Famous Friends
Brantley’s POV:
After ending my call with Brinleigh, I settled back on the couch and continued watching Duck Dynasty. This show had always been one of my favorites. Mostly because of the fact that Phil, the creator of the famous Duck Commander duck calls and Buck Commander deer calls, had essentially had nothing and sold his duck calls in gas stations to get started in order to support his family. He had almost lost everything -including his wife and kids- to the bottle and his rowdy ways. In that aspect, I knew how hard it was to make something of your life after kicking the booze. I knew how hard it was to right the wrongs that you did to people while you were either too drunk or too high to care. I couldn't tell you how many relationships that the bottle and the pills had cost me over the years. Sure, I had been able to repair many of them after getting sober but there were a few that I was still working on.
“Whatcha thinking about?” I heard from behind me, pulling me from my thoughts. Turning, I saw Bailey standing there in her baby blue Nike shorts and white tank top, her hair in a messy bun. The tank top hugged her growing belly and I couldn't help but smile. I watched as she walked towards the couch and sat down beside me before laying her head in my lap and looking up at me.
“Oh nothing. Was just watching Duck Dynasty and thinking about how much Phil and I have in common.” I said as my left hand laid on top of her belly. It had already become a habit of mine that anytime she was near me, my hands would lay protectively over my son in her womb. “How was your nap?”
“It was good. But it would have been better if you had been lying with me. I missed my favorite body pillow.” she said, smiling up at me.
“Oh I get it now. That's the only reason you want me around. So I can be your personal body pillow for the next four months. And here I was thinking it was because you loved me and wanted a future with me.” I said jokingly. I knew that she wanted the same things I did. And the fact she did had me feeling lighter than I had in god knows how long.
“Brantley Keith, I’m going to need you as my personal body pillow for more than just the next four months. I’m thinking something like the next 94 years. That sound like something you could do? Are you up for the challenge?” said Bailey as she danced her fingers up my rib cage, lightly tickling me.
“Baby, I was born ready. And I think I have proven that I can always rise to a challenge.” I replied as I dug my fingers into her sides, tickling her back.
“Stop… stop tickling me B. Please!” yelled Bailey between fits of laughter. After a few more digs into her ribs, I stopped but I pulled her so that she was straddling my hips. Since she was facing me, I rested my big hands on her belly and leaned forwards so I could place a kiss on her lips. As my hands rested there, I felt something bump my hands.
“Did you feel that?” asked Bailey with tears in her eyes.
“Was that what I think it was?” I asked.
“I think Colton Gauge was trying to say hello to his daddy.” said Bailey as tears pooled in her eyes.
As soon as the words had fallen from her lips, I felt the tiny bump again. Bailey had told me that she had started feeling tiny flutters a couple days ago but they had been so small that I hadn't been able to feel them.
As I sat there watching her belly, I felt the kicks over and over. I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my cheeks. Getting to experience this was unlike anything that I had ever known. Feeling something that was part of me kicking my hands from inside his mothers body was so much more rewarding that my first big record deal. I knew that this was going to be one of those moments that I would remember for the rest of my life.
Later that day, Bailey and I were in the kitchen. I was helping her get dinner ready. I’d told her that I would cook dinner as long as it was one of the two things that I was good at cooking… burgers or steak. We had decided on burgers because it would be something easy and something that wouldn’t require her to have to spend too much time after dinner cleaning up the kitchen.
“Have you talked to Chase?” asked Bailey as she was slicing the tomatoes that Mama had sent over earlier fresh from her garden.
“Yeah. He’s supposed to be here somewhere close to six.” I said. I knew that she would be thrilled to know that Brinleigh was coming but I had promised Brin that I wouldn't tell Bailey that she was making the trip with Chase. I glanced down at my watch to see what time it was and noticed that it was getting close to six. As if on cue, the phone that's connected to the gate out front rang. “Must be Chase.”
I walked over to the phone and picked it up just in case Brinleigh was the one driving and using the intercom system.
“Yeah?!” I said into the phone.
“It's me, B.” said Chase. I could hear the rumble of his truck in the background.
“Alright. Just come on in when you get up to the house.” I replied and hung the phone back up. Hitting the button to unlock the gate, I walked back into the kitchen.
“Was that Chase?” asked Bailey as I entered.
“Yeah. He's on the way up the driveway.” I said. “You ready?”
“Yep. It's only fair that Chase be the first in our friends group to know. I mean you're Uncle B so by default that makes him Uncle C.” she said giving me her gorgeous smile. Standing there in the same shorts and tank from earlier, I couldn't help but think that I had never seen her look more beautiful. When I’d asked her earlier if she was going to change to keep the bump hidden until she was ready to tell Chase, she had just looked at me like I had lost my mind. She had politely informed me that she was done hiding her bump and that she would gladly show it off to anyone and everyone that she felt like showing it off to.
“Uncle C huh?” I asked, smiling. “Guess that will make Brinny Aunt B.” I said laughing, immediately thinking of the Andy Griffith Show that PopPop used to watch all the time.
“Yeah, I guess so.” she said, laughing. “I'm fine with that as long as she doesn't try to make those kerosene pickles like Aunt B did on the show.”
Before I could reply, I heard the front door of the house opening. Grabbing Bailey by the hand, I walked us into the living room before pulling her in front of me and pulling her back tight against my chest. My hands went directly to her belly. Chase was the first one through the door.
“Well hell Bailey, did you swallow a watermelon seed while you were away?” said Chase, immediately noticing my hands on her belly and the small bump underneath my hands. Before he had a chance to say anything else, Brinleigh burst through the door carrying a half gallon of Patron, cracking the seal as soon as she made it through the door.
“Get that salt and those limes Bailey-Boo-Boo, Mama here needs to get fucked up!” Brinleigh yelled as she came through the door. She saw Bailey and I standing there like we were and stopped dead in her tracks. “Oh fuck me! I needed a girls night and her you have done gone and got knocked up. Who’s supposed to drink this half gallon with me now?”
“I’m sure Chase will” I said, smirking at Chase. After the night he and Luke had gotten trashed off the stuff, Chase had swore it off.
“Yeah, that ain't happening.” said Chase as he pulled Brinleigh to his and wrapped his arms around her. “And she damn well knows it.”
“So I guess you two have figured it out but come January 2014, yall better be prepared to get the new nicknames Uncle C and Aunt B.” said Bailey. “‘Cause Colton Gauge is gonna need you two to help keep him straight if he's anything like his daddy.”
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