Chapter Sixteen: The Future of Us
A small tickle on Bella's ear made her wake up. She raised her hand to brush the tickle off, but her hand landed on a cold substance. "Good morning to you to," a soft voice said. Bella let her eyelids open and she turned her head to see Edward with his lips, inches away from her ear. She also had her hand on his cheek. Bella giggled and lowered her hand.
"Sorry about that," Bella said, with a giggle. Edward placed his hand over top of Bella's and then gently dragged his hand to his lips. His lips brushed her hand and then he slowly lowered Bella's hand.
"I have some bad news," Edward admitted. Bella rolled over to face Edward and pushed her right hand under her jaw.
"Define bad."
Edward pushed a piece of Bella's brown hair behind her ear. "Bad as in the weather."
Bella raised her eyebrows and peaked over Edward's shoulder. "What's wrong with the weather?"
Edward stood up and walked over to the window, placing his hand under the rays of sun. His skin broke out into a shine as soon as it hit the sunlight. Bella whispered "Oh," under her breath then stood up and walked over to Edward.
"I can still drive you to school if you'd like," Edward offered as he wrapped his hands around her thin waist. Bella wrapped her arms around Edward's neck and she stared into his golden eyes that lit up everytime he looked at her.
"It's alright," Bella replied. "I can drive myself."
"If you wish," Edward mumbled as Bella leaned her head into the crook of his neck.
"I wish we could stay like this forever," Bella whispered against his cold skin. Edward placed a kiss behind her ear and smiled. "But, I have to get ready for school."
Bella sighed as Edward released her. She shuffled to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She brushed her teeth with her favourite toothpaste and then brushed her hair. She looked down at her stomach and then realized she wasn't hungry so she continued getting ready in the bathroom.
After she had twisted her bangs back and swept her hair to the side, she walked to Rosalie's closet and rummaged through the bags full of clothing, looking for something to wear that day. She finally decided on a gray tank top, black ripped jeans and a jean jacket. She slid the jacket on and then placed one foot on the chair that was in the closet and tied her red converses from prom last night.
A smile tugged at Bella's lips thinking about the previous night. They had danced for about two hours, just talking about everything. Then after when Edward insisted that they sit down, they sat down on a bench outside and gazed at the stars.
Bella pushed the thought of prom back as she opened the door and jogged down the stairs. She pushed her lunch into her bag and then looked at the time.
"Bella dear, are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" Esme asked. Bella shook her head.
"I'll be alright." Esme let out a sigh of defeat then held out her hand with a granola bar in it.
"Can you just take this? It would make me feel better knowing that I gave you something to eat." Bella chuckled and took the granola bar. She gave Esme a hug and then said goodbye to the others. She quickly kissed Renesmee on the forehead--after a huge hug-- and then she kissed Edward goodbye.
He followed her out the door and then kissed her cheek as she got in her truck. The truck grunted to life and she shifted gears, backing out of the Cullens' driveway.
Bella turned on the radio that Emmett had installed, wanting to have something ease her mind. Everywhere she looked, everywhere she was, she felt as if someone was watching her. A chill ran down Bella's spine as she pulled into the Highschool parking lot.
She turned the car off and leaned back on the seat, her eyes slightly closed. She was early and school didn't start for another half hour. She then unwrapped the granola bar and took a bite, the small amount of food making her stomach gurgle. She took another bite and jumped out of seat, a banging sound startling her.
She turned her head to see Jessica knocking on her car door. She unlocked it and Jessica swung the door open and got in the truck, slamming the door behind her. "How are you?" She asked Jessica. Jessica then started chatting about a girl named Lauren who got extremely drunk and threw up on Mike's shoes. Bella nodded her head occasionally, letting Jessica speak and rant. When she was done, it was time to go inside for classes were starting in ten minutes.
Bella followed Jessica into the school and quickly turned the opposite direction to her locker. She opened it and slid her binder and textbook into the crook of her arm. While she waited for class to start, she leaned against her locker and watched people walk up and down the hallways.
Bella was ecstatic when she heard the loud shrill of the bell echo through her ears. For everyone, it meant to get to class. For her, it meant that soon she would be free of these school hallways and be able to live happily with Edward and Renesmee.
~ ~ ~
Bella sat in English, tapping her pencil against her desk. Her stomach growled and she assured it in her head that she would have lunch soon, for this was the last class before lunch. She looked around at all the students around her as the teacher mumbled on about the Second World War and what would happen if a Third World War would happen in Europe and how it would affect the States. Bella rolled her eyes and continued looking at the other students. Thankfully she was at the back of the class so no one noticed her staring.
Bella bit the inside of her cheek as she watched Jessica and Mike hand notes to one another and how Angela was writing down everything the teacher was saying. Bella looked down at her paper, which had messy scribbled notes on it as well. Unlike Angela, she wasn't writing everything the teacher was saying. She only wrote down things that would be on exams. She always knew if the teacher said something that would be on the test. Each teacher would have his own way of letting students know that this was on the test.
Her Grade 11 Socials teacher always put a star by key points on the chalkboard. But for Mrs. Parker, the English teacher, she would always use a different colored piece of chalk for key notes. Most students didn't notice; they just thought the teacher was using different colors to attract everyone's attention.
The sound of the bell echoed through the classroom. Students immediately got up and rushed out of the classroom. as Bella was gathering her stuff she heard the teacher say "Bella, please stay after class." Bella let out a soft groan and sat back down in her seat. When the classroom was empty, she picked up her stuff and walked to the teacher's desk.
"Do you know why I asked you to stay after class, Miss Swan?" Mrs. Parker asked as she placed her pen down.
A small lump formed in Bella's throat but she swallowed it down. "Am I failing?" her stomach clenched together, hoping that wasn't the case. If she was failing a main class, the teacher could hold her back from graduation. Mrs. Parker chuckled and shook her head.
"Pull up a chair, Bella." Bella pulled a chair from the closest desk and pushed it in front of the desk. She sat herself down and placed her supplies down on the ground beside her.
"So I'm not failing?"
Mrs.Parker shook her head once more. "You're my best student in this class, Bella."
Bella's eyes widened. "What about Angela?"
"Angela is also an exceptionally good student, but she doesn't have that same voice that you have when you write essays. Angela uses facts whilst you support your opinion."
Bella half-smiled as Mrs. Parker continued. "Anyways Bella, I wanted to give you this." Mrs.Parker held out a sheet and Bella gently took it from her hands. She looked back up at her teacher, but Mrs.Parker nodded, signaling for her to read it. Bella opened the folded paper and scanned it.
University of Seattle
Seattle Central College
Peninsula College
Harvard University
Stanford University
Alaska Pacific University
Bella glanced up at Mrs.Parker with confused eyes.The teacher grinned and said "I know Alaska is far, far away but they have a great English program."
"Why are you giving me a list of colleges and universities?" Bella asked.
"You have amazing potential Miss Swan and graduation is in a two and a half weeks. Just think about some of those colleges and universities on there?" Bella nodded and Mrs.Parker adjusted her glasses with one hand and pushed away her short black/grey hair away from her face. "I have recommended you to the dean for most of these colleges through email. Bella's heart leapt into her throat"You are dismissed. See you tomorrow Miss Swan."
Bella pushed the chair into the desk and walked out of the classroom. She ambled to her locker and placed her binder in her locker. Bella looked at the sheet once more. How was she supposed to attend a school if she was a newborn vampire? She could easily kill a bunch of people. Bella crumpled the piece of paper and shoved it into her backpack. The last thing she wanted to think about was her future.
She grabbed her lunch and ambled towards the cafeteria. Where was she supposed sit since the Cullen's were gone? She would look like an idiot if she sat at the table alone. She was about to go to the bathroom and eat her lunch there when she heard Jessica call "Bella! Come sit with us!" Bella bit her lip and the walked to her friends table and sat down. She could recognize less than half of the people at the table. She knew Jessica, Mike, Angela and Eric. She couldn't recognize the rest.
Bella opened her lunch and pulled out the sandwich the Esme had made for her. She took a huge bite and watched everyone talk and laugh with each other. Every so often Jessica, Angela or Mike would try to make conversation with her but she would just nod. She felt so out of place.
~ ~ ~
Bella slung her backpack over her shoulder as the last bell of the day reverberated through the halls and classrooms. She was so happy that the day was done. She practically bolted down the hallways and jogged towards her truck. She opened the handle and jumped back.
"Get in the passenger side," Alice said. Bella nodded and closed the door and walked around to the other side. She opened the door and pulled herself in. Alice backed out of the parking lot and pulled on to the street.
"What are you doing here? You could've been noticed," Bella said.
"I wanted to talk to you about the list that Mrs.Parker gave you."
Bella turned her whole body around immediately and grabbed onto Alice's arm, looking at Alice with pleading eyes. "Please don't tell Edward," She begged.
Alice's right eyebrow quirked up and she turned her head. "Why don't you want Edward to know?"
Bella sighed and released Alice's diamond hard skin. "I'm not sure if that's the path I want to take," she admitted. "And I don't want Edward to know because I know he will beg me to go and insist that he pays. If I go to school after graduation, I don't want to be influenced or persuaded. Also, by the time I would want to go, I'll be a vampire. Won't I?"
Alice froze her gaze set on the road in front of them. Bella could tell she was looking into the future and that Bella was right. "It could change you know. The future changes everyday. But, I know that if you don't at least consider it, you will regret it Bella. I know that is set in stone."
"I'll have my whole life to go to college or university."
"Like I said Bella, the future changes everyday."
The ride was quiet the rest of the way home. Bella was grateful for that.
When Alice pulled into the driveway and parked. Bella was about to swing the door open when Edward beat her to it with a crooked smile plastered on his face. He wrapped his hands around her waist, and slowly pulled her out of the truck. Bella giggled and Edward kissed her forehead. "How was school?" he asked.
"Boring as always." Edward chuckled and entwined his cold fingers with hers. He then led her up to their room and Bella plopped herself on the comfy bed, placing her backpack beside her. "Where's Renesmee?" Bella inquired.
"She went to La Push with Jacob." Bella nodded and pulled out her math homework. She started doing it, and Edward helped her for a few questions.
She heard a door slam shut and Edward quirked up an eyebrow. Bella continued working but Edward then whispered "Go see Renesmee." Bella's forehead creased but she placed her pencil down and walked towards Renesmee's room to hear muffled sobs. Bella pushed open the door and closed it behind her. Renesmee lifted her head, her bronze curls hiding her puffy red eyes.
"Renesmee? What's wrong?" Bella asked sitting down on the bed. She pulled Renesmee into her lap and stroked her hair while Renesmee calmed down. "What happened, baby girl?" Renesmee lifted up her head and Bella stroked away the tears with her thumb. Renesmee rested her head on Bella's shoulder and Bella rubbed her arm with her cast. She wasn't very good at comforting people.
"What happened?" Bella repeated as Renesmee focused on her breathing. Bella lifted her head to see Edward standing at the doorway with a scowl on his face.
"Jacob did what?" He hissed. Bella turned her head back down at Renesmee.
"Baby girl, please tell what's wrong."
Renesmee exhaled. "I was playing with Claire and then J-Jacob walked past and I got distracted and Claire accidentally pushed me down and J-Jacob started shouting at her for no reason and Claire started crying and then Q-Quil came and started yelling at J-Jacob and t-then they changed into wolves and started fighting and it's a-all my fault," She sobbed.
"Shh, Baby girl. Of course it's not your fault," Bella cooed, bringing Renesmee into her arms. The warmth emitting from Renesmee shocked Bella. She placed the back of her hand on her daughter's forehead. She was very warm. "I think you're coming down with a cold," She whispered. "Are you feeling okay?"
Renesmee shook her head with a whimper. "I'll go get some medicine," Edward mumbled.
"Let's get you into your pajamas," Bella whispered. Renesmee nodded and Bella started pulling her jeans off. Renesmee wiggled her legs and Bella pulled the jeans off and threw them in the dirty hamper. She then pulled Renesmee's blouse off. She searched through the draws and pulled out a pink pajama shirt and pink bottoms. She helped Renesmee put them on and then helped Renesmee into her bed. She heard the door creak so she turned her head to see Edward with a glass of water and Carlisle with his doctor's bag.
"Hey Grandpa," Renesmee said with a small smile. Carlisle smiled and sat himself by Renesmee on her bed. He pulled out his stethoscope and checked her heartbeat and then continued with his check up. When he was done, he turned to Edward and Bella.
"She just has the common cold. She just needs some rest. She should be better in a few days." Bella nodded and watched as carlisle walked out of the room. Bella turned back to Renesmee and kissed her forehead.
"Get some rest baby girl," She said in a low voice. The bed shifted it's weight and Bella could see Edward on the bed in her peripheral vision. He kissed her forehead. As they were about the leave, Renesmee spoke up.
"Momma?" She croaked. "Can you read to me?"
"Of course." She glanced up at Edward, who was whispering something in Renesmee's ear, but Bella couldn't quite make it out. Renesmee nodded and then placed a hand on Edward's cheek. Edward laughed and then got off the bed and strutted out of the room.
Bella pulled her legs up on the bed and grabbed the newest book that Renesmee had started just days before. Renesmee had loved Wuthering Heights so she chose To Kill a Mockingbird. Bella cleared her throat and began where Renesmee left off. Renesmee closed her eyes as Bella read, and soon she fell asleep. Bella smiled and leaned over the sleeping girl, turned off the lamp and placed the bookmark in the book.
She quietly got off the bed, which made a small creak when she removed herself. Bella closed the door slightly and walked downstairs where she heard muffled voices. Bella walked into the living room and crossed her arms over her chest while leaning against the wall. No one sensed she was here so she looked at the television, for everyone else's eyes were glued on it.
13 dead in Seattle, who is the killer? The news reporter said, clutching her microphone. She then went into detail about the victims and where each murder took place.
"That's horrible," Bella said and everyone whipped their heads around. "I hope they find the killer."
"Don't you mean killers?" Rosalie mumbled just loud enough for Bella to hear. Bella uncrossed her arms and walked over to Edward, looking at Rosalie.
"What do you mean?"
Jasper sighed and Bella suddenly felt calmer about the situation. "She means that this isn't no ordinary killer."
"Do you mean a vampire?"
Emmett snorted and shook his head. "More like vampires."
Edward placed his hand on Bella's back and made small circles on her back, as he pulled her closer to him. "Don't worry love," He said resting his head on her shoulder. "They won't come here. The Volturi will eventually get involved and execute all of them."
Bella pulled away from Edward's grip, frustrated. How could he put all his faith in them after what they did to her? After what they did to the whole family?
"Bella's right," Jasper said, standing up from the couch. "We shouldn't expect the Volturi to come and clean up this mess."
"If it gets worse," Alice said, pushing away her black bangs, "We will go to Seattle."
"Did you just read my mind Jasper?" Bella blurted out, making Emmett and Jasper chuckle. She felt stupid after she said that.
"No Bella," Jasper said. "I felt what you were feeling. You felt anger,disgust and betrayal after Edward said the word Volturi." Bella nodded and then a loud growl filled the room.
Everyone laughed, including Edward. "Let's get the human some food," He stated. Bella ran her tongue over her teeth and followed him into the kitchen. He quickly zoomed throughout the kitchen, making Bella dizzy. Not even five minutes later, Bella had grilled cheese with tomato in front of her. Her stomach growled as she took a huge bite. Edward was probably the second best cook--besides Esme-- in the house.
When Bella finished gobbling down her dinner, Edward swooped in and retrieved her plate and placed it in the sink. Bella smiled. "Thanks."
Edward nodded and Bella opened her mouth to speak, but instead she let out a huge yawn. She hadn't realized she was that tired. "Ready for bed?" Edward asked. Bella nodded and yawned again. Edward grinned and Bella got off the stool. She walked up the stairs, feeling as if her body was about to collapse. She rushed to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and put her hair in a messy braid. She then tiptoed past Renesmee's room to Rosalie's closet and threw on small shorts and one of Edward's shirts.
Bella then strolled back to Edward's room and set herself on the bed. Bella pulled her legs up and turned to face Edward and found him face to face with her. "You look amazing in my shirt," He growled. Bella could feel her face heating up but she ignored it.
"Oh really?" She purred. Edward brushed his thumb against Bella's lips and then he couldn't take it anymore. He pulled himself on top of Bella, hovering over her fragile body. Knowing it would drive him crazy, she bit her lip. She could see Edward's eyes darkening in the corners.
"Just give in," Bella whispered, running her hand against his jaw.
Edward's jaw clenched at her touch. Before Bella could say anything more, Edward lifted Bella's head up using one hand. He placed gentle kisses there, occasionally running his tongue over her sweet skin. Bella reached her good hand up to touch him, but Edward leaned in, his lips inches away from her ear. It took him all his strength not to rip off her clothes. "Soon," He whispered.
Bella let out a frustrated sigh and Edward sat himself back on the bed. He knew she was angry at herself, but he knew no words to comfort her. Bella turned the other way and soon Edward could hear her heartbeat slow, which meant she was sleeping.
If only she knew what he had in store...
~ ~ ~
Bella woke up, the sun in her eyes. She instantly knew she was going to be going to school alone today. Her heart dropped into her stomach. Edward knew she was awake and he leaned over her body and whispered "Good morning love."
Bella was still upset from the previous night, but she knew Edward would have if she wasn't a stupid, fragile human. If only she could convince him to change her after graduation. "Good morning," She chirped. She then pushed the covers off of her and walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead.
She brushed her teeth, washed her face then put on the teeniest bit of make up. Alice then came into the bathroom and did Bella's hair, doing a messy french braid. "Thanks Alice," She mumbled standing up.
Alice sighed, wishing she could tell Bella it wasn't her fault. But she knew it wasn't her place, especially being his sister. But, she knew if she spoke, it would ruin the surprise she had in plan later that day for Bella.
Bella shuffled to Rosalie's closet and looked through her clothes. Her bad mood set her back from choosing an outfit. "Get over it, Bella," She mumbled to herself. "He said soon. It's better than him refusing to have sex at all." Suddenly feeling better, Bella pulled on light ripped skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a wool sweater with a hood. She looked at herself in the mirror, not liking the french braid. She went to the bathroom and removed the french braid. Curious, she picked up Alice's curling iron and re-curled some of her hair. She then tossed the curls behind her shoulder.
Bella smiled at her reflection and then walked down the stairs and grabbed her lunch from the fridge. Jasper, Emmett, Esme and Carlisle had all gone hunting early this morning so Esme had made her lunch the night before.
She turned around to see Edward with a goofy grin on his face. "You look magnificent," He commented. Bella blushed.
"Thank you." Edward cupped her cheeks and brushed his lips on to her own plush ones. Bella smiled against Edward's lips and used her tongue to trace his bottom lip. She felt him slightly shiver, and then he pulled away.
"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to school?" Edward asked, rubbing her arms. Bella nodded.
"I'm sure. Besides, I like being able to drive my truck." Edward chuckled.
"Call me if that piece of crap breaks down on the highway." Bella playfully gasped then swatted her hand on his chest.
"It is not a piece of crap!"
"Promise me something Bella."
"And what would that be?" Bella replied, fluttering her eyelashes.
"That when you become a vampire that I can buy you a new car."
Bella pursed her lips, trying to make it look like she was thinking about it. "How about no?"
Edward chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You are so stubborn."
"But you love me for it."
"Of course I do," he said kissing her nose. "Have a good day," He called as Bella walked out the door. "I love you!"
"I love you too," she said, knowing he would hear her.
Bella got in her truck and pulled out of the gravel driveway onto the freeway. She turned on the radio and bobbed her head to the song's rhythm. When she arrived at the school, she parked in her usual spot by the forest and pulled out a granola bar she had snuck for breakfast. She quickly chowed it down and then pulled her keys out of the ignition.
She walked into the school, and noticed something different with all the students. Instead of big groups, students were in small groups and mumbling to each other. Were the talking about her? Bella then found Jessica and Angela who were both leaning against lockers. She approached them and then the two went quiet. "What's going on?"
Jessica's jaw dropped. "I'm honestly like shocked you haven't heard."
"Heard what?"
"A kid from our school has been missing for officially two weeks now. The police are debating to call it quits and say he got in a car accident. His parents are furious," Angela elaborated.
"What's his name?"
"Riley Biers."
Bella sighed and clutched her textbook tight as she walked to her first class. This was going to be a long day.
~ ~ ~
When the last bell of the day rang, it was music to Bella's ears. It was Friday and that meant she could spend the weekend with her daughter and Edward. She rushed out of class and practically ran to her truck. She unlocked the doors and swung it open, only to shriek in fright. Edward chuckled.
"Damn it Edward! That's the second time this week!" Bella said. Edward grinned, showing off his pearly white canines.
"My apologies love. I just thought I would surprise you." Bella walked around the truck and got in the passenger seat.
Bella grumbled "What is it with vampires and scaring the shit out of me?" under her breath. Edward laughed, his voice echoing through the truck. She then muttered as quiet as she could "Stupid vampire hearing abilities!" Edward grinned as he pulled out of the parking lot. He thought he would make her think that he couldn't hear her.
When they pulled up to the house, Bella immediately got out of the car and was rushing up the stairs when she was flipped over a shoulder. Bella squealed and banged on Edward's back. "Let me down!" She shouted, blood rushing to her head.
"Sorry love," He said placing her down on the ground. Bella walked towards the door and then Edward pulled her on to his back.
"Why aren't you letting me go in the house?" Bella whined.
Edward grinned and started walking to the forest. "I've been ordered to keep you distracted until 4:35 this afternoon."
Bella huffed out a breath. "Why?"
"It's a surprise."
"Ugh!" Edward laughed and Bella buried her head into his back as he started to pick up pace. When Bella opened her eyes, she found herself in their meadow. She placed her backpack down at sat down on the soft grass. Edward sat behind her and ran his fingers through her hair as she was reading her Science review for her final exams.
"You know," Edward commented, his hand running gown Bella's side. "We could always bribe your teachers to let you pass."
Bella rolled her eyes and playfully pushed Edward back with her cast. Edward dramatically fell backwards and held his shoulder with a hurt look on his face. Bella placed the papers down and crawled over to Edward, hovering her body over top of his. His hands eventually found her waist and his thumbs stroked her hips.
"Are you okay?" Bella teased.
"I think I'm going to need a kiss to feel better."
Bella rolled her eyes as Edward used one hand to pull her closer. His lips were only millimeters away from hers. Bella attached her lips to his, and he let out a low groan. Her fingers went their own way and started unbuttoning his light purple button up shirt. She was so close to touching his bare skin. One more layer of shirts. As Edward's hands roamed her back and parts of he behind, Bella unattached her and slowly sat up on his lap, lifting his white shirt over his head.
Bella let out a small gasp as she felt to cool grass hit her neck. Edward pressed kissed against her neck, and Bella craned her neck to give him better access. Bella gasped as he squeezed her butt, letting his lips come back to her mouth and insert his tongue inside her mouth. They both groaned as their tongues fought for dominance. Edward surrendered and Bella giggled, pulling her mouth away to breath.
"Feel better?" Bella said as she laid her head on his cold chest. She loved the feeling of his skin on hers. It was like a puzzle and they were the last two pieces to combine.
"Much better," he grinned with his infamous crooked smile. Bella rolled her eyes and Edward pulled out her review sheet, knowing she would still want to study. He walked her through some of the questions and Bella confidently said the answers and most of the time she was correct.
When Edward went to put back the paper, his hand came across a crumpled piece of paper. He retrieved it out of her bag, Bella not noticing. He uncrumpled the loose paper and read through it. When Bella realized what he was reading, her head shot up.
"What's this?" Edward asked, sitting up, which made Bella sit up too. Bella swallowed and nervously scratched her nose.
"Um it's just something that Mrs. Parker gave me," Bella said, avoiding his gaze. Edward turned her head to look into her chocolate brown eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me, love? This is an amazing opportunity! And the fact that you were recommended for almost all these colleges and univ-"
"That's why," Bella mumbled. "I don't even know if I want to go and if I do I don't want to be pressured, no offense," She said quickly.
Edward sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You know I would never do that, Bella. Of course I would tell you it's a great idea and we could go together and-"
"You'd do that? Go to school with me?"
"Of course! Besides, I haven't been to a campus in a long time," He said with a wink. Bella ran her top teeth over her bottom lip.
"But what about the whole newborn vampire thing?"
"That can wait."
"But I don't want it to wait," Bella sighed, putting her face into her hands.
Frustrated, Edward stood up, and ran his fingers through his hair. "Can't you see what I'm trying to do Bella? I'm trying to give you a normal life with a normal future!"
Bella stood up. "Can't you see what I'm trying to tell you? I want to be with you forever, and you're denying it!" She shouted.
Edward grabbed her arms, tighter than he had meant to. Bella ignored it and looked up at Edward with a frown. "Don't you see you don't have a future with me? Are you that blind?" He snapped.
Bella pulled away her arms and looked at him, tears welling in her eyes. "Why would you think that?" She whispered as a tear fell down her cheek. Edward growled at himself and turned to comfort him, but she pushed him away.
"Screw you, Edward ," She snapped, tears flowing out like a river.
"Bella, love, I'm sorry-"
Bella shook her head and turned. Emmett stood there with a sad smile on his face. He looked up at Edward, showing him that Alice had had a vision of this happening and figured Bella would want some time alone. Bella pushed past Emmett and walked into the forest. Edward sighed and put his clothing back on.
"That was really low of you, Edward," Emmett mumbled.
"Fuck you Emmett," Edward snapped.
"I don't know why you can't see it. She is willing to sacrifice everything for you and all you do is push her back. "
Edward put his face in his hands. "I want her to have a normal life."
"She's willing to give all that up to be with you."
"I'm such an idiot, I need to tell her I'm sorry-"
"Relax Eddie. Bella will forgive you. Alice has already seen it. Just give Bella some time to calm down." Edward nodded and sat back down and Emmett chased after Bella. She was sitting on a log with tear-stained cheeks.
Emmett sat himself down beside Bella and brought her into a bear hug. "I-I don't understand what I did wrong," She hiccuped.
"Shh, Bellsie. Edward just can be a dick sometimes. But, he cares for you. It's been so long since we have been humans, so it's hard for us to understand human emotions. Why someone would want to be like us."
Bella inhaled, then exhaled and continued breathing when she heard a twig snap. She threw her head up to see Rosalie with a sympathetic smile on her face. "C'mon, Bella. Let's get you home." Bella nodded and Rosalie picked her up for a weird reason and ran back home. She placed her down and then Bella jogged up the front stairs and opened the door.
"Damn it Rose! You were supposed to keep her occupied!" Alice shouted from a ladder. Bella looked up and noticed she was pinning up a sign. All she could see was the word 'Grad'. Bella turned her head to see tables with food and some booze.
"Alice," Bella said.
"Bella," Alice replied. "Surprise!"
"What is this?"
"It may or may not be a graduation party and I may or may not have invited the whole Graduating class to our house."
Bella chuckled. "Sounds fun."
Alice's eyes widened. "Did you fall and hit your head?"
"Not that I can recall. Where is Renesmee?"
"Carlisle and Esme took her to a hotel tonight so she could rest without screaming teenagers. Now, I have left out some clothes for you and you will put them on without-"
The door opened and Emmett and Edward walked through. Edward leaned forward to Bella's ear and whispered "Can we talk upstairs please?"
Bella sighed and gripped on to the handrailing as she walked upstairs. She wiped underneath her eyes using the side of her hands and walked into their room. Bella sat on the bed and Edward uneasily scratched the back of his neck.
"I'm sorry-" they both said at the same time.
"Wait, why are you sorry?" Edward asked.
Bella sniffled. "For getting you worked up and lying to you about the college sheet. I should've told you." Edward sat down beside Bella and pulled her into his lap. Her head rested on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry for getting angry at you."
Bella shrugged. "I forgive you."
"Good." He placed a kiss on her forehead. Bella half smiled. "Now, you better go get dressed before Alice spazzes out." Bella giggled and climbed off of Edward's lap. She then walked to the bathroom and groaned at what she saw in front of her.
A pale blue dress that would reach her elbows lay folded on the counter, with a matching belt. Bella quickly stripped and looked at the dress once more. It almost looked like a fancy shirt and pencil skirt. The belt would go in the middle of her stomach, resting just below her breasts.
Bella slid on the dress and then did the belt. She pushed her hair to the side and looked down at her legs. She was so glad that all her cuts and bruises were healed, even though the dress went past her mid-thigh. She then saw her crescent moon necklace and her infinity so she put those on, along with a pair of white converses.
She walked out of the room and bumped into a muscular body, and she knew it was Edward. His hand met her cheek and his other hand snaked around her waist. "You will be the most beautiful girl here," Edward whispered in Bella's ear.
Heat rose to Bella's cheeks and he kissed her blush, which only made her blush more. "Is there people downstairs?" She wondered.
Edward nodded. "Only a few." Bella nodded then walked down the stairs to greet her guests. She smiled at everyone and followed behind Alice as she introduced Bella to students she didn't know that well. She managed to keep a smile on the whole time. Every so often, She would see Jessica and Angela go and make conversation with Edward. Edward would talk back, but he always kept his eyes on Bella.
After about an hour and a half into the party, the house was packed. Music was blaring in Bella' ears as she sat down on the couch. Another body sat down beside her and she turned and smiled.
"Hey Bella!" Seth said. Bella half-smiled. "How are you?"
"Bored. Tired. Etcetera." Seth laughed. "What are you doing here?" She asked in a polite voice.
"Alice invited the whole pack, but only me, Jacob, Quil and Embry showed up. Quil is talking to Emmett, Embry is making out with some chick, and Jacob is who knows where and I'm here!"
Bella laughed. Her mood instantly uplifted just seeing such a happy and familiar face. Bella turned her head to see Alice coming towards her with a red solo cup. Bella stood up but Alice froze, her eyes gazing off, and she even stopped pretending to breath. Bella knew exactly what this meant.
She was having a vision.
And by the looks of Edward's face, it wasn't good.
~ ~ ~
Finally updated! woo hoo!
Whatcha guys think of the chapter?
What do you think Alice had a vision of?
Sincerely, Burningbrightfire
Song: Paper Hearts by Tori Kelly
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