Chapter Fifteen: Heart of Ash and Ember
Bella nudged her cast under her chin, holding her head up as Jacob and Seth snorted like pigs in laughter. Their eyes were glued onto the television screen, only looking away to take a sip of water or look at eachother.
Bella sighed and glanced down at Renesmee, her head in Bella's lap, and her legs spreaded on the couch. Renesmee took in small breaths, and Bella could feel whenever she exhaled. Her brown eyes were also looking at the television, but every once in awhile she would start playing with Bella's fingers and turn her head slightly to smile at her mother. Bella always smiled back. Bella's fingers ran through Renesmee's bronze curls, the curls recoiling as her fingers reached the tips.
The anger that Bella was feeling had thankfully diminished. She had decided she would confront Edward about how she knew where he was and demand him not to lie anymore. Then, in the end, He would apologize and wrap her in his strong embrace.
Bella's eye diverted from Renesmee to Jacob and Seth. Jacob was slapping his knee in hysterics while Seth was glaring at Jacob, threatening him playfully. Bella rolled her eyes and dazed off, thinking of the prom dress Alice bought her. She had probably hid it her closet. If Bella could just walk away, she could find it.
Jacob cut off her train of thought by standing up, his facial expression tense. Renesmee lifted her head up and sniffed the air and then looked at Jacob and Seth, her lips in a small frown.
"Do you smell-" Seth asked, but Jacob interrupted.
"Vampires," Jacob breathed out.
"How many?" Seth wondered out loud.
Jacob inhaled once more, his nose wrinkled in disgust. "Four or Five."
Bella's insides churned as Renesmee squeezed her mother's hand for support. Renesmee could tell something was wrong.
"There's something else I smell, but i can't fathom-"
"Gasoline," Renesmee said. "I smell gasoline."
Bella's eyes widened and she brought Renesmee to her feet, then stood up herself. "Get Renesmee out of the house," Bella said through her clenched teeth.
"Bella-" Jacob started.
"I said get her out of the house!" Bella said. "I'll be right behind you!"
Jacob picked up Renesmee in his tan arms and then ran out of the door with Seth straight behind him. Bella pushed open the door but froze, seeing red eyes glare at her in her peripheral vision. Bella closed the door behind her and rushed down the stairs.
Flames arose in front of her, blocking her way out. She could feel the fire taunting her and the heat of the flames on her body. Bella stood on her tippy toes, trying to see through the smoke, for another way out of the house. Bella cursed, seeing the whole house had flames taller than Bella all around the house. There was no way out of the ring of fire.
"Momma!" Renesmee screamed, trying to remove herself from Jacob's grip. The little girl squirmed in Jacob's arms, but gave up when Jacob pulled her back and whispered something in her ear.
"We'll get you out Bella!" Seth called. "Go to the top floor, just in case the flames spread to the bottom floor!" Bella nodded in acknowledgment and rushed into the house, the door slamming behind her. Bella raced up the stairs, only tripping once. The smoke from the fire had some how traveled inside, making Bella's eyes water and her throat scratchy.
Bella coughed and looked down the stairs. The flames crawled up the steps of the house, the stairs turning a dark brown. The flames crawled around, closer to the building, slowly burning what the Cullens' worked so hard to build. Gray smoke slowly glided into the house from the windows, intoxicating Bella's lungs. Bella pushed herself forward, and was about to enter the bathroom when she heard something bizarre.
"Bella! " It was Edward. Bella turned her head and jogged towards Edward's room, where his giant window like door was open. Bella heaved the door open more and looked out to see Edward standing close to the flames. His face was a mixture of anger and fear twisted together. "I'm going to get you out!"
"How?!" Bella yelled. "You can't get into the house without burning yourself to death!"
Edward's lips twisted to the side. "Open the door a bit more!" Bella nodded and pushed open the door, putting all her strength into it. The door groaned as it opened more. "Stand back!"
Bella took a step back and held her sleeve up to her nose, trying to block out the smoke. Edward took a step back from the flames and then jumped on the nearest tree, his fingers clawing at the peeling bark. He then let go of the tree and jumped towards the window, landing on on the floor in his room.
"We have to get you out," Edward stated, pulling Bella close to his chest. Bella nodded, and Edward flipped her onto his back and Bella clung on tight, like a sloth. Her eyelids slammed shut over her brown eyes as Edward jumped to the tree and jumped swiftly on the ground. Bella opened her eyes and crawled off of Edward's back.
The rest of the family appeared and Esme quickly pulled out her cell phone, dialing the fire department, for the flames had gotten too big to be extinguished by the family. Edward brought Bella into a hug, and she rested her face on his chest. His chin rested on her brown hair, as his hand made circular movements on the middle of her back. Bella inhaled his scent.
"Are you okay?" Edward asked in a soothing voice. Bella nodded.
"Still just a bit shocked at what happened," Bella admitted, her teeth running over her bottom lip. "It's something I never imagined myself getting into."
Edward let out a small laugh, which sounded more like an exhale from his nostrils. "I made sure that they," Bella nodded her head toward Renesmee, Jacob and Seth, "got out before I did. I'm just glad she's safe."
The sound of the fire truck's siren echoed through Bella's eardrum, as Edward held her close, not wanting to let go. The truck pulled into the gravel driveway, and three men jumped down, pulling the big hose to the hose, while another man turned on the water. The fire did it's best to avoid the water, but soon all was left, was ashes and glowing embers, their glow slowly fading away.
Two fire men walked up to Esme and Carlisle, and started asking them questions about the fire. All Carlisle said was "This shouldn't have happened."
As soon as the firetruck drove away, Bella broke Edward's embrace and walked over to Renesmee. Renesmee hugged her mother tight. Bella leaned in towards Renesmee's ear and softly whispered "I'm okay. You're okay. We're all okay. No one's hurt."
Renesmee nodded and kissed her mother's cheek. Bella half smiled at the feeling of her warm lips. Renesmee then hugged Bella again. Rosalie walked up to Renesmee, the corners of her lips tugging into a small smile.
"Hey Ness," She said. "Did you want to go hunting with Uncle Emmett, Uncle Jasper and I? I know you haven't had fresh blood for awhile. And I think Uncle Emmett needs a few pointers." Renesmee giggled.
"I do not need pointers!" Emmett roared. "I am the best hunter in that family!"
Renesmee smirked and ran up to Emmett, placing her hand on his forearm, for she couldn't reach his neck or cheek. When she was done showing off her thought, she pulled her hand back and Emmett smirked mischievously. "Challenge accepted, Nessykins! But don't be complaining if I get the the bigger elk!"
Renesmee laughed, her voice like church bells swaying in the wind. Emmett picked her up and placed her on his broad shoulders and walked into the forest, Rosalie and Jasper not trailing far behind.
"Let's go inside," Edward stated after a few moments of silence. Bella nodded and Edward ushered her inside. Once Bella was walking up the stairs, Edward turned around on the burnt stairs, feeling as if someone was watching him. He couldn't see anything nor smell anyone, so he figured it was just a deer.
~ ~ ~ ~
"I don't understand their connection," Bella said as she stood in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. "I always feel like she's the mother, and not me." Bella spit out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth. As she placed the toothbrush back into it's container. She then ran a brush through her wet and tangled hair, for she just showered.
Edward sighed and leaned against the bathroom counter. "Of course you're the mother, love. You just weren't there during the beginning of her childhood. Rosalie was the closest thing to a mother Renesmee had. Rosalie's practically her second mother."
Bella placed the brush down and looked into Edward's bronze eyes. She could see concern flickering in his eyes. "I understand, but inside it angers me," Bella admitted. "I should've been there, I should've been the one to-"
Edward placed a cold finger on her lips. "I know love, I know. There's nothing we can do about it."
Giving up the argument, Bella nodded and walked towards Rosalie's closet to change into pajamas. After looking through her clothes, she finally decided on white shorts, and a light blue shirt. She pulled on the articles of clothing and threw her dirty clothing into the laundry hamper. She nudged open the door and stood outside the door, looking around the hallways. She could see Alice and Jasper's room at the end of the hallway. Maybe if she just-
Before Bella could take a step towards Alice's room, the pixie herself bumped into Bella. "Nice try Bella."
Bella groaned. "Why can't I see my prom dress?
Alice bit the inside of her cheek. "Because I said so."
"That's not a valid reason!" Bella argued.
"Yes it is."
"No it's not, Alice."
"Suck it up, Bella. You'll see it when you see it," Alice said. "Now, go see Edward."
Bella opened her lips to say something, but closed them and walked away to Edward's room. She plopped herself on to the cozy bed, her face in her pillow. She grumbled "Stupid fashion obsessed pixie vampire." Edward chuckled. Bella brought her face up from the pillow and blushed, for she had forgot he could hear that well.
"It's alright love. I'm about fifty percent sure she didn't hear it."
"I did so hear it! And you should be thanking me Bella!" Alice screeched from the bottom floor.
Bella bit her lip, trying to contain herself from laughing. Edward smiled at Bella.
"You do that quite often you know," Edward stated.
Bella released her lip. "Do what?"
"Bite your lip."
"No I don't."
Edward laughed, then leaned forward towards Bella's ear. His breath tingled on her neck, making her spine shiver. "I love it when you do that," Edward growled into her ear.
Bella's cheeks went a bright red, but as much as she tried, she couldn't hide it. Edward's infamous crooked smile tugged at his lips as Bella put her pillow over her head. Finally, she could feel the hotness from her cheeks go away so she lifted the pillow up to see a smiling Edward.
After about an hour of silence and snuggling, Bella finally gathered her strength to confront him about lying. "Edward?"
Bella swallowed and sat up, his arms falling from around her. Edward raised his eyebrows, but kept his mouth clamped shut. "Why did you lie to me when you said you were going hunting?"
"I didn't lie to-"
"I heard Alice talking to you about her vision. " All the colour left Edward's face. He pushed himself with his hand and grabbed both of her hands--even her broken one-- and entwined his fingers through hers.
"I thought I could protect you if you didn't know. I didn't want your nightmares to get worse."
Bella's brown eyes glinted dangerously in the shadow of her brow. "What does this have to do with my nightmares?"
Edward sighed, and pushed back his bronze hair. "You've been talking in your sleep. I've heard you talk about Renesmee, Victoria and I. I thought if I hid the vision from you, your nightmares wouldn't get worse."
"That still doesn't give you the right to lie to me."
"You're right; I'm sorry," Edward replied. "What can I do to make it up to you?"
Bella tapped her forefinger against her chin and Edward pushed a brown curl out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. Bella's heartbeat slowly accelerated as Edward brushed her hair to one side of her neck. Edward moved up her neck, his breath sending her pulse racing.
His nose brushed against her sensitive skin and Bella angled her head to the side to give him access to her neck. Bella's lips parted as his frigid lips kissed the underside of her jaw, which was her weak spot. Bella closed her eyes and bit her tongue to keep her from letting out a soft moan. Edward chuckled, sending a cold breeze down Bella's spine.
His fingers trailed down her delicate spine, tracing every curve. Edward smiled. "So delicate," He whispered. Bella slowly laid herself down while Edward held himself up above her. The taste of his breath lingered on Bella's lips, her lips aching for a kiss. His face moved closer to hers, his lips only inches from her own. Bella licked her lips, and then Edward gave in, his lips crashing down on hers. Their lips moved back and forth, trying to consume each other. Bella let out a little gasp as Edward's hands found her hips, stroking them gently.
Using that opportunity, his tongue poked Bella's, and soon their tongues danced in a rhythm, all on their own. Time was lost as Edward kissed Bella, desire and lust floating through the air. Edward gently pulled his lips away from Bella's soft plush ones. "How's that for an apology?" Edward mumbled in Bella's ear.
Bella's breath hitched as his lips rubbed along the corners of her ear. "It's a start," She managed to say. Edward chuckled, slowly shaking his head. He rested himself beside Bella and pulled her close, her head on his chest. Bella winced in pain, and used her hand to slowly lift her blue shirt. The cut on her stomach was almost finished closing up. Bella's eyes fell on her legs, and the cuts on her legs were almost all healed up. All you could see was small red lines, some with scabs on them.
"You know," Edward started, his fingers running through her brown hair, "I never got to sign your cast."
Bella giggled. "I'm sorry." She tilted her head up to look into Edward's eyes.
His eyes were glistening in the lamplight, almost like stars. He watched her with such loving eyes, it shocked Bella everytime she looked deeply into them. His lips were slightly shining, and his lips were expanded into a goofy smile. His pearly white teeth sparkled behind his pink lips, and every so often, he would run his tongue over his canines. Edward looked down at her and Bella looked away, embarrassed that he caught her staring at him.
Edward's finger slid across Bella's jaw line, moving her head back to him. He could see his reflection in her chocolate brown eyes. He loved gazing at her. She was so beautiful, even Rosalie was envious of Bella's beauty. Her lips were slightly swollen from all the kissing. Her cheeks went a light pink and she looked down and whispered "Don't look at me like that."
Edward tilted his head and lifted up her head to look into her brown eyes. "What do you mean?"
Bella shook her head. "Nevermind."
Edward let out a sigh. "Bella," He warned. "Tell me, please."
"I just mean, don't look at me like I'm some sort of goddess on a pedestal."
Edward's eyebrows knitted together and he took Bella's good hand into his own. His fingers stroked over her bones, and then he looked up at Bella. "Bella, you are the most beautiful women on this planet, inside and out. I look at you like that, because sometimes it comes in a shock that you are mine. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are my goddess, my princess, my angel, my everything."
Bella half smiled and rested her head back down on his chest, letting out a small yawn. Edward chuckled and planted his lips on her forehead. He then murmured "I love you so very much."
Bella took his hand in hers, entwining their fingers together. His thumb stroked Bella's fingers. "I love you too," she whispered against his chest.
"Go to sleep my Bella." Bella closed her eyes, and eventually fell asleep to Edward's soft humming.
~ ~ ~
"Bella!" Alice screeched from downstairs. "Wake up!"
Bella groaned sleepily against Edward's chest, making Edward laugh, his stomach shaking gently. "Bella I swear if you don't get your ass down here this instant-"
"I'm up!" Bella yelled, kicking the covers off of her legs. Bella at up, and Edward kissed the soft spot behind her ear.
"Good morning love." Bella smiled.
"That's how I like to wake up," Bella admitted. Edward grinned and Bella ambled to the bathroom. She quickly brushed her teeth and flossed. When she placed her toothbrush back in it's holder, she noticed Alice had already picked out her outfit for her. Bella groaned and peeked through the stack of clothes. In the pile, there was dark blue capris, a black tank top, and a green and dark blue plaid shirt. Bella stripped then pulled on the articles of clothing. When she was about to put the plaid shirt on, she struggled with getting it around her cast.
Alice came upstairs to help Bella after countless attempts to put the plaid shirt on. Being careful not to rip it, she slid the shirt on Bella's arm. She then rolled Bella's sleeves to her elbows. Before Bella could protest, Alice had already sat down Bella and was loosely braiding her hair. When she was done, Bella stood up and slipped on her black converses.
She walked down the stairs, grabbed her lunch and slid it into her bag. Edward then grabbed her hand, and they walked out the door and got in his volvo, with Alice and Jasper trailing behind in Rosalie's convertible.
When they arrived at school ,bad memories washed over Bella like a tidal wave. The last time she was here, she had almost died. Edward got out of the car and opened Bella's door. Bella hesitantly got out of the car. Noticing her uneasiness, Edward grabbed Bella's hand and Bella squeezed it for support. Edward squeezed it back and they walked towards the school, trying to ignore the stares.
Many students walked up to Bella and asked how she was doing and how she was feeling. She would always reply with a "I'm fine, thanks." Edward walked Bella to her locker then walked to his, which was a few hallways away. When she was piling her books into her good arm, they fell out her grip. Bella cursed under her breath and bent down to pick them up, and her hand touched someone else's hand.
Bella looked up and saw it was Mike. Bella mentally groaned, but she sent a small smile at him. "Thanks Mike." Mike nodded and flashed a goofy grin. She stood up, her books in his hands. Mike stood up, but it was right under Bella's locker, so his head hit the corner of her locker. Bella covered her mouth. "Are you okay?" She asked.
Mike rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, I'm alright. It's not the first time this has happened." Bella couldn't help but giggle a little bit.
"So, Bella.." Mike said. "Want to walk to class with me?"
"Sure." She turned her head to look and see if Edward was there, but Bella couldn't see him. Mike gripped her books as they started walked downstairs for their first class. "You don't have to carry those, Mike. I can manage."
Mike shook his head. "The injured lady shall not be the one to carry her books." Bella's jaw clenched, annoyed that he thought she couldn't carry them. She was perfectly fine.
Before they entered the classroom, Bella reached to get her books, but Mike raised them above his head, where Bella couldn't reach it. Bella reached for them, but then landed her feet back on the ground, surrendering. "If I give you your books, you have to let me talk to you for a minute," Mike said. Bella nodded.
"So I was wondering if you were going to prom with anyone? I know it's tomorrow, but I was wondering if we could go. We could go as dates, but I won't mind if you want to go as just friends."
Bella's heart sunk. "I'm flattered Mike but-"
An arm wrapped around her waist. "She's going with me," Edward said in a husky voice.
Mike's cheeks went a little red. "That's alright, I figured that already."
"I thought you asked Jessica?" Bella asked.
"I was planning on it, in fact, I'll go ask right now," Mike said. He rushed into the classroom and sat down. Jessica started talked to him and then Bella heard a squeal. Bella figured it was Jessica. Bella turned up to Edward and sighed.
"You didn't have to be rude," She scolded quietly.
"You would be rude as well, if you knew what he was thinking," Edward growled.
"What was he thinking?" Bella wondered.
"About taking you to his house and. . . you know the rest."
Bella gagged, just as the bell rang. Bella sat down beside Edward, and wished the day would end quicker.
~ ~ ~
The bell rang and Bella quickly exited her third class, and rushed to her locker to get her lunch. Her stomach gurgled as she put in the combination. As soon as the locker door swung open, a small piece of paper fell out of it. Curious, Bella bent down and picked it up.
Meet me in the parking lot as soon as possible, at Edward's volvo.
Bella put her stuff in her locker, hoping it wasn't an emergency. Was Renesmee hurt? Were the Volturi coming? Bella rushed down the hallways, pushing and sliding past people who took up half of the hallways. She hated those kinds of people. She ran in the parking lot towards Edward car, and tugged on the door, not even seeing if someone was in it.
The door swung open and she saw Alice sitting in the driver's side, gripping the wheel. She was staring into the distance, gripping the steering wheel. "Alice?!" Bella exclaimed. "What did you see?"
Alice slowly turned her head, and Bella heard a click. That was the doors locking. "Alice?" Alice's blank expression turned into a smirk. Bella raised her eyebrows in confusion.
"I told you it would work!" Alice said, looking at the back seat. Bella turned her head to see a half- smiling Rosalie with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Alice? What the hell is going on?"
Alice shifted the gear and slowly started backing out of the parking lot. Bella jiggled the door handle, but it was locked and she couldn't unlock.
"You have officially been kidnapped for a day at the spa!" Alice squealed.
Bella looked at Alice, mentally shooting daggers from her eyes. "You got me all worked up, had me run out to the parking lot, miss lunch," Bella's stomach growled "just to go to a fucking spa?"
"I can't do anything about your horrible running skills or you being gullible, but I can give you this." She reached her hand back to the backseat and pulled out a bag emitting the most wonderful smell. Fast food. Bella snatched the bag away from Alice and pulled out the cheeseburger from inside. Bella unwrapped the cheeseburger and started eating it.
Bella's stomach gurgled in satisfaction. She swallowed and then took a drank of her coke. "Just because you bought me food doesn't mean I'm going to forgive you," She said looking at Alice. Alice laughed and so did Rosalie. "But it is a start."
After driving into Port Angeles, the rain slowly started to come down. "I hope it isn't like this tomorrow," Bella mumbled, looking out the window.
"Don't worry. It's won't be," Alice chirped.
"Does Edward know I'm here?" Bella inquired.
Alice nodded. "He's the one who suggested we invite you." Bella's lips twisted into a frown. He was going to pay for that.
Alice laughed. "What?" Bella asked.
"Try not to hurt my brother too bad." Bella rolled her eyes and continued staring out of the window.
Alice parked the volvo and the three got out of the car. Alice slung her designer purse over her shoulder while Rosalie applied an extra layer of lipgloss. Bella scoffed. Like she needed that. She was absolutely perfect. Bella still didn't understand how Rosalie was jealous of Bella.
Alice pushed open the spa door, Rosalie followed quickly behind her. Bella was the last to enter the spa. Everything was white. The floor, the roof, the walls, even the waiting room chairs. The only colours that stood out was the pink flowers. Alice walked to the front counter and smiled at the woman.
"How can I help you?" The woman asked, her french accent strong. Bella looked at the woman, and admired her features. She then looked back to Alice.
"Appointment for Cullen," Alice stated. The woman typed something into her computer and then nodded at Alice.
"Follow me please." Alice and Rosalie grin as they follow the woman down the white hallway. Bella shuffled behind them.
"What should we do first, ladies?" Alice said, clapping her hands.
"Go home," Bella grumbled.
"Manicures, for sure," Rosalie said at the same time Bella spoke.
"Manicures it is!" Alice exclaimed. Bella groaned and followed Rosalie and Alice to little counters where three women were sitting. Alice sat down at the farthest one, then Rosalie sat in the middle. 'Great,' Bella thought. 'I have to sit beside the person who hates me most.' Bella sat down on the comfy chair and the woman grabbed her hand, like it was the last bun in a bowl. She started filing Bella's nails, and the putrid smell of the spa arose into the air. Bella wrinkled her nose an looked away from the woman.
"I don't hate you," Rosalie said quietly. Bella turned her head to look at Rosalie. Her hair was in a bun on top of her head, a few strands in front of her face. She had a wedding ring on her left hand, which was the hand that the lady was working on.
"Then why do you act like it?" Bella mumbled, knowing Rosalie would hear her.
"Do you know how hard it is watching your brother go into a deep state of depression?"
Bella shook her head, and waited patiently for Rosalie to continue. "After Tessa got pregnant last September, he was in a lot of pain. The look on his face is something I'll never be able to forget."
Bella opened her mouth but Rosalie continued her talking. "Yes, I know we have our differences, but in the end, we are still family, no matter what. And seeing him like that, it broke my heart," Rosalie admitted.
"Then when Tessa. . . y'know. . . died, he was heartbroken. He swore he would never put himself in that position again. He was in a lot of emotional pain. Then you came along, and everything changed. He broke his promise to himself. I have never seen him more happier."
"I just don't want him to get hurt again, Bella. I fear that something will happen, and he will be back in that dark place. I remember once, I caught him trying to hunt a human. He almost went rogue." Rosalie shook her head and the lady switched her hands. "It's crazy what love can do to us, emotionally. Love can make the sanest people insane."
Bella stayed quiet as the women finished Bella's nails. She finished before Rosalie and Alice did, so she moved on to the pedicure, and soon the other girls joined her.
"Aren't you afraid they will hear us?" Bella asked Rosalie, as the woman took her feet into the warm water.
Rosalie shook her head. "They have legends about people like us in their culture. We're like gods to them. Once a full moon, they would sacrifice someone, just for our pleasing. It was insane."
"Hey Rosalie?"
"Yes, Bella?" She replied, her golden eyes glowing.
"How did you and Emmett meet?"
Rosalie chuckled. "That's a story for another time. And trust me, I didn't fall in love with him because of his jokes or his childish behaviour. He's a really sweet guy. He also reminded me of someone I knew back in my human days."
"Who?" Bella questioned, curiously.
"Just a suitor. Back in my days, that's what they were called. But you would call them a lover."
"What happened to him?"
Alice laughed as the woman started painting her toenails. "He killed himself," Rosalie admitted bluntly. "He was such a sweet man, but his demons destroyed his angels and it got the best of him."
Bella twisted her lips to the side. "Rosalie, I'm so-"
"Stop," She hissed. "I don't want your pity. Besides, I have Emmett and all that matters." Rosalie stood up and walked to the massage tables
"It's a sensitive subject for her. They were about to be wedded, then he killed himself, the night before."
Bella nodded. It was strange having someone talk about their past to Bella. The past was like an anchor to Bella. It held her back, and in order to move on, she'd have to use all her strength. She would never be able to forgive herself for what she did to Edward. The pain she caused him. Or what she did to Renesmee. Or even Nora.
Bella shuddered and stood up, walking to the massage tables. She remained quiet for the rest of the spa afternoon, trying not to hit any nerves.
~ ~ ~
"What time is it?" Bella asked groggily against Edward's chest. Alice and Rosalie and her had just returned about an hour ago. She was exhausted, especially since Alice demanded they go back because Bella chipped one of her nails. Her face was sore from holding still for facials and her body felt limp. Edward chuckled and continued to rub her back.
"It's only 10:30, love," He said in a soothing voice.
"What spa is open until 9:00 pm?" Bella groaned.
"Well, my love, like Rosalie said that spa was run by worshippers. They'll do anything to appease their masters. Especially you."
"Why me?"
"Back in the days when the Quileute tribe was forming, people of her kind worshipped us. They would do anything to make sure the annual flood came, destroying their crops and killing livestock. In order to do that, they sacrificed the oldest people in the village to vampires," he breathed. "I assume they thought Rosalie and Alice were human drinkers, so they wanted to pamper you the most, to appease them."
"How do they know if people are vampires?"
"That, I don't know. They just somehow know, from what their elders told them."
"What about the french girl at the front counter? She didn't seem like the others."
"She doesn't know anything about vampires. The other women keep her there in case a vampire on a killing spree comes, so they can sacrifice her."
"That's horrible," Bella muttered. Edward nodded. "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course," Edward replied.
"Were you always an animal blood drinker?"
Edward sighed and slowly shook his head. "No. Many of us went on killing sprees when we were changed, destroying a single town if we were angry. I remember when Carlisle changed Rosalie and introduced her to me. When I read his mind, he changed her because he wanted us to be mates."
"Ew!" Bella giggled and Edward laughed.
"That's what I was thinking. I thought of her more like a sister. It wasn't that she wasn't pretty enough, it's just I didn't get the same feeling I get with you."
"And what feeling is that?"
"Hope. Security. Love. And most of all, I got the spark when I first kissed you." Bella blushed, remembering how she got the spark as well, when his lips crashed down on hers.
"That's how you know when someone is your mate. I didn't feel the same friction with Nora or Rosalie. It hit me when I supposedly saved you from the wolves. I was unsure, so I talked to Carlisle about it. He then explained the whole mate thing."
Bella smiled and nudged her head in the crook of his neck. "I felt the same thing when I kissed you," Bella admitted in a whisper. "It's like the whole world stops rotating on it's axis. It's an amazing feeling. I feel it every time we kiss."
The corners of Edward's lips tugged into a smile."So do I, love."
Bella closed her eyes, still cuddled into Edward. Edward wrapped his arm around her waist and Bella smiled. Before she knew it, she was fast asleep. Edward chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Goodnight, my everything," He whispered, careful not to wake the sleeping Bella.
~ ~ ~
"Should we do it?" Bella heard a voice say.
"She's going to be extremely pissed," another voice said. It was too early for her to recognize the voices.
"True, but seeing Bellarina pissed is kind of funny."
Bella groaned. She knew exactly who the two voices belong to.
"Or," She muttered sleepily, her eyes still closed, "you could not do whatever you're planning on, and nobody gets killed."
Emmett snorted and Jasper laughed. "Too late," Emmett said. "I've already made up my mind."
Bella's eyes slowly opened, and then cold water rushed down her face and back.
"Alice was right; this is the most effective way to wake her up," Emmett mused.
"I am noticing aggression, annoyance, and is that a killer instinct I feel?" Jasper muttered.
"You are both dead," Bella said. Before they could realize what she was doing she got up, and grabbed the pillow from her bed. She raised it and hit Emmett in the corner of his jaw and then she hit Jasper, straight across the face. She knew it wouldn't hurt them, but it was funny to see their shocked faces and hurt looks. Emmett held his jaw.
Bella giggled. "You are so screwed Bella," Jasper said. The giggling stopped.
Emmett grabbed Bella and flipped her over his shoulder. Bella's legs flailed in the air as she slammed Emmett's back with her good hand. Emmett laughed a husky laugh, making Bella more irritated. He slowly exited Edward's room, going at a normal pace towards the bathroom.
"I swear Emmett," Bella growled, "If you don't me down this very instant, I am going get your head and shove it so far up your-"
Renesmee walked out of her room, closing the door behind her. Emmett froze and looked at Renesmee. "Hey kiddo," He said after a moment of silence.
Renesmee crossed her arms over her chest. "Why do you have Momma over your shoulder?"
"Well you see Ness," Jasper started. "We're on a very secret mission. We have to bring your mother to the bathroom before Edward gets home, so he doesn't kick our-"
"Jasper!" Bella shrieked, blood running to her head.
Emmett chuckled and Jasper rolled his eyes. "Don't worry Renesmee, your mother is in good hands."
"Renesmee dear, please go tell Esme that Mommy's been kidnapped."
Renesmee raised her eyebrows then slowly walked down the stairs, keeping her eyes on Emmett. Jasper and Emmett put on huge grins and waved.
"Weirdos," Renesmee muttered.
"Phew," Emmett said, exhaling a fake breath, "That was a close one. Where were we? Oh, yes you were going to explain to me how you are going to shove my head up my asshole."
"That's going to be quite uncomfortable," Jasper said.
"Very much so, dear brother."
"I do not think my asshole is that big, brother."
Emmett snickered. "That's what she said."
"Shut up!" Bella snapped. "There happens to be a small child roaming the house and she happens the have very good hearing!"
Emmett and Jasper laughed like hyenas, then Emmett stopped in front of the bathroom door. He knocked against the door.
"Password?" A voice called.
"Alice, you know it's me."
"Do I? Say the password, damnit."
Emmett groaned. "Alice is the best Cullen and she should be the Queen of fashion."
Alice coughed. "You forgot something."
"Alice is the best Cullen and should be the Queen of fashion and Emmett is gay for Jasper."
"Good Emmett." The door swung open, and Emmett handed over Bella like she was a box and she was over Alice's shoulder.
"Can I please be put down? My vision is going blurry." Alice let out a little squeak as she put Bella down. "What's all this for?" Bella asked.
Alice nervously scratched the back of her neck. "Didn't want to take any chances of you catching the next flight to Texas."
"Alice, that was a dream."
"But you still considered it."
Bella rolled her eyes. Today was going to be a long day with Alice. She ushered Bella into the makeup chair and brushed out her hair. "What time is it, Alice?" Bella asked.
Alice looked up at the clock in the room. "It's 12:30. I thought I would let you sleep in today. Prom starts at 5:30. I have to get you ready, then I have to get the boys and myself ready, and then it takes about 20 minutes to get to the high school.
"Looks like you've got your whole day planned."
"I've actually got the whole next year planned."
Bella giggled as Alice turned on her satellite radio. Bella moved her head to the beat of the song, as Alice started doing her makeup. "Stop moving, I'm going to screw up," Alice said. Bella laughed and stopped dancing.
After the first hour, Rosalie came in and offered her services. She took the dresses and took them to the other room, making sure they weren't wrinkled.
"Alice," Bella said, her eyes closed for Alice was putting eyeliner on, "How long does it take you to do eyeliner?"
"Perfection takes time, Isabella."
Bella mentally rolled her eyes.
After twenty minutes, Alice finally finished Bella's makeup. "Go and eat some food," Alice instructed. Bella nodded and walked down the stairs to the kitchen, to see Esme cooking away to the kitchen. Bella sat herself down on the stool and watched Esme cook.
"You're really good at cooking, Esme," Bella commented.
Esme smiled a heart warming smile. "I've had many years to practice, my dear."
Bella smiled back as Esme brought over a plate with beans, noodles, and chicken that seemed to have been marinated. Bella dug in, but even though she was starving, she ate slowly knowing that Alice would kill her if she screwed up her makeup. She was annoyed that Alice didn't let Bella see her face. She shrugged off the feeling of annoyance and continued eating the delicious food.
"Esme," She said, poking the eans with her fork, "How did you become a vampire, if you don't mind me asking?"
Esme sighed and her smile softened into a sad smile. Bella's stomach flopped. She hated doing this to the Cullens', and she thought every time she asked, she wouldn't hit a nerve.
"I'm surprised Edward hasn't told you."
"Edward doesn't talk about everyone very much," Bella admitted.
"It's a sad story," Esme said leaning against the counter. "But if all of our stories had happy endings, we would be under grave stones."
"If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to."
"No, no dear. You have a right to know. I'll make this story quick, so I don't bore you to death." Esme inhaled an unneeded breath and continued talking. "My husband and I were trying for a child. We had failed many times, but then, the next thing I knew, I was carrying a small infant in my stomach." Bella could see the pain in Esme's eyes.
Bella looked down at Esme's stomach, and noticed she had a hand on her stomach. "Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage. I was so angry at myself. I thought it was all my fault. I thought it was because my body wasn't fit for a child. But sometimes, life gets in the way and it makes choices for use that we do not see coming. I was distraught. I hardly ate, I didn't even talk to my to my husband. I quit my job, even. Then I realized I couldn't get over this."
"So, I thought throwing myself off of a cliff would solve my answers. Carlisle found me, minutes away from dying. Reluctantly, he took me to the hospital and changed me. Ever since then, Carlisle and I have been together."
"I admit, sometimes I regret the decision I made to jump off that cliff. But most of the times I don't. If I didn't jump off that cliff, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be with Carlisle, nor would I be with my children."
"They're no your actual family, right?" Bella asked, intrigued by her story.
"By blood, no. But by love, yes. Love is a powerful force that can bring anyone together, even in the. I consider them my own. And so does Carlisle."
"BELLA!" Alice screeched from upstairs.
Esme chuckled. "You better get upstairs before Alice has a fit."
Bella nodded. "Thank you Esme. For everything."
"Of course dear. You're family now." Esme smiled sweetly and took Bella's plate as Bella ran up the stairs to Alice. She pushed open the bathroom to see Alice sitting on the makeup chair, doing her hair.
"Bella, I'm a little behind schedule. Do you know how to tie a tie and a bow?" Bella nodded.
"There's two ties in there, could you please go to Emmett and Jasper's? They're retarded and still don't know how to tie a tie."
"I know how to tie a tie!" Emmett hollered. "I'm just not that good at it!"
Alice giggled, her eyes plastered on the mirror. "Obviously, when he changed into a vampire, he lost most of his common sense."
"Did not!"
Alice nodded her head towards the bathroom counter. She picked up a golden tie and a blue tie. She walked to where Emmett and Jasper were. Bella assumed it was Jasper's room, for she saw a pair of cowboy boots in the corner. She didn't want to know what those were for. Bella shuddered and held up the ties.
"Which one is which?"
"I'm blue," Emmett chirped.
Bella nodded and got him to stand up. She adjusted his collar and started tying his tie.
"I thought you graduated last year," Bella stated, her eyes focused on what her fingers were doing.
"Oh I did. Rosie and I sneak in and go to one of the empty classrooms-"
"Emmett stop. Please. My ears are bleeding." Jasper chuckled as Bella finished tying the tie.
She walked over to Jasper and started tying his tie. "Alice wants a bowtie,"Jasper said. Bella chuckled and quickly tied the tie into a bow. She pulled away, admiring her work.
"Thank you," The boys said in unison.
Bella smiled. "You're welcome."
"Bella! It's time to see your dress!" Bella didn't even speak as she ran towards the bathroom. She didn't know why, but she was so excited to see the dress. She pushed open the door with her cast and gasped in awe.
Rosalie was wearing a strapless navy blue dress, with rainbow coloured gems encrusted just under the breasts. Her hair was parted to the side, and she had a blue clutch in her perfectly manicured fingers. Alice on the other hand was wearing a short golden dress, that reached her mid-thighs. Gems were scattered all over the top half of her dress. She had a golden flower in hair.
Bella's heart started racing as Alice opened the closet and retrieved the dress. She pulled it out and Bella gasped in awe. Her mouth fell open and she had to use her hand to push it back up.
It was a floor length dress, so Bella would have to pick it up occasionally. It was a beautiful shade of red, and had no jewels. Instead of jewels, the whole top half of the dress was lace. The bottom half had a few layers, but Bella was okay with that. It had a chunk missing of the dress in the back, but Bella was surprisingly okay with that.
"I-I love it," Bella stammered, speechless.
"I knew you would," Alice teased.
Bella stripped out her baggy shirt and sweats and Alice and Rosalie helped her get into the dress. It was a tight fit, but Bella liked the feeling of the fabric. She was glad it covered her legs. Bella looked down at her hands, then frowned at her cast. She hated having it there.
"I actually knew this was going to happen, so I made you this," Alice chirped. Bella watched as Alice removed a sleeve from a bag.
"What is it?" Bella asked.
"Your cast doesn't exactly match your dress, so I made a sleeve out of some extra fabric that matches your dress. You just slide it on." Alice skipped up to Bella and gently slid it onto her arm. She adjusted it, then it was perfect. Bella grinned.
"I just have to do your hair," Alice mumbled. She sat Bella down and weaved her fingers through Bella's brown locks. In less than two minutes she was done, and she was spraying hairspray. Bella coughed and looked into the mirror.
Bella gasped. She looked absolutely stunning. Her thick lashes covered the bit of red eyeliner Alice had used. At the end of her eye, there was a small wing of eyeliner. Her lips were as they normally were. Her hair was pulled back into a half up, half down style. Alice had done a braid through her hair.
"Alice, have I ever told you I love you?"
"In many different forms, but yes I believe you have." Bella stood up and brought alice into her embrace, hugging her as tight as she could.
"I love you," she mumbled, only loud enough for Alice to hear.
"I love you too, Bella."
Alice then swore and quickly run to the closet. "Almost forgot the shoes!"
"Please no high heels," Bella begged.
Alice stood up with a pair of red converses. They had bits of lace on the red part to match the dress. "I got you covered," Alie said with a wink. "The boys are waiting for us downstairs. First Rosalie, then, me, then you Bella."
Bella smiled in acknowledgment as Rosalie walked down the stairs. She could hear the clicking of a camera and Emmett commenting on how hot she looked. Alice then went, practically skipping down the stairs. Another click of a camera and then the closing of a door. It was her turn. Gripping the dress in her good hand, She slowly walked down the hallway and to the stairs.
Edward's face lit up, just seeing her. She looked absolutely beautiful. Stunning. Perfect was a better word. He could feel the pit of lust rising down in his stomach. He wanted to take her upstairs. And kiss her and make love to her. But he had to wait. Only a bit longer.
Bella reached the bottom of the stairs and Edward took her good hand into his own. Bella shivered slightly and looked at Edward through her thick lashes. Her heart was pounding against her chest, like it wanted to break free. Edward chuckled at the sound of her heart.
"You look dashing," Bella noted, looking at his attire. He was wearing a black tuxedo and a red tie underneath his coat. The color of his tie matched her dress.
"Alice wanted us all to match," Edward said. Bella giggled as Edward leaned close to her ear. "You look absolutely perfect, love," He whispered in her ear.
"Turn around you two! I want a picture!" Esme called. Bella grinned and placed her hand on Edward's chest, where his heart would be. Edward's hand went around Bella's waist and he pulled her close. Bella let out a small amount of air from her mouth as Edward's thumb rubbed over her butt. She looked up into his eyes and Edward looked back into them, love clouding both of their eyes.
Renesmee skipped down the stairs and hugged Bella and Edward. "You look beautiful Momma,"
"Thank you, princess."
"Can I get a picture of the three of you?" Esme asked.
Bella nodded and pulled Renesmee close to her, one hand resting on her shoulder. Renesmee giggled as the camera went off once more. Renesmee pulled herself from Bella and Edward and ran over to her grandparents.
"Shall we go?"
"We shall," Bella giggled.
"Be safe you two!" Carlisle stated.
Bella nodded and Edward nodded as well.
His cold hand went to her bare back, making Bella flinch. He led her out to his volvo, and opened the door for her. He lifted her in, his hands wrapped around her fragile waist. Bella blushed and Edward closed the door, then went to his side.
He went inside the car and started the car, backing out of the driveway. He took Bella's cast hand into his own and stroked her fingers.
He hardly kept his eyes on the road. Bella could feel him looking at her with a smile on his face. He couldn't help but smile at her.
Finally they reached the school. The parking lot was packed, but thankfully they found a spot. Edward once again opened Bella's door. She could see Alice and Rosalie with their husbands at their sides. Edward kept his hand on the small of Bella's back as he led her into the school. Classmates and teachers greeted them as they entered the gym. Angela ran up to Bella, dragging a boy behind her like a chew toy.
"Bella," Angela said. "This is Eric. He is my boyfriend, my prom date, and one of the smartest people I know. Besides me of course," she joked. Bella chuckled. She was glad to see Angela so happy. And even happier to see that she was wearing the yellow dress.
"Bella!" someone called. Bella turned her head around to see Jessica and Mike walking over. Jess was wearing a turquoise dress, that dragged behind her. Her hair was parted to it's side. The dress was long and flowy like Bella's dress. The whole section of her breasts were jeweled. The dress was also strapless.
"Jess, you look amazing," Bella said. "and so do you Angela."
Jessica and Angela blushed.
"Bella, I think it's obvious who looks the best. Like your dress is so gorgeous!"
Angela nodded in agreement with Jessica.
"Well I'll see you later, Bella, I have to go count up the votes for prom king and queen," Jessica stated, as she dragged Mike behind her. Bella could hear Edward's melodic chuckle. His hands stroked her back, making circles near her lower back. Bella ran her teeth over bottom lip as Angela spoke up.
"We should totally go on a double date," Angela blurted out. Bella froze. Not wanting to hurt her friend's feelings, she was inclined to say yes. But then again, who would want to go on a double date?
"That sounds interesting," Edward chatted. "We would be into that."
Angela grinned and then grabbed Eric's hand and pulled him to the dance floor.
"What were you thinking?" Bella hissed.
"Angela hasn't gone on a date with Eric yet. Her mother is very strict, and she's not allowed to have a boyfriend. She's hoping that if we come to her house and Eric's there, she can convince her mom that she should be allowed to date. I did it for a good cause," Edward stated, a smirk crawling up his face.
Bella smiled. "You're too sweet," She said, placing a kiss on the underside of his jaw. He let out a soft groan.
"I hate to be the one to ruin the moment, but I can hear Rosalie and Emmett upstairs, so would you like to go outside to the gazebo?"
Bella wrinkled her nose and looked up at him, nodding. Edward chuckled and kissed her nose, leading her outside. He pulled her close under the gazebo, his expression happy.
"I can't dance," Bella mumbled.
"I can fix that."
Before Bella realized what was going on, Edward had gently lifted her off the ground onto his shoes. Bella giggled like a little girl as Edward wrapped one hand around her waist and took her good hand into his own hand. There were only two other couples under the gazebo, thankfully.
Bella rocked back and forth on Edward's shoes, grinning. Edward was grateful to see her so happy. After the trouble she had gone through and continues going through in life, is made him delighted to see her happy. It made him happy knowing there was a chance she could have a somewhat normal life. And he intended to keep her in this state. If it meant going to college with her, even in another country, he would do anything for her. Anything to please her.
Bella leaned in and rested her head against Edward's shoulder. He continued to rock her back and forth, determined to keep that smile on her face.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" he inquired playfully.
Bella laughed. "I don't know maybe."
"Well, you are the most beautiful girl right here. And you're all mine. Forever."
"Does that mean you're going to change me back?"
Edward smirked. "Possibly after graduation."
Bella grinned and crashed her lips onto his. Edward chuckled against her lips as she tangled her fingers through his bronze hair. Bella let out a quiet moan as Edward ran his sharp teeth on her bottom lip. She eventually pulled away, still smiling like nothing mattered in the world.
He was hers.
She was his.
Edward smiled and kissed Bella. She knew about the possible changing, but he knew the future had something else in plans for them as well.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
okay this is officially the longest chapter I have wrote. no joke. I'm at like 9000 words. I've been slaving away at this chapter cuz I love all my readers.
Thanks for reading!
OR keep reading if you are a maze runner fan. : )
So i have put it out there i am releasing a story to do with the Maze runner.
SOoooo I thought i would release the title and the summary bc I can.
Title: Defiance
Rough copy of Summary:
The Gladers knew Teresa wasn't the first girl in the maze.
They were keeping a secret, knowing if they spoke W.I.C.K.E.D would kill them all
They were determined to keep the secret of her.
They were told to forget her.
But how can you forget someone who risked their life to get them out of the Glade?
They were never supposed to speak of her.
But, all secrets come to the light.
Sometimes, life is just an act of Defiance.
Yeah, i know it's not good somethings will be tweaked here and there.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I hope all of you guys will check out this book!
I will update soon!
Burningbrightfire ❥
Picture: Bella's hair and dress
Song: Fire meet gasoline by Sia
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