Bella's heartbeat thrummed against her chest and she twiddled with the ring on her left hand. It was a beautiful engagement ring that had belonged to Edward's mother, Elizabeth. The oval shaped gem sparkled in the sunlight. It was such a strange feeling, having this ring on. It was like a weight, but Bella refused to take it off.
Butterflies attacked her stomach as she sat on her bed. Edward had gone for a small hunting trip with Jasper, Alice and Esme, leaving Bella alone with Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle and Renesmee.
Bella smiled at the thought of Edward. The words he said to her just three weeks ago still echoed through her head. Bella turned her head, setting her gaze on a stack of wedding magazines that Alice had insisted Bella to have. Bella chuckled, remembering when Alice told Bella she was her wedding planner.
"Bella!" Alice had called when Edward and Bella were cuddling on their bed, only a few days after the engagement. Bella groaned.
"She's not going to stop you know," Edward stated. "When I told her, she tried to make reservations at a church."
Bella giggled and kissed Edward's cheek. She then ambled to Carlisle's study on the same floor. Alice was sitting at Carlisle's desk with a bunch of wedding magazines.
"Bella, sit down, we have to discuss food, flowers and your dress."
Bella raised her eyebrows. "Since when did you become the wedding planner?"
"Since I assigned myself it."
Bella rolled her eyes and leaned against the doorframe. "I thought the bride and groom only had that authority." Alice snickered, then her face went serious.
"Next thing she knew, Alice was on her knees, her hands clasped together. "Please Bella I'll be the best wedding planner ever I promise please, please please!" Bella sighed.
"You're hired."
"Yay! Thank you!" Alice had then brought Bella into a hug that almost squished her lungs.
"Stop procrastinating, Bella," she mumbled to herself. She had to get this done. Edward would of course go on other hunting trips, but she wanted to do this now. She wanted to have that weight lifted off of her shoulders. She needed that weight lifted off her shoulders. "You can do this."
Bella swiftly exited the bedroom and walked to Carlisle's study, where Carlisle was currently reading. Nervousness scratched her throat, which made her heart beat even faster. Almost as fast as a hummingbird.
"Bella, you can come in if you'd like," Carlisle said. Bella gulped and pushed open the door. Carlisle was sitting on the other side of the room at his desk. He closed his book with a smile and gestured to a chair in front of his desk.
"Is something on your mind, Bella?"
Bella scratched the inside of her wrist as she let out one last breath before she began talking. "I know Edward wants to do things old school, but there's a big problem."
Carlisle arched his blonde eyebrows and folded his hands on his desk. Bella moistened her dry mouth. "My dad was killed by Demetri, so I have no one to walk me down the aisle." Another breath in and out. "I was wondering if you could? My father doesn't have any close friends and-"
"Bella, I would be honoured to," Carlisle smiled.
"Are you sure? I don't want Edward to be mad at you and-"
"Relax Bella. I would absolutely love to walk you down the aisle."
"Really?" Bella squeaked.
Carlisle chuckled. "Really."
"Thank you so much, Carlisle."
Carlisle smiled as Bella gave him a gentle hug. He hugged her back. It was a perfect moment until a child from downstairs screamed "MOMMMA!"
Carlisle released Bella. "You should go see what Renesmee wants."
Bella nodded and then rushed down the stairs to see Renesmee holding a baseball and Jacob standing outside with a baseball glove and a baseball hat.
"What's wrong sweetie?"
"Jacob won't stop tickling me! Tell him to stop!" Bella looked through the window and saw Jacob shrug. Bella rolled her eyes and then gave him a gesture to go away for a few minutes.
"Where's Jacob going?" Renesmee asked as Bella sat her daughter and herself down on the white leather loveseat.
"He'll be back in a few minutes. Momma just wanted to talk to you alone for a few minutes."
"Am I in trouble?" Bella shook her head.
"Of course not. I just want to ask you something."
Renesmee tilted her head and placed her hand on Bella's cheek. Images of a white dress and Bella and Edward flashed through her mind. "Yes, the question is about the wedding."
"Do you want to be my flower girl? You don't have to if you don't want to."
Renesmee's face lit up and she nodded her head rapidly. "I would love that Momma!" Renesmee hugged Bella a little tighter then she was supposed to, making Bella squeak. Renesmee instantly released her mother.
"I'm so sorry!"
Bella smiled. "It's okay, beautiful."
Bella raised her eyebrows and looked out the living room window to see a black mercedes driving down the driveway. She could see the glint of golden eyes. It would be strange if it was Edward, because he and the rest of them went on foot.
"DADDY'S HOME!" Renesmee squealed. Renesmee and Bella hadn't seen Edward for about two days. Renesmee raced outside towards the moving car.
Bella followed her daughter outside, looking cautiously into the tinted windows. The Mercedes stopped and Edward and Esme got out of the car.
Esme gave Bella a warm and motherly hug. She then scooped a giggling Renesmee into her arms and walked into the house.
"New car?" Bella asked after Edward pecked her lips. Edward pulled his lips into a thin line and Bella instantly realized what was going on.
"Where's my truck?" Bella said in an angry whisper.
Edward scratched the back of his head. "Rosalie might've drove it to the dump."
Bella sighed and put her face in her hands. "Bella, love don't worry. If you want a different car, I'll get you one."
Bella let out a frustrated chuckle and removed her hands from her face. "It's not the that. It's a gorgeous car, but I told you not to buy me a new car. I could save my own money and buy another one."
Edward nuzzled his head into Bella's neck. "I know, but I thought it would make a great pre-wedding gift."
"Edward," Bella said as she ran her fingers through his bronze hair, "We haven't even decided the date."
Edward smirked and kissed Bella's neck. "Better early than never."
"Isn't it 'Better late than never'?"
"Close enough." Bella snickered and then pulled Edward for a kiss. Edward grinned and snaked his arms around her waist.
"You are one crazy vampire, Mr. Cullen."
Edward chuckled and placed a gentle kiss under her jawline.
"I love you, Mrs-soon-to-be-Cullen."
"I love you too."
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