Chapter One: Fear is in the Air
It had been over three months since the threat from the Volturi had surfaced. The Cullens were on edge; they never hunted alone, and they always kept their eyes out for anything suspicious.
We will be back. And we will have vengeance.
Those nine words echoed in Bella's head as she crouched up on a rock, her eyes scanning the forest. Her fingers curled up, making small pieces of rock crumble off the boulder.
"Bella?" a voice called. Bella whipped her head around to see him. Edward's golden eyes locked onto hers. He held his hand out towards Bella, a faint smile on his face.
Bella jumped off the rock and slid her hand into Edward's hand. "I'm sorry," She mumbled, looking behind Edward as he kissed her cheek.
"Love," He said, trailing his fingers against her jawline. "You have nothing to apologize for. You're not the only one on edge." He tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear. Bella nuzzled her face into Edward's shoulder, as he stroked her hair, holding her close.
"Edward? Bella?" Bella raised her head to see Alice standing ten feet away from them. "We came here to hunt," She said, with a giggle. Edward rolled his eyes and and kissed Bella on the forehead. His hand slithered down her arm and eventually their fingers intertwined.
Bella inhaled the April air, closing her eyes. Edward's hand created small circles on her back as she tried to smell any wildlife.
A mountain lion lurked in the shadows, tracking down its next pray. Bella's eyes flew open, and Edward released Bella's hand.
Bella dashed past Edward, towards the delicious smell that filled her nostrils. She could see the mountain lion with her peripheral vision. Bella squatted down, her hand squishing the moist grass. The mountain lion sniffed the ground and Bella knew it was time to attack.
Her back leg pushed her off the ground, sending her flying towards the beast. The cat yelped in shock and Bella landed on it, holding it down it by its neck. The mountain lion struggled under her grip, but Bella was stronger. She lifted her head and sank her teeth into the cat's neck. Warm, thick fluid poured into Bella's mouth.
After a few minutes of suckling the mountain lion's neck, Bella released the neck of the cat. She wiped her mouth with her forearm. She pushed the mountain lion's body off of her and stood up, striding to Edward.
He grinned and wrapped his arm around Bella's waist, pulling her close. "You're getting better at this hunting thing," He stated, staring into her violet eyes. Bella smiled and pressed her lips up against his. His hand caressed her cheek as Bella traced the outline of his lips with her tongue. Edward chuckled and slowly pulled away.
"I love you," He said, placing a kiss in the crease of her eyebrows. Bella giggled.
"As I love you," she replied. "We should go back to the house. I'm sure the mongrel is tired of playing dress up."
Edward laughed. "You really don't like him, do you?" He gripped Bella's hand tightly as they made their way back to the house.
Bella sighed. "It's not that I don't like him. I'm just concerned for our daughter's future. I don't want him getting in the way."
"Trust me, if he does, I will rip that mutt to shreds," He said, through his teeth. Bella chuckled as they emerged from the forest, reaching the Cullen house.
Bella glanced up, seeing bronze curls. Edward and Bella rushed inside and up the stairs to see their daughter.
"Momma! Daddy!" Renesmee dropped her crayons and ran into Bella and Edward. They both chuckled and hugged her. "I missed you!"
"They were only gone for an hour, Nessie." Jacob said, as put his blue crayon down. Edward glared at Jacob and growled under his breath. Bella glimpsed at him and shook her head, running her fingers through Renesmee's curls.
"I colored you a picture!" Renesmee exclaimed. She stumbled over to the coloring book, picking up a piece of paper. She handed it to Bella, and Bella examined the paper.
It was a picture of Edward, Renesmee and Bella. Bella grinned. "It's beautiful." she said. Renesmee's face lit up with glee.
"Esme?" Edward called. Esme strolled into the living room, and smiled.
"Do have any extra frames around the house? I want to hang something up."
"I believe I do," She mumbled, walking out of the room. She came back a few seconds later with a old, brown frame
"Thank you," Edward said. Edward took Renesmee's picture and slid it into the frame. Renesmee watched Edward, confused. Edward latched the frame up and placed it on a shelf.
Renesmee squealed and clapped her hands. Bella inhaled and wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I think someone needs a bath," She said. Renesmee frowned playfully and ran out of the room.
"I don't want a bath!" She hollered. Bella laughed and appeared in front of Renesmee, lifting her up. The little girl squirmed in her mother's arms, but then gave up and relaxed.
Bella walked up the white stairs to Alice's bathroom. She pushed open the door with her knee and placed Renesmee down. She advanced towards the bathtub, -which was more like a pool for its size- and nudged the tap. Warm water poured out of the faucet, sifting through Bella's fingers.
She turned her head to see Renesmee staring at the mirror. Her eyes were fixed on her face. "Momma?" She asked. "Am I pretty?" Bella smiled and walked up to her daughter, placing her hands on the little girl's shoulders.
"Renesmee Carlie Cullen, you are the definition of beautiful. It is like God created you himself. You are beautiful, inside and out. Don't ever forget that," Bella stated, placing a tender kiss on Renesmee's forehead.
The little girl blushed a bright pink and reached her hand out, placing it on her mother's neck. Pictures of Bella flooded from Renesmee's palm to Bella's mind. Bella chuckled softly.
"You're so pretty Momma. I hope one day I can look you," she said. If Bella was human, her face would be red as a tomato.Bella turned her head and rushed to the tub, turning off the tap. Renesmee walked up to bath and quickly removed her clothing, climbing into the bathtub.
Bella poured shampoo on her daughter's head and carefully rubbed it in, making sure none of it got in her eyes.
Renesmee had grown over the past few months. Her curls now reached the end of her back, and they were a darker bronze. She was taller, and her face was more defined. Renesmee interrupted Bella's thoughts by placing her hand on her cheek. Bella instantly got pulled into Renesmee's mind.
Renesmee walked through the forest. She was looking for someone. Her eyes wandered the scene, trying to locate the person she was finding.
She looked down to see a thick, gooey substance. Blood. Panic spread across her face as she followed the trail. Her heartbeat also sped up.
When she reached her destination, Jacob was sprawled on the forest floor with huge gashes on his neck. Renesmee raced towards him, but when she reached him, he was gone.
She turned her head to see a pile of bodies. Renesmee screamed out in horror. Bella could recognize every face. Edward. Carlisle. Rosalie. Alice. Jasper. Emmett. Esme. And Bella.
The girl collapsed to the ground, tears pouring down her cheeks and screams escaping her mouth. She looked up to see three familiar faces. Bella knew in an instant who they were.
The thought flickered, and then disappeared.
Bella opened her mouth in horror. Renesmee's eyes were red and puffy, as she placed her hand back in the warm water.
"I'm scared," She whispered, her wet curls falling in her face.
"Renesmee, you know we would never let anyone hurt you," Bella said, trying to speak confidently. But inside, Bella was scared as well. Everyone was. Fear of what would happen next.
The only thing Bella feared was not being able to save the people she loved.
Unsure of what to do, Bella slowly opened up her shield, thinking of what Renesmee had dreamt of. In less than five seconds, Edward came through the bathroom, pain on his face. He quickly rushed to the bathtub and stroked Renesmee's cheek.
"We will protect you, Renesmee. nothing will ever happen to you. You mother and I guarantee that." he stated. Bella's insides turned. She hated seeing the ones she loved in pain. She gripped Edward's hand and grabbed Renesmee's hand. Edward's thumb ran over Bella's hand.
"Everything will be okay in the end. We are a family; we will get through this, together." Bella mumbled. She was really just trying to convince herself.
Renesmee nodded. "How about we dry you off, and get you something to eat?" Edward said with a faint smile. Renesmee slowly inhaled and smiled back.
Bella and Edward hastily dried their daughter off. With Alice's help, Renesmee changed into a purple dress, with white tights and a green jacket. Bella and Edward walked her downstairs, into the kitchen.
Esme stood in front of the stove, cooking. Bella sniffed the scent, but was disgusted easily.
"What are you making, Grandma?" Renesmee chirped, pulling herself up on the stool that stood beside the island. Bella wrapped her arms around Edward's arm, watching their daughter.
"She'll be okay, love," Edward said in a low voice. Bella nodded and rested her head on his shoulder.
"I'm making macaroni and cheese," Esme said, as she poured the greasy noodles into a black bowl. She handed it to Renesmee and Renesmee started eating.
"Thank you!" Renesmee exclaimed. Esme chuckled and walked up the stairs to visit Carlisle, who was working in his study.
Edward and Bella watched Renesmee eat her human food. She lifted the fork to her mouth, and the noodles fell off the fork. She didn't notice, so she stuck the fork in her mouth anyways. She creased her eyebrows, wondering where the noodles went. Bella and Edward chuckled in amusement as she scavenged the floor for the noodles.
"It's the little moments like these you learn to cherish," Edward whispered in Bella's ear. Bella inhaled and got a whiff of wet dog mixed with rotten egg. Bella scrunched up her nose in disgust and Edward kissed her nose.
"You'll get used to it," He said, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. Bella stroked Edward's bronze hair, tangling her fingers in his curls.
The werewolf entered the kitchen and walked up to Renesmee. "Hey Ness," He said while Bella glared at him. "Want to go to La Push for a bit? Claire wants to see you." Renesmee nodded her head and shoveled the last of her noodles into her mouth. She jumped off her stool and placed the bowl into the sink before heading out of the room with Jacob.
Bella and Edward stood in the kitchen for a few minutes before making their way to the living room. The plopped themselves onto the white couch. Edward wrapped his arm around Bella's shoulder as Rosalie and Emmett walked in. They sat down on the floor,mumbling quietly to each other about their trip to Europe, two months ago.
Alice and Jasper waltzed in, and sat themselves on the other couch. Bella leaned her head onto Edward's shoulder, as his arm snaked down to her waist.
The room had an eerie silence. The silence was so thick, that you would have to use a knife to cut it.
Fear was in the air. And it wasn't going anywhere.
~ ~ ~ ~
What will this new adventures will they encounter?
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
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