Chapter Nineteen: Blood in the Water
"Ma'am? Can you hear me? Did you hear what I just asked you?"
"Officer, may we be questioned later? I believe my girlfriend is going through shock after what she just saw. It would be best if she could sit down for a few minutes."
"Very well, Mr. Cullen. We will talk to you two later."
"Bella, love," Edward whispered in her ear. Bella stared at the blood at the ground, not moving. Jessica was a vampire? "Bella, do you know who owned that ribbon?"
Bella's brown eyes flickered from the ground and to Edward's hand. She gave a small nod and Edward snatched her hand up and dragged her out of the bathroom to an empty classroom. He slammed the door behind him and grabbed both of Bella's hands. "Love, whose ribbon was that?" He asked sternly.
Bella wanted to tell him, but the words she wanted to speak would not lift off of her tongue. Her teeth ran over her tongue, taunting herself. Bella inhaled deeply and managed to gather the courage to speak what was on her mind.
Edward stood up straight and pushed away his bronze curls. "That's impossible, Bella. If she was a vampire-"
"Are you saying I'm a liar?" Bella snapped. Edward shook his head automatically and pulled Bella into his embrace.
"Of course not, love," He murmured. "I'm just trying to make sense of this all."
Bella leaned her head against his chest and took in steady breaths. She then looked into Edward's golden eyes. "Then let's make sense of this."
~ ~ ~
"Bella, we can't just barge into Jessica's house and ask her if she killed someone," Edward tried to reason.
"Watch me," Bella hissed, gripping the volvo's steering wheel as she sped down the road.
"Bella, stop the car. Now." Bella shook her head, her knuckles turning white from holding the steering wheel so tight. "Don't make me do what I have to do."
Bella spun the wheel, turning onto a backstreet. When she turned her head to look at Edward, the passenger side door was wide open. Bella cursed under her breath and looked back at the road. Edward's hand reached out and hit the front of the volvo, making a loud crash as his hand dented the metal.
Bella's body jolted forward at the impact, but luckily she didn't hit her head on the steering wheel. Images of her truck rolling into the ditch filled her head, and she gently placed her head on the steering wheel. Her vision started to blur with tears as she took shaky breaths. The driver door opened and Edward wrapped his arms around Bella and picked her up as if she was a small child.
"I'm so sorry, love. I didn't mean to frighten you," he uttered. Bella wiped her non-existent tears off her cheeks, trying to remove them from her eyes without letting Edward know that she was on the verge of crying. She was so stressed with school, being a parent at such a young age, and vampires that wanted to kill her. She just wanted a small break from life.
Bella unwrapped Edward's arms from her under her legs and her back, but that didn't stop him from gently placing her on the ground. She pushed away her muddy brown hair as she took in small breaths, trying to calm herself down.
"Do you want to go back to the house?" Edward questioned as he wrapped one arm around Bella's waist. Bella shook her head no.
"If we go back, Jasper will force us to train," Bella admitted truthfully. She didn't want to have to be pressed against Jacob's. . . rippling and sweating pectorales. Bella shuddered at the thought. She was so glad Edward couldn't read her mind. Bella's stomach grumbled, and she realized she hadn't eaten since the morning. Apparently getting questioned by officers in the parking lot can make a girl hungry.
Edward chuckled and pressed his lips on Bella's warm cheek, savoring the taste of her. "Let's get you something to eat." Bella nodded and followed Edward back to the volvo, closing the passenger door behind her as she buckled herself in.
Edward lifted Bella's hand to his mouth and placed a gentle kiss as he drove. Their fingers entwined together and Bella half-smiled as she looked out the window.
"Are we in Port Angeles?" Bella asked, her eyes wandering down the street, looking at the small shops and people.
Edward smiled. "I know a great restaurant here," Edward stated.
"I thought vampires don't eat?"
Edward chuckled, his laugh warming Bella's heart. "We can digest food, but it doesn't work with our bodies. After we've digested, we go somewhere private and spit out the food," Edward explained as he backed up into a parking spot.
When Edward pulled the keys out of the ignition and stuffed them in his pocket, he rushed around the car and opened Bella's door, helping her out of the car. "I don't think I'll be able to get used to that," Bella affirmed.
"That's good," Edward said gleefully as he pulled Bella to his side. Edward led Bella into the small restaurant, opening the doors for her every time. A waitress with an eyebrow piercing and blood red hair walked up to them, with a smile. Her eyes went a little too far down, making Bella's face turn a bit red. "Table for two," she hissed, making the woman look up with a small blush.
She led them to a small table with two chairs. The restaurant was hardly full, which was nice. But then again, that would mean the waitress's attention would be directly on them, meaning him. Edward pulled out Bella's chair and Bella sat down as the waitress placed the menus down.
"Hi! My name is Brenda, and I'll be your waitress today. What can I get'cha to start?" Brenda asked, chewing on the back of her pen.
"Just a water," Edward said, his gaze landing on Bella.
"Coke," Bella grumbled under her breath as she saw Brenda flutter her eyelashes towards Edward. She waltzed away, her hips sashaying side to side.
Bella clenched her jaw and balled her fists. "Bella, love," Edward said trying to get Bella's attention. Bella glanced up and loosened her jaw. "Is it just me or are you just a teensy bit jealous?" Edward teased.
Bella's cheeks turned a violent pink, making Edward chuckle. "She was practically throwing herself at you," Bella muttered under her breath. Edward brought his chair closer to Bella, and Bella let out a gasp, feeling Edward's hand on her thigh. He gave it a gentle squeeze which made Bella's eyes widen. "Don't worry," he purred. "You're the only one for me."
Bella's mind went fuzzy as he continued to caress her thigh. The sound of something hitting the table made Bella jump up, her knee hitting the bottom of the table. Bella cursed and immediately placed a hand on her knee.
"You okay there darlin'?" Brenda asked, as she placed Edward's drink on the table. Bella gave a curt nod.
"Perfectly fine," She muttered.
"Okay folks, do ya need more time to look or-"
"I'll have the mushroom ravioli," Bella interrupted, making Brenda glare down at her.
"And what about you?" she asked Edward.
"I will have the same thing." Brenda scribbled the order down and took the menu off of the table. Bella watched her walk away as she lifted the condensated glass to her lips, bubbles forming in her mouth. She placed the glass down and ran her tongue over the front of her top teeth.
"Love? Did you hear what I just said?" Bella blinked out of her trance and looked at Edward's face, his infamous crooked smile plastered on his lips. Bella then shook her head.
"No, sorry."
Edward chuckled. "I asked you if Alice had talked to you about graduation." Bella shook her head once more.
"What's there to talk about?"
Edward shrugged. "Just thought she would give you a few pointers and-"
"Alice saw me tripping while walking to get my diploma, didn't she?" Edward gave a guilty nod.
"There's a chance it may not happen right?" Edward smiled, confirming what Bella had just said. The sound of stilettos hitting the ground and she instantly knew that it was Brenda coming back with their food.
"You have something right there," Bella said pointing to her bottom lip. Edward raised his eyebrows and took his napkin, wiping his mouth. He looked at bella, giving her a questioning look as to whether he got whatever was on his lips. Bella hook her head and bit her lip. Confidence bubbled throughout her veins.
"Let me get it." Bella leaned forward, pulling herself on to Edward's lap. She took his bottom lip into her mouth, and swiped her tongue on his cold lip. She heard a loud crash as she took his lip in between her teeth. She smiled in satisfaction and released Edward's lip. Edward smirked and Bella turned around to see Brenda sweeping up the mushroom ravioli and the glass from the plates.
"It's not nice to tease, Bella," Edward said in a hoarse voice. Bella giggled.
"I'm not that hungry anymore," she admitted. Edward rolled his eyes and lifted Bella off of his lap and they walked out of the restaurant, a cheshire cat smile on Bella's face.
~ ~ ~
"Where are we going next?" Bella chirped in the car, looking out the window.
Edward sighed, making Bella turn around and arch her eyebrows up. "Please don't tell me that that mutt has to carry me around again," Bella whined like a small child.
"Don't worry," Edward assured, "I'll be sure to make it up to you." He gave Bella a small wink, which made butterflies flutter in her stomach. Edward could hear her heartbeat accelerate as he shifted gear and turned on to a rocky road in the forest.
Bella held onto the bottom of her seat as the volvo bounced up and down on the rocks. Edward kept his focus on the forest ahead of them, but he held Bella's cast in his own hand. She hated having that huge thing on. She was so glad that it would be taken off soon. It was a huge turn off.
Edward turned the steering wheel and pulled into the so called 'battlefield.' Bella groaned and pushed open the volvo's door as soon as it had stopped. She shuffled towards the shirtless Jacob, a clear look of annoyance implanted on her face. Jacob rolled his eyes as Jasper and Edward argued quietly about the bathroom situation that had happened earlier that day. He lifted her up into his arms and trotted into the forest.
After about ten minutes of silence, Bella spoke up. "Can you put me down for a bit?" Jacob nodded and placed her down on the forest floor, a stick crunching underneath her weight. Her eyes wandered around the ground, and she finally found what she was looking for. She picked up a sharp rock.
"Bella," Jacob asked, "What are you doing?"
Bella dug the sharp end into the tip of her finger, wincing in pain. Blood oozed out of her finger and she rubbed it on the tree closest to her. "I'm marking this tree with my blood so the newborns will go crazy," Bella elaborated.
Jacob nodded as she squeezed her finger and rubbed it on a leaf on another tree. "Let's keep going." Every few miles, Bella would squeeze her finger or reopen the injury and smear it on anything she could. When they finished the route, they ambled back into the field and Edward rushed up to her.
"Bella? Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Edward rapid fired.
Bella lifted up her finger to show Edward. "I'm fine," She reassured.
"Then why are you bleeding?" He inquired, cocking his head to one side like a puppy.
"I cut myself so I could spread my blood on various things, to attract the newborns," Bella said. Edward took her finger and kissed it.
"Better?" He asked with a crooked smile.
Bella pursed her lips. "I don't know, I might need another one." Edward chuckled.
"Let's go home. We have lots to discuss."
~ ~ ~
Bella fidgeted on the white couch, constantly changing what leg would cross over the other. Edward had just explained to everyone what had happened at the school. Carlisle had already known, for he investigated the situation right away. He had agreed that it was a vampire and since then, the Cullens had argued whether or not it was Jessica who attacked the girl.
"It can't be Jessica, I would've seen it," Alice argued as she rubbed her temples.
"What if she was framed?" Emmett wondered. "There's a chance another vampire could've placed her hair ribbon there so we would think it was Jessica."
Carlisle scratched the back of his neck, going through all the possibilities in his head.
"Or maybe," Bella interjected, "She is a cold-blooded killer."
Edward's gaze fell on Bella, his dead heart aching with sympathy. Bella picked at her cuticles, something she did when she was in an uncomfortable position. A repetitive thump came from the stairs and Bella saw two curious eyes glancing down at the Cullens. "Come on down babygirl."
Renesmee walked down the stairs, eyeing everyone in the room. She plopped herself beside her mother and Bella wrapped her arms around her daughter, pulling her onto Bella's lap. "We will continue this conversation later," Carlisle stated calmly. Half of the Cullens dispersed from the living room.
Renesmee's eyes flickered up to her mother's brown eyes, curiosity written across her face. "Did I do something wrong?" Bella shook her head as soon as Renesmee finished her sentence.
"Of course not. Something just happened today and it's got everyone on edge."
Renesmee froze in Bella's arms. "Are the Volturi coming back?" she whispered, her eyes gleaming with fear. Bella placed a soft kiss on her daughter's forehead.
"No, Renesmee. You're safe. I promise."
Edward let out a small laugh and walked over to the white loveseat. "Is that really what you think, my dear?" He asked, his eyes looking at Renesmee. Renesmee giggled, making Bella's heart warm.
"Do you want to put that to the test?" Edward teased. Renesmee placed a finger on her chin as if she was debating. She then placed her hand on Bella's neck, showing her and Edward hunting together. The expression on her face made it seem like she was asking for permission.
"You two go ahead. Have fun," Bella said. Renesmee squealed and Edward gave Bella a small peck on the lips. His strong arms wrapped around Renesmee's waist and they walked outside, the two of them laughing. In an instant, they were gone.
Bella let out a small sigh as she pushed the pillow she had on her lap off of her. She had all this free time to herself. What was she supposed to do?
She walked up the stairs and into the grand bathroom. She turned the faucet on in the bathtub and the water sifted through her fingers. When the bathtub was full, she stripped and immersed herself in the warm water. She pulled herself under the water, scenarios playing through her head as the water soaked her body.
Bella pushed her head out of the water and squirted some soap into the water, hoping to get a bubble bath. Bubbles formed around her and Bella giggled to herself as she played with them as if she was a little kid.
After an hour of soaking in the tub, Bella decided she should probably get out. A knock on the door made Bella jump back into the water and push bubbles over herself. "Come in," she said.
Edward's eyes darkened as he placed a white towel on the toilet seat. "Thought you would need a towel," he muttered, not taking his eyes off of Bella. Bella's cheeks went a disturbing shade of red.
"Thanks. Turn around, please?" Edward's eyebrows knitted together but he obliged and turned the other way. Bella stood up in the bathtub and pulled the plug in the drain out, letting the water leak out. She stepped out of the bathtub and snatched the towel from the toilet seat. She quickly dried herself off and wrapped the towel around her abdomen.
"Are you done?" Edward asked in almost a whisper. Bella nodded her head, knowing her would be able to hear the bones in her body move when she did that. Edward turned around, his eyes dark around the edges. Gold overshadowed the black in the corners, but it was still quite visible to Bella.
"Meet you in our room," Edward said and he rushed out of the bathroom. Bella covered her mouth with one hand and let out a tiny giggle. Edward had almost seen her naked. Bella shuffled towards Rosalie's closet and grabbed a pair of underwear and one of Edward's giant t-shirts. She discarded the towel and pulled on her pyjamas. She chucked the towel into the laundry hamper and walked to her room.
Edward had his hands behind his head, staring in front of him. His head turned at the sight of Bella, his mouth expanding into a grin. Bella pushed her wet locks behind her ear and walked inside the room. A wave of wind blew behind her, making her shirt fly a little upwards, showing her underwear. Seconds later, Edward was hovering on top of her on the bed.
"You look absolutely amazing in my shirts." Bella used her good hand to pull him closer by the collar of his shirt.
"You know, I like jealous Bella. I might have to make you jealous more often." Bella rolled her eyes and used all her strength to flip him underneath her. She sat on his hips.
"You're very lucky I wasn't a vampire."
Edward's grin turned into his infamous crooked smile. "And why's that, my love?"
"Because I would've killed her if she looked at you like that." Edward laughed and pulled Bella off of his hips and pulled her close so her head could rest on his chest.
"Is that so?" He murmured, brushing her brown hair away from her face. "I don't think you would've."
"Is that a challenge?"
Edward chuckled and kissed her ear. "No." Edward froze, listening downstairs. "School's been cancelled for a few days," Edward said to Bella.
"Well that's good I guess, except I need to study for my finals and if the school is closed-"
"Relax Bella. Alice has already seen you passing your finals with flying colors."
Bella scoffed. "Things change."
Edward rolled his eyes and gave Bella's shoulders a gentle squeeze. "Go to sleep, my Bella." His vocal chords strummed together as he hummed Bella's lullaby, which made Bella close her eyes and eventually drift off into dreamland.
~ ~ ~
Bella woke up in Edward's arms, which was a nice way to wake up. "I have an idea," Bella mumbled, still waking up.
"Maybe we should get you something to eat before you tell me your idea."
Bella's stomach growled in response. "To the kitchen!" She laughed as Edward picked her up in his arms. He rushed down the stairs in vampire speed and placed her on a stool when they reached the kitchen.
"What would you like for breakfast?"
Bella tapped her chin. "Food."
Edward laughed. Edward buzzed around the kitchen as she made Bella's breakfast. She went cross-eyed just trying to keep her eyes on Edward. She shook her head and blinked, clearing her vision.
"Where's everyone?" She asked as Edward placed a plate with eggs and toast on it.
"They went hunting. Renesmee is with Claire and Quil."
"Has she forgiven Jacob yet?" Bella asked with her mouth full.
"She's getting there."
When Bella finished her breakfast, Edward took her dish and placed it in the sink. "So," he started as he rinsed off her dish, "Care to share your brilliant idea with me?"
Bella took a sip of coffee from her mug. "Hear me out," she said with a stern look.
Edward leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over her chest. "I'm listening."
"We break into Jessica's house-"
"That's not happening Bella."
"You said you would hear me out!"
"Fine, go ahead."
"So we break into Jessica's house when she's not home and search for any evidence that she's a killer."
Edward sighed. "I guess that would work."
"I'll go get dressed!" Edward watched Bella jog up the stairs. When she came back down, she was wearing a black toque, a black sweater, black jeans and black boots. Her hair was down and curled up by her shoulders.
Edward laughed as Bella entered the kitchen. "Too much?" Bella asked as she did a little spin.
"Bella, we're not breaking into a bank."
"I want to blend in," She stated, sticking her bottom lip out. Edward laughed again. "Who's driving?" she inquired.
"Bella, I love you so much, but there's no way in hell I'm letting you drive."
"Says the vampire who doesn't wear a seatbelt as he goes 200 miles per hour," Bella grumbled. Edward chuckled and took Bella's hand as they walked outside and got in Emmett's jeep.
When they arrived at Jessica's house, Bella leaned against the seat, playing with Edward's fingers. "So when do we get to be James Bond and shit?" Bella asked.
Edward pulled Bella out of the passenger seat and placed her on his lap. "Very soon," he said with a crooked smile.
"Do you smell anything?"
Edward closed his eyes and inhaled, the scent of almost everything stinging his nostrils. his eyes flickered open. "Someone's been here."
A door closing made Bella lower herself onto Edward, their lips inches away from each other. Bella gave him a small peck on the lips and then kissed his sweet spot, under his jaw. Edward let out a small groan as Bella ran her teeth over his skin.
"As much as I would love to continue this, Jessica is gone and we have to go investigate." Bella released his sweet spot and pushed open the door of the Jeep. She pulled herself off of Edward's lap and then walked up to the white house, Edward trailing behind her.
"How do we get in?" Bella wondered.
"Do you trust me?"
"What kind of question is that?" Bella gasped as Edward flipped Bella over him and placed her on his back.
"Hold on tight, Mrs.Bond."
Bella rolled her eyes as he jumped over the picket fence, to the backyard. Bella clung on tight and he jumped up to a window on the second story. Thankfully the window was open. Bella gulped as he pushed the window open and pulled him and Bella inside the room. It was obviously Jessica's, judging by the flowery purple bed sheets.
"Do you smell anything?" Bella asked again. Edward held up his hand, motioning for Bella to stop talking. He sniffed the air and then he was gone. Bella muttered "Stupid vampire speed," before following Edward out of the room and down the stairs to the first floor.
"Bella, come here."
Bella obliged and walked to the kitchen where Edward's voice was coming from. He was holding a container of something and he held it out to Bella. "Smell this and tell me if you recognize it."
Bella cautiously put her nose in the container and winced at the smell. "It. . . It smells like the gasoline that was used to burn the house."
"And look at this," Edward stated. He adjusted his grip on the container and Bella saw ashes on the bottom.
"So we've found our culprit."
"Not exactly, Bella. She could've been framed."
"Well someone is definitely doing their best to confuse us." A thought struck Bella and her eyes widened. "Riley Biers."
"Riley Biers? What does he have to do with this?"
"He's been missing for about two weeks and the police just called off the search. What if got turned by Victoria? Maybe she's getting him to do her dirty work . . ."
Edward considered the thought then froze. "We have to go. I can hear Jessica's thoughts."
Bella snatched the container from Edward's grip and shoved it in her pocket sweater as Edward lifted her over his shoulder and ran out of the house, the house a blur as the ran back to the Cullen house.
Finally, they reached the Cullen house and Edward placed her down. Bella pulled the container out of her pocket sweater, eyeing it curiously.
"C'mon, Bella, We have to pack."
Bella's eyebrows knitted together as she twisted her lips to one side. "For what?"
"The newborns are coming in less than two days. We're going to be camping up in the mountains away from the fight."
Bella let out a soft sigh. It was time to end things, once and for all.
~ ~ ~ ~
We're so close to being done this book, it's insane how close we are. Like two or three more chapters and an epilogue, then Rising Dawn is done.
But that means Eternal Sun will start soon ;)
Sincerely, Burningbrightfire
Song: Say something cover by Pentatonix
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