hearing them.
-She already has a home - said Thorin.
Everybody's face was showing a grateful surprise. Kili and Tauriel felt specially glad to his uncle.
-So you're going to allow this relationship? - asked Thranduil surprised.
-I already do - smiled Oakenshield.
-So, is she going to be here?
-You asked too many questions, elf - laughted Thorin -, but yes. And you can come anytime you want.
Thranduil felt glad, but his face looked as happy as a wall. Thranduil was ready to go, but Tauriel had one more question for him.
-Where is Legolas?
-He's gone. He can't come back neither. He disobeyed me because of you. And for that, I requested him a mission. He's fine.
With any other words, Thranduil started his way back with his soldiers to Mirkwood. Tauriel felt really bad for his loyal friend Legolas, but Kili tried to make disappear that thought from her mind with a kiss on her hand.
-So, what now? - asked Bilbo, breaking the intense silence.
-Now, Mr. Baggins, you need to rest - smiled Gandalf.
-Tonight we are having a great fest - smiled Fili to both of them.
-And everyone of you is invited - said Balin with a very happy tone.
-Am I? - they heard a voice.
Everybody turned around to see the new introduced voice in the talk. It was Bard. He had a very dirty face with some blood and mud, and on his hair there was some snow.
-You? Yes, yes! Of course! - laughted Balin.
Ethiriel felt her heart going faster. The happiness was injected in her body and she tried to look normal. Bard smiled at her, but also trying to fake his happiness. They were both alive and the only thing they wanted to do is hug to each other. Unfortunately, the fear was still something they had.
While Balin was explaining what the fest was about and what would happen, Bard was watching Tauriel and Kili's hands. They were holding them like nothing cared. Then he looked as a reflect at Ethiriel.
-So, who's coming to the fest? - asked Glóin.
-I guess everybody - smiled Balin.
-I'm not - replied Ethiriel.
Bard looked at her, feeling a kind of alarm inside of him.
-What? Why? - asked Bilbo.
-I must go. Lady Galadriel is waiting for me. And I must
-But will you come back? - asked Bard, with the severe tone.
The silence had come. Everybody was expecting a really nice answer like "yes, of course" or "sure". But she had no time for answering.
-KISS HER YOU FOOL! - yelled Dwalin.
Bard and Ethiriel started to blush and surprise, feeling the embarrassment of that request.
-Oh, come on - laughed Thorin -. We already knew. Since we came into your home.
Bard tried to hide his smile, so was Ethiriel.
-Shy people... - whispered Fili joking.
-I them... - whispered Kili.
-Yeah, me too - whispered Dwalin.
-Stop this! - laughed Gandalf - They need privacy. Let's go in, everyone.
Very disappointed, all of them followed Gandalf. They expected to go and do other business, but the thing the wizard did was hide and listen. The rest did the same while they were tying not to laugh.They were looking at each other, now free of any shame.
-I broke my promise - she said first -. I tried to find you.
Bard didn't say anything, he just got closer and hugged her. Holding her head with his shoulder and giving her hair little caresses, he felt really sad and happy at the same time. When they separated, he said:
-You didn't answer.
He was right, she didn't. But they both already knew the answer.
-I don't think so, Bard - whispered -. As Captain of the Forest Guardians, I must accomplish my task. I am devoted to Lady Galadriel's command.
-So you live for her? - asked Bard - You sacrifice yourself, but you don't have a life. You don't have a home. What kind of queen is she?
-It's about her. It's about what I am. I was born for that.
Bard couldn't believe Ethiriel's words.
-When are you going? - whispered a hopeless Bard.
-As sooner as I can.
-So, could it be now?
Bard felt like his chances were spent.
-Could you do me a favor?
-What? - she smiled.
-Could you say to me something in elvish? - smiled him.
-What do you want me to say?
-That you love me.
-Gi Melin (I love you) - she said, falling from her eyes one little tear.
They kissed. It lasted as much as they could hold their breaths. The ones hidden in the entrance of Erebor did not celebrate the kiss at all. The scene made them feel very sad, and didn't want to break their moment. Some of them had teary eyes, like Dwalin or Glóin.
-If I come back, you'll know - she smiled once she had the chance to touch his face -. Are your kids alright?
-Yes, they are resting now.
-Give them a hug from me to each of them - smiled her.
Bard accepted and Ethiriel stopped looking at his eyes. She couldn't stand them anymore. It hurt. Ethiriel checked out her arrows and looked at her sword.
-Does it have a name? - asked Bard pointing it.
-No. Name it.
-Me? - laughed - No, I can't.
-Alright - she smiled -. I'll call it Bard.
They laughed once again. It was time. Ethiriel was ready leave, so she kissed him and started walking away.
-Wait! - he begged - Here, take it.
Bard was giving her the brown horse. She got closer to it and gave some caresses to its face.
-His name is Drago. Keep it.
Ethiriel sat on Drago and looked one more time to Bard's face. She wanted to remember it even in her dreams. She wanted to keep that image and the other ones of the past days with him. She wanted to remember everything of him.
-Nämárie (Farewell)- she smiled.
Ethiriel started her long way back to Lórien.
It took four long days to arrive at Lórien forests. Haldir found Ethiriel at the entrance and as usual, he guided her to Lady Galadriel was. After a long way up in the tree, Lady Galadriel showed up her face, turning around to look at Ethiriel's.
-I'm glad to see you again, Ethiriel - smiled the elvish queen -. I guess that means you accomplished your mission.
-Yes, my Lady. Thorin Oakenshield and his nephews got in the Mountain.
-What happened in Erebor?
-The dragon was still in there.
Galadriel's face showed clearly a worry.
-It was defeated. A man called Bard killed him with a black arrow. The city of the lake, Esgaroth, fell because of Smaug. The people is now living in Dale.
-You did it - smiled Galadriel -. Anything else?
-Mithrandir came.
-I know. In fact, he told me everything happened in the Lonely Mountain.
-Told you? - asked Ethiriel confused.
-Yes, he wrote me. And he told me everything you did there. He told me how brave you were and how you saved the lineage of Khazad-dûm not once but twice. You did more than accomplish my request.
Galadriel realized since the moment Ethiriel came in that something was going on.
- Apa nûr antalca... (But you look sad...) - whispered Galadriel -. And I don't know why.
Ethiriel felt her heart stopped for a second.
-Something in you changed. What is it?
Ethiriel didn't want to say any word. She knew Galadriel could easily know by reading her mind. And so did she.
-Oh - whispered.
Galadriel could not do other thing than smile for the poor Ethiriel.
-You feel pain.
-I want to hear from you why.
-But you already know.
-I want to hear from you how happened and I want you to tell me what do you think is going to happen.
Ethiriel felt her heart going faster.
-I don't know how happened. It just came and...
-For that man, Bard, right? - interrupted her.
-You know the Forest Guardians doesn't have a home - said pointing a fact.
-I do.
-Well, I think you found one.
Ethiriel looked with surprise at her queen.
-Answering your question, I think I'll have some punishment - said Ethiriel, avoiding Galadriel's eyes.
Galadriel went downstairs in order to face her loyal friend.
-Why? For loving? No, my dear.
-I think you don't belong here no more - said with honesty the queen.
-So, am I replaced from my position as captain?
Ethiriel didn't understand anything about Galadriel was saying.
-I don't want my best guardian to go, but there are other forests which must be protected too.
-What are you telling me, my queen?
-I'm telling you that you can go. You accomplished what I asked you and you did it better. You deserve what you want in your heart.
Ethiriel felt a happiness growing inside.
-In one condition: you'll keep watching and never forget what you are.
-I'll tell Lord Thranduil that Mirkwood will be your new position, in that way, he must respect the Forest Guardians. Some of your companions will follow you.
-I don't think they'll take that very well. They may don't want to change it.
-They will gladly. They follow you - smiled Galadriel -. You are their captain. You are a Forest Guardian, you watch all forests from Middle Earth. Not only Lórien or Rinvendell, but all. You have nothing to worry about. Also, whatever happens to you, you'll always be welcome here.
Ethiriel felt like she would be eternally glad to her.
two weeks later
Dale was being rebuilt. Everyone was helping one way or other. Dale got the gold from Erebor, Thorin Oakenshield gave them face to face the same day the construction started. Gold wasn't the only thing Erebor gave to them. When Erebor crouned Thorin Oakenshield as King under the Mountain, the dwarves from the grey and the blue mountains came back where they once lived. Erebor had life again. Fifty dwarven volunteers helped with the building and other fifty with the outside walls. Moreover, Dale got some help from Mirkwood's kigndom. Thranduil had sent all kind of materials from the woods, specially the wood of such great quality. Mirkwood had cured itself after Sauron and his servants left Dôl Guldur.
Thorin wasn't the only one crowned as king. Before Smaug had come to Erebor, a royal linage of men lived in Dale. Bard's linage. People wanted him as king, so that was it. Bard was the new king of Dale. After seeing that the rebuilt had success, Bard decided to rebuilt Esgaroth as well.
It was a beautiful morning in Dale. The sun was warming and the birds were singing. It was time to wake up. Bard woke from his new bed and his new bedroom. The firsts things men build where some casual house furnitures. Beds, tables, kitchens... Everything they needed. Bard's new room was much bigger than the one in Esgaroth. He opened his eyes and it was like he wasn't really paying attention was his eyes were showing him. He was only thinking about Ethiriel. He could see her face all around him. He already felt she wouldn't come back. Two weeks... "That is not a good sign" he used to think. He knew Ethiriel's image would be his condemn.
A couple hours later, Bard continued working with what he was building now: a barn. It was little, but it was a gift forhis children. The thing he's most proud about all the situation they had lived is that he could give a better life quality to his kids. They deserved it.
On the other hand, Ethiriel had arrived at Dale with Drago. Some people recognized her, specially Bain. She was walking all the way up of the main street of the city with Drago's belt on her hands. She was going at the top was Bard's house - that's what people told her when she asked-. Bain was going the way down.
-ETHIRIEL! - yelled happily Bain while he was trying to run into her.
She asked with a sign to stay quite. Bain had no shame when he hugged her. She happily answered that hug.
-Are looking for father? - he asked.
-Yes. People told me he's at home.
-Yes, yes! You follow this path and go behind the house. He's working in something we are not allowed to see yet. I guess you can.
-I'll find out - she smiled and continued her way.
Ethiriel arrived at Bard's home. It was strange that existed a king with no guard at all. She had to make all the way around the big house and easily found what Bain meant. Ethiriel saw the barn which looked done from the outside. More steps ahead with Drago, looked on the inside with no issue, because there was no door yet. She had to hide. Bard was in there, cutting some brand new woods. Ethiriel had an idea. Being soundless, ordered Drago to walk in and surprise him. The horse started walking and whinnying. Bard stopped what he was doing and his face showed a very confused expression.
-Who are you? - smiled at the horse.
When Drago got closer, Bard touch his head with a friendly move. Then he noticed some distinguish signs he knew that horse.
-Drago? - asked surprised - But... How do you know the way here? I mean... That's not possible.
Bard stood in silence, having a lot of questions and suspicious ideas. Bard stopped giving caresses to Drago and left him slightly tied at a wall. He stopped everything he was doing. The hope was getting in him. "She" thought. "This must be her!". Bard started running. When he finally was outside, looked around. Ethiriel was resting her back on the wall next to the door. Bard couldn't believe it. Their smiles spoke for them. Bard started laughing while he got closer. He hugged her like it was a thousand years he'd hadn't seen her. He kissed her chicks, her hands, her forehead, her ears, her nose and her lips.
-How? - asked Bard with a broken breathing.
-She said I deserved it.
-And you do.
Ethiriel smiled. Her hands covered Bard's chicks and kissed him again. There was no separation between them. Only because Bard stopped kissing her, still there was no separation. He covered her like he was holding her.
-Could you do me a favor? - he asked.
-Say something in elvish.
Ethiriel laughed.
-Because I love how you speak it.
-What do you want me to say.
-I don't know. Say what you want, say what you feel - he whispered.
Ethiriel looked at Bard's eyes, even when she was blushing.
-Pedin i phith in aníron, a nin ú-cheniathog (I can say what I wish, and you won't understand me)
-And... that means...? - he laughed.
-Uhm... I don't know - she joked.
-Wait, wait. What did you say? - he laughed harder while joking.
Ethiriel broke the hugged and started walking inside the barn, acting like she couldn't hear him. Bard followed her in acting like a crazy man.
-Dear god, tell me!
-I don't know what you're talking about.
Bard grabbed Ethiriel from behind and hugged her. She falsely tried to get rid of him. Bard turned her around with careful and smiled. He didn't know how express all the glad and happiness he was feeling at the moment.
-I missed you so much - he whispered.
-Well, I'll be around for a while, I guess - she smiled.
-But, do you have to go again or...? how will this work? - asked Bard, to make sure how much time they had.
-My watch hasn't ended yet. Lady Galadriel requested me to watch Mirkwood. It means, I'll be around here for a long time.
-Well... - he whispered - I can offer you a bed. You know? I'd gladly repeat what happened that night. Just as an investigation of course... - he joked.
She laughed. That idea wasn't bad at all.
-What else does it mean? - he asked, now very serious.
-That I'll be with you as much as you want me.
-I want you more than anything. I want you by my side.
Ethiriel touched his face and then his hair. Without a question, she untied Bard's hair and gave slightly caresses to that free and black hair. Bard closed his eyes and left the moment catch him.
-Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned I gladhog (I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh) -whispered Bard.
Ethiriel stopped touching his head and looked at him with surprise. He laughed and gave a kiss to he hand.
-I asked Tauriel - he said with honesty -. I was really hoping she truly told me how to say that. I was so scared she could have lied to me. Did I spell it alright?
-You spelled it so well - she smiled.
They looked each other one more time before kissing again and forget about what surrounded them.
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