Go & Fix Your Make-up Girl
Bailey’s POV:
Stomping around the room, I angrily put all my things in my bag. I couldn't believe that Brantley was being so damn stubborn about this. He knew just as well as I did that what was happening between us was more than just having some fun or scratching some proverbial itch. There was this connection between us that I knew he had felt just as much as I did. It pissed me off to no end to think that he as just being so fucking stubborn.
Ready to get to my house, I snatched my bag up and stomped down the stairs, ignoring my heart flipping in my chest at the sight that was waiting for me. Brantley was standing with his back towards me, his arms stretching about his head. Even through his t-shirt, I could see his muscles bunching and had to remind myself that I was pissed at him before I tackled his ass to the ground and rocked his world until he admitted that there was more between us than just sex.
“Ready?” he asked, turning around. For a split second, I could have sworn that I saw a hint of regret in his green eyes. Was it regret for what happened today? Was it regret for how he was handling this? God! I was so frustrated with him!
“Yep!” I replied, adding a little too much chipperness to my voice. Hopefully he didn't see that I was trying to make him think that this wasn’t bothering me. I had never been known for keeping my emotions in check so considering I hadn't socked him for being stubborn or thrown something at his head yet, I think I was doing pretty good. Chalk it up to the red hair.
Brantley reached for my bag but I skirted him and made my way to the door. I heard him huffing behind me in frustration. Well, he could get the hell over it. I was just as damn frustrated. Walking towards his truck, I tossed my bag onto the backseat and climbed up into the passenger seat, causing Brantley to huff a little more since he had been allowed to be a gentleman and open my door for me. I knew I was pissing him off but at this point, I didn't care.
As he climbed into the truck, I gazed out over the property, noticing the trees were just starting to bud out for the season. Spring has always been my favorite time of the year because it means new beginnings. Kind of like what I had thought for a split second was happening between Brantley and I. Then he had to go and open his mouth and ruin it all. Or was it me? I should have just kept my mouth shut!When the truck started to move, I rested my head against the glass and stewed in my own frustration. If Brantley thought I was going to carry on conversation for the next hour, he had lost his ever-loving mind.
Brantley’s POV:
This was torture. The whole ride, no matter how many times I had tried to get her to talk to me, she just ignored me. And it was beginning to piss me off. The only thing that she said to me was when I'd asked her the address for her house so that I could plug it into my gps. And even then, I could tell that she hadn't wanted to talk to me but knew there was no other way of me knowing where to carry her.
As I drove, I thought about how things had gone to shit pretty fast. One minute, we had both been content, watching tv and snuggling, and the next I had opened my mouth and inserted my foot. This whole situation could have been avoided if I had just been honest with her. I wouldn't be driving her back to her house and I damn sure wouldn't be going to sleep alone tonight.
When I wheeled my truck into the driveway of her home, I hadn't even got the truck stopped good before she was bailing out the passenger side. Growling in frustration, I climbed out the truck and followed her to the door.
“Thanks for the ride.” Bailey said, not looking up at me.
“Any time babydoll.” I replied as I ran my hand over my face in frustration. There was so much I wanted to say but I couldn't make the words come out of my mouth.
“I’ll see you when we go back on the road.” said Bailey as he dung in her purse for her keys.
“So that’s it? That’s all?” I asked, stalling.
“Brantley, what do you want me to say? I had fun today but you made it very clear that you didn’t want more just to ‘scratch an itch’ as you so eloquently said.” she said using her fingers to make air quotes before cocking her hip to the side and propping the hand not holding her bag on it. She looked so damn cute that I couldn't help the smirk that graced my face. One that I would soon regret. Because before I realized what was happening, her small hand was flying through the fair and landing on the left side of my face leaving my skin tingling from the blow. “You’re a smug son of a bitch! The best thing for you to do right now is to just get out of my face!”
“Don’t hit me again Bailey.Consider this your one and only warning.” I growl, my voice filled with malice.
“Or what, Brantley? You going to put me in my place? You going to teach me some kind of lesson?” she said, jabbing her finger into my chest. Reaching up, my hand circled her wrist making her stop.
“Bailey Mae, I know you're pissed and frankly I am too. But I can promise you that if you hit me again, I will turn your ass as red as a vine ripened tomato and smile while I'm doing it.” I said, causing her head to snap up. “Don't even think about trying me.”
“Get your hands off me.” she seethed. “And get off my damn porch. I’ll see you in 2 weeks.”
Jingling her keys, I heard her fumbling with the lock followed by the door opening closing, leaving me standing on the porch.
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