The past is a beautiful thing, some times. My past included a particularly beautiful thing named Tessa. Tessa Whittle. She was blonde, tall and had these gorgeous blue eyes. She was an incredible girl, extremely adventurous and she everyone asked her if she was a model of some sorts. She was there that night. The night I betrayed the one person I had promised with my heart to never betray. Tessa looked at me while I was with my brother, Nick like I was golden or something, like I was something she craved. She was as stunning as the day I met her.
"Hey, Simon," She said and I gave her a wide smile.
"Hey, Tessa," I replied and she placed her hand on mine, my brother glared at me. I had just told him I was seeing someone new.
"Simon, I'm just going to get some air," Nick said and I nodded, eyes glued to Tessa.
"You're still as beautiful as the day you left," I whispered to her, and she gave me a small smirk.
"And I still love you just as much as the day I left," She replies, smiling, her eyes sparkling in the low light of the bar.
I smiled at her and turned towards the bar.
"Can I have a glass of red wine please?" I asked and Tessa grinned.
"Red wine?" She asked and I nodded.
"It's your favourite right?" I asked, a little shaken by her response.
"No...White wine babe, you must be thinking of someone else," She laughed and I just smiled fakely. The person I was thinking of was Elise.
"Make it white wine, please," I said, giving Tessa a small smile.
"Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes," Her thumb had rubbed over my knuckles as she smiled.
"It was stupid, I'm sorry," I apologised and she shook her head.
"You're perfect, and I wish I had never left you," She told me and I couldn't help but smile back at her when she said that.
She looked at me like she had the first time, and that changed everything.
After a few drinks, and Nick not coming back at all, our conversation managed to get into a proper flow. After awhile, she offered me back to her apartment, to stay the night- and I accepted her offer.
I wish I hadn't. But I did. And thats what I have to live with now.
I stared at Simon.
How could he do this to me?
"Are you being serious?" I ask, looking round for a camera, "Is this a prank?"
"I'm so sorry, Lise," He says, his eyes were filled to the brim with tears as he speaks.
"You've ruined everything," I say, shaking my head.
"Lise, I'm so, so sorry," he whispers and I shove him hard.
"Get the fuck out my room," I sob, my eyes finally giving way to tears.
"Elise..." He reaches his arm out towards me, and I smack his hand away.
"Fuck off," I say and he just looks into my tear filled eyes.
"I'm sorry!" He says and I turn around and sit down at my desk, head falling into my hands.
"I hate you," I say and I hear him shuffle his feet, sighing.
"I love you," He says and I shake my head again.
"If you loved me you wouldn't have slept with some fucking sket you met when you were 16 and managed to fall in love with, the girl in your fucking photos on your phone, the girl who looks like ME!" I shout, finally standing up and facing him properly.
"Don't call me that, you fucking bastard," I shout and I watch as he turns around, walking to the door.
"You only liked me because she looked like me, didn't you?" I ask before he can walk away.
"No," He says and I shake my head.
"Get out," I whisper and he looks over his shoulder.
"Get out," I say louder and he just turns around and walks away.
I hear Vik and JJ ask him whats up and Josh comes storming into my room immediately.
"Elise?" He asks and I break down, the tears pouring down my cheeks like a waterfall.
Josh rushes forwards, wrapping his arms round me to stop me collapsing.
"Sit down," He says, moving me towards the bed. I sit down, sobbing into his shoulder.
"What did he do?" He asks and I shake my head.
"I can't tell you now, but one day I will," I whisper and he just nods, hugging me tightly.
"Its okay, Elise, its okay," He says, rubbing a hand on my back as I continue to cry.
I look up and see JJ and Vik looking in, watching us.
Josh eventually moves back, my tears eventually stop falling- I probably have none left to cry.
Josh tells me to sleep, and I hold, giving him a soft smile.
I look over to JJ and Vik and I also give them a soft smile.
Josh tells them both to give me some space and they all shuffle away and Josh closes the door behind him.
I climb under the covers, attempting to sleep- it doesn't work, and I'm left switching sides, trying to shut my eyes and just drift off. Eventually, I managed to drift into a half asleep state.
I wake up the following morning, my eyes red and puffy from all the crying and my body was stiff and aching.
I get up and look round my room, my whole life was here, in this room, where my computer and camera were, and I just didn't think I could call this home anymore.
I stand up, picking up my phone before heading downstairs to find Josh. I head into the kitchen and find Vik and Josh both eating breakfast- Vik eating cereal, Josh has toast.
"Morning," Vik smiles and I smile back.
"Morning, Vik," I say and he gives me another smile as I take a seat beside him.
"I've been thinking," I say and Josh nods, "I don't think I can live here anymore,"
"Wait, what?" Josh asks, looking at Vik and back to me.
"Because of what Simon said?" Vik asks and I sigh.
"Its not fair on you guys that me and Simon can't put aside our differences," I say and Josh shakes his head.
"I know last night was different, I've never seen you cry over something he's said before, why don't you tell us what he said?" Josh says just as JJ enters the room.
"Simon told me what happened," JJ says and I narrow my eyes.
"What do you mean?" I ask and he sits down opposite me.
"He told me that he said you were utter shit, and your YouTube channel was pure shit and that he hated you," JJ explains and I feel myself breathe a sigh of relief- no one could know what really happened.
"Seriously? I'll fucking kill him," Josh says, starting to stand up.
"Sit down you idiot," I say and Josh rolls his eyes, retaking his seat.
"I'm leaving the house, and you're not going to stop me," I say and Josh shakes his head.
"I'll kick Simon out for you," Josh says, "Family sticks together,"
"No!" I protest, "You're not losing your best friend over me,"
"But El-"
"No, Josh, its final, I'm packing my bags and leaving," I say and Vik and JJ look down, both of them saddened by the news.
"I'm sorry, but I've had enough of him," I say and they all nod.
"Its your choice at the end of the day," Vik says and I nod, giving him a soft smile.
"You're right, Vik," Josh says, nodding.
"I'm going to miss you," JJ says and I chuckle.
"JJ, its not like I'm leaving the country," I say and he shakes his head.
"I don't mean miss you like that, I mean, miss you being in the house, I'm going to miss your hugs, and hearing you arguing with Vik to make him sleep and telling us stories about Josh when he was a kid, and I'm actually going to miss you sassing out Simon every time he speaks," JJ says and I feel my eyes welling with tears.
"Me too," We all turn to the doorway, seeing Simon leaning up the door.
"No one cares about your opinion right now," Vik says and I watch JJ allow a little smirk, trying not to laugh about Vik's comment.
"Its fine," I say, looking at the three boys are the table.
"So you're leaving?" Simon asks as I stand up.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go start packing, so I'll see you all later," I say and I head out of the kitchen before going upstairs.
I make sure to look at the whole place, the house would hold a special place in my heart, and so would the other people who lived in it, even those who had hurt me.
Told you there was a storm coming ;)
Thanks for reading!
Also, I mentioned a PREQUEL in my updates chapter and I just wanted to say the prequel would be based on Simon and Tessa and it would be told from Simon's point of view- let me know if you're interested guys!
I can also now confirm a SEQUEL to this book, this book will have FIVE more chapters before the sequel goes up.
so I hope you guys stick around for the sequel and I hope you guys fancy the prequel because it could be fun to write and for you guys to read.
Also, if you haven't already check out The Parent Project which is a Zerkaa fic, check out Sky Full of Stars which is Vikkstar123 fic and check out Arcadia which is a Calfreezy fic.
Thanks for 4k reads guys, thats actually mad.
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
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