Chapter Eighteen: Death on the Horizon
Jacob leaned forward, leaping into the air as his clothes ripped to shreds. The russet brown wolf's chest grumbled and Jacob bared his teeth, his tongue running over his canines. Bella stayed still as a statue as her heartbeat accelerated, thumping against her chest. Bella swiveled quietly on her heels to see a curious face looking at her.
The girl's face was narrow and pale as snow. Bella instantly knew that she was a newborn, judging by her melted swirls of crimson in her eyes. She had straight blonde hair that reached the bottom of her neck and she was just a bit taller than Bella. Her outfit was slightly distressed by being covered in blood. The girl's eyes flickered upwards and her red eyes darted from Bella to Jacob.
The girl opened her plump lips and released an blood curdling growl as her eyes landed on Bella's neck. The girl's eyes watched sweat trickle down Bella's neck and her pulse beat against her skin. The girl raised her left hand and growled once more as she inclined forward to attack her prey. Bella shut her eyes wondering if in this moment she was going to die.
A bone-chilling crack reverberated through Bella's eardrums and she clenched her fists, not wanting to open her eyes. A cold hand took her own and Bella winced, a shiver running down her spine. "Bella, love, you can open your eyes," a voice insinuated. Bella obtained comfort from the familiar voice and she relaxed, letting her eyes flutter open.
Edward stared down at her, concern washing upon his face like a tidal wave. A howl rang through the air and Bella turned to see Jacob trotting off, his tail shaking behind him. "Bella, are you alright? Did she hurt you?" Edward interrogated, as he started to roll up Bella's jacket sleeve to check for bite marks or bruises.
"No. All she did was stand there," Bella explained as she pushed her jacket sleeve back down. She went to take a step forwards, but Edward towered over her, his hands at her sides so she wouldn't be able to move. Bella knew exactly why he was acting like this. He didn't want her to see what he had done to the girl. Bella bit her tongue and nudged past him, instantly regretting it.
The girl's head was shattered into two pieces, the inside of her head like a concrete wall. Her eyes were still staring with a ravenous look. Her body lay away from the head, still in her attack position. Bella swallowed the lump in her throat and stepped over the bush that was concealing her body. In the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a finger move. Pushing away her feelings of fear and disgust, she grabbed the girl's body and wrapped her fingers around her wrists.
Bella had to keep herself from gagging as she dragged the body towards the head in the dirt, struggling with the girl's weight. Edward crossed his arms over his chest, amused by what he was seeing. Bella let out a little grunt as she landed on her ass, when she let go of the girl's disassembled body. She stood back up and bumped the two pieces of head closer towards the body.
"Bella, love, if you don't mind me asking, but what the hell are you doing?" Bella took her hands out of her pockets and looked at Edward.
"Cleaning up," She stated bluntly and she took a step over the bush. "Give me your lighter."
Edward raised his eyebrows down at Bella who was looking up at him with her brown eyes. "And what do you intend to do with that lighter?"
"Well, we can't just leave the body here for a camper to see." Edward shook his head and chuckled, taking Bella's hand and placing the cold, rectangular piece of metal in her hand. She gave a quick smile and climbed back over the bush, looking down at the deceased and ripped apart girl.
"Why do you think you need to do this?" Edward quizzed, running a pale hand through his bronze curls as he approached the bush.
Bella shrugged as she flicked the lighter on, the flame dancing dangerously close to Bella's thumb. "I'm going to have to do this eventually. Especially when the Volturi return for us." She released the lighter from her grip and it tumbled downwards towards the body. She took a step back as the flames engulfed the body.
"What makes you think that you'll have to do this?"
Bella huffed out a frustrated sigh and leaned over the bush, her one foot one each side. She raised her other foot, but wasn't paying attention, so her foot caught itself on a branch inside the bush. Bella looked back towards her foot and frowned. She placed her legs on her thigh and tried to pull it out of the stick it was caught in, but her leg remained glued to the bush.
Bella's eyes flickered up to Edward's gold orbs. She gave a pleading smile and attempted to flutter her eyelashes. Edward chuckled and wrapped one arm around Bella's angular waist. With one gentle and swift tug, Bella stood on Edward's boots, his arm still around her waist. "Thanks," Bella mumbled.
"What makes you think that you'll have to do this?" Edward repeated, his voice growing sterner.
Bella twisted her lips to one side, pondering on how to explain. "The Volturi will recover from their mistake. It's only a matter of time before they return."
Edward tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering behind her ear. "Do you really believe that?"
Bella placed her hand over top of his. "I don't believe it. I know it. And when they return, we'll be ready. And we will destroy them and put them under gravestones where they belong."
Edward lowered his hand from behind Bella's ear and sighed. "How are you going to fight if you're human?" Bella's eyes twinkled in the light, the brown orbs flickering to each golden eye.
Edward laughed. "That's why you want to become a vampire? So you can fight?" Bella looked down and gave a curt nod. "There's something else too, isn't there?"
Bella bit the inside of her cheek and Edward brought each of her hands--including the one in the cast-- into his own. "Say it, love."
Bella inhaled the forest air and spoke. "Youdon'ttouchmethewayyoudidwhenIwasavampire."
Edward's forehead creased and he let out a low chuckle. "Come again?"
Bella released the grip she had on her bottom lip. "You don't touch me the way you did when I was a vampire," She said in a hushed whisper.
Silence branded itself between them until finally Edward spoke up. "Oh, Bella," He purred as he pinned her up against a tree. Her heart started beating rapidly which made Edward let out a quiet chuckle, which sounded more like an outtake of breath . "You have no idea how many times I wanted you all to myself," he growled.
Bella licked her lips out of habit which made Edward growl a bit more. "You don't know what I'm going through right now," He insisted, his golden eyes darkening with lust.
Bella managed to gather the courage to speak. "Then why don't you take me for your own?"
Edward sighed, which sounded more like a growl rising from his throat. "Because I can't risk hurting you," He admitted solemnly. "I wouldn't be able to control myself."
"You're just saying that," Bella blurted. Edward shook his head in frustration, and used one hand to align Bella's body with his own. "I'm yours," Bella mumbled, which was the last straw for Edward.
His lips crashed onto Bella's, hungrily gnawing, trying to savor the taste of her sweet lips. Bella let out a little gasp of surprise, letting Edward take the advantage of sliding his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues collided and danced to a rhythm they had never danced before. Edward pushed Bella up against the tree and wrapped her legs around his broad waist.
Edward's lips left Bella's, which disappointed her, but her soon returned to her neck, his frigid lips tasting her skin. His canines started to ache as Bella inched her head back, allowing access. The cruel taste of metal--venom-- filled up his mouth, and he knew he was only seconds away from taking a sip. He cautiously removed his mouth from her neck and unwrapped her legs from his waist, gently placing her on the dirt ground.
Bella could see the guilt in his eyes growing as he wiped his mouth with his forearm. "See what I mean?" He said in a hushed whisper. Bella placed her good hand on his shoulder and stroked his muscle.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you," Bella stated quietly.
"The time will come, love. I promise you." Edward kissed Bella's forehead. "Ready to go home?" He questioned.
Bella nodded her head and Edward swooped her up in his arms. Bella leaned her head against his chest, overwhelmed by the wind blowing in her face as Edward ran and ducked through the forest. Bella inhaled a shaky breath as she gripped Edward's shirt with her clammy palms. Branches from trees reached out to grab her, which made her pull herself closed to Edward.
"We're home," Edward said. Bella slowly opened her eyelids to reveal her brown eyes. Edward removed his arm from under her legs and her feet hit the bedroom floor with a solid thump. Bella scratched the back of her head awkwardly and her eyes looked around the room.
"Carlisle wants to give you a check-up," Edward said. "He said to change into something comfortable first. I'll meet you downstairs in his medical study."
Bella pursed her lips and watched as Edward strolled out of their bedroom and down the stairs. Bella turned her head to the bed to see there was already clothes set out for her. She unzipped her rain jacket and placed it on the coat hanger. She swiftly stripped and then slipped on the grey sweatpants and a burgundy shirt that was way too big for Bella's petite frame. She assumed it was Edward's.
She pulled on some fuzzy black socks and pushed her wavy hair to one side. Her hair bounced on her small shoulders as she trotted down the stairs, her socks slightly slipping on the hardwood. At the bottom of the stairs, Edward was leaning against the hand railing talking to Renesmee.
"Momma!" Renesmee squealed as she bumped into Bella's legs and stomach. "Are you okay? I heard what happened!"
Bella bent herself down to look into Renesmee glistening eyes. "Momma's okay," She assured, tangling her fingers at the ends of Renesmee's curls. Renesmee placed a sweet kiss beside Bella's lips and the skipped off into the kitchen to help Esme prepare supper. Edward held out a hand and Bella took it. He gently pulled her up and they walked towards the medical room, hand in hand.
Carlisle was seated at his desk, scribbling down notes on a lined piece of paper. His golden eyes flickered up towards Bella and he plastered a warm smile on his face. "Have a seat, Bella," He said, pointing his pen towards the two seats that were in front of him. Bella obliged and sat down, crossing one leg over another. Edward sat down beside her and started stroking her hand with his thumb.
Carlisle clicked his pen and placed it down on his desk. His rested his gaze on Bella and Edward, the smile on his face remaining. "How's your arm?" He questioned, his gold eyes glimpsing at her cast. The drawings that Renesmee had doodled were slightly smudged, especially Edward's stick figure face. Specks of dirt clouded the some-what white cast, and it smelled putrid. Bella raised her cast and flexed her fingers, pins and needles poking at her wrist.
"My wrist and forearm is quite stiff," Bella conceded.
"Let's take a look, shall we?" Bella moved her chair and Carlisle dragged his chair from behind his desk towards Bella. He sat himself down on his chair and lifted up Bella's arm. A smidget of pain ran through Bella's bone, but she ignored it. He started tapping the cast and after every tap he would look up at Bella to see if it hurted or not. When he got close to her wrist, She would flinch and bite her lip to keep her from letting out a small gasp.
Carlisle removed his hand and smiled at Bella. "Good news, Bella. Your wrist is almost fully healed, which means we can take your cast off soon."
"How soon?" Bella catechized.
Carlisle chuckled. "I guarantee that it will be taken off before your graduation, but you will have it when the newborns arrive."
Bella let out a small sigh and nudged back some of her brown locks. "Now," Carlisle stated, "If you would not mind lifting up your shirt ever so slightly, I would like to examine your stomach." Bella wrapped her fingers around of the bottom of her shirt and yanked it up halfway to reveal her stomach. Bella averted her gaze from her stomach to Edward's golden eyes.
Bella let out a small breath as Carlisle's cold hands touched around her swollen skin. Edward grasped Bella's warm hand and mumbled into her ear, "Just relax, love." Bella let her neck slacken and she breathed out a shaky breath, closing her eyes.
An unidentified substance rubbed against her injury, making Bella squint through her eyelashes. Carlisle had removed the thread that had sewed her skin together. It was a strange feeling, and Bella hated it more than she hated root beer. Her skin made a weird flop noise as it stuck back together.
"You're going to have a scar," Carlisle estimated. "But other than that, you have healed quite nice."
A clash of pans hitting each other made Bella and Edward whip their heads towards the kitchen. Carlisle and Edward laughed. "Your check up is done. You should go see what your daughter is doing," Carlisle chuckled. Bella pulled her shirt back down and stood up, Edward helping her up.
She strolled to the kitchen and let out a giggle at what she was seeing. Renesmee and Emmett were sitting on the ground with kitchen utensils in their hands, banging against the pots. The both had their baseball hats backwards and black lines under their eyes, like a football player. They slammed their utensils on the pots, trying to do their best to create a rhythm.
Bella covered her mouth to stop her from bursting out in hysterics. "DRUM SOLO!" Emmett hollered as he pointed hit 'drumsticks' towards Renesmee. Renesmee banged her spoons against the pots and pans, sticking out her tongue as she concentrated. She finished her pot solo and Emmett clapped his hands together. Esme laughed as she continued to stir whatever delicious concoction she was making.
Renesmee looked up at Bella, glee practically written on her face. "Did you see that Momma? I totally rocked that drum solo!" she squealed. Bella laughed and walked into the kitchen, slumping her shoulders as she bent down, sitting herself on the tile ground. Renesmee and Emmett cocked their heads to the side as Bella slipped Renesmee's drumsticks out of her grip, placing it in her own grip.
"Can you give me a lesson?"
Renesmee nodded and taught Bella what pot made what sound, and eventually Bella could grasp the concept. Emmett would always butt in, but Bella would glare at him, knowing that she wanted to keep it mother and daughter.
When dinner was ready, Renesmee and Bella put back the pots and pans back where the belonged, the sweet aroma of Esme's cooking making their stomachs swell with hunger. They sat at the counter, Edward leaning against the wall behind them. Bella looked at the food and licked her lips. In front of her was a plate of chicken coated in sauce and spices, with a side of rice coated in the meat's sauce and vegetables.
A loud grumble filled up the room and Bella giggled at her stomach. She shoveled the mouth watering food into her mouth and laughed at Renesmee who had the sauce around her lips. After several minutes and another helping, all the food was gone. Bella let out a small satisfied burp and immediately covered her mouth whispering an, "Excuse me." Renesmee held her stomach as she started laughing, her eyes starting to water with happiness.
Edward chuckled and Bella picked up Renesmee's own plate and Bella's plate. She put them in the sink and turned around to see Edward with Renesmee over her shoulder. "Is it that time already?" Bella teased.
Renesmee squealed and Edward winked at Bella, blood running to her cheeks. She followed Edward up the stairs to Renesmee's bedroom. Edward turned away as they entered the room so Bella could help Renesmee choose out an outfit and change.
After Renesmee changed into her PJ's, Edward and Bella tucked her in. Renesmee let out a yawn and said during the yawn "I'm not tired." Bella laughed.
"Whatever you say, princess," Bella joked as she placed a kiss on Renesmee's head. Renesmee's eyes started to flutter closed, so Edward gave her a hug and kiss, then Bella and Edward left the room.
~ ~ ~
After studying for about two hours, Bella started to drift. "Bella, love, get some rest," Edward stated, rubbing her cheekbone with his thumb. Bella shook her head and opened her eyes back up to her book.
"I have to study, I can't fail," Bella hissed. Edward rubbed Bella's back and removed the book from Bella's lap, closing it on the page she was reading. Bella stuck out her bottom lip but didn't argue.
"Go to sleep, my love," Edward whispered as he lowered Bella's head onto his chest.
Bella nodded and mumbled, "Can't. Fail." Edward chuckled and placed a kiss on Bella's forehead, the sweet flavor of her skin washing over his senses. His tongue ran over his canines as he released his lips from Bella's forehead. Bella had immediately drifted off, and she even had started to snore quietly against Edward's chest.
Edward caressed the top of her bad arm as she started to mumble in her sleep an hour later. Images flickered in his mind and Edward suddenly knew that Alice was having a vision.
He was in the Volturi throne room.
Aro and Caius sat on their seats, an amused expression lingering on their faces. They sat on their black thrones, watching what was going behind Edward. Edward swiveled on his feet to see what they were staring at with their menacing faces.
Morgana, was pinning her sister Xena against the wall, crushing her windpipe. Xena clawed at Morgana's hands trying to breath. Why were they turning against each other?
The vision started to blur, but Edward needed to know what was driving them against each other. Before the image blurred out, he saw a girl with a volturi cape, red eyes and brown hair holding her hand up at the two witches.
She was controlling them against each other. But how?
Edward blinked furiously, trying to remove the image from his head. Who was that girl? Edward sighed and looked down at Bella. He needed to go talk to Alice about the thing and what she saw, but he didn't want to leave Bella, for she normally got her nightmares around this time. Bella would be fine, Edward reassured himself. He unwrapped the fragile hand of Bella from around him, and she rolled over.
Edward gently got up and raced downstairs to Alice.
Red eyes.
Dead bodies.
All my fault.
Bella's eyes flashed open and she pushed herself up on the bed, to see the other side of the bed was empty. Bella looked down at the bed sheets, not wanting to sleep alone. She assumed Edward had gone out hunting, so she decided she would go and curl up with Renesmee until he came back.
Bella rubbed her eyes and stood up to walk to the hall. Her eyes closed as she yawned and voices filled her ears.
"She's not losing faith, is she?" Bella heard a voice ask. It was Edward.
"Of course not, Edward," Alice replied. "You just need to do it soon or else she might start to."
"Did you see that?"
"No. I just know."
Bella realized she shouldn't be eavesdropping so she continued her stroll down the hallway to Renesmee's room. She gently rolled Renesmee over in her bed and pulled herself into the warmth of the comforter. Renesmee rolled back over and Bella draped an arm over her.
Eventually, she fell back asleep, Edward's words bouncing in her head.
~ ~ ~
The loud noise of rain made Bella open her eyes to the morning. She rubbed her eyes and pushed her hair back. It took her a few minutes to remember where she was and then another few minutes to remember what day it was. It was a school day. Bella glimpsed at the empty side of the bed and pushed herself up to see Edward sitting on the rocking chair with a book in his hand.
"What time is it?" Bella asked groggily.
Edward placed his book down and looked at his watch. "It's only 5:30, love. Go back to sleep." Bella yawned and let her head hit the pillow, not bothering to ask what he was doing in Renesmee's room. After a few minutes of trying to fall asleep, she turned out to be fully awake.
She pushed the white bed covers off of her legs and walked over to Edward. He placed it book down, which was The Great Gatsby, and opened his arms to Bella. Bella placed herself on his lap and Edward wrapped his arms around her body.
"Can't sleep?" He murmured. Bella shook her head, letting a warm breath escape to his neck. Edward made small circles in the center of her back and talked softly to her, hoping she would fall back asleep. Edward placed a kiss on Bella's temple as his thumb gently stroked the beginning of her ass.
"How'd you sleep?" He inquired quietly.
Bella let her eyelashes flutter against his neck. "Same as every night," she admitted.
"Are you ever going to tell me what your nightmare's about?"
Bella sighed. "I-I don't want to tell you," she stuttered.
"That's fine, love. But answer me this; What are you so afraid of?"
Bella looked down. "Myself."
Edward pursed his lips, wanting to ask more questions, but he didn't want to make Bella uncomfortable. He rocked the rock chair back and forth as Bella curled her toes against his shin.
Edward hummed Bella's lullaby and Bella rested against him.
An hour later, Edward gently shook Bella awake. "Love, Breakfast is ready." Bella nodded and Edward helped her off of him. They walked downstairs, hand in hand. Bella sat at the counter and Esme handed her a plate of steaming hot eggs and toast to go with the eggs. Bella easily gobbled the eggs down, ignoring the burning sensation that the eggs caused.
After she finished eating, she trotted up the stairs to Rosalie's closet. She chose a navy blue cardigan, a white tank top and light blue jeans. She stripped off her pajamas and changed into the outfit she chose, and slipped on her black sneakers. She rushed to the bathroom and brushed her hair and teeth.
When she was done in the washroom, she ambled down the stairs and grabbed her backpack from the kitchen, throwing in cash for lunch.
"You know," Edward stated, "School doesn't start for another half hour."
Bella shrugged. "Let's just get this day over with." Edward chuckled and led Bella out the door to his volvo. The rain poured down on them as Bella lifted her jacket's hood to cover her hair as she jogged to the open passenger seat of Edward's volvo. Bella got in the car and lifted her hood back, closing the car door behind her.
"You ready?" Edward questioned.
Bella nodded. "Only a bit longer and then I will be out of that school." Edward grinned and turned the ignition on, the volvo purring to life. "Show off," Bella muttered under her breath. Edward laughed as he backed out of the driveway.
When they made it to the school, Bella was interested to see that they were one of the first people at the school. Alice and Jasper honked as they pulled up into a parking space beside Bella and Edward. Bella got out of the car and the four raced inside, trying to avoid the rain.
Edward followed Bella to her locker as she placed her damp coat in her locker. "I'll be right back, I have to use the washroom," She said and Edward nodded. She walked to the bathroom and entered slowly, something not feeling right. When she turned the corner to go to the sinks, she let out a scream.
In front of her laid a young girl from the school, blood dripping out of her neck. Her eyes were rolled back into her head and her clothes were covered in her own blood. She had bruises all over her one arm. A vampire had attacked her. Bella dropped to her knees in the sticky blood and touched the girl's neck, searching for a pulse.
Seconds later, Edward arrived, terror on his face. Bella could see his eyes darken to a black color. "Edward," Bella hissed. "Get out and call an ambulance."
Edward stayed where he was, fighting against himself. Humanity returned to him and he rushed out of the ladies washroom to call the police.
A faint pulse hit Bella's fingers, and Bella let out a small gasp. The girl was still alive, but only slightly. Bella pressed her hands together and pushed down on her stomach, hoping to get air in her lungs.
Edward came rushing back in and he sat himself down in the blood, but the bloodlust from his eyes was gone. "The paramedics and the police are on their way," Edward stated in a quick voice. The girl's heartbeat echoed through Edward's ears.
"Bella, love stop," He instructed, removing her hands from the girl's chest. "You're making it worse."
Bella raised her eyebrows and Edward continued. "She has two broken ribs, and by you pressing on them, the jagged parts of her ribs are poking at her internal organs. We don't want her to start bleeding internally."
Bella nodded, shocked that Edward knew so much. She removed her hands and stood up, her hands and knees covered in blood. Sirens from outside grew louder and louder, and soon she heard the front doors bust wide open.
Seconds later, two paramedics holding a stretcher placed the girl on there and rushed out of the girl's bathroom. Students were crowded near the girl's bathroom, trying to get a small look at the body. Edward stood up and walked to the sink. He scrubbed the dried blood off and Bella stood up, joining him.
"What did you tell the paramedics?" Bella whispered, as she placed some soap in her hands.
"Just that we found her like this," Edward mumbled back.
"Was it what I was thinking?"
Edward nodded. "I don't have a reasonable explanation, though. One of us would've smelled the stranger's scent."
Bella finished drying her hands when two police officers came in to investigate and question Bella and Edward. Before the first man could finish his sentence, the other police officer pointed to the corner. The first officer, Chief Richards, bent down and picked up the blood stained object.
He stood up and held it out for Bella and Edward to see. "Do you know who's this is?"
Bella gulped at the blood soaked ribbon. She knew exactly who it belonged to.
The girl walked up to Bella, hair bouncing in curls, half of them tied back by a white ribbon. The same ribbon that the police officer was holding. "Hey Bella!" the girl said. Bella closed her locker and smiled, shifting her books to her good hand.
"Hey Jessica."
~ ~ ~ ~
Hello everyone!( : I really wanted to update this book first, because I last left it on a cliffhanger--which was quite rude of me tbh.
Anyways, I just wanted to announce that I am starting a new & original story soon (like a few months from now maybe) called The Hunted.
Now, I have a quick question for all of you.
Do you guys like it when chapters are named like
"Chapter Fourteen: The rise of Dawn"
or just regular chapters like
"Chapter Fourteen" ?
Let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading!
Sincerely, Burningbrightfire
Song: Battleship by Daughtry
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