Chapter Eleven: Hide & Seek
Bella stared blankly at the piece of paper. Her thoughts were out of control. Her attention slightly pulled when Edward took the piece of paper out of her hands and read what James had wrote. His expression went from angry to very angry. Before Bella could even see what was going on, Edward was out of the room. He came back with two suitcases and he went back and forth from Rosalie's closet to his room, stuffing a suitcase with some of Bella's clothes. Edward broke the eerie silence.
"We have to stay at a motel," He said between his trips to Rosalie's closet. "James now knows where we live. You're not safe here."
Bella didn't argue. She stood up and tidied up the mess in the suitcase. "What about Renesmee?" She asked. Edward pondered on the thought as he stuffed some of his shirts into the burgundy suitcase.
"She's better off staying at La Push. If James tries to cross the border, the wolves will instantly demolish him." Edward concluded.
"What about the others?"
"They will stay here and track down James while you and I stay at the motel." Bella nodded and looked down at the black shirt she was folding. Edward brought Bella into his embrace. "Nothing will happen to you. I promise," Edward breathed, making Bella's body tingle. Bella smiled faintly as Edward placed a kiss on her forehead with his frigid lips.
"Momma?" Renesmee's vocals rang like high pitched bells. Bella placed the pair of capris she was folding down into the suitcase and turned around. Renesmee walked up to her mother with a concerned look on her face. "Is everything alright?" She asked.
"Yes. Let's talk about while we pack some clothes for you." Bella walked out of Edward's room, with Renesmee trailing not far behind her. Bella could still here Edward making a phone call to the motel they were staying at.
"Pack?" Renesmee questioned as they entered her room. "Why are we packing? Are we moving? I don't want to move!" Renesmee frowned as Bella grabbed a small blue suitcase from her closet.
"Don't worry, beautiful, we're not moving." Bella reassured as she opened a drawer in Renesmee's white dresser. She pulled out some socks and underwear and placed them in the suitcase.
"Then why are you and Dad packing?" Bella sighed at sat down on Renesmee's bed, bring Renesmee in her arms.
"Do you remember those two nomads that we met while everyone was playing baseball?" Renesmee racked through her memories then nodded.
"Sort of. One was a redhead, right?" Renesmee replied.
Bella nodded. "Well, Victoria's mate —the blonde male— wants to. . ." A lump formed in Bella's throat.
"Wants to what?" Renesmee inquired, getting impatient.
Wants to kill me. Those four words lingered on Bella's tongue, but even if she tried to say them, they wouldn't come out. Bella wet her parched mouth and opened her mouth to speak when Rosalie gracefully entered the room.
"That man wants to hurt you mother," Rosalie said, as she tidied up Renesmee's suitcase. "Your father and her are going to stay at a motel and you are going to stay at La Push with the wolves."
Bella mumbled a quiet "Thank you." Rosalie nodded slightly, her attention still on Renesmee.
"Why can't I go with you?" Renesmee asked, biting the inside of her cheek.
Bella looked into her daughter's beautiful brown eyes. "Your father and I would not be able to live with ourselves if you got hurt, sweetie. You are going to La Push because the wolves can protect you better than we can in this situation."
"That's not true, Momma. You can protect me better," Renesmee said, looking down. Bella wrapped her arms around her daughter and Renesmee rested her head on Bella's shoulder. "This isn't fair," Renesmee whined quietly, "I want to go with you."
"I know you do. But, you will be safer with the wolves." Rosalie quietly zipped up the blue suitcase. "I will call you everyday."
"Promise?" Renesmee asked, looking up into her mother's eyes.
"I promise." Renesmee smiled faintly and she played with the bracelet around her wrist. Bella ushered Renesmee up and off of the bed. Edward leaned against the door frame with a slight smile on his face.
Renesmee ran into his arms, and Edward lifted her up into his arms. They hugged each other for a bit. Renesmee then placed her hand on Edward's cheek. Edward dazed off into Renesmee's thoughts. Renesmee pulled her hand back and looked at her Father.
"Don't worry. I promise we will be just fine." Renesmee nodded as he placed her back on the carpeted floor. Rosalie picked up the blue suitcase and walked Renesmee out of the room.
"She'll be alright Bella. I promise you that nobody will hurt her." Edward said. Bella followed Edward back into his room. Edward handed her a bathroom bag and Bella walked into Alice's huge bathroom. She placed a few necessities in the bag and then zipped it up. She looked up into the mirror and looked at her reflection.
She had chapped lips and she could tell that she was tired, by the bags under her eyes. Luckily, with some cover up, she was able to hide the fact she wasn't sleeping good at night. She didn't want Edward to know about her horrific nightmares. Bella shut her eyes and vivid images of the nightmare popped in her head. Red eyes glared at Bella. Bella's eyes flew open, scanning her surroundings.
"Bella?" Edward called. Bella licked her lips and zipped up her bathroom bag.
"Coming!" She replied. She pushed open the bathroom door and walked back to Edward's room. Edward gently took the bathroom bag from her hands and placed it in her suitcase. He then picked up the two suitcases. He sent a small smile to Bella as he made his way for the door. Bella followed him down the stairs to where everyone else was waiting.
"I put a few hundred dollars in your truck, just in case," Esme said to Bella. Bella hugged Esme and Esme chuckled and hugged Bella back.
"Thank you Esme," Bella said, "For everything." Esme grinned.
"You're family now, Bella. We protect family." Bella heart thumped hard in her chest and Bella smiled.
Alice stole the attention that Bella was giving Esme, and wrapped Bella into a hug. "I'll see you soon." Bella nodded. She then was lifted into the air by two strong hands.
"Emmett put me down. . . " Bella squirmed in his grip and Emmett laughed.
"See ya later, Bellagator."
Bella snorted and rolled her eyes as Emmett placed her down. Renesmee ran up to her mother and ran into her. "Oof!" Bella then chuckled and hugged her daughter tight. She ran her fingers through her daughter's curls and rubbed her back. "Be safe," Bella whispered. Renesmee nodded and raised her hand. She gently rested the palm of her hand of Bella's neck. Images of Bella and Edward saying they were going to the meadow filled up her head. Renesmee removed her hand and half smiled.
"When all of this is over, your Father and I will take you to our meadow." Bella promised.
"I would like that," Renesmee said quietly. Bella placed a kiss on Renesmee's forehead and then stood up. Edward hugged his daughter gently and whispered into her ear. Bella couldn't make out what he was whispering. Renesmee then nodded and ran over to Rosalie. Edward opened the door and Bella was about to follow when Esme gently grabbed her wrist. She took Bella's hand and placed an object in the palm of her hand. Esme then closed her hand then smiled.
"For emergencies and for calling Renesmee." Bella opened her hand and saw a phone.
"Thank you Esme." Esme nodded and smiled.
Edward placed a hand on the small of Bella's back and led her outside. He unlocked Bella's chevy and got in the driver's side. Bella opened to passenger's side and pulled herself up into the truck. She buckled up just as Edward shifted the gear into drive. He turned the wheel and drove out of the driveway. He held Bella's hand in his own, stroking it with his thumb. Bella looked out the window and watched the scenery as Edward drove.
~ ~ ~
Edward pulled into the Motel's parking lot and parked Bella's truck. Bella looked up at the flickering lights of the motel sign. It read " Forks Inn ". Some of the lightbulbs were burned out, so it just read " orks In " Bella scoffed silently and read the print underneath the flashing lights. " Where your comfort is our priority." Bella mumbled to herself. She chuckled just as Edward opened the truck door for her. She unbuckled herself and jumped out of the truck. Edward grabbed the suitcases and then placed them beside Bella.
"I'm going to go to the front office to get our key. I'll be back in a few." Bella nodded and watched as Edward walked away and pushed open the doors to the front office open. The doors made a loud groan as the closed.
Bella looked at the motel. There was two floors and the top one had a white metal balcony. All the doors were painted a hideous red, with numbers on them. Bella turned her head to see a smoker's area. There was a few men that were older than Bella sitting around a plastic table with smokes in their mouths.
The men looked a her and one cat called. "What's a pretty lady like you doing out here by yourself?" one man said putting his cigarette in the ashtray and standing up. The all stood up and analyzed Bella. Their eyes drooped to her chest and she pulled her jacket over her chest.
"Get a load of this Henry! She's shy!" The first man called. The second man smirked and adjusted the cigarette between his lips.
"C'mon pretty lady, come have a drink with us." Another said, taking another step towards her.
"N-no thanks," Bella stuttered, trying not to cause a scene. The men gravitated closer to her and before she knew it, a blur went past her and punched the first guy down. The man wailed out in pain.
"Don't you dare speak to a lady like that. Especially if she is mine," Edward growled, baring his teeth. "Now get lost before I kill all of you." He snapped. The group of men dispersed. Edward rushed up to Bella and cradled her in his arms.
"Oh Love, I am so sorry. Did they touch you? Are you okay?" Bella nodded.
"They didn't touch me. They just kept making inappropriate comments about me." Edward growled quietly and picked up the suitcases with one hand. He led Bella to their motel door and unlocked it. He pushed pen the door and then placed the suitcases down on the carpet.
The bed had a patchwork quilt on top of it, with yellow sheets. In front of the bed was a desk with a small TV on it. Beside the bed, there was a small wall. Around the wall was the bathroom.
Bella pulled her shoes off and placed them by the door. Edward did the same.
"What's the time?" Bella asked.
"Only 7:30."
"Good, I have time to do some homework." Bella dragged her suitcase over to the bathroom and walked, closing the door behind her. She searched through the suitcase and decided on a pair of gray sweatpants with buttons that would reach her knees and a red tank top with lace. She stripped down and threw her so called 'pajamas' on. She opened the bathroom door, a wave of relief washing over her. She was glad she didn't have to be in the disgusting bathroom anymore. She placed her suitcase by the desk and rummaged through her backpack.
She pulled out a black notebook and a pencil. She had to write a essay for English on what college she wanted to go to and why she thought she would make a good candidate for the college. Bella sat herself in the middle of the bed and tapped her pencil against her notebook. The weight of the bed shifted and Bella turned her head to see Edward laying down with his elbow propped up. Bella chuckled and then looked back at her blank notebook.
He ran his hand down the side seams of her tank, tracing her curves. Bella shivered as she tried to focus.
What did she want to be when she was older? The question echoed through her brain, trying to make sense of her future.
"What are you thinking?" Edward asked with a smug smile on his face as he sat up and placed kisses on Bella's shoulders.
"About my future." Bella replied, as she tried not to give in to her temptation. "I'm just wondering if I still have one." Edward's lips froze on her shoulder, and then he pulled them off. He turned himself so he could face Bella.
"Why do you think you don't have one?" Edward implied, his eyebrows furrowed. Bella smiled at his bronze eyes, which were staring at her intently.
Bella shrugged. " I don't really know. It's just. . ." Bella tried to get the right words out of her mouth. "It's not everyday you fall in love with a vampire and have a daughter," Bella said. "Especially at age Eighteen." Edward nodded.
"You can still have a future, Bella. Name what you want, and I will make sure it happens."
"There is one thing that I am a bit concerned about."
"And what would that be?"
"Me being a vampire." Edward pursed his lips.
"If that's what you want, then I will make it happen. Let's just wait until after graduation. Then we can revisit the subject." Bella smiled and then continued working on her essay. Edward picked up her essay format sheet and scanned through it.
"Miss Swan, Where do you see yourself in ten years?" Edward asked, trying to be professional. Bella giggled and placed her pencil down to play along.
"Well Mr.Cullen, in ten years I see myself being a journalist. I absolutely love to write. I also see myself with a loving husband and a beautiful daughter." Edward grinned ear to ear and placed the format sheet back on the bed.
"I love you Bella," Edward said, putting a strand of hair behind her ear. Bella blushed slightly.
"I love you too," Bella replied. Jokingly, she added "Now I have to do my homework." Edward chuckled and watched as Bella move her pencil swiftly across the page. Her hand was cramping, but it didn't let Bella stop what she was writing. Edward sat up and placed cold kisses on Bella's neck. He suckled on her neck, gently, making Bella sigh softly.
Screw it. Bella thought. She pushed her notebook to the grimy motel floor and turned around. Edward's lips attached to Bella's, with an urgency that Bella had never felt before.It felt as if he was dying and needed air. Bella pulled Edward down on the bed as she inhaled his sweet scent. Their lips tugged on each other's lips. Bella tangled her fingers in his hair and he raised her thigh to his waist. Bella exhaled on Edward's lips, as she used her tongue to trace the outline of his cold, hard lips.
Edward shivered at the touch of Bella, as her hand slowly pulled his shirt off. Bella panted quietly as Edward towered over her shirtless. Breathless, Bella began the kiss again. Edward still had the same urgency, but Bella could tell this kiss would end soon. Bella angled herself upwards and began kissing Edward's jaw line.
"Bella," Edward groaned. Bella led her lips down his neck and that's when Edward couldn't take it anymore. Edward gently pushed himself off of Bella, hitting the TV. The desk that held the tv smashed under Edward's pressure. Bella placed a hand on her chest as she regained her air.
"Too much?" Bella panted. Edward pulled himself up off of the mess that was the desk and walked over to the bed.
"I don't want to hurt you Bella," Edward muttered as he plopped on the bed.
"You know that would never happen." Bella interjected. "I know it wouldn't."
Edward shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"What if I lose control Bella? What if I seriously injure you? Or worse, kill you?" He said through his teeth.
Bella looked at his trembling hands and took them into her own. She tilted her head up to look at his beautiful golden eyes.
"You know that would never happen," Bella repeated. "Now, stop thinking of what ifs. " Bella demanded as she laid her head on Edward's shoulder. Butterflies flew through Bella's stomach as Edward caressed her shoulder in a loving way. Oh how she wanted to be his. Bella stared at the plain wall. Edward sifted her brown hair through his fingers.
Edward scoffed to himself. Bella raised her eyebrows. "What?"
"I just realized I don't even know the date of your birthday." Bella bit the inside of her cheek.
"Let's keep it that way," She said, trying not to ruin the moment.
"If you don't tell me, I will ask Alice and she will throw you a huge birthday party and basically invite the whole school.But, If you tell me, I will tell her not to." Bella pondered on the idea then gave in.
"September thirteenth." Bella admitted.
"Now, how hard was that?" Edward teased.
"Don't push it Cullen." Edward chuckled.
"Get some rest love. We have school tomorrow." Edward turned off the lamp beside the bed and and adjusted her head on his chest. She didn't want to go to sleep. She knew if she went to sleep, the nightmare would come back.
Bella did her best to keep her eyes open, but before she knew it, her eyes drooped closed.
Red eyes glared at Bella. Scanning her. Watching her every move. The face grinned.
Bella literally jumped out from her sleep. The blankets fell off of her as she looked around the room. A bead of sweat dribbled down the side of her face. The motel door opened instantly and Edward rushed to her side.
"Love? Are you alright?" Bella wondered if she should tell him. Bella nodded.
"I just got the chills and I woke up," Bella lied. Edward looked at Bella, trying to decipher if she was lying or not. Edward nodded then layed down on the bed, cradling Bella in his arms. The world slowly faded away as Bella fell into a slumber.
~ ~ ~
"Wake up love." Breath tingled in her ear, making her peek through her eyelashes. Edward had an arm wrapped around her stomach and a small smile on his face. "It's time to get ready." Bella smiled up at her angel and pushed the covers off of her legs. "I'm going to go get you some breakfast while you get ready." Edward lifted bella's fragile body off of him and walked out of the motel room.
Bella sat up and walked to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. She then zipped open her suitcase and scanned her clothing choices. She pulled out a pair of capris that were slightly ripped, a white tanktop and a red button up cardigan. She pulled on her white sneakers just as Edward came in holding a fast food bag.
"I got you some pancakes," He says, pulling out a small box.
"Thank you." Bella sat down on the bed and began eating her pancakes. A thought hit her and she swore quietly. "I forgot to call Renesmee last night!"
"I'm sure she will be forgiveful." Edward stated. Bella nodded and threw her trash in the trashcan in the bathroom and grabbed her backpack.
"Ready to go?" Bella nodded and walked out of the motel room, Edward locking the door behind them.
"Can I drive? I haven't had the chance to drive my new truck yet." Edward showed off a crooked smile and handed her the keys. Bella got in the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition. The truck purred to life, making Bella grin. Edward looked at her as she adjusted her rearview mirror, shifted gears and drove out of the motel parking lot.
Bella tapped her foot on the break when the reached a four way. "How are you going to explain the desk to the maid?"
Edward chuckled. "I told her that we put too much stuff on it." Bella nodded and turned into the Forks High School parking lot. She backed up into a space and then turned the car off. She pushed open the truck door and Edward helped her down. Everyone was staring at them again. Bella's stomach churned and Edward gently squeezed her hand.
Edward walked Bella inside and to her locker where she placed her bag in and got her binder and her calculator.
Edward gave a small kiss on Bella's lips. "I'll see you next block." Bella nodded and Edward and Bella went separate ways.
"Bella!" Bella turned her head to see her friend Angela jogging up to her.
"Hey Ang," Bella said with a small smile.
"Have you seen the flyers for prom yet?" Bella creased her eyebrows as they entered calculus.
"Yes, you know the party where everybody dances and you vote for who you want your prom king and queen and-"
"Angela, I know what prom is. I just have been busy and it hasn't crossed my mind lately." More like At all.
"Well anyways, the theme this year is Monte Carlo. There's going to be gambling and I hear Mike is going to sneak some beer in." Angela grinned and her eyes shined bright behind her glasses. Bella nodded, but Angela frowned.
"You're going to prom, right?" Angela asked as Bella and Angela sat down in their seats.
"I doubt it. I'm not into that kind of stuff," Bella concluded as her teacher walked in.
Angela stayed quiet and didn't say anything else about prom. Bella was glad in a way. Bella could feel Mike's eyes on her, making her shift uncomfortably in her seat.
Bella worked on her work and only talked to Angela if she needed a bit of help. Thankfully, about a half hour later, the bell rang. Bella immediately got up from her seat and rushed out the door, only to bump into Edward, again. Edward chuckled. "Hello to you too. You ready for English?" Bella nodded and they walked downstairs to the English classroom. They sat in their seats as the teacher put on the movie Romeo & Juliet. Bella rolled her eyes at the cheesy lines. She and Edward mumbled quietly throughout the film.
~ ~ ~
Bella clutched on to her food tray as she and Edward made their way to their table in the cafeteria. Bella sat down, looking at the empty spots where Alice and Jasper would be. They decided they wanted to skip school and help out with the James situation.
Bella quietly chewed on her ham sandwich, while looking out the window. Huge splatters of rain poured down. It almost looked like a bunch of bouncy balls. Bella pushed back the thought when she heard Jessica and Mike talking.
"She's so plain! I can't believe she has Cullen in her grubby grip." Jessica sneered. "If anyone should have Cullen, it should be me." Bella had had enough. Before Edward could stop her, she walked up to Jessica's table.
"I've only been here two days. Two fucking days, and yet you seem to hate my guts. I hardly even know you Jessica. So if you could shut up, I think everyone would be happy," Bella spat. Jessica's face went a bright pink and the whole cafeteria went silent. Bella sat back down and continued to eat her sandwich.
Edward looked at her with a crooked smile on his face. Bella didn't want to talk about so Edward did not pressure her.She threw her trash in the trash can and walked out of the cafeteria, feeling Jessica's glares on her back.
~ ~ ~
Bella got in her truck after school and Edward got in the passenger's seat. Bella had relaxed a bit after lunch, but she was still a bit tense. Edward stroked her hand, making her relax more as she pulled out of the parking lot. Bella turned and braked and turned, and then they finally made it to their motel.
Bella parked the truck and opened the door. She was about to go into the motel, but Edward grabbed Bella's wrist, making her recoil back.
"Jessica is a stupid teenage girl who feeds off of people's misery. I love you and that's all that matters." Edward cupped Bella's face and and gently kissed her. Bella kissed back, but before she could get into the kiss, Edward pulled away.
They walked into the motel and and Bella sat herself on the bed to do her homework. Edward helped her and distracted her quite a few times.
"I'm sorry I freaked out at lunch," Bella finally said, just as she closed her textbook.
Edward shrugged. "Jessica deserved it." Edward's smile turned into a crooked grin. Edward pulled Bella close and kissed her. Bella tangled her fingers in his hair and then a sound made Bella jump.
"What the hell was that?"
"Well love, I believe that was your stomach," Edward said with a chuckle. "I'll go get you some dinner." Bella nodded as he exited the motel room. Bella picked up her cellphone and read the time.
It was 7:30. Renesmee would be going to bed soon, so Bella decided she call her daughter and say goodnight. Bella dialed the house number into the phone and the phone rang about four times until someone picked up.
"Hello?" Bella asked. The heavy breathing on the other line stopped.
"Hello, Little Swan."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
What do you guys think of the book so far? : )
Sincerely, Burningbrightfire
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