You gotta be careful with a dynamite stick
Just as I had told Chase, that red and black flannel had come off by the third song. When I had ripped it off, I tossed it out into the crowd. No doubt I had just made some girls' night by throwing my shirt out into the crowd. I smiled to myself because I knew that Bailey was going to be pissed about me getting rid of it. I just couldn't help myself when it came to irritating her.
By the time I finished my show, I walked off stage taking the bottle of water that PJ was handing me before meeting the angry green eyes of my stylist. Just as I had known she would be, she was pissed. I felt a little thrill at seeing her all riled up.
"What's the matter babydoll?" I asked, stopping in front of her. I watched as she lifted her head, attempting to look me in the eyes. I felt her slim finger bury into my chest, stabbing the wet material.
"Brantley Keith, that shirt was brand new. You literally wore it for what 2 songs" she said, still jabbing her short, slender finger into my chest.
"3" I replied, holding up three fingers to emphasize my pount.
"Whatever. Why the hell did you toss it out? Are you going to do that to all the new clothes that I suggested for you?" she said, beginning to pace.
"Thought about it. Because when they're all gone, I can just wear my regular clothes." I said, smirking at her.
"Ugh!! " screamed Bailey and she threw her hands in the air in frustration, causing PJ and I both to almost lose it. "You are something else B. I swear to god you are going to be the reason that have a nervous breakdown"
"Oh come on babydoll, I'm not that bad." I said, giving her a smile that I reserved for my Mama when I was in trouble and about to get my ass beat.
"HA! Brantley Keith, you have fought me on every damn option that I've given you. Even the ones that you told me would work as long as they were certain colors. I hope you know that if your plan is to toss all these clothes out into the crowd that they are coming out of your pocket. These clothes ain't free." said Bailey as she stopped in front of me and jabbed her finger into my chest once more.
"I'm aware." I replied smiling.
"Ugh! Go get showered so we can get out of here. Thank god this is the last show and for a few weeks. I need the time to get away from you and calm my nerves before I lose my mind!" said Bailey as she began walking back to the dressing rooms. I heard PJ laughing beside me when he caught me staring at her ass as she walked away. If I didn't know any better, I would say that the woman added an extra swing to her hips. But over the months and watching ass as she walked away countless times, I knew that it was just the way she walked.
"Why do you insist on getting under her skin Boss?" he asked curiously.
"Because it's so much fun PJ." I replied, grinning like a damn idiot at him as I turned to walk away. Just before I rounded the corner, I added "And because I can.
Later that night, I was just climbing into my truck to head back to Georgia when I heard a sigh come from the back entrance where we had all entered from earlier. Looking up, I saw Bailey leaning against the brick wall, her cell phone in her hand. She looked like she could chew nails with how angry she was. Knowing that it would eat me alive if I didn't make sure she was okay, I climbed out of the truck and made my way over to her.
"What's wrong baby doll? You look like you are about to commit murder? Still pissed at me?" I asked as I reached her.
"Fuck off B." she muttered, not lookign up from her phone.
"Bailey Mae, what's the matter?" I asked softly, standing my ground.
"That idiot I was dating was supposed to pick me up tonight and carry me back to Georgia. I had my phone off during the concert and only just cut it back on. That son of a bitch messaged me, breaking up with me though a fucking text message and telling me that I was on my own getting back to home." She said in a huff when she realized that I wasn't going to just leave her standing there. "I'm trying to get a rental but all the damn places are closed for the night."
"What part of Georgia?" I asked. I could tell based on her accent that she was from the south and had pretty much pinpointed either Georgia or Alabama.
"Dawsonville." she sighed.
"That's not far from me. How about I give you a ride home? It's only like what, an hour?" I asked.
"Brantley, I can't ask you to do that. I'm a big girl. I'll figure this out." she replied. "Go on, I know you're tired."
"Bailey Mae Dunn, be damned if I am leaving you standing here to try and find a way home. I'm headed that way." I said, my anger building. Did she seriously think I was just going to leave her standing here? If so, she had another damn thought coming because I wasn't about to face the wrath of my Mama for not doing the gentlemanly things and offering her a ride. Mama would beat my ass for sure. "Now get your stuff and get your ass in that truck."
"No!" she yelled, anger sparkling in those green eyes as she stomped her foot. Even in the dark, I could see just how beautiful they were.
Before I had time to think about my actions, I stepped forward and grabbed her bags before lifting her and tossing her over my shoulder. I began stalking towards my truck, Bailey kicking, punching, and screaming the whole way. When she landed a fist to my kidney, I nearly went down. Once I knew I was on solid footing again, I stopped, dropped her bag to the ground and lifted my hand, swatting her on the ass before picking the bag back up and moving again.
"Did you fucking hit me Brantley? Put me down dammit!" she said, hitting me in the back once more.
"I did. And if you don't get still and if you don't stop hitting me, I'm gonna turn that ass of yours red. These thin leggings you got on ain't gonna offer much protection for that ass sweetheart." I said, adding a little bit of growl to my voice to get my point across.
She must have known that I was serious, because she stopped wiggling and only hit me one more time before I reached the truck. Tossing her bag in the truck bed, I walked over to the passenger door and snatched it open before placing her on the seat. Leaning so close that our noses almost touched, I looked deep into her green eyes.
"Don't even think about trying to get out either. You need a ride home and that's what you're gonna get. Now sit your pretty little ass in that seat and enjoy the free ride." I said as I slammed the door before walking around and climbing into the truck.
Starting the engine, I put it in gear and headed us towards Georgia.
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