Chapter 9 - Nothing Else Matters
After this astral journey into the past, Mathias came out both satisfied to finally have answers, but also deeply marked by what he had witnessed. On the ancient tablet found by Jonathan's archaeologists, Ahmanet was described as a cruel, violent woman, hungry for power and who had murdered her family to obtain it and for that had not hesitated to make a pact with an evil god to get his way.
But the truth was very different. All her life, Ahmanet had been trained harshly by her father so that she would atone for the "sin" of having killed her mother when she was born, but also to supposedly prepare her to reign, when she was not only a pawn until the pharaoh to father a son. Despite her strength, her efforts and her determination to find her place and please, Ahmanet was in the eyes of men only a simple woman doomed to stay in her place and who could never reign. Her dreams, her entire life, had been shattered, and the god Set took advantage of this wound that had weakened Ahmanet in her being to manipulate her and make her his weapon to hope to incarnate in the mortal world and spread even more chaos and death.
Following the ritual, Mathias, still a little marked by this very particular experience, wanted to return to his cell, saying to want to rest there, to which Ahmanet had consented. But in reality, the young man couldn't sleep. Sitting on the old, ragged bed, lit by a simple candle on the stool, Mathias spent the next two hours thinking and writing down his feelings in his notebook that the princess had kept and given back to him. Then, after writing until very late at night, fatigue overtook Mathias who, unable to resist any longer, ended up falling deeply asleep, his notebook placed right next to him. During the night, the cell door opened with a light creak and Ahmanet entered without making any noise, to check on Mathias and seemed reassured to see him sleeping.
With a light step, she approached and sat on the bed, without waking Mathias. He looked so peaceful while sleeping, it made her smile softly. Then, as she was about to retire to leave him alone, she noticed the notebook, open to the page where he had apparently written something. Curious, Ahmanet decided to take a look and took the notebook in hand, taking care not to wake the young man.
Today I had without a doubt the most incredible experience of my entire life. I was able to witness the past, and for a history buff like me, it is a consecration. However, despite my excitement, I also cannot prevent my frustration from expressing itself. Not frustration with someone, but rather for someone. I was able to see what Princess Ahmanet suffered during her life and she is much more complex than what we were led to believe.
They not only wanted to erase her from history, but as a precaution, to make her pass for what she was not. A murderer, a madwoman, a monster, that's how they described her. What I saw was a woman, of royal blood, born with exceptional strength and spirit, who had everything to become a great sovereign, but who in a world and an era dominated by overwhelming masculinity and demeaning, had no place. Ahmanet only wanted what all humans want deep down: recognition and love, to show that we can be capable and worthy. To be seen for who she is, that's what she wanted. But it was this rejection of everyone, this lack of consideration, which led her to hatred and pushed her into darkness. Despite what she did, I feel really sorry for her, honestly. She kidnapped me, for reasons I still don't know, but ultimately didn't show cruelty towards me. On the contrary, she seems to care about me, even if she tested me at first. As for me, well, I admit that I am not indifferent to her beauty and her charm. There's still humanity in her, I'm sure of it. I would like to help her, but I don't know how.
Once the text was read, Ahmanet remained silent, but deep in her black and monstrous heart, a small spark was revived, and she felt it. She was touched by what Mathias had written about her. He believed in her, didn't see her as the merciless and destructive monster that Set had created, and also, he found her... beautiful and charming? Ahmanet remained confused about this, but felt, for the first time in millennia, her heart beating a little faster, and above all, a little pleasant warmth in her heart. Never before had anyone shown her so much kindness and consideration. Ahmanet smiled, touched, holding the notebook carefully which she closed and placed next to Mathias. She then leaned towards him, and while taking care not to wake him, placed a short kiss on his forehead.
_"Thank you... Setepai." she whispered.
However, the princess soon lost her smile as the atmosphere in the room became macabre and overwhelming and the candle flame flickered as if by magic. On the wall of the room, Ahmanet thought she saw a giant, moving shadow and recognized it immediately. The god Set. He was still there, and she could feel his influence still following her like a ghost. He was there, as if to remind her of what she had promised to do for him. No, she had not forgotten, but as she looked at Mathias, Ahmanet was like caught in a vice, unable to decide what she would do and it was with a confused mind that she decided to leave the room.
Between 6 and 7 a.m., Mathias woke up after having slept rather well despite the rather obvious discomfort of the patched bed. But as he rubbed his eyes and let his still sleeping mind wake up, he noticed something. First, his notebook had been moved and moreover, it was closed, although when he fell asleep, he remembered having left it open. Moreover, Mathias had a strange sensation and touched his forehead with his fingertips, and felt as if something soft had touched him without him realizing it.
He only saw one possibility there. Ahmanet had come to see him while he was sleeping and read his notebook, surely the last report he had written down there. Mathias felt his heart beat and blushed thinking about what the princess might have thought when she saw him mention how he found her rather beautiful and charming. He was very embarrassed, hoping that she wouldn't be angry with him for being so direct.
Putting his leather jacket back on his back, Mathias got up from the bed and noticed with astonishment that the door to his cell was unlocked. Stranger still, the undead guards stationed outside in the corridor were not at all hostile to his exit from the cell, just watching him pass. Had they been ordered to let him move around as he wanted? Apparently so, otherwise they would have reacted immediately and put the human back in his cell. Although initially confused, Mathias was reassured to know that he could explore the area without fear of attack. Not knowing what Ahmanet was doing and not wanting to bother her, Mathias decided to pass the time and continue exploring the temple of the gods a little more.
Throughout his wanderings in various corridors and rooms of varying sizes, the young man noticed that the undead dressed like slaves were working to restore order, remove debris and redecorate the place as best they could, as if they wanted to bring back to this temple its beauty and past glory. Another order from Ahmanet no doubt. Some repainted the badly damaged wall frescoes, and others, working in numbers and using systems of ropes and pulleys, straightened the statues and columns that had fallen and been damaged by time. And among all these refurbished frescoes, Mathias noticed one in particular, most of the undead were working on it. A giant fresco representing Princess Ahmanet, glorious and all-powerful, lit by the sun and adored by dozens of subjects prostrate before her and venerating her like a living goddess. Contemplating this, Mathias was sure of it now. Ahmanet wanted to make this place her new palace, from which she intended to reign as the queen she should have been.
Mathias didn't know what to think of this. On the one hand, he was happy to see Ahmanet pursuing her desires, but on the other hand, he was afraid, not only of what she might do to the current world, but also for her. If the existence of a mummified princess returned from the dead and preparing to found a new kingdom were to become known, panic would set in, but this fear would only breed anger and contempt from the humans who would seek at all costs to eradicate this threat to their existence. Mathias knew well the dark nature and narrow mind of humans, he had witnessed and even victimized it in the past. He knew that a world as intolerant and devoid of wisdom as this one could never accept an entity like Ahmanet. It was lost in these thoughts that he continued his visit to the place.
But it was upon arriving in one of the most remote rooms of the temple that Mathias made a rather macabre discovery that sent a shiver down his spine. Corpses absolutely everywhere, piled up in veritable mass graves, dried up and mummified by the centuries and covered in dust and cobwebs. But what Mathias noticed were the most "recent" corpses. Men wearing outfits that are certainly rotten but strongly resemble the clothes of explorers or archaeologists, some even seeming to date from the 20s and 30s. So, explorers had already visited this place, but obviously, none had ever leave to talk about it. Not feeling comfortable in this place, Mathias was about to leave but his foot bumped against something. An acoustic guitar, dusty and out of tune. Mathias was surprised. What was a musical instrument like this doing there? It probably belonged to one of the explorers. Having always loved music, and particularly rock and metal, Mathias picked up the instrument and decided to keep it, having an idea to pass the time.
Alone in the large altar room, Ahmanet remained silent, dark and uncertain, facing the large flames of one of the braziers and observing, melancholy, their throbbing and dancing flames whose wild glow was reflected in her monstrous eyes. Ahmanet had come here in order to relax for a moment with the only member of her family that she had never known and for whom she had never felt hatred towards.
_"Mother..." Ahmanet sighed sadly. "I know how much I have disappointed you, I feel it deep within me. What I have committed... But what should I have done? Let my destiny escape me and wait for someone come and murder me in my sleep, me who had become useless in the eyes of the pharaoh? Everyone despised me, considered me responsible for your death for having given me life. They never had the slightest consideration for me, and they did not hesitate to betray me whenever they could. They had to pay..."
As she spoke, the cursed princess felt all the darkness and hatred resurface in her being already bruised and corrupted by darkness. Set's unhealthy, haunting influence was still very present, palpable, almost as if his invisible, hooked hands were touching the princess's skin and whispering his corrupting poison into her ears. Ahmanet clenched her fists, forcing himself not to succumb to her anger and calmed her mind by speaking to the spirit of her deceased mother of something else.
_"However, I met this young mortal. Mathias Parrish is his name. At first, I considered him as a simple tool for my liberation, a puppet that I could use... But gradually, I I discovered who he really was. He is not like other humans. His mind is not tainted by primitive instincts. He is open, curious, but also sincere and strong. In our time, he would surely have done a good monarch. But the most disturbing thing is that he... accepts me as I am, without fearing me. He was the first soul to express consideration and interest in me. He even says that I am beautiful and charming... As for me... I don't know what to think... I feel lost now, unable to know what I should do..."
But as she spoke, Ahmanet was drawn out of her thoughts and words by a strange melody, echoing and seeming to come from outside. Music she didn't know. Intrigued, the princess left the sacred shrine and walked outside, arriving in the large ruined courtyard of the temple. There, among the columns and statues half buried in the sand, she saw Mathias. Sitting on the edge of the dried-up fountain, under the dawn sky, holding this stringed instrument in his hands and playing music that was both melodious and captivating, skillfully plucking the strings between his fingers.
_"So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters..."
Even though she didn't know this type of music or this song, Ahmanet felt her heart tighten when she heard the words. Mathias had a beautiful voice and he sang very well, as if he were living each word with passion. She began to approach with a hesitant, light step as he resumed singing.
"Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters..."
Ahmanet had approached the fountain, entering the field of vision of Mathias, who upon noticing the princess, however, did not interrupt the song and continued, looking at her friendly and even smiling at her, inviting her with a sign of head to come and sit with him if she wanted. Ahmanet hesitated at first, but finally came and sat down on the edge of the fountain, separated by only a meter from the young man who, while singing the next words, looked her into the eyes.
"Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know!"
On this final note, filled with strength, passion and also melancholy, Mathias stopped, silence falling on the courtyard but leaving a strong imprint in the heart and mind of Ahmanet who could not hide a spark of admiration and a corner of a smile form on her lips.
_"It was... beautiful, Mathias." she said. "But what is this song and this music?"
_"This song is called Nothing Else Matters." he explained. "It was composed by Metallica, a band that I really like. The music they make is called Metal, and is a fairly popular genre these days, even if those who listen to it are often looked down upon, misunderstood and rejected, like me. But we choose not to care what others think and we choose to continue to do what we want, because nothing matters more than being what we want to be."
Other strong words filled with boundless conviction, Ahmanet could guess and feel it in each syllable that Mathias uttered.
_"Well... those who listen to this music, this... Metal, must be wise people."
_"Not all, but most are simply men and women who have chosen their fate, to live and die without ever failing in their convictions and their true nature. That's what it means to be alive." Mathias replied, once again with faith in what he was saying.
Never give up on your true nature and your convictions? Ahmanet thought she was returning to her own past upon hearing this, when she still believed she had a clear future as queen. She then saw Mathias bring his face closer to hers, without fear and always smiling, caring.
_"You too Ahmanet. You can choose who you want to be." he said sincerely.
It was the first time someone had said such a thing to him and so naturally, as if it were normal. Was it possible? She was still confused and unsure. But suddenly, both of them realized that their hands had come together and were touching their fingertips. Their eyes meeting, they withdrew their hands, a little embarrassed and blushing slightly.
_"Sorry." said Mathias.
_"It's nothing..." replied Ahmanet, reassuring him. "Hum, could you please... sing it again."
Hearing the request from the Princess of Egypt, Mathias smiled and accepted with pleasure. And so, under the watchful eye and ear of Ahmanet, Mathias began the melody again and began to sing for her again while the new sun was born on the horizon.
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