Chapter 10: It's new ghost in town
Danny POV
It was our chance. I just knew it. The chance for Ghost Zone to sleep peacefully. I asked Technus to be quiet about it for the time being, needless to say, that he was surprised about my statement. But, this decision was too important to decide it alone. My duty was to inform Council about current situation. So I called meeting as fast as possible.
Council consists the most powerful ghosts, the ones who have own subjects and realms. Undergrowth and Nocturne were also there one time. However, they proved to be untrustworthy, their hunger for power became their downfall. There are the ones, who I'm okay with, having enemies there is the last thing I needed. My friends were also included. Queen Dora, Frostbite and Pandora being the closest ones. Some may think I'm just putting loyal people here, but I'm not.
Meeting was planned for the next day after Trial. And here I am, staying in my room in the Council building, waiting until all members will arrive. Having nothing better to do, I just made ball of ectoplasm and started throwing it from hand to hand. That is, until I heard loud coughing behind me. Turning around on the wheelchair, I saw Jazz looking at me with amused smile.
Yes, she has stayed in the Ghost Zone after I returned students home. Why shouldn't she? There is nothing left for her in the Human World. There, GIW will be on her tail. Here, she can finally make her dream become true, the dream to be a psychologist. We have Spectra, but...anyways, we could use a nice psychiatrist around here. Someone should help people cope with their deaths. It's a new milestone in this science field! I'm happy for my sister, she really deserves this. Funny, I wanted to be an astronaut, since I was a kid, and who am I now?
"If you are done with your games, the members are waiting," she said and we walked to the main hall. There were councilors, seating around and looking at me. Hall looks like typical parliament, I watched news, I know how parliaments look like. I walked to the main tribune and started to speak.
"Dear Councilors, you are most probably wondering, why I asked you to arrive in such hurry. The reason for that is simple. For the long time many of you offered me to go with war against humans. And I wanted to say: It's time," it caused a lot of gasps from Council members.
"I didn't agree with this before, because I don't want people to die for nothing. Now we have a chance. We have acquired all information we need," Phantom took out the hard drive and showed it to audience,"On this disk I found important files about GIW. Where their bases are, what plans they have. Now, when this excuses for human beings are weak, with nothing to power up their weaponry, it's the best moment we strike and teach them, what happens, when you mess with Ghost World!" King shouted the last part and hall erupted in cheers and shouts.
"Do you agree with me?" And more enthusiastic cheers were heard. That was enough for Phantom.
"Then that's decided. GIW will never see the next week"
Third person POV
Gray's household
Valerie was grounded. Of course she was, she made her father worry. After all, Valerie didn't return in time. So now she sat in her room, completely bored out of her mind. 'And no ghost hunting' Damon said. Like it was in her mind, well ghosts were, yes, but not hunting them. She wasn't even sure if she should continue this little 'hobby'. Not after what Phantom told her.
Valerie thought that Ghost Boy ruined her life, but Grays' living conditions are ways better, than his, when he was alive. At least Valerie and her father had each other, but Phantom had nothing of that. She couldn't help but think about other ghosts. They aren't evil and cunning creatures everyone thinks they are, that much for sure.
"Valerie, dinner is ready!" She heard her Dad shout from the kitchen. The room wasn't big, just like the rest of the house. It was pretty homey, though. Smell of fresh cooked pasta only adds more points.
"Here we go, sweetie," said Damon, putting plates on the table, "Good appetite"
But before small family could touch the piece of Italian deliciousness, the doorbell rang. Valerie raised an eyebrow, who will need to come to their house, only... Her eyes widened, while Damon went to open the door. She ran to her room and, after searching in the pockets of her clothes, former huntress found communicator. Valerie was confused, that there was only one button, but she pressed it. Immediately it started blinking with red light, like... tracking device.
Smiling, she put little thing into her pocket and walked out of the room. And Valerie didn't like what she saw in the living room. There, besides her father, were sitting two men in the same white suits, one being Caucasian and another Afro-American. These were two most annoying people in their squad, Agents O and K. Looks like Valerie's suspicions were right.
"Take a seat, Ms.Gray, we would like to talk with you," said one of them.
"What is this about?" She asked, sitting across from agents.
"We want to know what happened with our members," Not very talkative outside of battlefield, huh.
"I don't know. We got captured and Fentons, Sam and Tucker were carried somewhere else," answered Valerie, without revealing details.
"And you haven't attempted to rescue them?" Asked O, glaring through his sunglasses. Seriously, is that their organ or what?
"Well, excuse my foolishness, I should have rushed into the fight without any sort of weapon, not mentioning the fact, that weapons that were with us were out of ammo," dark skinned girl growled. Her father was watching the exchange with interest and a worry. Agents started glaring contest with Valerie.
"I would better watch your mouth, Ms.Gray. You are speaking with government representatives. Now for the most intriguing part. How did you get out of there? Fentons' portal was deactivated, Ecto-Filtrator dissappeared," Well, crap. It will be hard to avoid answer for this question.
"There was a ghost, who could open portals," not technically a lie, Phantom can open portal in his lab. Agents looked thoughtful.
"Hmm, and how did you managed to make it create one?"
"I have my ways," said Valerie. Agents looked at each other and nodded. Suddenly, they took out guns. Actual. Guns.
"Valerie Gray, you are under arrest for assisting ectoplasmical entities"
"You have no right!" Damon shouted, "You don't even have an evidence!"
"We have right, we are government," said K.
"Jeez, you shouldn't have voted for current president," everyone heard an unfamiliar voice, except Valerie. Immediately a figure appeared behind agents. He was dressed in black cloak, showing only lower part of his face. Not even his glowing eyes were noticable. But she could tell, that there was a cocky smirk, hidden in the shadow.
Agents were shocked that this ghost, the fact that person was a ghost was unquestionable, managed to get here without spiking any detectors. They brought a small miltia with them, for crying out loud! Before two star morons could do anything, person grabbed them by collars, lifted them from the ground easily and chuckled slightly.
"Glad to see that some things don't change," he noticed that K tried to get his communicator, so he pinned agents into wall. In surprise K dropped small thing on the floor for it to be smashed by person's leg.
"Who the hell are you, scum!?" Shouted O through slight choking.
"My name is of no importance," figure said, flashing fanged smirk, which sent shivers down their spines,"What is important is that you are about to have a little travel down there"
"Wh-what?!" They stuttered.
In response he walked to the window, agents immediately understood, what's going to happen and tried to befree from person's grip, but it proved to be futile. The second later, person threw them through the window, shattering glass in process. It was fourth floor, so, by landing on the roof of white armored RV, they wouldn't die, just break almost every single bone in their bodies. All people, agents, standing there, citizens passing by, were terrified by this display.
"Hello there!" Shouted person, flying out of the room and floating above ground. Agents started shooting, but, as the last time, shots just bounced from him. He fake yawned.
"Look, guys, I'd love to chitchat, but I have more important things to do. Tata!"
With that figure returned to apartments and was greeted with the sight of two shocked humans. He took off his hood, revealing Phantom under it. He was smiling sadly.
"Told you I'm always there for my friends"
"What's going on?!" Damon exclaimed.
"I highly recommend you follow me, because agents are going to break your door," as if on cue, they heard loung banging. There wasn't much choice. Phantom took on his hood, grabbed the humans and flew through the wall, becoming intangible in the process.
Invisibly, he flew out of the town, where the group landed.
"What are we going to do now?" Asked Valerie.
"You may stay in the Ghost Zone as long as you wish. I will give you a luxury apartment to live in"
"G-ghost Zone?!" Asked Damon, shocked. Danny sighed.
"Here, you will be wanted criminals. There, you will be safe. Don't worry, as long as you are under my protection, no one will dare to touch you," he said with reassuring smile.
The second later, the ripping sound was heard, and portal has appeared. Then, Valerie has returned to the Ghost Zone.
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