Chapter Twenty: The Rise of Dawn
"What exactly am I supposed to pack?" Bella wondered as Edward placed a tan dufflebag on their bed. Edward took Bella's hand and spun her around as if they were dancing. He then took the black toque off of her head.
"Warm Clothes. It will be cold up there and I don't want you to freeze during the night." Edward placed his lips against her forehead, making her part her lips and exhale a warm breath on Edward's neck.
"I think that would be bad," Bella murmured as Edward pulled his frigid lips from Bella's temple. Edward chuckled, tucking a piece of brown hair behind her ear. Bella nuzzled against the palm of his hand and gave it a sideways kiss. Edward smiled lovingly.
"I'll be right back, love," Edward said in a low voice. Bella nodded and watched Edward amble down the stairs.
Edward walked into the living room with an irritated look on his face. Why couldn't his family control his thoughts? The Cullens were sitting on the couches -mate beside mate-, with cheesy smiles on their faces. All of their thoughts came crashing into Edward's brain all at once.
"Cheer up Eddie boy!" Emmett grinned. "This is going to be one hell of a fight!" He said with a wink at the end.
"Emmett," Alice hissed. "If you speak any louder, Bella's going to figure out what's going on." Emmett ignored Alice and stood up, slapping Edward on the back.
"My little brother is finally turning into a man!" Emmett wiped away a fake tear and took Edward into a headlock, ruffling Edward's hair. "Oh and try to keep it quiet up there! We can't concentrate if you and Bellarina are going at it like rabbits."
"Emmett," Edward growled, "Shut up before I smash your head into the wall."
"Edward," Esme warned. "You will not be wrecking this house. Take it outside if you must."
Jasper laughed, making Emmett drop Edward from his grip. "You wouldn't believe what Eddie here is feeling," he smirked.
"I'm going to kill both of you," Edward snarled.
Emmett snorted. "If you can catch me!" Emmett disappeared in a blur, a breeze blowing into Edward's face.
Edward stood back up properly and smoothed out the wrinkles from his shirt, and continued to say what he was going to say. "Could you guys keep it quiet down here about the surprise? It's not much of a surprise if Bella knows about it."
Rosalie was the first to speak. "We will do our best."
"We're just so excited!" Esme squealed as she wrapped her arms around her son. Edward hugged her back and smiled.
"Everything is going to change this weekend," Esme whispered in his ear. "And remember, your father and I love you no matter what."
"Thank you."
"Go back upstairs," Esme said with a playful shove. "Bella's probably wondering if you abandoned her," She teased. Edward smiled and zipped up the stairs, quietly sneaking into their room. Bella was humming quietly to herself and she folded her selection of clothes.
Edward wrapped his arms around Bella's waist, his skin touching her backside and just a small part of her stomach because her shirt was a little small on her. Bella let out a little gasp of shock when he touched her.
"Hello to you too," Bella giggled in a soft voice as she placed the long sleeve shirt she had in her hands down into the duffle bag. Edward's hands ran up her bare back, making Bella's breathing hitch. His nose nudged against her soft skin on her neck and Bella titled her head slightly as she did her best to focus on folding her clothes. That didn't work as well she thought it would when Edward placed kissed on her skin, all the way down to her collarbone.
Bella bit her lip and turned around, getting ready to kiss Edward. A loud bang on the door made Bella jump. "Keep it quiet in there Eddie boy! You're not the only one in the house!" Emmett hollered.
"Please excuse me," Edward mumbled. He vanished out to the hall, and Bella giggled at the sounds of Emmett's girly scream. A few thuds came from downstairs, which sounded like a vase breaking. She could hear Esme yelling at the boys to take it outside, and the front door opening. Bella assumed they went outside so she rushed over to the big glass door and watched as Edward flung Emmett into a tree.
Bella covered her mouth in shock and laughed as Emmett picked up a tree and chucked it at Edward. Edward easily ducked at it and soon pushed Emmett to the ground, his foot on Emmett's chest. The glass door was slightly open, so she could hear what Edward was hissing at Emmett.
"Talk about my sex life," Edward mocked, "One more time, I dare you."
Emmett gave Edward a defeated look, and right when Edward was about to remove his foot, Emmett retorted "We're going to have to get your balls chopped off, eh Eddie boy?" That was the last straw for Edward. His face looked like he was ready to kill Emmett. He grabbed Emmett by the collar of his shirt and dragged him into the forest. She could hear trees breaking and Emmett screaming for Rosalie.
Bella giggled as she walked back to the tan dufflebag. She zipped it up after placing an extra pair of mittens in the bag; it was always good to be prepared. A knock on the door pulled Bella from her thoughts. She knew it wouldn't be Edward, so she said "Come in." The door creaked open and Renesmee skipped into the room and then pulled herself onto the bed, looking at Bella with curious eyes.
"Whatcha doing?" She questioned, cocking her head to one side as she looked at the dufflebag. Bella pushed the bag away and sat herself onto the bed, her back resting against the headboard. Renesmee crawled onto her and Bella wrapped an arm around her daughter's small waist as Renesmee rested her head on Bella's stomach.
"Momma," Renesmee started, playing with the fabric of Bella's shirt, "Can we go camping one day? With me, you and Daddy?"
Bella smiled. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, angel. I will talk to Daddy about it." Renesmee grinned and placed her hand on Bella's neck, showing Bella her thoughts of all of them camping together.
A breeze blew across Bella's neck as she felt two strong arms wrap around her and Renesmee. Bella shivered at Edward's touch but smiled as Renesmee snuggled in between them. "My two favorite girls," Edward murmured.
Renesmee raised her head slightly, her chocolate brown eyes locked on Edward's golden eyes. "What happened to Uncle Emmett?"
Bella exchanged glances with Edward and stifled a giggle. "Uncle Emmett was being inappropriate," Edward elaborated, hesitating at first. Renesmee knitted her eyebrows together, just like Edward did when he was confused. Bella grinned and kissed Renesmee's temple.
"You are so like your father," She mumbled as she stroked Renesmee's bronze curls. Renesmee smiled proudly. Her nostrils flared and then she let out a squeal of excitement.
"Grandma's making cinnamon buns!" In an instant, she was out of Bella and Edward's embrace and rushing down the stairs, following the delicious smell. Bella and Edward chuckled.
"I don't know," Edward stated as he pulled Bella into his embrace, "She reminds me more of you than me."
Bella shook her head and clutched Edward's shirt in between her fingers. "I think you're seeing things." In the blink of an eye, Edward was hovering over top of Bella. His breath swirled on Bela's face, making her mind go crazy with different thoughts.
"What are you thinking, my love?" Bella used one hand and pushed Edward up just slightly, so she could stand on her knees and wrap her arms around his neck. Her thumb nail stroked the nape of his neck as Edward's broad arms wrapped around Bella's waist. Their breaths intertwined, making a mixture of ice and fire. Edward chuckled and leaned forward to kiss. Once their lips connected, Bella could feel the spark that she felt when she first kissed him.
She never wanted to get rid of that feeling.
Bella used her teeth to gently pull on his bottom lip, which made Edward groan. She was about to go in for another kiss, when Edward closed his lips with a scowl. "It seems we can't even make out without Emmett intruding on us."
Bella opened her mouth to say that Emmett wasn't going to, but immediately took it back when she heard a husky laugh from outside the door. "I have an idea," Bella muttered.
uBella got off the bed and opened the bedroom door. Emmett had disappeared, probably to his room. Bella smirked and ambled down to the garage. She found Emmett's jeep and was very grateful that it was still open. She pulled herself into the driver's side and locked the doors, and waited. Seconds later, Emmett came through the garage door and ran to the jeep.
"Bella, I'm begging you, please don't do this!" He screeched.
"Promise you won't interrupt Edward and I again?"
"Bellarina, you know it's just a joke-" Emmett let out a squeal and Bella pulled a CD from the CD player and snapped it in half.
"OKAY, OKAY! I PROMISE!" Emmett hollered. "NOW LEAVE MY BEATLES CDS' ALONE!" Bella shook her head, not satisfied with Emmett's answer. Emmett let out a ravenous growl, making the hairs on Bella's arms stand up. He grabbed ahold of the Jeep door, and after a few tugs, the door of the jeep was off. Bella's eye widened as Emmett pulled Bella out of the jeep and flipped Bella over his shoulder.
"You've messed with the wrong vampire, Bellarina!" Emmett growled. Bella swallowed the lump in her throat. Before Emmett could even go anywhere, Edward swooped in and grabbed Bella by her waist and placed her on the ground. Emmett growled, and then vanished from the garage. Bella managed to speak.
"I-I didn't know he would be that angry," Bella stuttered as Edward led Bella back upstairs. Edward shrugged.
"He deserved it." Bella gave a curt nod as Edward closed the bedroom door behind him.
"Are you hungry?" Edward asked."
Bella's stomach growled in response. Edward chuckled and disappeared to downstairs to make Bella dinner.
About three hours later, Bella and Edward were cuddling on the bed. She had already put Renesmee down to bed and helped her pack for the next two days. There was no way in hell that she would let Renesmee even come close to the fight. Her mind wandered as Edward stroked her back, easing her mind.
"What are you thinking?" He murmured.
"Just about the fight."
Edward pulled Bella closer and looked into her brown eyes. "Don't worry, love. Everything will run smoothly," he reassured.
"And if it doesn't?"
"That's the thing about hope, Bella. You have to have it in order to succeed in life. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in the same spot for the rest of your life."
Bella nodded. "Get some rest, love. We have a very busy schedule ahead of us." Bella wanted to argue and say she wasn't tired, but after about thirty minutes, Bella had fallen into a deep slumber.
~ ~ ~
Bella woke up the next morning to the sound of shuffling around the bedroom. The bed squeaked, letting Bella know that Edward had returned to the bed. "I apologize. I didn't mean to wake you." Bella shrugged and reached her arms above her head, stretching her whole body.
"What time is it?" She yawned. Edward looked at his watch.
"Only Twelve-thirty." Bella shot upwards and looked at Edward.
"We should've been out on the battlefield!" Bella shrieked. "Why didn't you wake up?"
"Relax, Bella. Tonight is going to be a rough night, so I wanted you to get some sleep."
"Did Renesmee already leave to Billy Black's?" Edward nodded.
"Damn it Edward! Why didn't you wake me up? I wanted to say goodbye to her!" Bella hissed as she snatched her clothes from her dufflebag.
"You did say goodbye to her, love. You were half asleep, so it makes sense that you can't remember." Bella opened her mouth to argue, but instantly decided against it. She rushed to the bathroom and changed into the clothes she had snatched without looking.
She pulled on the dark blue skinny jeans, gray pull over sweater and white anorak jacket. She added her dark red, knitted scarf and a knitted toque to match. She pulled on her black boots and grabbed her sneakers and shoved them in her dufflebag. She shoved her hair into a messy braid and then walked out of the bathroom and back to Edward, who was packing a backpack.
Edward turned around and chuckled. "Are you going to be warm enough?" He teased. Bella stuck out her tongue.
"I get cold very easily." Edward grinned and slung the backpack over his shoulder.
"You ready?" Bella nodded as Edward took his hand into her own, their fingers wrapping around each other. Edward smiled as they walked hand in hand down to the garage. Thankfully, Rosalie had fixed Emmett's jeep after his little 'fit', so Bella wouldn't have to get motion sickness while on Edward's back.
Edward helped Bella into the jeep and closed the door behind her. After Bella closed her eyes watching Edward zoom around, they were backing out of the garage. Bella squeezed Edward's hand, obtaining comfort from him squeezing back.
Bella bit her lip as as the jeep bounced on the terrain, making her insides churn. Bella let out a deep exhale and continued looking at Edward and her hand. Edward stroked Bella's hand with his thumb, making her relax.
After about ten minutes, they arrived near the battlefield. Edward had explained how she was going to be carried around by the mutt some more and Edward was going to head up the mountain to set up camp. Bella put on a forced smile as Jacob opened the jeep door and carried her bridal style. Edward kissed Bella's forehead and then disappeared, the trees trembling.
After silence started to brand itself between Bella and Jacob, Bella broke it with a quick question. "Where's the rest of the pack?"
"With the Cullens, down in the battlefield. They're doing one last training session." Bella nodded.
"Can you put me down? I need to retrace my scent." Jacob raised his eyebrows and reluctantly put her down. She could tell that Edward had had a few words with him. Bella rolled her eyes and scanned the forest ground, looking for where she placed the sharp rock. She had placed it in a prominent spot and she was determined to find it again.
Bella snatched the sharp rock from under the tall pine tree where she had placed it just the day before. She poked the scab on her finger with the rock, and blood slowly oozed out. She rubbed her blood on every second tree. Jacob watched with an amused look on his face.
"If you have something to say, spit it out."
Jacob sighed. "I was just wondering why you're doing this."
"Doing what?"
"Risking your life for a monster. "
Bella bit her lip. "If anyone's a monster, it would be me. He hasn't done anything wrong. I'm the one who betrayed them and the one who killed humans without blinking an eye."
"You're never going to forgive yourself for that, are you?"
"Let me ask you this. Would you forgive yourself?"
Jacob shut his mouth and Bella half-smiled as she rubbed a leaf in between her fingers.
"Do you miss being a vampire?"
"Besides the fact I wanted to kill someone almost every second of the day, yes, I do miss it."
Bella and Jacob continued to walk in silence, when a thought hit Bella. "Jacob, I need you to promise me something."
"Of course."
Bella inhaled and turned to face his goofy smile. "Promise me if she falls for someone else, you won't push her. Promise me you won't pressure her to be with you. Promise me, Jacob Black."
"I swear on my life."
~ ~ ~
Edward swept Bella off of her feet when Jacob and her reached the mountain. He nuzzled his face into her neck, making Bella giggle. Jacob cleared his throat and Edward gently placed Bella back on the ground.
"The trail was successful," Edward said. "I followed it and Bella's scent is perfect. Any newborn would go crazy and follow that scent."
Jacob nodded and raced off back to the woods. Bella could hear his clothes shredding as he phased. "Come on, let's go inside the tent." Bella trudged after him into the gray tent. Instantly, she was pushed to the bottom of the tent, Edward hungrily devouring her lips. "I can have you all to myself," He growled as Bella unbuttoned his plaid shirt inbetween kissed. Bella arched her back as Edward gave her kisses on the neck.
She didn't want this to stop.
But of course, it did.
"Carlisle wants us to regroup quickly," He groaned. Bella buttoned his shirt back up with a small frown and Edward swept her up into his arms. She snuggled against his chest and closed her eyelids, her stomach feeling nauseous as Edward ran. A few minutes later, they were down on the battlefield. The wolf pack had all phased previously and the other Cullens were standing beside them uneasily.
Bella zoned out as Carlisle led one more training session. Edward would always send her a small smile as he trained, but other than that, he was immensely focused. Dirt clouded in front of Bella as the Cullens flipped each other to the ground, and the proceeding to have a growling match. About halfway through the training session, Alice came and sat beside Bella.
"How are you not nervous?" Bella wondered, her eyes locked on Rosalie and Edward fighting.
"There's no reason to be nervous. Everything will go smoothly. I've seen it," Alice reassured.
"What happens after this, Alice?"
"Only the future can tell, Bella," She said with a wink. "But I guarantee something good is coming your way."
Bella pursed her lips and watched Alice join Emmett in training. It hurt Bella's eyes trying to keep focus on them. It was almost like watching cars pass in the backseat of the car, but faster. The light of day slowly faded behind the mountains, and finally, newborn training was done.
Edward lifted Bella into his arms once again and they ran up the mountain, Edward doing his best to shield Bella from the cold. When they reached the top of the mountain, snowflakes emerged from the dark clouds, dancing towards the ground. Bella watched with a mesmerized look, and she even stuck her tongue out hoping to catch a snowflake. Edward chuckled.
Bella crawled into the tent and Edward tucked her in her sleeping bag, Edward trying to keep his distance, not wanting to make Bella colder.
Bella shivered under the thermal sleeping bag and Edward looked at her, guilt written across his face.
"What can I do? What can I do to make you warm?" Bella opened her cold lips to speak, but a howl interrupted her. Her hairs stuck on ends as she sat up.
"W-what w-was th-that?" She stuttered, her teeth chattering.
"It's just Seth. He's going to be here in case we get any visitors tomorrow during the fight."
"A-are yo-ou exp-pecting s-someone?" She teased.
"I have a feeling Victoria will appear," Edward admitted. A cold chill ran down Bella's spine.
"I-I k-know what yo-ou c-can d-d-do to w-warm m-me up-p."
"Anything." Bella pulled the sleeping bag off of her shoulder and straddled Edward on his lap. She started to kiss under his jaw.
"Bella," Edward groaned. "We're not having sex to warm you up."
Bella stuck out her bottom lip. She ignored his comment and pressed her cold lips to her own, sending sparks to ignite in her body. "W-who said a-anything about s-s-sex?" Edward chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist. Bella continued the kiss, and poked his lips with her tongue. Edward opened his mouth a bit more, letting their tongues touch.
After a heated make-out session, Bella was instantly warmed up. "All better," she said with a smile. Edward rolled his eyes and brought the sleeping bag over, wrapping Bella in it. Bella closed her eyes as Edward started to hum her lullaby. Eventually, she fell asleep to the sound of Edward humming, and the howls that echoed across the valley.
~ ~ ~
Bella woke up with a small moan, sad that she had to wake up. Today was a big day, and she had to be prepared. The door to the tent zipped open, and she saw her favorite crooked smile. "Good morning, sunshine."
Bella yawned and gave Edward a small smile. "Did the fight start yet?" She asked, pushing away the urge to yawn again.
Edward shook his head. "Not yet. But you should wake up. It could be starting very soon." Bella nodded and Edward held out a hand. Bella reached out and grabbed it and Edward pulled her up and out of her sleeping bag.
Snow crunched under her boots as Bella rubbed her eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. When she opened them, she could see that the whole mountain was covered in fresh powder. "I made you breakfast," Edward said, pulling Bella from her thoughts. He handed her a thermal container, filled with warm oatmeal that had been freshly made.
"Thank you," She said as she scooped the warm oatmeal in her mouth. Warmth exploded through her body as she continued to eat. Seven minutes later a wolf that looked like Jacob, but wasn't appeared and started whining.
"Thank you Seth."
Bella placed down the thermal container."What did he say?"
"The newborns are coming. The fight is going to be starting any minute now."
Bella pulled her hair out of her braid and adjusted her toque as Edward pulled her into his arms. Bella let a cold breath out as she listened the the wolves howling. "It's started, hasn't it?" Edward ignored her comment, his eyes widening.
"I knew it," He hissed, pulling Bella behind him. "I can hear Victoria's thoughts. She knew I wouldn't put you in any danger by staying down in the battlefield."
"That smart bitch," Bella muttered.
The bushes trembled and Edward growled. Instead of seeing Victoria, Bella saw someone she thought she would never see again.
"Jessica?" She whispered.
~ ~ ~ ~
yaaay! I finally updated! Okay, just a few quick things.
1.) School is starting in like five days, and if I don't get to update again, I want to let you know about my updating schedule. As before, I will be updating Rising Dawn every Sunday, until it is finished. For now, Defiance is going to go on hold, until this is done. Once this story is done, I'm going to focus on Defiance, and once Defiance is over, I will be starting Eternal Sun.
2.) Everyone please go follow my cousin deathlygames ! It would mean a lot(:
3.)I apologize for the short chapter. The last two chapters will be better. I hope.
Anyways, you know what to do.
Sincerely, Burningbrightfire
Picture: Bella and Edward (Bella is wearing different clothes)
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