I Want to Touch you like a Cleansin' Rain
Brantley's POV:
I had fucked up by laying down with Bailey last night and allowed myself to fall asleep next to her. I'm not saying I regretted it because I knew she needed the comfort and to be honest, it had been the best sleep that I had gotten in months.The reason I said I fucked up is because I had woken up with my dick harder than I ever remember it being. It was like the brainless wonder in my boxers could sense that there was an orifice that it could be filling. I had laid there, willing it to do down, even squeezing it in hopes that that would work but it didn't. Figuring a cold shower would help, I gently climbed out of bed and walked pretty bow legged to the bathroom so that I didn't cause myself any injury. I stripped down and climbed into the shower letting the cold water run over me. Even still, it wouldn't go down. I had been standing under the spray of the cold water for almost 30 minutes, my teeth chattering because I was freezing, but my dick was was still hard as it had been when I woke up.
I briefly wondered if I should go to the hospital. I'd seen commercials saying that if you had an erection for more than 4 hours you should seek medical attention. While I had not reached the 4 hour mark yet, the cold shower should have taken care of the problem. Knowing there was only one other option that didn't include going back into that bedroom and taking what I needed for the tiny red headed beauty lying in there sleeping, I fisted my dick and began jacking myself. It didn't take long before I imagined that it was her mouth wrapped around me and not my hand. Within moments. I felt the tell-tell tingling sensation at the base of my spine, indicating that my orgasm was near. My movements picked up pace -no longer slow and purposeful- and the pressure at the switch I was squeezing tightened. When my orgasm ripped though my body, my knees damn near buckled. Looking down, I watched as spurt after heavy spurt shot down to the shower floor. Jesus, I don't remember ever cuming that hard in my life.
When I was finally able to catch my breath, I looked down and thank god, my dick had decided that it had got enough relief to go limp for at least a few moments. I almost did a happy dance because I would at least be able to put some pants on. But something told me that just as soon as I laid eyes on that sweet little red-head in my guest room, I would be faced with the same predicament all over again, only this time with pants which would make it all the more uncomfortable. Even thinking about her now, my dick twitched with interest. I haven't been this turned on by a woman since the first time I had ever gotten laid. I was in serious trouble when it came to my sexy as hell stylist and her tiny little self.
Knowing that I needed to hurry up and get clean before my dick decided to wake up once again, I finished my shower in ice cold water and got dressed for the day. Dressing in jeans, a lightweight hooded shirt, and my boots, I slipped my rings on, ditching the chains for the day and grabbed my hat before walking down stairs to fix some coffee. I needed to be caffeinated when Bailey woke up if I was going to be able to function today and resist the urge to lift her and take her against any and every surface I could.
But all the caffeine in the world couldn't have helped me function when I saw the sight before when I walked into my kitchen. My dick was like a steel rod immediately. There Bailey stood, dressed in nothing but her t-shirt that just barely covered her ass, her hair up in a messy bun, dancing to something that I couldn't hear -since she had in headphones- as she mixed up what looked like pancake batter. Hell, I hadn't even known there was any even here. Mama must have left it the last time she stayed over and made breakfast for Kolby, Jason, Luke, and I.
Unable to resist, I leaned against the doorway to the kitchen and watched as she danced, wiggling her hips. She had a great ass. I'd never denied that even if I had denied that there was an attraction there. But seeing her like this, lord help I was a goner. When Bailey walked over to the over and bent over to check on whatever was in there, I had to bite my fist to keep myself from taking a bite out of her luscious ass. I needed to make my presence known but for the life of me, I couldn't get my voice to form a single word.
My feet moving on their own, I stalked my way over to her and wrapped an arm around her waist, causing her to scream. But when she looked over her shoulder and realized that it was me, she instantly relaxed.
"Brantley, you scared the ever loving hell out of me!" she said, turning in my arms as she removed her ear bugs.
"Sorry. But you almost gave me a heart attack." I replied, lust lacing my voice. I was sure doing a bummed up job of being the gentleman that I had promised to be.
"Shit" she muttered as she tried to get loose, no doubt thinking about her state of undress.
"Where do you think you're going?" I asked huskily. I circled my hips as I pulled her tighter against me so that she could feel the effect she had on me. As I did, I felt my eyes damn near cross. They really did cross when a moan escaped her lips.
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