Chapter 2: They want to do WHAT?!
It was one peaceful morning in Amity Park. Nothing would have hinted the occasional passer-by about the ongoings within the house belonging to the Fentons'. The duo of ectologist was working without taking rest once for the whole night. They didn't feel tired, for they had a lot of breakthroughs to accomplish, their enthusiasm, work etiquette, the multiple feelings of several degrees of descent on the slide of morals, were their bread, butter and water. They, of course, ignored the latter, thinking more of themselves, feeding their ego even further. Did they think of themselves as saviors of humanity? No one knew, as it was pointless to ask the two. They made the final additions to their newest creation, as no failure was allowed.
At the meantime, on the opposite side of the metal doors of Fenton portal preparations were being conducted. The king was no fool, and he wasn't going to let some foolish, wretched mortals come into his lands, ravage his new home and hunt down his subjects.
Phantom looked intimidating on those days. Even a simple messenger would be regarded with a look that made them think that his ever-sore mood was entirely their fault. It did not concern his daughter or his girlfriend, for he always tried to look alright. And failed in the eyes of the latter. Ember could easily see through the faux smile of his that something was not right. Of course it wasn't, she could not be tricked that easily. Deep inside he was still the same cheerful boy who, despite his righteousness, somehow managed to make the diva eventually care for him deeply. And it did harm him to be faced again with the monsters more horrible than the world of the dead could give. But now something was different. That boy was now the king, it was his territory.
The Council was finally good for something. The meager sign of old ages before particular ghostly tyrants. They had no use, honestly, apart from that time. To listen to the young monarch's insistent demands that the humans shall be punished for their arrogance with immense abhorrence. While many were surprised, stunned at hearing such talks coming from the most benevolent of them all, probably. Then again, he did not insist on killing them, which wouldn't be that hard, honestly. He had a plan and no member of the Council complained. Despite being young, King Phantom was respected, and now they were putting their faith in the teen once more. But first the young monarch went to visit his sister.
Jazz POV
I was returning to FentonWorks from my job at the local coffee shop. I have been working there for some time since I finished High school. Yes, I had dreamed about going to Harvard for very long, but not now, not when Danny needs me so much. He needs people to rely on. It's good that lil' brother was able to make friends in the Zone, true friends, not some traitors like Sam and Tucker.
I still can't believe what they have done to him. If Danny spent there just a little more, than he could lose his sanity. And that's all because of Jack and Maddie. How could they, they were his parents! And now they definitely aren't mine. And it's painful to call them mom and dad during conversation. But that's important part of this foolish little war.
No matter what people say, this is a war. Why isn't it? People dying from both sides, pain, suffering. And our family just so happened to be in the center of it. Poetic, isn't it? Son of two 'leading ghost experts' becomes the ruler of beings he was raised to destroy. What about me? I'm trying to help as much as I can. My job is spying on Fentons, who are working for GIW now. It's not so hard, seeing that Jack can't keep his mouth shut. Sometimes I'm taking copies of blueprints about their new inventions, even going as far as ask creators about details. Then Danny makes something against this new 'toys' and equippes his soldiers with it.
I can't help but be proud for my brother. In such young age he saves hundreds lives and fights for safety of his people, because he is responsible for them. And he has done many heroic deeds since accident. But why humans don't see it? Why did they always blame Danny for everything? Maybe I have answer for that. Humans always fear the unknown. That's why.
I just hope that this bloodshed will be over soon.
Jack and Maddie are still in the basement and that worries me, they didn't come out for a very long time. That means something big is going on. What I saw wasn't what I expected. I expected a big cannon, or maybe the same rocket they tried to launch into Ghost Zone not so long ago. Little did they know, that it could destroy both worlds. However armored bus definitely is surprising. Then Jack noticed me.
"Jazzypants! Are you here to look at our newest technological miracle?"
"Uh, yeah, Dad, what is this?", I asked, shaking out of my stupor.
"Well, Jazz, this is for this Friday", answered Maddie coming out of vehicle.
"And what's going to be on Friday?"
"We are arranging the first field trip to the Ghost Zone!", immediately I felt weak in legs and almost fell on the ground. "WHAT?!", I managed to say. It just can't be true, even they aren't so stupid to go...
"Can you believe, Jazzyncess, imagine how much ghosts we will catch!"
" said this is field trip?", thank goodness for his big mouth.
"What your father is trying to say is that we are teaching inspiring hunters, plus it's Sam and Tucker's class, it will be fine". Uh-huh, somehow I'm not convinced. But I'll play along.
"That's great! If you need me I'll be in my room". On the stairs I heard Maddie saying "You almost told her, Jack".
I need to call Danny, immediately.
Present time
It didn't take long for Danny to get here. I wasn't worried about him being spotted. Surprisingly, ring with enormous power can hide this same power. It's not the first time he came here. The only things that can cause suspicions are energy spikes during opening of the portal, but they happen out of town.
"What's wrong Jazz? Skulker said it's very important so I came here as fast as I could. Are they up to something? Are they...", I embraced him in big hug with smile.
"Danny, you are rambling. Again", He blushed and then sat across from me.
"Sorry, I was just worried. So, what is that you wanted to talk about?"
"Well, Jack and Maddie want to send a bunch of teenagers on a field trip to your kingdom"
"They want to do WHAT?!", if Fentons weren't in the basement we could get in troubles with them because of that outburst.
"I know, I haven't believed that too"
"It can't be true, even they aren't so stupid!"
"And I thought exactly the same thing. Though Jack accidentally said something about catching ghosts", he raised an eyebrow.
"Jack always talks about catching ghosts"
"Yeah, but how often Maddie interrupts him and says completely other thing?"
After that Danny laid back on his chair deep in thought. I knew that he needs to be left alone without interruptions during this moments. Then metaphorical lighting bulb appeared above his head. "Of course", he muttered under his nose.
"What is it, Danny?"
"Recently, ghosts are reporting about different effects from human weaponry"
"What effects?"
"To put it bluntly, they are weaker. Previously their guns could do actual harm, now they only sting"
"And I suppose you know why" he grinned
"Yep", Danny answered popping 'p'. "That's all because of ectoplasm. They are running out of it"
"But what about artificial?"
"To create artifical ectoplasm you need real one, which you can get know", he cringed and immediately gave him another hug. Of course I know how they obtain it. Danny's ectoplasm kept them going for half year.
"Anyways", he said, breaking out from embrace "GIW can't keep ghosts for long I made sure of that. The fact that less and less people are coming here doesn't make it any better for this morons"
"And now they are hunting lion in his den", I finished, understanding what he meant.
"Exactly, but why do they need...what class is going?", I grimaced.
"It's Lancer's class"
"Oh, great, universe still hates me, nice to know", he groaned "As much as I'd like some of them to be eaten, It's still not good"
"What do you mean 'eaten'?"
"It's just that, terrain around Fenton Potal is inhabited mostly by feral ghosts. Wolfs, bears...Oh, Ancients", Danny said rubbing his face.
"Danny, what is it?"
"God, I hope I'm wrong"
"Well, Fentons think that bunch of Senior students will become a nice bait", I felt color drain from my face.
"What?" I managed to croak.
"Think about it. Fear is impossible to fake, especially to someone who can sense it. And seeing that our beloved hunters are 'Fearless'", he made air quotes "they will need others for that". After that it became quiet. We both tried to absorb this piece of information. I guess, we shouldn't be too surprised about it. After all, they already proved to be soulless creatures. Still...I needed to change topic before I threw up. I smiled slightly.
"How is my favorite niece doing?"
Danny grinned. He loved talking about Ellie. After all what parent wouldn't? Of course, there is a story behind that. And it involves certain lonely billionaire in serious need of cat. When Danny said to Vlad: "I will never join you", enough times, instead of rethinking his life he chose another path no one expected. He decided to clone Danny. But out of all attempts survived only Danielle. She managed to last long enough for Danny and FarFrozen medics to help her, using his Midmorth DNA. But it also had a side effect. Instead of being physically twelve, she stayed in the four years old body. Incredibly adorable she is.
"Jazz, she is your only niece", Danny chuckled "Ellie is fine, looks like she and Youngblood became nice friends. Looks like last one is pretty responsible, or at least his parrot is, I just hope they don't explode anything. Again".
"Long story. Baby Girl is also starts to get a hold of her powers. She is still floating in sleep, but at least doesn't go intangible when unneeded. Oh, and she can't wait to see Aunty Jazzy again", said Danny, then he made a sad sigh.
"I will see what we can do with this field trip. And possibly we should inform Counsil. They don't like to be left in dark. I hope it will go well"
"Don't worry, Lil' Bro, I will be with you no matter what", I said with yet another hug and he returned it threefold.
"Thanks Jazz, for everything"
That being said, Danny left through the window he came.
Third person POV
Sam's house
"Spector Deflectors"
"Ecto-wrist cannon"
"Well, looks like everything is ready" said Tucker, zipping cloze duffel bag. He and Sam were making preparations for upcoming trip. True, it's going to be only two days later, but they decided to do it now. Plus, they had nothing better to do.
"Ready for what?", asked voice from the doorway. It was Pamela Manson.
"Mom it's not the time" came reply from annoyed goth girl.
"Really? Then answer me, Samantha, why do I keep hearing about this 'Field Trip'?"
"What about it?"
"You are not going", came blunt answer.
"Don't take this tone with us, young lady!" said Jeremy Manson, appearing out of nowhere, "We can do it, since we are your parents and you need permission. It's bad enough that you started this 'ghost hunting', but that is atrocious! You are not going and that's final!"
"I'm afraid not"
Pamela and Jeremy turned around to see a tall bald man. GIW. You can recognize them everywhere, with their white clothes and black sunglasses. To some they might look intimidating, but not to Mrs . Manson. She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Who are you and how did you get in my house?"
"I'm William Lockwood, commander of Amity Park GIW division. As for how I got in", the man shrugged "door wasn't closed. And I'm saying that our two primary members are allowed. We have already spoken with Foleys"
"And what makes you think, that we will listen to you?" asked Jeremy.
"We are government, we are controlling your taxes", at that Manson Sr. deflated.
The man smirked evilly. Too easy.
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