And There Goes the Palace
Lightning shook the palace. Hermes was at the steps of the tallest tower, the one getting hit by the lightning.
"Is everyone okay?" Hestia yelled over the noise.
"Um, Hermes, Demeter, myself- we're all accounted for!" Hera answered. Poseidon ran down the stairs, his blue hair covered in dust.
"He has no idea what he's doing! Athena's still up there." He said.
"Where's everyone else?" Hestia thought out loud.
"I think Hades was outside, and Dionysus was in the kitchen last I saw him. Artemis and Apollo are on the archery range, and Ares is in the sword fighting area. I think Aphrodite was in her room. Um, I don't know where Persephone went." Poseidon glanced at Demeter nervously.
"What? We need to find her!" Demeter screamed.
"Ouch, my ears hurt now, not so loud, Demeter!" Hermes said.
"We were just in the kitchen, and Dionysus wasn't there." Hestia said.
Poseidon bit his lip. "I just told you what I thought," he said.
Athena tumbled down the stairs. "Owwww!" She yelled. "Dad!"
Hestia raced over and helped her up. "What happened?"
"I'll tell you what happened! Zeus is striking the tower with lightning! It's going to fall over, don't you see how it's shaking?" Athena yelled. Hephaestus limped into the hall behind her.
"We should all leave. This place won't hold up much-" he was cut off by a chunk of the ceiling falling. It would've hit Athena on the head, but Hephaestus pulled her out of the way at the last moment. Hera raced up the stairs into the tower.
"What is she doing?" Demeter screamed nervously. Hestia shrugged in response.
"The palace is caving in! Get out of here!" Hermes yelled at us, before sprinting down the hall.
"I'm going to warn anyone else still in the palace to get out." Hephaestus left as well, hobbling at what was most likely his top speed.
Athena dodged another piece of the ceiling, which punched right through the floor where she'd been standing. Poseidon, who had been standing right beside her, stumbled and fell throughout the hole.
"Poseidon!" Demeter shrieked as her brother fell.
"I'm okay! I think I'm in the basement," the sea god yelled back up.
"The hall's blocked!" Athena yelled anxiously, glancing around at the crumbling walls.
"There's only one way we can get out," Demeter said, "but we can't-"
"I think we can if we work together. Everyone, grab hands and concentrate on some other place!" Hestia cut Demeter off. She grabbed Athena and Demeter's hands and closed her eyes, Poseidon still screaming below them and the roof collapsing in as the tower finally tumbled down. Above them, Hera and Zeus could be heard crying out in alarm, before a sudden silence.
The three goddesses vanished.
When Hestia woke up, she and her sisters were in a meadow, the ruins of the palace in the distance. Athena and Demeter seemed to be awake already, and Demeter was knelt beside a patch of multicolor flowers.
"Oh, good, you're up. I think you got hit pretty bad with a piece of ceiling." Athena said, noticing the hearth goddess with her eyes open. She moved to examine Hestia's head, checking for further injury. Hestia batted her hands away.
"I'm fine," she said, "but what about everyone else who was in the palace?"
Demeter glanced up from her flowers. "Hard to say. They might've gotten out. Either that, or it collapsed on them. Poseidon's definitely still in there, but I think Hermes got out, and Hephaestus as well. Hera and Zeus were in the tower that fell."
Hestia sat up, wincing. "We need to go see if we can help them!"
Athena nodded. "We should. But first-" she rummaged around in her bag and pulled out a piece of ambrosia and a canteen of nectar. "You should eat this. It'll help you get your strength up," the wisdom goddess ordered, shoving the godly food towards Hestia.
Hestia grumbled that she was fine but obediently ate the ambrosia, staring sadly at the ruins in the distance.
Olympus had fallen.
A/N: Rewritten 4/3/20. There was some weird shift to first person halfway through this... I fixed it, obviously, and now I'm just trying to figure out how I managed to do that in the first place.
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