Chapter Twelve
"Why are you mad at me?" Tyler asked for about the millionth time. After I stormed out, I just waited outside. They were my ride back, after all.
I rolled my eyes. "You're getting annoying."
"I'm always annoying." He said. I scoffed in response. "So will you tell me."
"No." I crossed my arms. "And I don't expect you to know, so don't worry."
He sighed. "Well, why won't you tell me?"
I shrugged. "I don't want to."
"This is bullshit!" His voice raised, causing me to flinch. "What happened to make you hate me?" His voice lowered. "What happened to the girl who kissed me under the stars?"
"That was heat of the moment. You know that." I clenched my fists. "Everything was heat of the moment. I haven't been given time to think about anything. Everything about this kind of life is just 'move or perish'." I relaxed. "I don't like it."
He raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you choose this life?"
"I don't know." My voice was low. "But it's too late now."
We sat in silence for a while, but he was the one to break it. "I think you need a day out." He smiled. "Get dressed."
He left the room before I could object. Even though I was slightly angry, I couldn't help but feel the corners of my mouth raising.
I quickly got ready, which just consisted of me brushing my hair and putting on a jacket. I grab my mask at the last minute. You never know if you're going to need one.
I met Tyler out by the black car. He held open the door for me, closing it after I got in before rushing over to his own side.
"Where we goin'?" I asked after he started driving.
He shook his head. "Secret."
I huffed. "I hate secrets."
"And that's my problem, how?" He smiled. I couldn't help but smile back.
I needed to distract myself. I saw the familiar pig mask on the dash. I quickly snatched it up, which prompted a confused glance from Tyler.
It wasn't made from the hard material mine was, which made sense since this went all the way around your head.
I put it over my head and pulled down the visor to see myself in the mirror.
"I look stupid." My words were muffled against the mask. "Like an ugly pig."
He chuckled. "Precisely." I lightly smacked his arm. "What?"
"You're supposed to disagree." I joked. "Gosh, that's the whole reason for fishing for compliments."
"Oh, my bad." He cleared his throat. "You are the most beautiful pig I've ever laid eyes on."
I laughed and took the mask off, setting it back on the dash. "Thank you."
"What happened to you being mad at me?"
"Oh," I shook my head. "It's too hard to stay mad at a goofball." I paused. "Now Evan, I'm still mad at him."
"Can you tell me what happened?" He asked. "I can tell you're uncomfortable in the strip club, but I assumed that's because you're a girl. It wasn't until Courtney took you that I realized you hated it for different reasons."
I sighed and looked down in my hands. "I was dating a guy a few years ago- You know, the one that gave me a job? Yeah, that one.- Well, the job was at the strip club, since he owned it. I was like 'Fuck it, why not?' And took the job." I remembered the next part vividly. "So there was this girl- Angel was her show name- and we were good friends. She was right below Courtney. So, I was out on the pole, doing my thang when I saw Angel grinding against my boyfriend. She knew about our relationship, too. They started making out and me, being the naive person I was, thought I was in love, so this hurt me deeply." I looked out the window. "To make things simple, I got into a fight with both of them, got fired, got my heart stomped on, and was replaced in every aspect."
I looked at Tyler who seemed to be taking this into consideration. I decided to continue. "And that's why I'm pissed at Evan. He knew about my history as a stripper. He tried to embarrass me."
"I see." Was all he said. It was a lot to take in. I looked out the window and noticed we weren't in Los Santos anymore.
"Where are we going?"
I just groaned in response.
I was messing around on my phone when the vehicle stopped. I heard the engine turn off and looked up in hopefulness.
As soon as I did, however, my heart sunk.
My home.
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