Chapter three
When You step foot out of the portal we are separated, You were with another sans while the others are somewhere else on the surface or underground.
You take a look around not seeing friends nearby or next to you, it makes you panic and your heart beat faster.
'Where am I?!' You think, you don't hear the gasps behind you or the fact that a smaller and more energetic sans is running over to you.
Just as you turn noticing a sans running behind you, you are pulled up in the air by a papyrus his eye glowing with anger "who are you!" He shouts, you stutter for name and he drops you with wide eyes.
You cough as the wind is taken out of you, like someone ripped out your lungs and replaced them with fake ones.
"No- no! He killed you!" He says "I-I'm from another u-universe" you stutter out gaining your breath back, "what? Another universe!" Says sans "yeah I'm not this timelines y/n ,see?" You say as you show them your soul.
"It's so cracked, and broken" says papyrus inspecting it, "heh yeah it happens whil me and my sans where fighting my siblings in a genocide run" you explain "and it didn't heal when you reset?" He asks, you shake your head with a frown "no and that was two years ago.." "welp ima go and get some food bro say here and get some of our luggage to the top of this place.
"Ok! C'mon human!" Says sans "I'm sans but most people call me blue!" He says as you walk down to the underground and pick up boxes and move them to the top.
Time skip~~
When you both reach the top you see your sans, fell and ink "hey guys" you say walking ast them and put the boxes down.
"There you are! We where looking for you!" Says fell a bit annoyed and relieved that I was safe.
"Hehe sorry to dis-APP-ear lien that" you say with a pun thrown in the middle "ugh not you too human!" Shouts blue groaning in annoyance at the pun.
"Heheh sorry blue" you say giggling a bit with a eye closed.
"So is cross here ink?" You also he nods and turns to blue before he can explain an explosion is heated and you all turn to the city.
Ink grabs you and teleports to the location, he lets go and you spit crops immediately.
"Cross!" You shout he turns to you as you pull your bow back and a arrow appears.
"That's my friends soul!" You finish letting go of the string and it is sent through cross's shoulder hitting the building behind him and disappears.
He glares and teleports in front of you before he could stab you with the giant knife his soul goes blue and is sent away t a building.
"You on y/n?" "Yeah thanks for the help!" You reply back to sans, ink creates some spikes with his paint blocking a gaster blaster.
You aim your bow at cross once again and let the arrow fly through the air hitting cross again he's sent through the air and into a building destroying a part of it.
He gets up with a grunt and gets fried of all buildings around you, he teleports to you again is aim to get rid off you as fast as he can.
"Hey buddy that's no way to treat a lady!" Shouts fell as eh sends a bunch of bones and faster blasters at him, cross however blacks them and stabs you in the chest.
'To my loving mom and dad I'm sorry but I'am to blame, knees weak and crumbling. Thumb pressed and bitten again' you sing in your head as you fall back wards with a golem explosion as you hp he's down drastically.
'To my brother ,sister and the others I'll see you around my soul is blackening, I'm breaking them all down' you sing in your head with out realising it, your sister had said it before she was killed by you and sans.
Just as you got the ground blue jumps in front of you and one Knocks cross to the ground knocking him out his soul visible.
You get up with a groan and look at your hp *hp- 1.5 out of 5* it read, you growl and get up and go to the others.
When you get there ink notices your hp, "hey maybe you get your hp up y/n" he points out "yeah but o got nothing." You reply a bit hesitantly.
"Here kid" you turn to papyrus giving a bit of chocolate, you take and shove it in your mouth your hp going up at Full.
"Thanks paps" you say with a smirk "so human I notice you when a bow made out of Did you do it?" Asks blue.
"Uhh I didn't make it some monsters from mine and sans made it for me to help." You reply, he nods seeming to understand.
Chara of this universe touched cross's hand after ut sans takes his other half of his soul back.
You grabs chara before cross could grab her hand and take her soul but you where a bit late as it was already gone.
He teleports away and forms a knife, with a small chuckle he attacks.
He goes for sans and teleports them somewhere "sans!" You shout trying to grab him as you do cross throws a smaller knife at you.
It hit you and you all teleport to fells snowdin, "ow ow ow!" You say as you pull the knife off your arm.
"How come I'm always getting stabbed?" You say to your self as the knife disappears.
"I don't know darling maybe because your an easy target with a weak ass soul!" Snaps fell behind you.
"What! Oh I'm sorry I have a weak soul! That didn't heal whe I reseted the timeline!" You snap back sans goes off somewhere and goes into a building.
"Ohh and how fo I know that! All I know is that your a human who thinks she can save everyone in all the universes if she helps us sans!" He snaps again getting more and more angry "and you met your sibling die just to save a monster pathetic!" He says but stops realising what he just said.
You tear up and run of into the white void holding your brothers scarf "hey! Wait! Ugh!! What do I care for her!" He shouts angrily.
Words- 1094
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