I've been tagged yet AGAIN by @Hidden_Rain, so thank you a ton @Hidden_Rain! It is a Thanksgiving tag, so here it goes:
1.) What's your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?
I just really love spending time with the family, because it's a time when we all laugh and have fun and are together.
2.) What's your Thanksgiving tradition?
Well, since I switched schools last year, we have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off. We kind of switch it up sometimes. Last year it was a bit more formal I think, but this year it is extremely informal. We're just making a turkey and some other things that my mom and I can't eat (we have so many food allergies/sensitivities it actually kind of gets funny to survey a buffet and check off the things you CAN eat lol :), like mashed potatoes and green bean casserole, etc.
We often have my Grandmother and two cousins up to our house, and sometimes my Uncle.
3.) What's your favorite weather on Thanksgiving?
I love it when it SNOWS! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Now where were we? Oh yes!
4.) What's your favorite food on Thanksgiving?
I like the pies, but especially apple pie :) I also like turkey with cranberry though!
5.) What's your favorite dessert on Thanksgiving?
I already answered that XD. But it is apple pie. Hey! Did you know that "stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards?
6.) Is Thanksgiving your favorite holiday?
No, it is by far not. It is around 3rd out of the main holidays. I really love Christmas because of the serenity and peacefulness. I mean, it was around when Jesus was born (or at least when we celebrate is birth)! Of course I love Christmas! It's such a happy time of year! Then I like Easter, and then - if I'm not forgetting any other holidays - I like Thanksgiving.
7.) Who are the poor souls you have decided to make/do this tag to next?
Well, I'm not so sure I would call the Poor Unfortunate Souls, but ya know (anyone get that? I even hinted with capitalization). But, any who, here it goes:
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