Chapter 9: Trial
Third person POV
Danny woke up around seven a.m. Slowly he started to remember yesterday's events. And what awaits for him today. Suddenly Danny felt something soft rubbing against him. He looked on the left and smiled at the sight of his sleeping girlfriend. It feels right to wake up like that. Giving soft kiss on her forehead, Danny got up, dressed and quietly floated out of the room.
Young king went to the dining room to have some breakfast. He was greeted by the sight of his father, eating at the table and smirking.
"So, how did night with Ms.McLain go?"
Time Master laughed, when his son blushed brightly in embarassment and grumbled something under his nose. As Danny sat on his place, Clockwork continued.
"You might want to check out your former class and send them back"
"Yeah, I planned to do that after breakfast. Then I will leave Ellie with Johnny and Kitty"
Breakfast was quiet after that. Danny then asked one of the servants to wake up guests, while he went to get his little daughter. She had a big bedroom, and, as every five years old's room it was always messy, with toys lying everywhere. Unlike the rest of the palace, Ellie's room was painted in bright colors, blue and white being primary. It took Phantom's all manly pride to not say 'aww' at the sight. Little girl was sleeping on her big bed, with one leg hanging from the end and gripping Cujo like Teddy Bear. Danny gently shook her shoulder.
"Ellie, It's time to get up," he said with smile.
"Hmm," Ellie mumbled and turned on the other side. It's time to use heavy artillery.
"Well, looks like I'll go to Jonny and Kitty alone," Danny started to walk away.
"No, no! I'm not sleepin'!" She shouted, suddenly wide awake. This antics caused amused chuckle from young father.
"Then dress up and go to eat!" With that he walked out of the room.
In less than a minute little princess opened door and ran to the dining room to have breakfast. Danny shook his head and followed her. By the time they came, students were eating and chatting with each other. Valerie was quiet, she was still thinking about what Phantom told them. Ellie started to eat as well, while Danny sat on his armchair near fireplace, waiting for guests to finish their meals. After some time he loudly coughed.
"Okay, people, follow me," Phantom said and others followed him.
The group went through many coridors, turns and stairs, until they came to the lab. Danny wanted to make his lab look as less as possible like Fentons'. There weren't any metal walls or weapons hanging on them. Unlike his 'parents', Phantom kept this place clean and sterile. Danny wasn't so concentrated on manufacturing hunting equipment, why should he? Instead, he tried to create things for civilian needs, because ectoplasm is almost unlimited source of energy. He obtained it more humanly, simply from the air around.
And, of course, there was Ghost Portal. Magnificent piece of art and the only way out of current predicament. Danny started to type something on the panel nearby.
"Mr.Phantom, is that what I think it is?"
"Yep, my very own Ghost Portal. It should take you home," answered Danny as metal doors opened, revealing green and black vortex. People started to cheer and go there one by one. Valerie was the last, but when she almost stepped inside, she felt an arm on her shoulder. It was Phantom.
"Hey, Val, may I talk with you about something?"
"What is it?" Danny passed her a familiar looking headphones.
"I wanted to give you these in case of emergency"
"Look, I'm just worried about GIW. They may be morons, but they can think logically. And, if you will be only one returned huntress, it will raise some suspicions and put you and your father in danger. If such thing will happen, then just call me. I'm always there for my friends," he said. Valerie was taken aback by such care. But she still took the headphones after thanking him, and then walking inside the Portal.
And now for the hard part.
Observants' Court
"Daniel, is there something what's bothering you?" Clockwork asked his son.
Court was a big gray building, on the outside it looked a bit like Coliseum with it's circle structure, arcs and columns. Danny moved this construction from it's barrens and placed it inside capital. Currently there was a huge amount of people around, everyone wanted to see what's going to happen here. Many of them lost their friends and family because of this hunters, and they wanted revenge. But Phantom had very conflicted thoughts.
"I don't know, Dad. It's just...for so long I wanted to make them suffer. At first I even wanted to kill them in most cruel ways. Now...I'm not sure if that's what I need. I don't feel any satisfaction in what I'm doing right now"
"There are reasons for that, my son. One year is a long time. Even if you haven't forgiven them, you still remember the good things you had done together. There isn't worse enemy, than former friend"
"Don't worry, little brother, we will go through it together," said Jazz, putting hand on Danny's shoulder. He smiled gratefully.
"Thank you, guys. I mean it"
"One more thing. You will need this," Clockwork put his hand under his cloak and took out familiar item. The Crown of Fire.
"Why?" Danny asked.
"It will give the effect we need," Time Master smirked. After that Phantom took on powerful artifact. Fire on it started to flicker faster. Danny's eyes started to glow brighter, hair started to flow.
With that group walked inside the main hall. It was huge round room. On tribunes were hundreds of Observants. Their appearance was unusual. They were all identical, floating figures with single big eye, wearing the same white and golden clothes, black cloaks with red insides.
Some things in the hall reminded about Court House from human world. There were two black tables near each other, and Judge's seat in front of it. Clockwork floated to his place on the right side of the seat. Jazz stayed with Danny. Not so long after, Fentons, Sam and Tucker arrived. They were handcuffed and guards were walking beside them. They were throwing young king a fearful and hateful glances. Danny noticed some burns on their faces. 'Ember' he thought, shaking his head slightly.
"All stand up, the Trial is about to begin!" One of the observants declared.
Second later, the High Inquisitor has arrived. Alexios looked different from Observants, but he was wearing the same attire. Inquisitor had green skin, two black eyes with green pupils. He looked young, about twenty five years. Alexios and Danny have a little rocky relationship. After all, he was the one, who ordered Clockwork to destroy the boy. But Phantom didn't hold a grudge. He knew, that Ancient tried to do it with good intentions, even if they weren't directed towards him. Inquisitor started talking with loud voice, getting to his place.
"Please sit down. Today we are looking into the case of Amity Park hunters: Madeline and Jack Fenton, Samantha Manson and Tucker Foley. They are accused in murdering, torturing, neglect and abuse. Let the trial begin," He said, narrowing his eyes.
Alexios faced many evil beings, they have executed Vortex not long ago. Weather ghost has committed many things, floods, hurricanes took lives of many people. But at least he did it fast. There wasn't any painful tortures. But here stood this humans, who has done maybe not as much in numbers, but gave much more pain. Ancient thought about word 'humanity'. Some people decided that they are humane just because they belong to human race. Just like current accused.
But it's not that. Hardly. Humanity is kindness, care, being merciful, something, what this people didn't have for sure.
"Do hunters have anything to say?" Silence was his answer, "Then I give the word to King Phantom"
"Thank you, Alexios. All I want to say is that everyone here knows what happened to the ghosts, who got captured by this people. Me, sadly being one of them," Jazz, noticing Danny's discomfort, patted him on the back.
"Do you have anything to prove your words?" Even if Ancient knew what Phantom has, he still asked, it was protocol, after all.
In response, Danny snapped his fingers, cape and chest clothing dissappeared, revealing his bruised body. Trial was seen by whole Ghost Zone, and common gasp was heard through world. Everyone saw particular Y-shaped scar in the middle. Second later Phantom snapped fingers again and hided bruises.
"That's strong sentence by itself, but, sadly, young Daniel isn't the only one. Because of this 'hunters' 182 ghosts lost their afterlives," Clockwork declared. It caused wave of angry shouts and horrified murmurs.
"QUIET!" Alexios boomed, causing the entire hall to shut up, "Do accused have anything to say in their defense?"
"I'm sorry, Danny," said Sam. It caused his eyes to widen at the fact that Sam, of all people said sorry. But it was only for a brief second, before Phantom glared at her.
"Sorry wouldn't fix everything you have done, Samantha. And it's Phantom for you," said king to his former friend in voice, colder than his core.
"Have Observants came to decision?" Alexios asked loudly.
"GUILTY!" was everything they said. Hunters had a feeling, that they aren't going to like their sentence.
"Then it's decided. But, by doing damage to the king himself, which makes it political crime, His Majesty is the one, who decides punishment," Danny didn't know this part. Now, all eyes were glued to him as he started to think. Choosing between different variants, Phantom picked the best one in his opinion.
"Send them into Realm of Fear," High Inquisitor nodded and ordered to call for Fright Knight.
Fright Knight is known as Spirit of Halloween. There are a lot of ancient legends about him. Fright rides on a horse named Nightmare, slaying people with his special sword. Soul Shredder can make you experience your worst fears by sending you into place, known as 'Realm of Fear'. Also, he is a loyal servant of Ghost King. He served Pariah, his father and even their predecessors. Now, Phantom is his master. And Fright Knight admitted to himself, that Daniel is the best one so far.
When he arrived and was told, what he should do, the hall became quiet. The whole Ghost Zone watched with attention. Fright took out his wicked looking sword and in one swift motion it came right through hunters, leaving nothing, but memories about them.
Outside of the Court
Some time later
Danny came out from the building with conflicting thoughts. On one side, this bastards paid for what they have done. On the other, as his father said, he was reminded about all things they have gone through together, first ghost fight, how he, Sam and Tucker tried to make a report about Purple-Back Gorilla. There weren't any moments with Danny's birth parents, because this moments did not exist. Still... He just needed some time to think.
But, again, universe hates him.
"Ghost Child!" Danny heard a shout, turning around, he saw Technus.
"What now?" Phantom groaned.
"Don't be so sad, because I, Technus, found something that you might want to look at!"
"And this is..." Technus gave him a hard drive.
"I found this beauty in the wreckage of humans' transport. I looked inside and you need as well"
With that they went to the palace immediately.
Duo arrived very fast, and, not losing time, came down into the lab. Technus then connected hard drive with computer. Danny was shocked at what he saw. GIW data. Disposition of all their bases, information about weaponry, everything.
"Soo, what are we going to do now?" Technology ghost asked.
"We are going to war"
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