The boat was sailing across the lake, trying to avoid all the runes and rocks that were in the way. In fact, the dwarfs were having a bad feeling about those runes, like any of them would be the one who achieved to break down the boat. For surprise and fortune of them, the still nameless man was a great sailor. Ethiriel, who was observing the dwarfs with serenity, could not avoid to see the man's face. She tried to watch without being noticed, but the man quickly did. She turn her face to other direction. The man smiled.
-I am already tired of this man... - replied Dwalin - I say we threw him off the boat and we take it.
-Bard... His name is bard... - sighed Bilbo with his crossed armes around him.
-How do you know?
-Uhm... I asked him.
Then Dwalin shutted down with no more replies. Now Ethiriel knew the man's name was Bard.
-Well, is anyone going to ask this... elvish thing to tell the truth...? - pointed Oin.
-I already told you - smiled Ethiriel -. I am here to protect you. Those days... the way to... Iron Hills are quite dangerous.
She said in order to convince even more the man that all the group was a bunch of simple merchants. The dwarf ended up trusting her, even knowing she was an elf. She could perfectly be a Thranduil's spy, and that idea was still in Thorin's mind. It would not disappear.
Anyway, beside that, while Ethiriel was seeing the amount of cold mist all over the place, she could not stop thinking of the moment of the negotiation to get in the boat, when Balin was trying to convince him and when the man said he had three kids. That he was widow. That made Ehitiriel very sad. Ethiriel knew the story of the people from Esgaroth, who once were from the city of Dale. The burnt city. The desolation of Smaug.
-Give me the money. You need to hide. Now - said with hurry Bard to Bilbo and the dwarfs -. In the barrels.
-Are you out of your mind? I am not getting into those barrels again... - yelled Dwalin.
-There is no other way... - said directly to Thorin, the one who would convince them.
-We'll pay you later.
-No, now.
Thorin, with a non happy face, did what Bard asked for. He was paid and the got in the barrels.
-What about you, mylady?
-They won't see me - she pointed with severity.
Minutes later, with the help of the Fishermans Bard paid, the barrels were filled up with a lot of dead fishes. Every single dwarf cursed in their minds Bard. Not much later, they got in the entrance of Lake Town. In that moment, Ethiriel when to the top of the back of the boat, kneeled and covered herself with the hole Lórien's coat. It had the ability to lie the eyes of the ones who were not elves. In a very short time, Bard suffered to insist the fish was for the people, that they needed it. He accomplished to get in, but when all the dwarfs, Bilbo and Ethiriel had to leave the boat and go to Bard's home without being seen, that was harder. The men of the governor of Lake Town were trying hard to follow every Bard' step. Ehiriel decided to follow them running over the roofs of the house. She would call less the attention of the citizens. She followed until she got in the front door quickly and knocked. Bard himself opened and let her in.
-Was a bad traffic on the roofs? - joked Bard, Ethiriel limited herself to an honest smile.
She stayed distant from the group of dwarfs, she did not need to hear what they were talking but if it was about the mountain. So did Bilbo. He stayed away in order to get close to Ethiriel.
-Hi - he said, Ethiriel looked at him -. How did you know my name? Did Gandalf tell you?
-It was Lady Galadriel. Gandalf the Gray speaked with her. And let's be clear, a company of thirteen dwarves and a hobbit it is not what I name a secret mission... - she joked at the end, Bilbo smiled.
-Yeah... They are pretty not silent, right?
-Bilbo! - called him Thorin - Over here, please.
Bilbo apologized to Ethiriel and went with them. At that moment, she needed to check out how was her bow and arrows. The bow was perfect, it had no damage, but also no arrows. When she saw the empty bag, she was thinking any way to get more arrows. She lost all of them while fighting with the orcs in the river.
-What does your name means? - heard a quiet voice next to her.
She turned and saw Bard' smile.
-I mean... every elvish name has a meaning, right? May I ask what yours mean into man's language?
-River's daughter - she said, almost with proudness.
-Beautiful - he smiled again.
Ethiriel was not understanding Bard's behavior, but it was nice. It almost flattered her. At that moment, Bard had to wait for a couple minutes to get the weapons which were promised to them. So he decided to spent time knowing something about he thought was the most mysterious of all.
-Where are your children? - asked Ethiriel.
-They must be around town, walking or whatever - answered.
Bard could not stop watching at Ethiriel's face. It was like some magic around her. He thought he was being enchanted. He already had seen elvish people, but never felt like that.
-You are not from Mirkwood. Where are you from?
-I have no place.
The answer confused much more Bard.
-I don't live at Mirkwood, Lorien, Rinvendell... I am a Forest Guardian. We watch the paths, mountains and woods around those elvish kingdoms.
Bard was amazed with everything she was saying.
-Doesn't make you sad? - asked with no prudence Bard - Not having a home.
Ethiriel stared at him with almost an offended face.
-No. It's how we are.
-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just... I asked without thinking what I was...
-It's ok - interrupted him -. Asking is no hurt.
Bard smiled again, but still with those regret eyes.
-I'm not sure I introduced myself correctly - changed the subject -. I am Bard. Uhm... I live... here. And... I have three kids... And... I like chocolate.
When he ended his speech, Ethiriel could not resist laughing out loud for a moment. Bard thought he listen to an angel music when she did that.
-I'm sorry - she apologized.
Bard was so lost in Ethiriel he did not remember about the weapons until that. He excused to her and went looking for it. The dwarfs created a big discussion about how bad the weapons were, in fact, those weren't even real weapons. Bard was so pissed off he had to go out for some air. Ethiriel, who saw the scene, decided to see Bard. Opened the door and a few steps next to the door, there he was.
-Man ceril? (What are you doing?) - she said in elvish, with the intention to get a smile from him - Casalli nár sardar. Návoronwa (Dwarfs are difficult. Be patient).
-I did not understand a word of what you just said - started, once he looked at her -, but it sounded so good from you that I don't care.
Ethiriel's hace started to turn into red. She reached to hide her face when Bard wan't watching her. She did not understand what that man had to make Ethiriel react like that.
-I'm Ethiriel - she started, without looking at him -. I'm the captain of the Forest Guardians. I don't have family, but good friends. And... Uhm... I like swimming. And the sun.
Bard was looking her, even she didn't want to show her face, she was looking her hair and the small part of elvish ear he could see.
-Sounds very nice - smiled. His heart was certainly amazed.
Ethiriel turned around when she listened nothing. She found Bard's face right in front of hers. They looked at each other for a quite Ethiriel was the one stronger to hold the look. Bard was not understanding what was going on with himself.
-What are we doing? - he laughted, but he could not convince himself with that fake laughing.
-I don't know - answered very serious.
Breaking the ice of it, Bain, Bard's son, appeared.
Bard, nervous for what he was doing, started to speak with him with a very shaking tone.
-Hey, Bain...!
-There's dwarfs at home...! What is going on?
-They are guests for tonight, but do not tell anyone. Alright? Now, go in. Do no let them go. Please, Bain.
-Yes, father.
His son got inside while Bard started going downstairs.
-Where are you going? - asked Ethiriel, almost like she was worried.
-I have to know somethings.
-What things?
Bard started thinking something.
-Do you know something about the dwarfs that I don't?
Ethiriel looked at him in a very severe way. She would shut her mouth and say no word. It was the best idea, she thought. Bard understood that yes, there was something important that she knew about them, something she was not going to tell him.
-Alright, then - Bard said in order to leaver here there.
-Wait - she said in a silent beg.
Indeed, he did. He turned around and looked at her again.
-I cannot tell you, but...
Bard went upstairs again.
-Tell me. What is it?
-They are not merchants.
-That is something too much obvious. Who are they? Who is Thorin Oakenshield - asked deadly.
At the end, she did not tell him more about the dwarfs. Bard was angry and confused. The name of Thorin was around his mind without completely understand. Until he found what he was looking for: an old great tapestry with the names of the sons of Durin.
-Thorin... King under the Mountain... - he whispered for himself, realizing.
He quickly understood everything. His feet were already running all over Esgaroth to be at home again and their faces once again. But it was too late.
The dwarfs, Bilbo and Ethiriel were gone.
The night had come so quickly while Bard was looking for them, that he had no other option to return home and wait news of them. He did not understand why Ethiriel acted like how she did. Once he arrived, he was preparing dinner with a quiet silence.
Meanwhile, the Company were close to the armory, which was close, so it meant the had to steal. Ethiriel was not good with the idea, she felt so bad for this.
-I think you should have taken Bard's weapons... Everything before this...
-No time for regrets - said Thorin -. Come one. Someone go first.
They, as was expected, were caught in the middle of the armory and the guardians of Esgaroth took them to the governor. It caused a big bunch of angry citizens with axes and torches. Ethiriel was living a very stressful situation but she could always control herself.
-Well, well, well... Dwarfs... - said the governor - And... what is that?
The governor pointed Bilbo, who pointed himself asking if he was referring to him.
-Yes, you. What are you?
-I'm a hobbit - answered, angrily.
-And... Well, well, well...! A young pretty elvish woman... - said the governor with a very creepy smile on his face - What were you trying to do? Steal from me? From my city? I think that is punished for death to the criminals like you!
-Be careful what you say - threatened Dwalin -. You are not talking to a common criminal. He si Thorin. Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror! King under the Mountain!
-King... under the Mountain? A nonsense thing to say. There ir no king under the Mountain... - laughted the governor.
-It is not, sir - said Balin.
-The prophecy has started - continued Thorin, getting closer, to the stairs where the governor was -. It is time for the heirs of Durin to get what was stolen from them. Our homeland, and also, yours. I remember a time when your people were the best merchants and this was the center of all in the whole north. Don't you want those days to come back? Those days full of gold, glory and full of joy?
The people around Thorin started to feel pleased listening those words. The little fact of imagining their lives having a massive change of life style... They were tasting heaven. Even more, the governor, who was only thinking in one thing: gold for himself. People started to yell "yes", and making Thorin to have a point.
While they were talking, Bard walked slowly into the multitude. Watching how the dwarfs were dealing with their consequences. Also, Bard saw Ethiriel. He instantly felt a pressure on his chest, but it was no excuse to not stop them from the calamity they wanted to make.
-If you let them leave, we all will die! - interfered finally Bard - Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? To our people? They suffered and felt the fire of the beast who's still in there. The dragon has not ever left that mountain.
-Maybe he died in there... - pointed the governor, scratching his poor and thin beard.
-How do you know? How do we all know?Because we are the ones who will pay the consequences. He'll come and have no regret of burning every piece of this city.
Bard looked into the serious eyes of Thorin Oakenshield.
-You have no right...
-I have the only right - he responded with severity -. And because of that, I promise you, citizens of Esgaroth, we'll share the gold. You'll have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times or more!
People around him started screaming of happiness. Apparently, people decided to believe him. Ethiriel wasn't even sure about she was doing. She had been commanded for a mission, she had to complete it. on the other hand, her mind was on the other side. She didn't want hurt anyone.
The claims of happiness were stopped with someone's question.
-I think I've listened enough - said the governor's secretary: Alfrid -. We don't know you... Thorin Oakenshield... How can we trust you? Can anyone tell your word is valuable?
-I do - called Bilbo -. I did not know Thorin two months ago, but since I did, I know from now he is one of those people who you can trust in. He's truthful and he does what he says.
Thorin thanked to Bilbo with the only act of the eyes looking at his.
-Then... What is the truly offer...? - asked the governor.
-If you let us go, with some weapons, and when we arrive there and see there's no dragon, we'll give you a third part of the treasure of Erebor. Deal?
-And to that... I say... WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! Deal, Mr. Thorin Oakenshield...
The governor accepted the pact and whit him, the hole city, except for Bard. He was completely offended and upset. He knew very much how people become where gold is in front of their eyes. Men can easily corrupt and break down. And that day, it is what happened. Bard looked one last time around him until he found Ethiriel's eyes. He could not understand yet her reason to be helping them. Ethiriel felt guilt and wasn't happy about what was going on.
Moments later, when citizens went back home, the company of Thorin Oakenshield was invited to a great fest with wine and good food. Ethiriel did not want to enjoy them. She needed to think, so she stayed away and had a walk around Esgaroth. She walked, feeling how the water was sleeping, how the wind was slightly playing, and how the moon and stars were dancing. She watched the moon. So beautiful. She was so distracted in the facto walking, waiting for the moment to clear up her mind, she did not noticed until certain moment she ended up walking into Bard's place. The lights were on and some shadows could be seen from the outside. She instantly felt hope. She did not know how he would react in front of her, but she had to try. She decided to go upstairs and knock twice. It was Bard who opened showing just some half of the face, but when he saw Ethiriel's, he did not think twice to completely show himself.
-Yes? - asked, trying to keep distant.
-May I have a word with you? - asked, almost begged - Please.
Bard could not say "no" to that elvish woman. He went out, closing the door behind him, and walked some steps away from the door. He relaxed his back and crossed his armes for the cold.
-Are you cold? - asked to her.
-No. But you do. You might wanna get some coat.
-I'm fine.
"The silence says more than we think" she thought when it came, making the situation even colder.
-I am not going to ask you to forgive me.
-I did not asked you to asked me. You don't have to apologize - he said, looking everywhere except her eyes -. But still, I do not understand why are you helping them.
-It was a direct command from my queen. I must protect them.
-Not helping them?
-No. But anyways, it is what it means - whispered, with hurt -. The dwarf kingdoms are dying. This is one of their only hopes. Yes, I'm helping them, but it is not what I want.
-And what d you want?
-I do not want to hurt anyone. None. Not your kids, not you, not anyone from here.
He looked at her, finally, into the eyes.
-This is all we have - he whispered.
-If they get it and kill the dragon, you'll have more.
-Or nothing...
-Look, I'm sorry. I do not know what to do.
-Why are you apologizing? - he pointed - It's your mission. I'm pretty sure you do not usually do this: apologize if anyone on your path is hurt if they don't agree with your goals.
He caught her. Ethiriel was very sad, she started to feel very stressed. Imagining what could happen in Esgaroth. Imagining death, fire and dust. She started to feel bad, so she sat down next to Bard.
-Are you ok? - asked him quickly.
-Yes, I just wanted to sit.
Bard seeking out with the eyes the space he had, did the same thing and sat down next to her. Ethiriel's eyes were shining by the moonlight.
-Where are they now? - asked him with a careless tone, really.
-With the governor. Celebrating...
-I see.
-You know what, Bard? I am not happy with anything of this. I don't usually do this things. This might be my last night or even day. I don't know what is expecting us up there, but no good for sure.
Ethiriel was being the most honest she had ever been with anyone. Her face was showing the most sad she ever felt and so she felt colder.
-The only thing I do not regret is meeting you.
Bard felt very flattered about it.
-How old are you? You must be young - he smiled, changing the subject.
-What? Do you think you're older than me?
-Then? How old?
-I am one thousand and three hundred and thirty two years old.
-Oh my lord... - he sighted, and Ethiriel laughted - I am forty two...
-You are close - she joked.
Bard laughted out lout, there was when Ethiriel felt something on her inside. Her heart was beating, faster and faster. Everything because of Bard's smile and laugh. She could not stop watching him, and had no shame when Bard noticed the way she was looking. He did as well.
-I feel like today... I've... reborn - whispered Bard.
Bard had no shame when his face got closer to Ethiriel's. She was not molested by his actions. She did same as well. Their cold noses were toughing each other slightly and their lips were playing, waiting about who would be the first to react.
-Dad - the door opened, showing Bane -, we are going to sleep.
Bain was a little bit shocked to see his father in that way, sat down with an elvish woman and just having a chat.
-Ok! - he tried to relax, avoiding the fact what was going to happen - Give the girls a kiss of good night for me.
Bain said yes and went to sleep with a lot of theories in his mind.
-I'm sorry - whispered Bard, letting go a little laugh -. I think I have drunk too much wine.
-I did not - said very serious Ethiriel, looking at him with a very excited way of breathing - Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned I gladhog (I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh)...
Bard looked now with surprise and could not avoid the fact that her face was completely red. He decided to touch her cheek and for once kiss her. It was passionated, shameless and they felt most alive than ever.
-Once again... - said, recovering from it - I did not understand what you said, but it sounded so good I do not care at all...
She smiled.
-I don't know what is it, but... I cannot... - started Bard, but he could not express in words what he was feeling.
-I think I know what is this - she whispered.
-I think I do as well.
They both were looking at each others eyes, having a fresh and new sensation they did not feel twenty hours ago. The cold was not felt anymore. They, by themselves, felt a new warm sensation on the inside. Bard held Ethiriel's right hand and created little caresses on it.
They spent almost the hole night together, talking about them talking about their tomorrow. Unfortunately, they did not know what would happen to both. Their nameless relationship and unknown destiny was something that were on their minds. They were sad and happy and same time. A very confusing sensation for Ethiriel.
It was time to leave for Ethiriel. The sun was rising and sure everything was prepared for the journey.
-Wait - said Bard, going inside his home and coming back with some arrows in his hand -. I saw you do not have more arrows. Here, take them.
Ethiriel smiled and took six arrows from Bard's hand. The half he had.
-Thank you.
Before Ethiriel left, Bard asked her to be careful and wished her luck with a mild but quite long kiss on the lips. Ethiriel was not worried about what she was feeling for a man, a mortal. Not if that was her last day...
-Boe i 'waen. Novaer... (I must leave. Be good...)
Once again, Bard did not understand those elvish words, but he did what they meant by her face. Ethiriel left him and went looking for the company with a very raw sensation into her heart.
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