Chapter two
The morning was a disaster. You overslept about 20 minutes, the shower 'offered' just ice cold water and on the way to the studio your new red car is having a breakdown.
You slammed your head against the steering wheel and now your horn is stuck.
„Why do you do this to me?"
Lost somewhere in the nowhere and no mobile reception at all. You put your hair in a bun and open the bonnet. The front of your car doesn't smoke at least. Anyway, first of all you have to fix that terrible horn.
You get in your car. While shaking the steering wheel you start to have a tiny, small breakdown yourself.
You scream desperately.
Abruptly, a known face appeared next to your window.
You, however, were so surprised that you yelled in a high pitched voice.
„Hey (Y/N), it's just me. Good morning.", Thomas, in a thick brown coat was knocking at your window.
You stepped out, again.
„Oh I am so sorry. I thought I would be just on my own. What are you doing here? Isn't it late already?"
„Oh no, well, today I picked Richard up and yeah. Do you want to call someone?"
Thomas handed me his phone. Strong connection. Wow. Why did your ones not worked at all?
Calling an emergency service, Thomas tried to fix your car.
„Hey! I found the problem. It needs just a quick repair and ,voila , as good as new."
„Thousand thanks!", you were so happy that you just realized who was waiting during your chitchat. Richard. You dare to check the car of Thomas. It was Richard, indeed.
„Pardon, (Y/N), Richard just told me that your parts are very important today. Would you like to drive my car instead of yours? I manage the paperwork with the guys and you two are on time."
„But I can't let you freeze your ass of!"
„No worries", he picked one of his black hairs of his coat „My parts can be delayed or to be precise I start after lunch. So here are my keys. Drive my baby save home."
He threw the key bundle and ,fortunately , you caught them.
„You are an angel, Thomi!"
„What is happening?"
Richard seemed a little sleepy and completely confused about the situation.
For a second you were about to explain the mess but you decided to shorten it:
„Good morning! I am your driver today. What a pleasure to meet you."
Benjamin was busy as always. He carried a lot of paper and a basket full of vegetables. It was to bizarre, watching the short, chubby man being so rushed.
„Hello everybody. As you can imagine, today is an important day, we are going into the woods to film some epic fight scenes and Rhins and Lys reunion. So get in the vans and see you in 20 minutes."
You and Richard were sharing a van. Sitting in the backseats, your dress was flooding the place. It was so... much. The fabric blocked the lap of a camera man and Richard's.
Richard didn't mind it and studied his text.
The camera team was telling jokes about something very specific so you couldn't join the conversation.
Still 10 minutes left.
„Hey Richard, don't get me wrong, yesterday was a bit strange, ay, I hope you were not completely stressed out.", you laughed shy.
He turned around his head, his voluminous mane tamed by a small bow: „Beg my pardon, what did you say?"
Far away my brother is fighting for his right to be king once more. Ignoring the fact that I am laying here with Rhin, our worst enemy, dreaming of a future side by side.
„Oh Lys, love and soul of mine, how can you love me?"
„It hurts but I can't let my eyes wander somewhere else. I would not call it love, Rhin, it is more... desire to be with you."
"You make me feel... you make me feel vulnerable... and I don't like it. I want it to stop." He could not face you. His wavy hair covered most part of his shoulders.
„I am not going to leave you. It's a promise. Destiny had connected our ways and we will fight for equality-„
„So please love me, dear."
He pulled you closer. Your clothes covered in dirt he was sitting on your lap, pinning your arms above your head. A nice shiver flew through your body. You could feel his heat through all layers of the dress. And he didn't stop.
And he didn't stop?
You interrupted the kiss: „Excuse me? You've messed up my whole speech, Richard."
Normally at this point you were talking about equality, future and tolerance but your partner just skipped the giant paragraph!
On the other hand, Benjamin was thrilled.
„Hell yeah! That's hot! Great acting!"
„But we trimmed my lines!", you were furious. That's the part you may get an award for and they want to cut it out completely!
„But's good though? Com'on (Y/N), you will get your monologue. Nevertheless, keep on going. And action!"
You were looking into his blue eyes.
„Rhin, what do you think? Is there a possibility for us to save the kingdoms and ourself?"
„I am so sorry, Lys. We have to be patient."
Some soldiers in blue uniforms surprised you and arrested you.
Full of anger „How could you do this to me? Why! You bloody bastard!"
He was so close to you and whispered: „I am. Just give me more time."
In this moment your emotions were so furious that you kicked Richard almost between his legs.
Anyway, you hit him. Hard. For real. And he was stumbling backward.
„What are you doing!", he murmured quietly. Addressing me, for acting unprofessional but also because of the surprise.
„Ok guys. Cut. Check Richard and after lunch we will restart the scene."
You left the scene grabbing your back and hiding embarrassed from literally anyone around. What did you do.
The sneaky hideout was to brilliant to be covered. In this corner of the set it was to dark to see more than just shadows.
„(Y/N)?", the dark chocolate voice asked.
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