Echostar — white-and-grey tabby molly with green eyes; she has a scar that stretches from her underbelly and down a foreleg; biromantic heterosexual
TRAINEE: Firepaw
Rowanlight — russet-brown tom with white paws, a white muzzle, and blue eyes; brother of Ravenpool; straight
Ravenpool — jet black molly with white tiger-like stripes and green eyes; sister of Rowanlight; biromantic asexual
Hollypaw — shy black-and-ginger tortoiseshell molly with amber eyes and white paws; lesbian
Rowanfoot — russet-ginger tabby tom with bright yellow eyes; brother of Pinedust; biromantic bisexual
Ashfur — smokey grey tom with amber eyes; brother of Songfoot; straight
Tigerpool — brown-and-white tabby molly with ice blue eyes; straight
Redtuft — white molly with dapples of red fur and amber eyes; sister of Brightshade; aromantic asexual
Darkfang — black tabby tom with green eyes that have a slightly hazel hue; brother of Shadeflower; straight
TRAINEE: Oceanpaw
Steelwing — clumsy silver tabby tom with white fur and light blue eyes; brother of Jayfang, Ashclaw, and Silvershine; straight
Jayfang — grey-and-white tabby molly with blue eyes; sister of Steelwing, Ashclaw, and Silvershine; straight
Ashclaw — light grey molly with green eyes; sister of Steelwing, Jayfang, and Silvershine; straight
Silvershine — silver-and-white tabby molly with green eyes; mates with Dewscorch sister of Steelwing, Jayfang, and Ashclaw; straight
Shadowfeather — dark grey tom with amber eyes and a strange obsession with sticks; biromantic bisexual
Songfoot — moody white molly with blind pale green eyes; sister of Ashfur; homoromantic asexual
Spiritstorm — grey-scale calico molly with a ginger-and-black mackerel tail and copper eyes; biromantic asexual
Ivysky — white-and-grey molly with blue eyes; straight
Dawnheart — creamy-white molly with green eyes; straight
Mistsong — mist grey-and-white tom with dark grey stripes and aqua blue eyes; he has random dreams that don't make sense; straight
Winterleaf — white molly with blue eyes; she doesn't believe in StarClan; straight
Appleleaf — ginger-and-black tortoiseshell molly with a single white paw and mint green eyes; sister of Heathermist, Cherryflame, and Orangefang; heteroromantic asexual
TRAINEE: Scorchpaw
Heathermist — lazy light brown-and-white molly with blue eyes who enjoys sleeping; sister of Appleleaf, Cherryflame, and Orangefang; straight
Rabbitpelt — brown-and-white tabby tom with yellow eyes; brother of Yellowfang; straight
Rippleswirl —grey swirled tabby tom with a white underbelly and amber eyes; brother of Moonfall; straight
Sunnyflower — golden-and-white tabby molly with dull amber eyes; sister of Emeraldblaze; straight
Cherryflame — dark ginger-and white molly with dark blue eyes; sister of Appleleaf, Heathermist, and Orangefang; aromantic bisexual
Orangefang — orange-and-white tabby tom with dark orange ears and green eyes; brother of Appleleaf, Heathermist, and Cherryflame; straight
Clawheart — brown tabby tom with amber eyes; he hates Orangefang; brother of Woodfall; straight
Dewscorch — mottled grey tom with sun yellow eyes and a devout loyalty to RootClan; straight
Turtleshell — ginger-and-black tortoiseshell molly with amber eyes; straight
Mapleheart — ginger-and-black tortoiseshell molly with green eyes; loves kits; sister of Ravenstrike; biromantic homosexual
Ravenstrike — pure black tom with warm amber eyes; he is the fastest cat in RootClan; brother of Mapleheart; aromantic asexual
Pinedust — ginger tabby tom with a white underbelly and dark green eyes; brother of Rowanfoot; straight
Hailsun — white-and-gold tom with sharp hazel eyes; brother of Sweethail; straight
Mintleaf — white molly with mint green eyes; straight
TRAINEE: Willowpaw
Fallenshade — mottled ginger-and-white tabby molly with blue eyes; her pelt colour gradually gets lighter the closer to the tail; biromantic pansexual
Shadeflower — black molly with a white chest and green eyes; sister of Darkfang; lesbian
Shockfoot — golden-and-white tom with light hazel eyes; gay
Woodfall — muscular brown-and-white molly with light brown paws, a white muzzle, and blue eyes; sister of Clawheart; biromantic bisexual
Sweethail — white molly with yellow eyes; sister of Hailsun; straight
Brightshade — ginger-and-white molly with green eyes and a missing tail; sister of Redtuft; straight
Nightowl — black-and-brown tabby tom with amber eyes; he is more commonly seen awake at night rather than dusk and dawn; homoromantic asexual
Moonfall — small grey molly with a white chest and muzzle and dark blue eyes; sister of Rippleswirl; straight
Yellowgaze — brown-and-white tabby tom with yellow eyes; brother of Rabbitpelt; straight
Cloudheart — white tom with amber eyes and a scar running from the left eye across the flank close to the underbelly; straight
Willowpaw — white molly with yellow eyes; straight
Scorchpaw — ginger tom with dark ginger and brown tabby stripes, a white muzzle, chest, paws, and tail-tip, and emerald green eyes; straight
Oceanpaw — blue grey tom with a white muzzle and blue eyes; prefers self-teaching; aromantic bisexual
Firepaw — fire ginger-and-white tabby molly with blue eyes; thinks she's hot stuff and can do whatever she wants; sister of Ashpaw; lesbian
Ashpaw — light grey tom with darker flecks and green eyes; brother of Firepaw; gay
Birdshine — fluffy brown-and-white tabby molly with light blue eyes; mates with Orangefang; straight
Hollythorn — sharp-tongued black molly with cautious hazel eyes; not afraid to challenge the leader's judgement; mother of Hailsun's newborn kits, Coralkit and Vinekit; straight
Emeraldblaze — golden-and-white tabby molly with fierce green eyes; adopted mother of Mapleheart's kits, Skykit, Dawnkit, and Riverkit; sister of Sunnyflower; lesbian
Coralkit — reddish-ginger molly with hazel eyes; sister of Vinekit
Vinekit — white molly with hazel eyes; small for a kit; sister of Coralkit
Skykit — white tom-kit with leaf green eyes; brother of Dawnkit and Riverkit
Dawnkit — calico molly with sage green eyes; sister of Skykit and Riverkit
Riverkit — deaf grey-and-white tabby tom with blue eyes; brother of Skykit and Dawnkit
Thrushbush — russet brown-and-white tabby tom with broken forearms and dark blue eyes; father of Rowanlight and Ravenpool; straight
Fawndash — brown-and-white tabby molly with blind blue eyes; mother of Appleleaf, Heathermist, Cherryflame, and Orangefang; straight
Flameblaze — ginger-and-white tabby tom with soft, caring green eyes; father of Appleleaf, Heathermist, Cherryflame, and Orangefang; straight
Jollystar — ragged-furred, elderly golden tom with white paws and aqua green eyes; brother of Sunshade; heteroromantic asexual
Opalfur — optimistic ginger-and-black tortoiseshell molly with amber eyes; bicurious
Swiftmind — large, cunning, witty, elderly russet brown tabby tom with bright yellow eyes; homoromantic bisexual
Tigerleaf — brown-and-white tabby molly with blue eyes; sister of Lilyflight and Brightstep; straight
Firewave — gold-and-white tom with large hazel eyes; straight
Twilightfur — black-and-white molly with amber eyes; most hated cat in SunClan; biromantic bisexual
Drizzlewish — white tom with bright amber eyes; straight
Brightear — black tabby molly with white ears and paws and dark blue eyes; sister of Harefeather; straight
Harefeather — white molly with blue eyes; loves to hunt; sister of Brightear; straight
Dawnpath — creamy-ginger tom with a single golden stripe and angry blue eyes; straight
Sorrelsong — grey molly with dark grey flecks on the sides and soft green eyes; homoromantic bisexual
Hailfall — pure white tom with green eyes; biromantic bisexual
Mistblade — grey tabby molly with a white muzzle, a dark grey ring around the eyes, and dark blue eyes; close with Hailfall; straight
Violetfang — black mackerel tabby molly with a white chest and muzzle and cerulean blue eyes; straight
Lionrush — large, muscular, asexual gold-and-white tabby tom with a white muzzle and green eyes; brother of Thornscorch; homoromantic asexual
Icicleleaf — white molly with green eyes; straight
Aspenshade — brown molly with black tabby stripes, light-brown paws, a single ginger splotch on the right cheek, and green eyes; sister of Quailheart; biromantic bisexual
Sunshade — dark gold-and-white tabby elderly molly with amber eyes; sister of Jollystar; panromantic pansexual
Lavenderwhisper — heather grey-and-white molly with aqua blue eyes; straight
Thornscorch — golden tabby tom with small ginger splotches along the back and amber eyes; brother of Lionrush; straight
Ravendream — charcoal grey molly with a white chest and amber eyes who claims to be able to speak to the Swirling Stars; straight
TRAINEE: Shinepaw
Quailheart — brown tabby molly with dark brown flecks and copper eyes; sister of Aspenshade; straight
Ironwing — silver tom with green eyes; hates Steelwing; gay
TRAINEE: Frostpaw
Flameclaw — orange tabby tom with a darker muzzle, chest, and underbelly and has amber eyes; gay
Lilyflight — black-and-brown spotted white molly with blue eyes; sister of Tigerleaf and Brightstep; straight
Frostpaw — white tom with black paws and blue eyes; unlabelled
Shinepaw — dark gold molly with green eyes; bicurious
Brightstep — an expecting black tabby molly with white paws and lower face and blue eyes; sister of Tigerleaf and Lilyflight; mate of Hailfall; biromantic pansexual
Rosespark — young, ecstatic red molly with green eyes; mate of Thornscorch; straight
Dustcount — very old brown-and-white tom with silvery-blue eyes; oldest cat in all the Clans (179 moons old); straight
Skystar — grey molly with white flecks, white paws, a spiteful personality, and green eyes; straight
Swiftsight — white-and-black tom with a light grey chest and blue eyes; heteroromantic asexual
Glowfeather — gold-and-white molly with amber eyes; sister of Skystar; straight
Yarrowsky — black molly with sun yellow eyes; sister of Ravensong and Rainfang (DH); straight
Lostdust — white-and-ginger molly with amber eyes and a hatred for popular cats; closeted questioning
Willowshade — white-and-grey molly with blue eyes; straight
Bluefeather — gold-and-white molly with cadet blue eyes and a love for blue birds; sister of Blazepool; straight
Firestorm — fluffy golden tabby tom with a white underbelly, a long, fluffy tail, and green eyes; straight
Ravensong — black-and-white molly with deep blue eyes; sister of Yarrowsky and Rainfang (DH); closeted lesbian
Shimmerice — white molly with silver-like blue eyes; straight
Crowfoot — dark grey ton with green eyes; straight
Meadowpounce — large grey-and-white tom with amber eyes; straight
Birchbloom — russet brown tabby molly with fiery amber eyes; sister of Echosky; straight
Flamedasher — fast ginger-and-white tabby molly with dark blue eyes; sister of Fallenhope; biromantic bisexual
Swanfeather — white molly with small amber eyes; straight
Echosky — arrogant ginger-and-black tortoiseshell tom with strong legs and prideful hazel eyes; brother of Birchbloom; closeted gay
Whitefang — sun gold-and white molly with blue eyes and pure white teeth; straight
Amberheart — white-and-brown tom with large brown paws and hazel eyes; brother of Pinefrost; closeted biromantic bisexual
Rowansky — large russet ginger tom with yellow eyes; straight
Mapledusk — gold-and-black tortoiseshell tabby molly with hazel eyes; sister of Goldendash; closeted biromantic homosexual
TRAINEE: Shortpaw
Goldendash — swift-pawed golden tabby molly with bright yellow eyes; sister of Mapledusk; straight
Rivertail — grey tom with amber eyes and a single white stripe along the spine; straight
TRAINEE: Shadepaw
Foxstem — fox ginger tabby molly with green eyes; straight
Petalstep — marmalade orange-and-white tabby molly with amber eyes; straight
Rosestrike — large dark ginger-and-white molly with sharp claws and amber eyes; straight
Rattail — dark brown tabby tom with hazel eyes who knows a little too much about certain herbs; hates himself and everyone around him; homoromantic asexual
Blazepool — golden tabby tom with white paws and chest and dark amber eyes; brother of Bluefeather; closeted biromantic bisexual
TRAINEE: Flightpaw
Blacknight — black tom with grey eyes; straight
Snowfall — short white molly with blue eyes; straight
Breezestorm — dark grey tom with amber eyes; hates Blazepool; straight
TRAINEE: Featherpaw
Redfoot — small, lean ginger-and-white molly with green eyes; straight
Fallenhope — ginger-and-white tabby molly with dull light blue eyes; formerly known as Gingerfur; sister of Flamedasher; closeted biromantic bisexual
Pinefrost — brown-and-white molly with black stripes and blue eyes; sister of Amberheart; closeted bicurious
Ashlimp — grey tabby tom with cruel blue eyes; straight
Watersplash — blue grey-and-white molly with blue eyes and black whiskers; straight
Sparrowtrail — brown tabby tom with amber eyes and black flecks; straight
Dovestorm — grey tabby molly with bright green eyes; straight
Ripplestorm — smokey grey swirled tabby tom with yellow eyes; straight
Sunpaw — golden tabby tom with yellow eyes; brother of Featherpaw; closeted panromantic asexual
Shadepaw — black tom with white flecks on the face, a white muzzle and chest, blue eyes, and a scar across the right eye; brother of Shortpaw; heteroromantic asexual
Flighttoe— brown-and-white molly with black paws and blue eyes; closeted questioning
Shortpaw — small black tom with grey eyes; brother of Shadepaw; straight;
Featherpaw — cowardly grey molly with hazel eyes and darker grey stripes; hates Flightpaw; sister of Sunpaw; straight
Birdfall —brown molly with small claws and green eyes; mate of Blazepool; straight
Sourapple — snappy dark ginger tabby tom with green eyes; father of Redfoot; closeted gay
Puddlestar — lithe brown-and-white tom with sharp blue eyes; brother of Flowerpool; straight
Brokenpelt — black tom with ragged fur and amber eyes; straight
Sunstream — golden-and-white tabby molly with yellow eyes and a few of heights; straight
Owldapple — brown dappled molly with amber eyes and a kind personality; sister of Kestrelstorm; heteroromantic asexual
Echoshard — black-and-grey tabby molly with greyish-blue eyes; straight
Drizzlesoul — grey molly with a burnt face and left shoulder and yellow eyes; straight
Rosewind — pinkish-grey tabby molly with green eyes; straight
Lostwrap — brown-and-white molly with a missing leg and blue eyes; biromantic heterosexual
Jollysky — golden tabby tom with chartreuse green eyes; straight
Thrushhope — black molly with hazel eyes and a nicked ear; straight
Blazedrift — golden tabby molly with a white underbelly, tail, and chest and light blue eyes; loves food; panromantic homosexual
Swansong — white tom with sun amber eyes and a hatred for SunClan; straight
Flowerpool — brown-and-white molly with hazel eyes; sister of Puddlestar; aromantic bisexual
Cavestripe — pure stone grey tom with tough claws and amber eyes; straight
Rosetail — reddish tabby tom with amber eyes; hates his name; closeted trans biromantic heterosexual
Kestrelstorm —brown tom with darker brown flecks and green eyes; brother of Owldapple; straight
Cottonflight — white molly with blue eyes; loves to sleep with stomach out in the open; straight
Flametear — hot-tempered black tom with olive green eyes; straight
Tallbreeze — black-and-white tom with amber eyes and silver flecks across his pelt; straight
Foxfrost — ginger molly with white paws, chest, and muzzle and pale blue eyes; straight
Rivertail — grey-and-white tabby tom with pale blue eyes; straight
Maplesky — small, lithe, mottled brown-and-white molly with black flecks and amber eyes; straight
Ashfeather — dark grey tabby molly with light grey flecks on the sides and bright green eyes; sister of Thistlefoot; straight
Thistlefoot — dark grey tabby tom with light grey flecks on the sides and bright green eyes; brother of Ashfeather; straight
Jaypaw — grey-and-white tabby tom with blue eyes; straight
Hawkpad — brown-and-white molly with sharp claws, really sharp hazel eyes; sister of Icepaw; straight
Icepad — white tom with dark grey splotches and green eyes; brother of Hawkpaw; straight
Sunnyfoot — golden tabby molly with yellow eyes; mother of Jollysky's kits, Redkit, Featherkit, Gorsekit, and Cloudkit; aromantic bisexual
Rainfang — grey tabby molly with hazel eyes; mother of Rivertail's kits, Hazelkit, Waterkit, and Stormkit; straight
Rosefall — dark ginger tabby molly with white splotches and blue eyes; mother of Tallbreeze's kits, Fallenkit, Bumblekit, and Blossomkit; straight
Redkit — dark ginger-and-white tom with yellow eyes; brother of Featherkit, Gorsekit, and Cloudkit
Featherkit — golden-and-white molly with yellow eyes; sister of Redkit, Gorsekit, and Cloudkit
Gorsekit — golden tabby tom with yellow eyes and one white paw and a white chest; brother of Redkit, Featherkit, and Cloudkit
Cloudkit — white tom with green eyes and small golden splotches; brother of Redkit, Featherkit, and Gorsekit
Hazelkit — grey-and-white tabby molly with hazel eyes; sister of Waterkit and Stormkit
Waterkit — grey-and-white tabby tom with blue eyes; brother of Hazelkit and Stormkit
Stormkit — dark grey tabby tom with dark hazel eyes and white paws; brother of Hazelkit and Waterkit
Fallenkit — calico molly with white paws and amber eyes; sister of Bumblekit and Blossomkit
Bumblekit — black-and-white tom with blue eyes; brother of Fallenkit and Blossomkit
Blossomkit — calico molly with a white underbelly, a dark red tail, and blue eyes; sister of Fallenkit and Bumblekit
Granitepelt — salmon red tom with muscular legs, a white chest, and amber eyes; straight
Silentsight — black molly with pale green eyes and white ears, blind and deaf; straight
Sparkleripple — golden-and-white tabby molly with once-shiny blue eyes; straight
Ivylight — white-and-grey molly with blue eyes; straight
Robinpeck — red tabby tom with a black stripe running alongside the sides of the face and to the back of the neck, white below the black stripe and a white underbelly and paws, and amber eyes; straight
Shadowwatcher — brown-and-white molly with amber eyes who claims to be able to see cat outlines in the shadows; heteroromantic asexual
Thunderstar — young golden tabby tom with green eyes; straight
Lightningdash — golden tabby tom with green eyes and a white splotch on his back; brother of Thornheart; straight
Shadowstream — black molly with amber eyes and a sharp-tongue; straight
Leafmoon — brown-and-white molly with black ears and amber eyes; sister of Brackenthorn; aromantic asexual
Cardinalwing — dark ginger molly with a caring personality and green eyes; sister of Grassroot; biromantic heterosexual
Grasspaw — small grey molly with amber eyes; sister of Riverpaw and Beetlepaw; unlabelled
Brackenthorn — brown-and-white tabby tom with bright blue eyes; brother of Leafmoon; straight
Swiftstorm — white-and-black molly with amber eyes; straight
Leaftail — brown tabby molly with green eyes; straight
Shadowflow — dark grey tom with darker tabby stripes and amber eyes; brother of Maplebloom; gay
Sunfall — golden-brown molly with amber eyes; panromantic pansexual
Thornheart — golden tabby tom with green eyes and a single dark gold stripe travelling from the forehead to tailtip; brother of Lightningdash; aromantic heterosexual
Nightstorm — dark grey tom with hazel eyes; straight
Rainfall — grey tom with dark amber eyes; homoromantic bisexual
Lightningtail — large, hopeful golden-and-white tabby tom with amber eyes; straight
Foxnose — muscular ginger tabby molly with a snappy personality and green eyes; sister of Sunberry and Roseflame; biromantic bisexual
Icepelt — white molly with blue eyes; straight
Snowscar — white tom with yellow eyes; doesn't like conflict; straight
Daisyclaw — creamy-coloured molly with yellow eyes; straight
Tigerfur — rude brown tabby tom with amber eyes; gay
Maplebloom — ginger-and-black calico molly with amber eyes; sister of Shadowflow; heteroromantic bisexual
Pinebird — dark ginger molly with green eyes and white flecks; straight
Shadowthorn — black tom with amber eyes; brother of Nightmist and Silverwave; straight
Sunberry — dark gold tabby tom with a sweet personality and green eyes; brother of Foxnose and Roseflame; straight
Skymist — blue grey tom with a white muzzle and blue eyes; biromantic asexual
Nightmist — black-and-grey tabby tom with amber eyes; brother of Shadowthorn and Silverwave; heteroromantic asexual
Silverwave — sleek-furred black-and-silver tabby tom with green eyes; brother of Shadowthorn and Nightmist; panromantic pansexual
Violetleaf — grey-and-white molly with blue eyes; straight
Roseflame — ginger tabby molly with amber eyes and a white underbelly; sister of Foxnose and Sunberry; straight
Grassroot — honest dark ginger-and-white tom with a white tailtip and emerald green eyes; brother of Cardinalwing; straight
Moonwing — grey tabby molly with basil green eyes; straight
Cherryflame — pinkish-grey molly with yellow eyes; straight
Sparkheart — ginger-and-white tabby tom with kind, caring oxford blue eyes; straight
Doveshade — grey tabby molly with amber eyes; aromantic heterosexual
Honeyheart — golden tabby molly with amber eyes; sister of Hazelwing and Leopardmist; straight
Ashpelt — smoke grey-and-white tom with ocean blue eyes; gay
Rosepool — ginger molly with brown stripes and veridian green eyes; lesbian
Sharpthorn — white tom with sea green eyes; straight
Oakleaf — brown tabby tom with harlequin green eyes; biromantic heterosexual
TRAINEE: Riverpaw
Cherryshine — dark ginger tabby molly with black stripes and white paws and aquamarine eyes; heteroromantic asexual
Solarpelt — sun gold tabby tom with juniper green eyes; straight
TRAINEE: Beetlepaw
Lilacpetal — small brown-and-white molly with amber eyes; sister of Ebonyleaf; straight
Sandheart — pale ginger-and-white tabby molly with blue eyes; straight
Ebonyleaf — dark brown-and-white tabby tom with emerald green eyes; brother of Lilacpetal; straight
Rainfur — grey molly with hazel eyes; straight
Spottedbird — brown molly with dark brown speckles, white flecks, and green eyes; straight
Amberwhisker — marmalade orange-and-white tabby tom with amber eyes; straight
Hazelwing — golden molly with amber eyes and a white chest; sister of Honeyheart and Leopardmist; panromantic homosexual
Leopardmist — golden tabby with white spots, a faint white mark on the stomach, and amber eyes; Honeyheart and Hazelwing; non-binary
Mosspelt — grey tom with chartreuse green eyes; biromantic bisexual
Oceanlily — blue grey molly with a scar on the shoulder and amber eyes; lesbian
Riverpad — grey molly with chartreuse green eyes; sister of Grasspaw and Beetlepaw; heteroromantic asexual
Beetlepad — brown tom with amber eyes; brother of Grasspaw and Riverpaw; bicurious
Mistyfire — fire orange tabby molly with a white chest and muzzle and mist blue eyes; mother of Sparkheart's kits, Flowerkit and Silentkit; biromantic bisexual
Cherrystripe — reddish-ginger tabby molly with white paws, chest, and underbelly and green eyes; mother of Sunberry's kits, Lionkit, Redkit, and Frostkit; straight
Violetfrost — blue grey and white molly with silver eyes; expexting Snowscar's kits; straight
Adderfang — russet brown tabby molly with white paws and shamrock green eyes; panromantic bisexual
Flowerkit — white-and-ginger molly with green eyes; sister of Silentkit
Silentkit — fire orange tabby tom with green eyes and a white chest and underbelly; brother of Flowerkit
Lionkit — ginger-and-white tabby tom with lime green eyes; brother of Redkit and Frostkit
Redkit — dark ginger tabby tom with basil green eyes and white paws; brother of Lionkit and Frostkit
Frostkit — white molly with green eyes and ginger splotches; sister of Lionkit and Redkit
Leafgaze — brown-and-white molly with soft amber eyes; straight
Crookedstream — grey-and-white tom with dark grey tabby stripes and aquamarine blue eyes; biromantic asexual
Aquafrost — white molly with aqua green eyes; straight
Flameleaf — ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes and white paws; brother of Dapplefall and Gingersplash; gay
Dapplefall — dappled ginger-and-white molly with a greying lower jaw and tailtip and amber eyes; sister of Flameleaf and Gingersplash; homoromantic bisexual
Gingersplash — beautiful white molly with yellow eyes and a dark ginger splash on the left flank; sister of Flameleaf and Dappleleaf; aromantic heterosexual
Brackenleaf — dark brown tabby with a white underbelly and soft amber eyes; formerly of the Roots; non-binary aro-ace
Flamewing — ginger tabby tom with a white lower jaw, chest, paws, and underbelly and dark green eyes; formerly of Dusk Hollow; biromantic asexual
Sweetberry — cream-and-white molly with dark blue eyes; formerly of Rippling Lake; straight
Blackthorn — tall black tom with amber eyes and dark grey ears and paws; formerly of the Moor Cats; aromantic asexual
Riftstar — dark grey tabby tom with a white muzzle, chest, and underbelly and aqua blue eyes; formerly of Birch Federation; straight
Darkstorm — black tabby tom with a white chest and muzzle and pale blue eyes; the kindest of the Dark Forest members; formerly of the Moor Cats; straight
Flightpaw — silver-and-white tabby molly with lime green eyes; formerly of Dusk Hollow; heteroromantic bisexual
Redheart — deep, dark ginger tabby tom with a white chest and muzzle, dark blue eyes, and an insatiable need to kill; formerly of Dusk Hollow; straight
Hailstorm — pure white tom with cerulean blue eyes; formerly of Rippling Lake; gay
Thornpelt — brown-and-white tabby tom with amber eyes; formerly of the Roots; straight
That is the Allegiances for Warriors: Rising Storm!
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Thank you for checking the Allegiances for this story! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Original Allegiances (≈April 2020)
Remake Allegiances (≈September 2022)
Re-edited Remake Allegiances (10 June, 2023 - 6 July, 2023 - 18 July, 2023 - 11 November, 2024)
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