Today we were all spending the day at the Tower, it was a special day- it was JJ's birthday, the 19th of June. JJ was having a party up in the penthouse he owned and we were all going, but we were all going to the tower hours before the party just to spend even more time together and to just chill out. Simon, Josh, Vik and myself all arrived at about 3pm to Tobi's apartment and we spent an hour just talking about videos we all want to film. Then Ethan, both Cal's and Harry arrive, all of them bringing pizza and ice cream, which keeps me alive as I'm super tired.
After a while JJ sends out a groupchat message saying the penthouse party was ready to start, so we all make our way upstairs.
I wasn't wearing anything special- some skinny jeans, a nice crop top type ting with no sleeves and some Adidas All Stars. It was only a house party anyway.
I smile at JJ and give him a massive hug.
"Happy birthday!" I smile and he grins.
"Thank you so much, Elise," He says, "And thank you so much for the shirt,"
I'd brought JJ a new Arsenal shirt for his birthday.
JJ lets Tobi pick the music for now as people start to arrive.
I'm introduced to a few of them, others just overlook me like I'm nothing.
"Anyone want a beer?" Asks Cal, tearing open a box of bottles that JJ had kept in the fridge.
"Sure," We all say so Cal passes them out one by one.
Eventually the place is packed out with boys and girls, some of them just buzzed, others were completely hammered. I was lightly buzzed, I was fully aware of everything going on.
I was sat with Vik who wasn't really the party type and suddenly Cal comes over, sitting beside me.
He looks at Vik and Vik stands up.
"I'm going to go catch my breath on the balcony," He says before walking off.
I give Cal a smile before sipping on my beer.
"You look hot," Cal says and I blink, confused.
"Thanks, Callum," I say and he nods.
"So peng," He says, hand resting on my thigh.
I stare at it awkwardly. What the hell?
"So I've got something to tell you, I've been meaning to tell you for awhile," He says and I just nod, "I really like you,"
I feel my eyes widen, "What?!"
"I really like you, and I was wondering if we could date?" He asks and I look round looking for an excuse to leave him.
"Elise?" He asks, squeezing my thigh gently.
"Urm...Maybe, Cal, I'm a little drunk right now, I think you may be too, so I need to find Simon, alright?" I say, seeing Simon walking down the hall from the bathroom.
I stand up, giving Cal a soft smile and I head towards Simon.
I'm about to step forwards and say hello when I watch his arm grab onto someones waist.
"Hey," He says and the girl turns round, flicking her hair aside.
I gulp, watching as she smacks his arm playfully, laughing at his stupid jokes.
"You okay?" I hear and I blink, looking at the person speaking.
"Yeah, thanks Tobi," I say and I look away, turning and seeing the balcony was empty.
I walk forwards, pushing through the crowd.
I reach the balcony and I feel like I can finally breathe. I lean against the railing, shutting my eyes as the wind hits my face.
"I saw you watching Simon, you and him have something special," I hear and I look round at Cal.
"Freezy, what are you doing?" I ask and he walks forwards.
"You like him, don't you?" He asks and I shake my head.
"I hate the guy, I just didn't expect him to go for Anna," I say and he just nods, also leaning up the rail.
"Either way, you never answered me?" He says and I stare out for a few moments before turning and looking at Cal.
"Sure, Cal, if you wanna'," I smile sweetly and he grins.
"Awesome, we can go out on like Wednesday or something?" He offers and I shrug, nodding.
"Sure, why not?" I ask and he smiles.
He leans closer to me, pressing his lips to mine.
Its a different kind of kiss to the one me and Simon shared. Cal has meaning behind his, more than just alcohol talking. Maybe me and Cal could work, we were already good friends.
He moves back, pulling me into him, his arm round my shoulders, my arm round his waist.
"Whats this all about then?" I hear and I turn and see Ethan leaning up the door frame.
"Me and Elise, we're urm," Cal says and I smile at his blushing cheeks.
"Together," I say for him and he smiles.
"Oh, sweet! You guys rah suit," Says Ethan and I smile, rolling my eyes.
"Thanks, but please don't tell Josh yet," I say and he nods.
"Your secret is safe with me," He says and he pretends to zip his mouth closed before walking off.
"Lets get another drink," Cal says and I nod, our bodies move apart and we head back inside.
I sit with Cal all night, getting drunker and drunker by the beer or shot or cocktail. Eventually I drift off, head resting on Cal's shoulder as JJ forces people out the apartment.
"Night Cal," I mutter, looking up to see he's already fallen asleep.
I sigh softly, yawning before dozing off myself.
Fight me
thanks for reading!
Expect some #DramaAlert 😂
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