Chapter 2: New Guardians
I hope you guys like this one... that's all I have to say
Sandy's biplane circles the massive chamber, leaving trails of Dreamsand.
NORTH: Cookies? Eggnog, anyone?
BUNNYMUND: Oh, this better be good, North.
TOOTH (to her fairies): Montreal, sector six: ten premolars, eight incisors, and twelve canines. Steer clear of the wild goose migration.
NORTH: Sandy, thank you for coming.
Sandy descends from the plane and floats to the ground. He joins North, Bunny, and Tooth as they walk through the Globe Room. Sand glyphs appear above Sandy's head communicating that he is busy and has a lot of work to do.
NORTH (TO SANDY): I know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious.
North, Bunny, Tooth, and Sandy reach the center of the room. Tooth does her best to shush her mini-fairies so they can hear what North is saying.
NORTH: The Boogie Man was here, at The Pole.
North points to the globe. The other Guardians turn to look.
TOOTH (SHOCKED): Pitch? Pitch Black? Here?!
NORTH: Yes! There was black sand covering the globe.
BUNNYMUND (CONFUSED): What, what...what do you mean black sand?
NORTH: And then a shadow!
BUNNYMUND: Hold on, hold on, I thought you said you saw Pitch.
NORTH: Well, ah, not exactly...
BUNNYMUND: Not exactly? Can you believe this guy?
Bunny turns to Sandy, who shrugs while forming a Dreamsand question mark above his head.
BUNNYMUND: Yeah, you said it, Sandy.
Bunny goes back to painting one of his Easter eggs as Tooth went back talking to her little fairies as some fairies wanted to hear what North meant.
NORTH: Look, he is up to something very bad. I feel it... in my belly.
BUNNYMUND (his eyes narrow): Hang on, hang on, you mean to say, you summoned me here THREE DAYS BEFORE EASTER! Because of your belly? Mate, if I did this to you three days before Christmas--
TOOTH (to her fairies): Argentina. Priority alert! A batch of bicuspids in Buenos Aires.
NORTH: Please. Bunny. Easter is not Christmas.
North grabs Bunny's painted egg, casually juggling it in his hand as he walks off.
BUNNYMUND (laughs a bit): Here we go...
Meanwhile Sandy, who is being served eggnog by a yeti, suddenly notices something high above.
BUNNYMUND: North, I-I don't have time for this. I've still got two million eggs to finish up.
The moon rises into view, high up in the ceiling; the moon rays of light begin to shine brightly through as they cascade down the walls of the globe room which got Sandy's attention.
NORTH: No matter how much you paint, is still egg!
Sandy points to the moon unsuccessfully to get the others' attention.
BUNNYMUND: Look, mate, I'm dealing with perishables. Right. You've got all year to prepare.
TOOTH (to her fairies): Pittsburg, boy eight, two molars. Saltwater taffy. Sandy puts his fingers in his mouth to whistle, a silent musical note forming above his head.
Sandy puts his fingers in his mouth to whistle, a silent musical note forming above his head. But still didn't get the Guardian's attention.
NORTH (to Bunny): Why are rabbits always so nervous.
BUNNYMUND (to North): And why are you always such a blowhard!?
TOOTH (to her fairies): Ontario, sector nine: five canines, two molars, and fourteen incisors. Is that all in one house?
Sandy waves a sand flag above his head, pointing and jumping/floating up and down as the moonlight continues to fill the room. Still didn't get their attention.
NORTH (turning his attention to Tooth): Tooth! Can't you see we're trying to argue?
TOOTH: Sorry, not all of us get to work one night a year. Am I right, Sandy?
Sandy tries to signal with a golden arrow, pointing toward the ceiling, but to no avail as the others continue their bickering. Sandy thinks Tooth has noticed for a split second, but then...
TOOTH (to her fairies): San Diego, sector two! Five incisors, a bicuspid and a really loose molar on stand-by.
BUNNYMUND (mocking): Come on, mate, Pitch went out with the dark ages. We made sure of that, remember?
NORTH: I know it was him. We have a serious situation!
BUNNYMUND: Well, I've got a serious situation with some eggs.
TOOTH: Hey, I hate to interrupt the, "We work so hard once a year club" but could we concentrate on the matter—
Sandy then can't take it anymore, he grabs an elf by his hat, and vigorously shakes the bell. The other Guardians are finally silenced and all turn to look at Sandy, who pointed up as a sand crescent moon forming above his head. Finally, the others turn to see the shaft of moonlight as it concentrates on the circle between them.
NORTH: Aah! Man in Moon! Sandy, why didn't you say something?
Sandy gives him a deadpan look as Dreamsand smoke shoots out his ears in anger.
NORTH (to Man in Moon): It's been a long time old friend! What is big news?
Everyone looks to the center of the intense spot of moonlight, the light ebbs away, leaving a dark spot, which resolves into the shadowed silhouette of Pitch. The Guardians looked stunned.
BUNNYMUND (looked stunned): It is Pitch.
North pats his belly and gives Bunny a look.
NORTH (back up to the moon): Manny...what must we do?
In answer, the shadow of Pitch disappears and the circle of moonlight intensifies and shrinks, concentrating further illuminating an ornate symbol on the floor, at the center of their circle. The symbol rises out of the ground revealing a large gem at the head of a pillar.
TOOTH: Ah, guys, you know what this means?
The moon's light suddenly refracts through the gem casting light all over the chamber.
NORTH (AWED): He's choosing a new Guardian.
BUNNYMUND: What?! Why?
NORTH: Must be big deal! Manny thinks we need help!
BUNNYMUND (annoyed): Since when do we need help?!
TOOTH: I wonder who it's gonna be?
A Dreamsand Four-Leaf clover forms above Sandy's head.
TOOTH: Maybe the Leprechaun?
BUNNYMUND: Please not the groundhog, please not the groundhog.
Then a bright flash, a rush of wind, and a figure resolve over the central pillar: slight, hooded, bearing a familiar hooked staff, which North had an impressed look on his face.
NORTH: Jack Frost.
The Mini-Teeth all sigh and swoon (one of the mini-tooth fainted) as the Guardians stand there, stunned.
BUNNYMUND: Ah, I take it back! The Groundhog's fine!
TOOTH (caught admiring Jack): Well, ah, as long he helps to protect the children, right?
BUNNYMUND: Jack Frost!? He doesn't care about children! All he does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts. Right? He's an irresponsible, selfish...
NORTH: Guardian.
This stops Bunnymund in his tracks.
BUNNYMUND: Jack Frost is many things, but he is not a Guardian.
As they turn toward the face of the hooded figure. But then, The moon's light refracts through the gem casting light all over the chamber again. As if he's choosing another Guardian other than just Jack Frost.
NORTH: Another Guardian?
BUNNYMUND: Please not the Groundhog...
Then a bright flash, a rush of wind, and another figure resolves over the central pillar: an animal that is all fours and looks spiritual due to the gem but also something else, and their eyes looks like it's glowing as their ears are high up in confidence and bravery and their eyelashes were very long like their tail and has some belts around their waist and thighs, that made North shocked, even Sandy cause he know who that animal is.
NORTH: It can't be... A winter Deer... but it's a female one...
Bunny looked at the figure and started to blush when he heard it was a female Deer, he then started to wonder what she looks like in person since he didn't meet a female deer before. Sandy's dreamsand forms a diamond symbol and then made a small deer with a snowflake on top of the deer like he's telling them of her name cause he knows her.
TOOTH: Crystal... Winter?...
Sandman nodded his head which means she's correct and that made her excited cause she's not going to be the only female, Bunny then look back at the figure that was showing on the gem.
BUNNYMUND (quietly to himself): Crystal Winter, huh?... I like that name...
He smiles softly as they turn toward the face of the hooded and the Deer figure.
Knowing that this is just the beginning...
I hope you guys like this one! The other books will update as soon as possible!!! I'm really sorry for the wait though, school is really giving on my nerve!!!! But, at least I have some time to update a book or two.
Bye-Bye, my pups! WOLF OUT!!!!
By the way, I draw a picture of what the guardians saw in the gem:
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