Chapter Six: Violent Delights
Bella peeked through her thick lashes, glimpsing at everything around her. She was in Carlisle's medical room. She turned her head to see that she was hooked to a monitor. Bella winced as she slowly sat up. She brought her fingers to her jaw, to find a huge bruise. She was a vampire. How did she have a bruise?
Bella removed the IV from her arm carefully and scanned the room.
"Bella?" Bella looked over her shoulder to see Edward. He opened his arms and Bella ran into them. He held her close and stroked her hair. "How are you feeling love?"
Bella shrugged and weaved her fingers into his. "Can we go hunt?" she asked. Instead of saying yes like she thought Edward would, Edward shook his head.
"No, we can't." Bella raised her eyebrows and Edward placed his hand on the small of her back. "Look," He instructed, pointing to the mirror that Bella was in front of.
Bella took a step forward and looked at the woman in the mirror. Her skin was pale, but not pale enough like a vampire. Her hair was still wavy, but it was flat and a little frizzy. She had a bruise on her jaw and a cut on the side of her forehead. Bella stared into the woman's eyes and gasped. They were chocolate brown. Bella was lost for words.
"Edward?" She choked out. "What's going on?" He brought Bella close and looked into her brown eyes.
"When you consumed the elixir, it removed all the venom from your system. You're a human Bella."
Bella tried to coax the words out of her throat, but nothing came out. Edward placed a gentle grip in her arm and pulled her closer to him. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, making Bella shiver. Bella rested her head on his chest while he held her. She inhaled his scent, and was soon calmed down.
"Bella?" Bella turned her head, just as Carlisle came in. "I'm going to need a blood sample from you. I want to make sure everything in your body is running good." Bella nodded and removed herself from Edward's safe embrace and walked over to Carlisle. He pushed a needle into her arm, and drew out some blood. Edward stared at the gooey liquid, a lump forming in his throat.
Carlisle walked out of the room, and Edward pulled Bella into the living room, where Renesmee awaited.
"Momma!" Renesmee ran up to Bella and hugged her, trying not to hurt her. Bella kissed Renesmee's forehead and Renesmee lifted her hand, but Edward shook his head at his daughter.
"Not yet, Renesmee. She's already overwhelmed."
Renesmee nodded and lowered her hand. A rumble echoed through the room, making Bella look up.
"What was that?" Bella asked quietly. Edward chuckled.
"That, my love, is your stomach." Bella placed a hand on her stomach and it grumbled.
"You're hungry, Momma!" Renesmee said with a giggle.
"I suppose I am." Bella replied with a faint smile.
"Lets get you something to eat."
Bella nodded and followed Edward into the kitchen. Her foot caught on the corner of the island, and she started to fall. Edward swiftly lifted her up before she could hit the floor. Blood rose to her cheeks and Edward chuckled.
"I like it when you blush," He admitted, which only made Bella blush more. Bella sat down on one of the black stools, while Edward buzzed around the kitchen, faster than a normal human. It was hard for Bella to focus on him so she looked away, feeling a bit dizzy.
In less than ten minutes, Edward placed a plate in front of Bella, which had chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. Bella shoveled the hot food into her mouth, her stomach feeling warm and full. The food scalded her throat, but she didn't care. She finished the food and Edward took the plate from her and placed it in the sink.
Edward walked up to Bella and glanced down at her on the stool. Bella looked up at him with her brown eyes and Edward stroked her jawline with his cold fingers. Bella flinched, but she was slowly getting used to the coldness. Edward stared at Bella with his crooked smile, making Bella blush. She grabbed the edges of her dress tightly and pulled it down, as far it would go. She looked down at her knees.
"What time is it?" Bella asked. Edward looked at his watch.
"Eight o'clock. "
"We should go get Renesmee ready for bed." Edward nodded and Bella stood up from the stool and walked outside, where Jacob and Renesmee were playing.
"Renesmee, it's time for bed," Bella called to her daughter.
Renesmee stopped what she was doing and stuck out her bottom lip. "But, Mom!" She whined.
"No buts. You can play with Jacob tomorrow," Edward said. Renesmee nodded and gave Jacob a hug and a kiss on his cheek. Edward started to growl, but Bella grabbed his hand, making him stop. When Renesmee walked up to Bella and Edward, Edward flipped Renesmee over his shoulder, making her laugh hysterically. They ran up the stairs, but Bella stayed outside, looking at Jacob.
"Thank you, Jacob," She said with a soft smile.
"For what?" He replied, perplexed.
"For being there for Renesmee and protecting her when Edward and I couldn't. That means a lot to me. I'm starting to think that there's a chance we could be friends."
Jacob smiled a goofy grin and chuckled. "I would like that." Bella nodded and ambled into the house, closing the door behind her. She yawned, which took Bella for surprise for she hadn't yawned for a long time. Bella shuffled up the stairs to Renesmee's room. Edward was lying down on Renesmee's bed reading her another chapter of Wuthering Heights. Bella smiled at her two favorite people in the world while she leaned against the door frame.
" 'You suppose she has nearly forgotten me?' he said. " Edward read. Bella closed her eyes and listened to Edward's perfect voice.
" 'Oh, Nelly! you know she has not! You know as well as I do, that for every thought she spends on Linton she spends a thousand on me! At a most miserable period of my life, I had a notion of the kind: it haunted me on my return to the neighbourhood last summer; but only her own assurance could make me admit the horrible idea again. And then, Linton would be nothing, nor Hindley, nor all the dreams that ever I dreamt. Two words would comprehend my future-death and hell: existence, after losing her, would be hell. Yet I was a fool to fancy for a moment that she valued Edgar Linton's attachment more than mine. If he loved with all the powers of his puny being, he couldn't love as much in eighty years as I could in a day. And Catherine has a heart as deep as I have: the sea could be as readily contained in that horse-trough as her whole affection be monopolized by him. Tush! He is scarcely a degree dearer to her than her dog, or her horse. It is not in him to be loved like me: how can she love in him what he has not?' "
Edward closed the book and placed the book on Renesmee's white night stand. He placed a kiss on her forehead, just as Bella walked in to say good night.
"Goodnight Angel," Bella mumbled, kissing Renesmee's warm cheek. The little girl smiled and hugged her mother. "We love you."
"I love you too," Renesmee said after she yawned. Bella chuckled.
"Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" Bella asked, stroking Renesmee's head.
Renesmee politely shook her head. "It's okay Momma. The nightmares are gone." Bella nodded and pulled the covers up to Renesmee's shoulders and turned her lamp off. She quietly tip toed out of the room and bumped into Edward outside of the door. Bella blushed and Edward smiled Bella's favorite smile.
"I want to show you something," He whispered in Bella's ear, the corners of his lips touching the side of Bella's ear. He gently grabbed Bella's warm hand and led her up another flight of stairs to his room. He pushed open the door -which wasn't there when Bella was last in his room- and Bella smiled at the sight.
A massive bed with dark gray sheets stood in the room. It even had crimson red curtains that hung on metal rods above the bed. Bella could easily tell that this bed would have costed quite a bit. "You did all this... for me?"
"I figured you would need somewhere to sleep. Alice also went out and bought you some pajamas." Bella crossed her fingers that it wasn't lingerie.
"Thank you," Bella said with a smile on her face. Before Bella could even realize what was happening, she was laying on the bed with Edward shadowing over top of her.
"Hold still," He instructed. Bella's heartbeat sped up and her breathing hitched. Edward's sweet but cold breath casted down on Bella, making her shiver slightly. Edward strummed his thumb once over her plush lips.
Just kiss me already," Bella begged, looking up at Edward's golden eyes. "Everything will be okay." She wrapped her arms around his cold neck just as Edward pressed his frosty lips against her warm ones. The kiss was passionate, but Bella knew that Edward would never kiss her like he did. Edward cupped Bella's face and Bella used her tongue to outline Edward's lips. Edward hesitated then gently pulled away, leaving Bella breathless.
Bella half smiled as Edward stroked her jawline with his finger tips. "We will get there, my love. Unfortunately, today won't be that day." Bella nodded, and Edward slowly climbed off of Bella, leaving her to catch her breath.
"I'm going to go get some pajamas on." Edward nodded and Bella slipped off the bed and out of the room. She was slightly embarrassed about what had happened, but she knew she had no reason to be. Edward wasn't upset and had said that they would get there eventually. Bella smiled at the thought while she walked down the hallway. Maybe being human wouldn't be that bad.
She pushed open the door to Rosalie's closet and turned on the light. Bags from various stores sat in front of her, with little post it notes on them that read Bella. Bella sat herself on the ground and sorted through the bags. Bella was glad that she didn't see any lingerie. She finally decided on a baggy red shirt and black shorts to match. She pulled the tags off of the articles of clothing and stripped down.
She pulled on the t-shirt and the shorts. The PJ's that Bella was wearing were unbelievably comfy. Bella tidied up the bags and walked out of the closet and back to Edward's room. She pushed open the door to see Edward relaxing on the bed with his hands behind his head. He lifted his head to look at Bella and he smiled. She stumbled over to the bed, almost tripping on the flat surface, and climbed on to the bed.
"Are you staying?" Bella asked and she played with the corner of her pillow.
"If you would like me to." Bella nodded and curled up to Edward. He wrapped his arm around Bella and she laid her head on his chest, a small smile on her face.
"Edward?" She asked. He looked down at Bella.
"Does it bother you that I'm human?" Edward hesitated and thought carefully of his answer.
"Of course not. It just means I will have to be more careful. You're still my Bella, just more fragile." Bella adjusted her position on his chest and closed her eyes. Edward turned the lamp off and stared at Bella like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. She was so beautiful when she slept. Her lips were in a pouting state and her eyelashes would flutter against her cheeks every once in awhile.
"You will never know what you do to me, Bella," He whispered softly to the sleeping Bella. "You add peace to my life, subtract sorrow and multiply joy. I will do anything in my power to protect you; even if that means protecting you from myself. Isabella Marie Swan, I am so in love with you. I want you to know that I am yours today, tomorrow and forever."
Edward counted her breaths and cherished each one of them. He counted each heartbeat that he could hear, being grateful for all of them. He wondered what she was dreaming about. He wondered if she was dreaming about him. Maybe she was dreaming about their future.
"Edward," Bella mumbled in her sleep.
"It's alright love. I'm here," He replied, even though Bella couldn't here him. She snuggled closer to him and Edward held her close. Edward looked out of the window and looked at the trees sway in the dark.
Edward. He was reading Alice's thoughts.
"Yes?" he whispered so low, that no human could hear.
It's almost done. Emmett and Jasper are doing the handy work and I am decorating.
"When do you think it will be ready?"
Probably in the next few days. Make sure Bella doesn't get suspicious, or she will find out. And surprises aren't fun when the person you're surprising knows what's going on.
"Tell everyone I said thank you."
Will do. Oh by the way, Bella has something she wants to talk about with you tomorrow around err.. 12:30 in the afternoon.
"Very Well."Edward tuned Alice's thoughts out and listened in to everyone else. Emmett was thinking about... Edward didn't even want to take a second look on why Emmett was imagining Rosalie dressed up as Marilyn Monroe. Edward shook Emmett out and listened to Jasper's thoughts, which were quite boring. He was doing a math problem in his head just for fun as he twirled a wrench in his hand. Rosalie was immensely pissed. She didn't want anything to do with Bella and Edward, especially since Edward purposed the idea and everyone agreed.
The sun slowly rose from behind the mountains and peeked behind them. Rays of sunlight filled of Edward's room, hitting on certain places of his body. His skin shined like diamonds and Edward looked away from his arm. He looked down at Bella and could tell she was about to wake up.
Bella's eyes slowly opened. She could feel Edward's cold breath down on her shoulders. She could also feel his eyes staring down at her. She tilted her head and looked up at Edward with a smile. "Good morning, beautiful." Edward said placing a kiss on Bella's temple. "How did you sleep?"
Bella grinned. "Best sleep I've had in months." She joked. Edward chuckled.
"What would you like for breakfast?"
Bella shrugged while she played with Edward's fingers. Edward smiled and Bella slowly sat up stretching her arms and yawning. She dangled her legs over the bed and stepped off.
"Can I have a few human minutes?" Bella asked as she made her way to the door.
"Of course. I will go get your breakfast ready." Bella nodded and yawned once more before making her way to the bathroom.
Edward exited his room and went to Renesmee's room, waiting for her to wake up. Renesmee's eyes fluttered open and a smile appeared on his face.
"Morning Daddy!"
"Morning, princess." He said, wrapping his arms around her for a hug. She hugged him back and pushed the covers off of her with her feet. "Go brush your teeth and brush your hair. Breakfast will be ready soon." Renesmee nodded and disappeared down the hall, while Edward entered the kitchen.
Bella looked at the toothbrush holder. She grabbed the blue one that sat beside the pink one, - which Bella assumed was Renesmee's - and pulled the sticky note that said Bella. She poured a whole bunch of toothpaste on to her toothbrush and scrubbed her teeth, just as Renesmee entered the bathroom.
"Morning Momma!"
"Good morning Renesmee," Bella said, with the tooth brush in her mouth. Renesmee didn't understand what her mother had just said, so she shrugged it off and assumed she had said good morning.
After Bella and Renesmee and finished brushing their teeth and hair, they went to Renesmee's closet, and Bella dressed Renesmee in a pink blouse and jeans. Renesmee ran downstairs and Bella went and got dressed herself. She entered Rosalie's closet and shuffled around looking for some thing to wear.
She finally decided on light gray jeans and a white long sleeve shirt. She pulled the clothes on and left her hair in spirals, hanging on her back. Bella walked down the stairs to the kitchen, just as breakfast was being served to Renesmee. Bella sat herself beside her daughter as Edward slid a plate with eggs and bacon towards her. She grabbed the fork that Edward handed to her and ate.
Edward smiled at his love and his daughter. "My two favorite girls," He said, as he cleaned up. As if on cue, Bella and Renesmee both pulled a strand of hair away from their face. Edward chuckled.
When you are done, come to the medical room with Bella immediately. Carlisle thought. Edward nodded to himself and took Renesmee's plate, sliding into the sink. She ran away from the island and ran to the living room to see Jacob, who had stayed the night on Renesmee's request.
Bella finished her breakfast and wiped her mouth with the napkin. She took the plate to the sink and rinsed it off. "Carlisle would like to see us," Edward said. Bella nodded and followed Edward up the stairs to the medical room. They entered the room to see Carlisle furiously scribbling notes on his clip board. he looked up as Edward and Bella entered the room.
"What's wrong Carlisle?" Edward asked. Edward tried to read his thoughts to see what was going on, but Carlisle wasn't thinking about Edward and Bella at all.
"How are you adjusting, Bella?" Carlisle inquired.
Bella shrugged. "It's still going to take some time, but I think I will be just fine," She said with a smile. Carlisle nodded.
"Sit, I insist," Carlisle said pointing to a black leather arm chair. Bella sat herself down on the chair and Edward stood beside the chair.
"Your blood results have come back," Carlisle stated.
"Is everything all right?" Bella asked, worry clouding her mind.
"Everything is alright," He assured Bella. "Now, Bella, I have a few questions for you."
"Are you sexually active?" Bella's cheeks went the brightest red and she slowly shook her head.
"I'm a virgin, Carlisle," she said quietly, which only made her cheeks go a violent red.
"Very well." He scribbled it down. "Have you ever been in a coma?"
Bella shook her head."'No, sir."
"Have you ever been put under anesthetics? For a surgery or something?"
"Bella, do you remember when you were under anesthetics?"
Bella counted the months in her head. "Erm I believe the December before I was turned into a vampire. I can't remember the date."
"It all makes sense now," Carlisle mumbled.
"Carlisle," Edward said through his teeth. "Please tell us what's going on."
"When your blood test results came back, they looked strangely familiar. So I ran a few tests with Renesmee's blood." Carlisle said. "The results matched. Renesmee had some of your genes in her system."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Bella snapped anxiously.
"It means, technically, you are the biological mother of Renesmee."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
woo that was a long chapter!
Sorry for the late post!
Anyways, School (for me) Is staring in a few days, so that mean's Rising Dawn will go back to it's regular update schedule : Every weekend, once a week.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you are enjoying the story!
P.S The cover shop is working out great! :D
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