Chapter 5
Instantly Thomas was right behind Richard.
"I know why you are here, Thomas, but it's none of your business."
Your best friend cracked his knuckles.
"Is this a game to you?", and your friend added whispering "I am going to break your perfect jaw if you ever blame her again in publicity." And as he came he left Richard behind in the now confused looking crowd of drunken crewmen.
You were in rage that you had considered dating him. Even just for the career, you added silently.
It was at night and just few lanterns were lit. Your hotel room was just around the corner when you stumbled upon a random step. You foot twisted almost and your knees hit the wet, cold side walk. Clenching you teeth, you were sobbing. You sat down and touched your hot ankle.
Suddenly you heard footsteps coming closer. It was the handsome man you could trust. Thomas.
"Oh hell, what happened?", he kneeled next to you.
"Look no need to fuss over me. I am fine." And as you spoke you let out a tiny whimper.
"I don't let you walk like that. It's swollen like a puffer fish. Let me carry you home."
Under normal circumstances you would start to argue but you felt just tired and you eyes burned, so you agreed in silence.
What no one of both of you have realized that night, that there was another man watching the scene and going home silently.
The next morning you woke up with a huge hangover. Piece by piece you reconstruct the past night. What after all was a difficult task doing with a headache like that.
Thomas had stayed overnight on the couch. First you lift your fluffy blanket to check if you were clothed. Indeed.
All of the sudden you started crying. Uncontrollable sobbing.
Woken up by the noises, Thomas sat next to you, petting your back softly, while you laid curled like an embryo. "I am going to keep you save. Don't worry, nobody while harm you ever again if you stay with me... no. Please stop crying I hate to see you this way."
After some time you managed to get ready. Thomas waited patiently for you. His eye bags showed how much he had slept. Your ankle was still hurting but you were not sad anymore. You didn't even recognized why you had started.
"Try some Porridge, it's the last great shot before the winter break. Afterwards You can cool down quite literally.", he smirked.
The last shot. The series would air in spring, hopefully successful that you could come back again.
"Good morning everyone. I hope you slept well and are ready for the gran finale today. We've filmed the highlights last months today is kind of a 'blending-scenes-day'. Nevertheless, try your best! I expect professionals at the set." Benjamin knew the last shot was often not taken serious enough or too emotional because of a always possible breakup of the team.
Rhin was looking so majestic on his throne. His raven hair framed his face; in contrast to his red coat with fur white as the first snowflake in winter. Pure and unique. The braid entered the room. You were just watching Rhin. He did the same. He didn't faced is about-to-be wife.
And so the ceremony begins.
"If anyone want to admit, he or she is not in agreement with the bond of this couple.. Should speak up now or fall silent for ever."
You already cried silently. Rhin looks at his fiancée: "I am so sorry Eamonia. I can not marry you. Not today nor tomorrow. My heart is promised to someone else." He did not want to expose you therefore he confronted everyone of the guests with his look. "I am in love with her. I tried to do the right, it's not easy to break an oath. But even worse is to promise one, you are aware of, will never be fulfilled. But hear me, my love, our paths will cross again. You are my destiny. I can feel it. Love is cruel but with you it's the most powerful thing I ever experienced. You are worth every upcoming pain."
Richard acted intense. You could feel the air carrying his words in everyone's heart. His long hair covered often a lot of his appearance, not to mention his pretty beard, but right w his blushing was visible through his facial hair. His play was incredible.
Your character had not in particular a screen time for a few paragraphs so you could feel the actions of the actors. Smell the flowers of the bouquet in the hand of the bride. It was so bloody sweet you could identify it from the back of the room.
Somehow you were stressed. The mumbling of the guests got louder and your heart starts racing. You tried to cool down, don't draw any attention to yourself. Focused on Rhin you didn't realized that soldiers of your father had entered the place. All out of the sudden your allies storm the wedding. In this moment Rhin's jaw dropped and he looked speechless at you but you yourself did not knew what exactly was happening. Before you know it they had captured Rhin. He tried to fight, kicking but his self defense was useless. They were the majority and beat him unconscious. You couldn't prevent it because your love was the biggest danger for both of you. The soldiers killed every guest no matter what gender or age. In their eyes they were traitors and enemies of their king.
The changing room was full of cheering people. "We got it! We got it!" In between the hurly-burly the braid was stuck in her white gown.
"May I help you?" You pulled successfully and felt backwards. Both of your were laughing. She looked ridiculous with her middle-age-underway pulled to her breasts, looking like she had a pretty small torso.
"Oh Thanks, praise the lord.", after a second she asked: "Aren't you the very good friend of Thomas?" You did not really get what she wanted to state with that information. "You are right, he's my best friend, why do you ask?" She pulled herself together and stood up. "Well, Sweetheart, I just heard it on the grapevine that you two spend the night together. I mean it's none of my business but I thought there was real chemistry between you and Rich beside the acting. Nothing personal, just like a soap opera in real-life. I am talking too much, sorry." She still smiled but you raised your eyebrows. "We ... a thing? Nah, unfortunately I was really intoxicated last night and had an accident. He was just polite." Your coworker shook her head: "Rumors are terrible... as I said none of my business but if I were you I would go to Richard. I think he believes the chitchat. If you wanna clear things up... just in case."
Not that it should change anything but you didn't want to leave Richard uninformed. Maybe he had spread it...
You texted him:
"Hey Richard, here is (y/n). Where are you? We need to talk."
He responded immediately:
"I am on my way on my flight back home. I will call you afterwards."
If he said so.
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