Chapter Eight: Cry of the Wolf
Bella sat quietly with her lips pressed together in a straight line. Edward had one arm wrapped around her waist and he was resting his chin on the top of her head. Her eyes wandered the meadow, looking at everything that surrounded her.
Bumblebees buzzed around the purple flowers and a small breeze blew across Bella's neck. Edward breathed in her scent and smiled, watching Bella.
Edward. Alice thought. It's ready!
Edward shifted Bella and in a flash, they were both standing up. Bella had her arms wrapped around Edward's neck and Edward's hands had snaked around her waist. Edward chuckled at Bella's confused face.
"I have something back at the house that I would like to show you," Edward said with a small smirk. Bella mentally groaned. She hated surprises. Edward instantly read Bella's facial features. "It's something small, trust me." Bella nodded and brushed the nape of Edward's neck, sending electricity through his veins.
"I trust you." Bella assured. The corners of Edward's lips expanded, and he chuckled.
"You really shouldn't have said that." Bella raised her eyebrow and her nose twitched. In the blink of an eye, Bella was on Edward's back, her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. "Hang on tight."
Bella let out a gasp as Edward ran forward, and leaped on to a tree. Bella squeezed her eyes shut and he jumped from the tree to another tree. The air in Bella's lungs escaped as Edward jumped down from the second tree, landing on the tips of his toes. He ran towards the house and placed Bella down, as soon as they reached the driveway.
Bella wobbled, but soon regained her balance. Edward laughed quietly. "Follow me," He instructed. He walked towards the back of the house, where the huge garage was located.
"Why are you showing me your garage?" Bella questioned.
"It's behind the door." Edward said, showing off his crooked smile. Bella took a step towards the garage, and the door flew open. Bella took another step forward and a gigantic smile formed on her face.
A 1963 red chevy pulled out of the garage.It was the truck that Bella had crashed in. She could tell it was the exact one because the left rear view mirror was tilted and the familiar scratch on the right door remained. Bella could tell it was newly painted, for she couldn't see any chips. There was also new tires and headlights.
Emmett jumped out of the driver's side, with a goofy grin on his face. "It also has a satellite radio," He added.
Bella was lost for words. "My truck was completely destroyed when I crashed! How did you fix it?" She gushed.
"A few weeks ago, Emmett, Alice and I went to the ditch where you crashed in. There was a few remaining pieces so we collected those and went to the nearest car recycling place and we found your truck. The frame was bent,a door was missing, two tires were flat, and all the glass needed to be replaced." Edward replied.
"We replaced all the seats, the glass, fixed the frame and engine, and added a few things. Emmett insisted on installing the radio." Edward finished.
"Thank you!" Bella hugged Edward and Edward hugged her back, just not as tight. She leaned her head up and placed a kiss on his lips. Edward cupped her face. The coldness of Edward's lips sent a current through Bella's body.
"Get a room you two!" Emmett hollered. Bella blushed and pulled away from Edward's soft lips. The feel of his lips and the taste lingered in Bella's tongue.
"Nice truck, Bella." Bella turned her head, just as Jacob and Renesmee walked out of the house.
"Thanks." Renesmee walked up to Bella and grinned. Bella assumed the effects of the potion had left Renesmee's system, for Bella could tell she grew a bit over night.
Her bronze curls were a little darker, like a mix between Edward's hair color and Bella's hair color. Her eyes were still the same color brown, but you could see a small glint of gold if you looked at her a certain way. She was a little taller than the last time Carlisle measured her. Even her chest was slightly developing. Bella sighed. How much longer did Bella have until Renesmee was done growing?
Renesmee's curls bounced in her ponytail and she jumped into her father's arms. Edward laughed. Bella forced a smile. She was too busy thinking about Renesmee. A hand patted her cheek and Bella slowly got out of her trance. Renesmee placed her hand on Bella's cheek showing her pictures in her mind. She closed her eyes and thoughts of Jacob, Edward, Bella, food and stickers filled up her mind. Bella chuckled as Renesmee removed her hand.
Edward placed Renesmee down and she ran away and Edward chased after her, a grin plastered on both of their faces. Bella tilted her head and Edward picked Renesmee up and threw her over his shoulder. Renesmee squirmed and squealed.
Jacob stood beside her, his arms crossed against his chest. "She sure is growing up fast," Jacob observed. Bella nodded.
"I wish I had more time with her before she grew up," Bella admitted. "I wish I had the chance to hold her when she was a baby."Jacob placed a hand on Bella's shoulder and patted it awkwardly.
"I think we all wish we had more time." Bella sighed.
Jacob changed the subject and lowered his hand. "Renesmee and I were about to head to La Push for a bonfire. Would you like to join us?" Bella was shocked that Jacob offered her to come.
"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude."
Jacob laughed. "I'm positive. Besides, it's time for you to meet everyone."
Bella nodded and smiled at her new friend. "Can we drive? I prefer truck to wolf."
Jacob chuckled again. "Sounds like a plan." He grinned a sheepish grin as Edward and Renesmee came back. "You ready to go, Renesmee?" Bella's heart lightened at Jacob calling her Renesmee, not Ness.
"Yup!" Renesmee replied, popping the 'p'.
Bella walked up to Edward as Jacob took Renesmee to Bella's truck. "Are you coming?" Edward slowly shook his head.
"I have some stuff to do at the house. I will see you soon." Edward planted a kiss on her forehead and walked up to Jacob and mumbled "You better take care of them or I will get Rosalie to make you into a fur coat." Edward retreated from Jacob and then went back inside the house.
"Grumpy pants," Jacob muttered under his breath. Bella giggled. Jacob turned to Bella."Are you driving, or am I?"
"I think you should drive," Bella replied, "I've never been to La push so I have no idea where we would be going."
Jake nodded and lifted Renesmee up into the truck and hopped in after her. Bella walked around the truck -admiring the paint job- and climbed into the passengers side. She buckled herself up and made sure Renesmee was buckled up in the middle seat. Jacob pushed the gear into forward and drove out of the driveway.
The car grumbled and made all sorts of noises as they drove down the highway. Jacob was focused on the road. Renesmee poked Bella. Bella looked away from the window and looked at Renesmee. Renesmee placed the palm of her hand on Bella's neck.
Can we play I spy?
"Of course," Bella replied ." You go first."
After twenty minutes of I spy, Jacob pulled up to a beach and parked the truck. "Welcome to La Push," Jacob exclaimed. Jacob unbuckled himself and Renesmee and Bella got out after them, slamming the truck door behind her. "We have to climb down these few rocks to get there."
Bella nodded and held onto Renesmee's hand, helping her down the rocks. Voices echoed in Bella's ears as they reached the beach. "Just a little further," Jacob said. The intoxicating smell of the ocean filled up Bella's nostrils and lingered on her tongue. After about a mile of walking, a ball flew towards Jacob. Jacob snatched the ball with one hand and chuckled.
A tan boy-who looked like a miniature version of Jacob- came from behind the rocks.He was a bit younger, perhaps around the age of fifteen. "Sorry Jake! Paul was meant to catch that!" A howl of laughter came from behind the rocks.
"S'okay Seth."
"Hey Ness!" The boy, named Seth called.
"Hiya Seth!" Renesmee said with a huge smile.
"Claire is waiting for you." Renesmee nodded and ran off behind the rocks.
"Seth, I want you to meet someone. This is Bella." Jacob introduced. Bella held out her hand, but Seth wrapped her into a hug. She was surprised by his gesture but she hugged him back. He broke the hug and took a step back.
"First of all, I want to apologize for trying to kill you. Second of all, Welcome to the family." Bella looked at Seth's eyes and recognized them. He was one of the three wolves that tried to attack-Jacob being the second wolf there- her when Edward found out her secret.
Bella shrugged. "We're past that," Bella said with a small laugh.
"C'mon, we have to meet the others." Seth ran off and Jacob and Bella followed him. Bella walked past the rocks to see about thirty tan boys in shorts hanging out. Some were kicking a ball around, some were with females, and others were either devouring a hotdog or sitting by the bonfire, or both.
Bella smiled at all the boys, when someone's eyes caught her glance. They were familiar, but she couldn't remember she recognized them. The girl sneered and sent Bella a glare and turned away from her.
"Don't worry about Leah. She hates everybody." Jacob stated. Bella nodded and shook it off.
~ ~ ~
Bella sat herself down on a log. She was tired from meeting everyone. Everyone was so friendly towards her. Bella smiled and looked out towards the horizon. Renesmee was sitting by her younger friend Claire, and they both gulping down hot dogs. Bella chuckled and looked at her feet.
She felt a little out of place. A bunch of werewolves, their imprints, and a human was a strange combination.
"Okay everyone!" Embry called, cupping his hands around his mouth. "Time for the retelling of our elders!" Everyone rushed towards the bon fire, and Bella slowly made her way there. She sat herself down beside Jacob and wrapped her arm around Renesmee.
An older man, pulled up in black wheelchair and looked at all of his colleagues. "That's my Dad," Jacob whispered.
"Welcome everybody." Mr.Black said. "Today, I shall retell the story of the cold ones, and how they came to be." His eyes landed on Bella's making her shiver. He had deadly look, almost like a shark's look before they attack you. "Before we start, I would like to welcome Bella, and her daughter-who is no stranger to us- Renesmee."
Bella smiled a faint smile. The fire emitted it's heat, warming Bella and everyone around it. The flames danced in the dark sky, the fire illuminating the beach.
"Where should I start. Ah. . . yes, the cold ones. the Quileute tribe has been living with them ever since the beginning. Our first chief elder, Taha Aki.
"After Taha Aki gave up his spirit self, trouble began to brew in the North with the Makahs. Several young women had disappeared and they believed the neighboring wolves were to blame. However, all the wolves knew it was none of them because their minds were still connected with each other. Taha Aki did not want a war, especially since he could not lead his people any longer. He gave his eldest son, Taha Wi, the responsibility of finding who was to blame. Taha Wi led five wolves in search through mountains looking for evidence but they only found a strange, sweet scent. They followed it and the journey took them so far north that Taha Wi sent the two younger brothers back to inform the chief. Taha Wi and the other two never returned.
"A year later, two Makah maidens were taken from their homes on the same night and the Makahs called upon the wolves. The Quileutes found the same scent and went on the hunt once more. Only one of them returned. Yaha Uta, the eldest son of Taha Aki's third wife, returned carrying strange cold pieces of a corpse. He described what had happened to his brothers. One of them underestimated the strength of the creature and became a victim. Yaha Uta and his other brother were more careful but the creature matched their movements and got his hands on one of them. Yaha Uta found an opening on the creature's throat and began tearing at him desperately trying to save his brother. It was too late but he succeeded in ripping his enemy apart.
"Yaha Uta laid the remains of the creature on the ground to be examined. Suddenly the corpse began to attach itself together and so the elders set fire to it. They spread the ashes far and wide, except a small bag which Taha Aki wore around his neck to be warned if the creature ever decided to get himself together again. The creature was called the Cold One and the Blood Drinker. They feared there were others like it since they only had one wolf protector left. Then came the Cold Woman, its mate. She was the most beautiful creature to be seen. An elder heard this and yelled for them to get away. He was the first to die at the mercy of the woman. She then proceeded to the other people until Yaha Uta arrived, followed by Taha Aki, his third wife, and the elders. When Yaha Uta was defeated, Taha Aki turned into an old gray wolf with the strength given by his anger alone. He began fighting the Cold Woman, when his third wife came to a conclusion.
"She had just seen her son killed and now her husband ran a terrible danger, along with the rest of her sons and tribe. She heard every word the witnesses told the council and heard Yaha Uta's version of events the night the other one was beaten. She knew that his brother's divergence had saved him. She grabbed a knife from one of her sons, ran towards the blood drinker and stabbed herself in the heart. The Cold Woman could not turn away from the fresh blood and gave in to the thirst. Taha Aki bit her throat and finished her off along with two of his sons who felt such rage at seeing their mother dead that they turned into wolves. After that, Taha Aki never returned to his human self, staying to protect his wife's body and leaving to the forest never to return to the tribe."
Bella felt the hairs on her arms and neck stand up. They way that Mr. Black told the story made it feel like Bella was experiencing this herself. Bella stroked her daughter's hair and looked down at the half sleeping renesmee.
"We should go," Jacob said. Bella nodded and Jacob lifted Renesmee into his arms and carried her to the truck, Bella not far behind.
Jacob buckled Renesmee in and Bella got in, wrapping the girl in her arms. Bella yawned quietly. The trip home was silent. All that could be heard was the truck, the wind and Renesmee.
When they arrived back home, Bella smiled at Jacob. "Thank you for letting me come along. I had a blast." Jacob flashed a grin and lifted Renesmee up and out of the truck.
Edward came out of the house and gently took Renesmee from Jacob's arms. "Thank you." Edward said. Jacob nodded and was about to phase, when Edward said something. "Would you like to stay the night? I know Renesmee would like that. You will have to sleep on the couch though."
Jacob smiled a little. It was the first time that Edward had formally invited Jacob to stay the night. "I would love that." Edward nodded and walked into the house, Jacob and Bella not far behind him.
When Bella entered the house, Edward was already walking up the stairs. She followed him up and entered Renesmee's room. He had successfully changed Renesmee out of her clothes and into her pajamas. She was under the covers and snoring quietly. Bella ambled over to Renesmee and placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead. "Goodnight princess," Bella whispered.
She took a step back from the sleeping child and let Edward say his goodnights. When he was done, Edward placed his hand on the small of her back and led her downstairs into the living room. The room was occupied with the entire Cullen family.
"Is this a family intervention?" Bella joked. Emmett chuckled. Alice pulled blue box that was tied with white ribbon. She handed it to Bella.
"What's this?" Bella inquired. Her face turned into a small frown. "Why so many gifts?" She turned to Edward. "Did you know about this?"
Edward chuckled. "Not until you got home. Alice is quite good at hiding things from me."
"I told you I was good at keeping secrets!" Alice hissed. Jasper chuckled at his wife's behaviour.
Bella pulled the ribbon and it fell to the floor. Her fingers pried open the medium sized box and raised her eyebrows at what she saw.
"Well show us what it is!" Esme squealed. Bella pulled out the baseball shirt. It had royal blue sleeves and CULLEN written on the back of it. The gift also came with a blue baseball hat and a pair of black baseball pants.
"What's all this for?" Bella asked, getting more confused.
"Well, there's going to be a thunderstorm tomorrow,"Alice said, smiling proudly.
"What does thunder have to do with baseball?"
Everyone laughed. "It's the only time we get to play," Carlisle said.
Before Bella could interject, Alice held up her hand. "Don't worry, you won't be running or anything." Bella opened her mouth to say something but Alice cut her off once more. "I have seen it, so it shall happen!"
Bella sighed. There was no way she was getting out of this. She smiled a faint smile. "So it's settled. Tomorrow I will be playing baseball with vampires."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yay! An update! I am honestly so so so sorry that I haven't updated. I've been SUPER busy with school, and now I have to start working on another huge project, even though I JUST finished one in the same class.
Anyways, I hope you guys like the update! What is going to happen next I wonder? Mwa haha haha.
You know what to do ; )
Sincerely, Burningbrightfire
P.S Pictures: The Bon fire and Bella's truck
P.P.S Everybody please go follow @daisyquinones : }
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