Chapter four
(Art made by me! P.s sans is behind you)
You keep running and running holding his scarf untuck you stop seeing two skeletons ahead of you.
You slowly walk up to them drying your tears and tightening the scarf a bit more, just then dream teleports in front of you.
"Ahh!" You fall over and look up "oh sorry y/n I'm dream and classic tale me what happened jus-" "hey broski!" Shouts a beret colourful Skeleton.
"Ahh! Fresh what's error doing here?" "I uhh don't know broski" says fresh "hey she been cryin?" "Huh? Oh! You ok? " says dream after noticing your tear marks.
"I-I'm fine" "you sure broski" "y-yeah!"you stutter wiping your eyes again.
"Hehehehehhe" a glitched laugh causes you three to turn to a glitching black sans, "error broski what ya laughing?" Says fresh his glasses changing words.
"Ink...he broke his promise!" Shouts the glitched skeleton. "What?" You say confused.
"He didn't break anything that village is a another Au that was transported here!" You explain catching on what the black sans was talking about.
That seems to Calm him down and he realises the papers floating around, "how on earth did that get their then!" He snaps glitching a bit.
"Cross,he did it." You say dream and fresh agree with you.
"W-well that good I guess" he mutters looking away "we need to get back to him" you say trying to convince him to help. "Let me get classic and fell" says dream and teleports away before coming back with sans and fell.
"Oh kiddo your safe." Says sans relieved your safe.
You glare at cross/chara as he presses the overwrite button it's purple glow illuminate his hand.
Suddenly your in the judgement hall where you thought your siblings with sans before resetting.
"Sis?" Says a voice behind you, you turn around and look at s/n. (Sisters name)
"Hmm?" "Why?....why did you kill him.." "what?" "Why did you kill b/n lime that..." your eyes widen is shock.
You back up a bit before calming down "s/n?! What are you doing here?" You shout.
Before she can wander the world falls apart around you she's disappears and you fall in an ever darkening room.
You snap awake after cross takes you out the room, you feel your soul cracking again
"Kiddo! Your soul!" Says fell as he comes next to you and surrounds you both with bones.
"Don't worry about it just a few new cracks that's all" you mutter feeling weak.
Blue Strings grasp cross and pull him to the side before he could attack the two of you "I don't think so glitch" snaps error his miss coloured eye glowing a bit.
A black tentacle comes and breaks the blue strings error had made "no! You're supposed to on our team error!" "Heh! Like hell nightmare making cross make a universe just to blame ink" he snarls and attacks again making ten faster blasters in the process.
Ink teleports next to you and grabs your arm before teleporting away along with error and fresh.
"We need to distract him so someone can sneak behind him" you say looking at your friends as they fight cross and nightmare.
"So what do you propose?" Says error taking his strings and linking it around cross's soul, flinging his body to the side from your sans.
"We could distract them and one of us can sneak around and attack from behind?" You say the sentence ending in a question.
After a while of debating you all agree with your plan and you sneak behind nightmare and cross, you pull back the bow string and a forest green arrow forms .
you let go and it seems to go in slow motion it reaches nighmatee and cross ripping through both of them before dissolves into thin air in front of them.
They instinctively turn to you and go to attack but a white arrow cuts nightmare down ripping him apart more as they keep raining down on him.
You jump out of the way as cross swipes his knife at you making you trip and fall before your teleported away from him by error.
Fresh summons a gaster blaster and makes it shoot a powerful beam of white towards cross.
Cross dodges the attack and goes to stab you before you swing across the room by errors stings again.
This carries in for a few minutes before you finally land a hit in cross making him fly backwards into the void.
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