Walking the way down to the forest of Lothlórien, she already felt the aura and magic of it. The silence had come instantly since she got it. It meant she wasn't alone. The forest of Lorien was the most protected forest of all.
-You better stop your steps and don't move - she listened that voice so quite behind her back.
Slightly, she turned around to see those familiar eyes.
-Ethiriel... - he says with the exact amount of surprise as regret - Goheno nin... (I'm sorry).
-Áva sorya, Haldir (don't worry) - she smiled, letting him understand everything was ok.
-We weren't inform of your visit. Does it has a reason?
- Lord Elrond sent me from Rinvendell due to Lady Galadriel's command. There must be an aim waiting for me.
-Indeed - he smiled back -. Then, follow us. The sun is already falling and soon the night will come.
Ethiriel, an elvish forest guardian, was doing her job on the Misty Mountains, near Lord Elrond's home. He, face to face, told her the Lady of the Galadrim asked her presence in Lorien.
The story of the forest guardians began since the elves came to the Middle Earth. They are the most prepared and trained elves to protect the elvish kingdoms. Rivendell, Lothlórien, Mirkwood... They are all connected. The only thing that make a difference from the rest of the protectors of those elvish kingdoms are the rules. An elvish forest guardian does not have a singular place to live, to sleep or even eat. They just respond in front of the orders of the White Council. The usual mission they have is the watch and establish peace over small conflicts.
Half hour past, the sun was already gone and finally saw the largest and brightest trees, where the elvish people of Lorien lived: Caras Galathon. It wasn't until another half hour they arrived at the top of the tree Lady Galadriel was waiting her.
-Melda heri... (beloved lady) - said Ethiriel once saw the pale blue eyes of the elvish queen.
Galadriel stared at her and smiled back.
-Leave us alone, please, Haldir - requested the Lady.
Haldir moved his head making a reverence and looked in the Ethiriel's eyes one last time before everyone left. Once they were alone, Galadriel speaked:
-Le nathlam hí, Ethiriel. (You're welcome here) You know it. I'm glad to see you're doing your task as good as always.
-Le fael, my lady (Thank you).
-I'm afraid I must tell you your new mission. A temporary one.
-New mission? Is there a connection with it and the dwarfs that crossed the Misty Mountains?
Galadriel gifted her with another smile.
-Indeed. How did you know?
-I saw them. They crossed a half way of the mountains. I lost their path two days ago when they got in somehow.
-Right. Well, I must ask you, as the captain of the Taurëcundo (forest guardians), to follow them.
-Follow them? But I'm sure they're going away from every elvish kingdom. They are dwarfs...
-I know. This mission isn't about protecting the elves or resolving small conflicts with liderless orcs . This is about the safety of the hole Middle Earth.
Ethirial, with those words, understood the gravity of the situation.
-The White Council has the suspicions that an evil creature is growing. Mithrandir was their companion in their journey, but he had to leave them for his own investigation about the this evil. We need you to follow them on their way.
-Manna? (To where?)
-The Lonely Mountain? - gasped with surprise - My lady, I am surprised you approve their intentions.
-Their intentions does not affect us. It was something written a long ago that the Heirs of Durin would take back what they lost. Dwarfs have their ideas and their needs. Their aim shall not affect but their own consequences. Nevertheless... We must not allow destiny to lose one of the lasts dwarf lineage left. Thorin Oakenshield is leading the other twelve dwarfs, and by their side walks a hobbit from the Shire: Bilbo Baggins.
-What is a hobbit doing outside his lands? He must be having heart attacks constantly... - made a joke of the bunch of information she was having - Do you have any idea where they are now?
-Mithrandir left them in the entrance of Mirkwood. You have companions there, it will be easy to find them. Once you find them, they shall not see you. You must be their shadow, their hidden guardian.
-And when we are there? What about Smaug?
-I cannot know what will happen. The dragon may or may not be there. It's something the dwarfs, the citizens of Dale and you will find out.
She had no more reply.
-You better go now. The dwarfs may not be so far from the way out of the elven woods.
Ethiriel understood everything and got in her mind her new goal: find the dwarfs, be their shadow. Find the dwarfs, protect them. Find the dwarfs, make them arrive to Erebor.
Ethiriel feet were already walking to the long steps down, but Galadriel's lasts words stopped her:
-One last thing: do not enter to Mirkwood by Dol Guldur. It is no longer abandoned. Now... Galu, Ethiriel. Na lû e-govaned vîn (Good luck. Until next time we meet).
Ethiriel gave Lady Galadriel one last reverence before she left.
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