As the moon rose against the dark outlines of trees, a faint figure of a feline moved through patches of thick ferns, causing them to rustle. The figure looked upwards in alert, wishing and hoping that no-one heard it.
They continued forward, a faint moonlight reaching their pelt through the dapples caused by the interference of the trees. It revealed a brown coat of fur with darker tabby stripe swirls all over. The moonlight also revealed sparkles in their pelt, and some of the moonlight went through their body, thus revealing their residence as a Swirling Stars warrior.
They walked into a small glade where four other StarClan warriors waited. A ginger tom quickly noticed them and notified the other cats have their presence.
"Long time no see, Brackenleaf!" the tom called out.
A cream-coloured she-cat flicked her ears with irritation, whispering a hiss. "Be quiet, you fool!"
The brown tabby was delighted to see their old friends again. "It's great to see you too, Flamewing and Sweetberry."
The two other felines, one a pure black tom and the other a grey swirled tabby, were speaking to each other in hushed whispers.
"What's that all about?" Brackenleaf dared to ask.
Flamewing narrowed his amber eyes, suspicion clouding them. "I suspect that Blackthorn is speaking to Riftstar about our new Roots members, and about the Roots cat we had to send to the Rotting Forest."
Brackenleaf let out a small sigh. "I can't understand how a cat could ever go that far..."
No matter," the grey tabby suddenly spoke out loud. "That's not what I summoned you all here for. Blackthorn," Riftstar turned to the black tom. "Would you like to tell them?"
The black tom nodded, turning his head to the other Swirling Stars cats. "It is by my understanding that something awry is going to occur. Riftstar has received a prophecy, and we both believe it to mean disaster for the five Lakefront Territories."
Riftstar rested his tail on Blackthorn's shoulder. Blackthorn moved back to allow the ancient leader to speak.
"I need you all to tell your Territories leaders of this," Riftstar started. "Betrayal is imminent. A terror of great force will sweep across and kill all who don't submit to them. If they are not stopped, then the ways of the Territories are over. Trust no-one."
Brackenleaf felt her body freeze. What kind of terror is this?!
"As Shadowstream has yet to join our ranks," Riftstar continued. "I will tell Thunderstar."
Although they were tempted to, Brackenleaf did not dare question Riftstar on why he didn't just pick another former herbalist of the Birch Territory. He worked in mysterious ways. He may also want to be the one to tell his own Territory, after all.
Riftstar dismissed the meeting, and, without another word, he vanished from sight. Blackthorn simply shook his head and made a hasty departure.
"So," Sweetberry began as she broke the silence. "Is no-one going to discuss this prophecy? Make sense of it?"
Flamewing rested his tail on Sweetberry's. "I would love to, but it seems like Riftstar was in a rush this time...I don't think even he was expecting danger."
Sweetberry casted a warning glance, one that urged him to keep quiet. Brackenleaf already knew what Flamewing was hinting at.
"We should get going," Brackenleaf meowed. "Flamewing is right. Riftstar definitely was in a rush, and Blackthorn didn't waste any time, either. If the prophecy is as terrifying as it sounds, then I don't want to imagine what it'll be like if we warn them too late of the danger they all may be in."
Sweetberry meowed an agreement. The three Swirling Stars warriors bid each other farewell. Flamewing departed for the Dusk Hollow sector while Sweetberry departed for the Rippling Lake sector. Brackenleaf, meanwhile, made steady steps towards the Roots sector. Just as Brackenleaf reached the summoning point, one final thought made its way into their mind.
What did the prophecy mean by "trust no-one"?
Thank you so much for reading 'til the end of this! I certainly hope you enjoyed it! Now, as per the usual, it is time for the questions!
What did you all think of the prologue?
What were some things you found interesting and intriguing?
What do you think the prophecy means?
What was your favourite thing about the prologue?
Any least favourite things?
Again, thank you so much for reading until the end of the new and improved version of The Soothing Storm's Prologue (now called Rising Storm), and I hope you have an excellent day!
(9 August, 2022) - first rewritten prologue
(15 April, 2023) - second rewritten prologue
(29 October, 2023) - layout edits
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