Chapter 23 - Rise of a New Empire
Following the unprecedented chaos that had befallen Paris, Prodigium had sent as many troops as possible across the city in order to destroy as many undead bodies as possible, but also to rescue survivors. Mathias had also spoken to Jekyll about the Children of Ra led by Jonathan of Mirand and the doctor had then sent intervention squads to the mansion in order to arrest any possible survivors of this sect, to prevent them from continuing their activities despite the death of their leader.
The golden book of Ra, once again sealed and containing within it the essence of the god Set, was once again confined in its box and Jekyll ordered that it be immediately repatriated to HQ under good escort and that it be placed in the maximum security containment zone for the most dangerous supernatural artifacts.
The area around the Eiffel Tower had been completely cordoned off and put under surveillance by the organization's forces, supervised by Agent Winters who continued to give his directives, sending teams where they were needed most.
Mathias, after having his hand treated by one of Prodigium's doctors, was sitting on a bench not far from the Eiffel Tower and after this tough fight against Set, was taking advantage of this calm. And he was not alone, Ahmanet sitting next to him and she also liked this tranquility and having regenerated her wounds. Holding hands, the couple said nothing, simply enjoying being together, reunited and free from the threat of Set. Ahmanet, however, noticed the sideways glances of the members of Prodigium who passed nearby, and also towards the other monsters. They were always suspicious of them. Although on her guard, she chooses not to be disconcerted, remaining with Mathias. Lawrence and the other monsters finally joined them at the bench.
_"Look at this bunch of ingrates." the vampire Marya growled contemptuously as she saw the way the members of Prodigium looked at her and the other monsters. "We just saved them though."
_"We have defeated a god." replied Mathias. "Which only proves in their eyes how dangerous we are. Even me, who is of the same species, is just another monster in their eyes."
_"I won't let them separate us, Setepai." Ahmanet then said to him. "We have nothing more to do here. Let's leave, as we wanted."
_"But where to go?" Lawrence asked. "Mathias is right, Prodigium won't want to let us go that easily."
_"I'm going to go talk to them." then said Mathias, giving a kiss to Ahmanet's hand and asking them to wait for him here.
Mathias got up from the bench and started walking towards Jekyll and Winters talking with other agents. But he had barely taken a few steps when several Prodigium soldiers immediately reacted, coming to block the young man's path and pointing their weapons at him. Mathias took a step back, raising his hands to indicate that he did not intend to take any hostile actions. Ahmanet and the other monsters reacted immediately, taking up defensive positions, Jack protecting Trudy who was intimitated and was hiding behind him.
_"Go back and sit where you were!" one of the soldiers ordered with authority.
_"I would just like to speak with your boss, nothing more." Mathias replied as calmly as possible.
_"Are you deaf? We asked you to step back, monster!" Another soldier said, loading his gun and aiming for the head.
One of Prodigium's soldiers advanced towards Mathias to force him back, but suddenly, Ahmanet appeared with superhuman speed, disarming the soldier and grabbing him firmly under the chin, lifting him off the ground as if he were not was nothing. Very quickly, the atmosphere became very tense and the other human soldiers turned, ready to shoot while the other monsters also stood ready to respond, but Mathias signaled them to stay where they are.
_"No one has the right to threaten my beloved one!" Ahmanet said fiercely, still holding the soldier who remained paralyzed with fear. "I should kill you without the slightest hesitation, but he taught me mercy... So I will spare your life, for this time."
With these words, she let go, letting the man fall heavily on his buttocks and rubbing his sore chin by the monstrous grip of the princess who fixed him with a dark look as he was picked up by his colleagues. Mathias came next to Ahmanet, taking her by the hand.
_"Thank you." he told her, thanking her for not giving in to the temptation to kill this man.
_"That's enough, all lower your weapons, they are with me." Jekyll then ordered, stepping forward.
Initially disconcerted by such an order, the soldiers of Prodigium nevertheless obeyed and stepped back, giving access to Doctor Henry Jekyll who joined Mathias, Ahmanet and the group of monsters.
_"With a woman like her by your side, Mathias, you really have nothing to fear." Jekyll commented with a semblance of a smile.
_"Indeed." replied the young man, smiling as his gaze met that of Ahmanet, who returned her tender loving smile. "I thank fate for giving me this chance again."
_"We all have to thank it, I think." added Jekyll. "You both managed to defeat one of the most ancient and powerful essences of evil, and as a result, you saved all of mankind. A victory that I fear, alas, must remain a secret."
_"What do you mean?" asked Mathias.
_"Despite what you have just accomplished, we unfortunately have proof that humanity is not ready to accept the existence of monsters among them." Jekyll explained rather darkly but realistically. "Prodigium will apply the necessary means so that this chaos was only the disastrous result of a natural disaster and all evidence will be recovered and destroyed, facts will become rumors, peace will return and life will return to normal. "
_"A peace born from a lie." said Ahmanet.
_"It's the only solution, your majesty, believe me, it's better this way for you." Jekyll replied respectfully. "The world will not know, but we, Prodigium, will not forget what you have done. And for that, I will help you find a place where no one can come and threaten your new life."
Mathias, Ahmanet and the other monsters shared the same outlook, they who aspired to be able to lead an existence without having to fear being constantly hunted down by humans, they accepted Jekyll's deal who would do what was necessary. He held out his hand and shook Mathias's in thanks, before walking away. Sandra Winters joined the doctor as he walked to his car driven by his personal driver.
_"Do you think we can have confidence and leave them like this in the wild? They certainly helped us, but we must not forget what they are deep down." Winters commented.
_"Exactly." Jekyll replied. "We who thought we knew everything about monsters, today it was proven to us that even the darkest of souls could be brought back to the light. Of course, we will keep a discreet eye on them."
_"And what will happen if you were wrong? What if they turn against us?" Winters asked.
_"Only time will tell." Jekyll confessed sincerely, taking a dose of his serum in order to contain his own evil within him. "We have won a victory but the war continues. There are still many evil monsters and gods in this world, biding their time to strike. But today, Prodigium is no longer alone to fight them. After all, sometimes it takes a monster to defeat a monster. This is the beginning of a new era, Agent Winters, and they are the key to it."
With these last words, sitting from the seat of his car, he looked towards Mathias and Ahmanet, reunited. It was with this conviction that the doctor left, leaving the organization to do what was necessary to clean the area of the slightest trace.
As was agreed, under Jekyll's instructions, Prodigium ensured that false rumors spread about the catastrophe in Paris that resulted in many deaths and injuries, attributing it to a violent natural disaster. As for the monsters, they were recovered and, as the doctor had promised them, were escorted in the greatest secrecy to places of their choice in order to be able to lead a new life there, under discreet surveillance of Prodigium, but free nonetheless.
The amphibian creature was brought back to its native land, the Amazon, to its territory, the Black Lagoon, where it could once again live in peace and freedom. To ensure that no incidents would occur between the creature and any too adventurous humans, Prodigium had a surveillance outpost installed, camouflaged as a private military zone a few kilometers from the lagoon and declared the area as property of the army and therefore prohibited from access to civilians. As the lagoon does not lack fish and other aquatic animals, the monster would not lack food and therefore would not risk leaving its territory to hunt humans.
Marya Zaleska also wanted to return to her country of origin, Transylvania. There, she returned to live in the ruins of what was once the castle of her father, the legendary Count Dracula. Prodigium did everything possible to prevent even the slightest intruder from entering the area of the castle and its grounds, setting up guard posts there and declaring the area private. In order to prevent Marya from having the urge to attack humans to drain them of their blood, boxes of blood taken from volunteers by intravenous would be regularly provided by Prodigium to the young countess, who concluded an agreement with the organization and promised never to threaten the human populations of the surrounding villages.
Lawrence and Jack made a rather different choice and decided to stay with Prodigium, becoming the first non-human members to be part of the organization. This created many mixed opinions within the organization, but Jekyll supported their applications, saying that monsters on their side would be a valuable asset in the fight against evil forces. As for little Trudy Frankenstein, she stayed with Jack, truly considering him her new father, and Jekyll promised that he would ensure that the undead girl will be treated well.
As for Mathias and Ahmanet, they were brought, at the request of the princess, to the middle of the Egyptian desert, where they were left by a Prodigium's cargo plane which left immediately. Now in the middle of the sand dunes and under the sky which was slightly tinted with the first light of dusk, Mathias looked around him, a little perplexed and turned towards Ahmanet. The princess remained silent, putting one knee on the ground and taking a handful of sand, this sand from her native land, which she let flow thoughtfully between her fingers.
_"Um... could you tell me why you wanted us to be in the middle of nowhere?" Mathias then asked, curious.
But Ahmanet did not answer him, looking towards more distant dunes and then proclaimed a few words in the old Egyptian language, like an incantation that resonated in the air. Mathias raised an eyebrow, wondering what she was doing. But he quickly got the answer when a rather large quadrupedal shape came galloping from behind the dunes and headed straight towards them. Horse! A cadaverous horse, withered and whose head was practically devoid of any trace of flesh. The undead animal emitted a gaunt and rather frightening neigh but nevertheless showed itself to be most docile, Ahmanet coming to caress its bony muzzle and climbing on it.
_"Come with me. I have something to show you." she said, extending her hand towards Mathias.
_"Definitely, I will never stop being surprised with you." replied the young man with a smile.
She helped him climb onto the horse's back, the young writer sitting just behind her and wrapping his arms around her slim waist. The undead horse began to gallop at a gentle pace, carrying its two riders across the sand dunes. While standing in Ahmanet, Mathias could contemplate this desert landscape of unreal beauty under this twilight sky, the sun gradually disappearing towards the large dunes on the horizon. He almost thought he was in another world, a fantasy land, like the ones he had fun imagining when he was a child. But today, with everything he had experienced, reality had surpassed fiction and he could now imagine what certain heroes and adventurers in fictional works might feel.
_"Here we are." then indicated Ahmanet.
After galloping for almost half an hour through the desert, the couple finally reached their destination and from the top of a dune, Mathias found himself facing an equally fabulous and fantastic vision which left him in awe. A set of pyramids stood in splendor, three of which were much larger than the others, like giant stone teeth facing the sky and whose rays of the setting sun were reflected against the ancient stone, worn but nevertheless solid.
Ahmanet and Mathias remained for a short moment contemplating these ancient and historical monuments, even considered among the Wonders of the World. The Pyramids of Giza.
_"Welcome home, my setepai." added Ahmanet, turning to Mathias.
At our place? He had heard right. Thus, it is in this set of pyramids that Ahmanet intended to establish her new domain. Jekyll and Prodigium therefore made sure to make this site a forbidden place so that the couple could live there in peace.
_"Are we going there?" asked the princess.
_"Yes. I can't wait to discover our new house. It's a nice surprise." replied Mathias.
_"And that is not the only surprise. You will see." added Ahmanet, very mysteriously, which intrigued Mathias a lot but who decided to play the game and wait.
The undead horse brought them, at a walk this time, to the foot of the Cheops pyramid, the largest of all, so high that once right next to it, it gave the impression of touching the sky with its point. Mathias felt like an insect in comparison, so impressed was he by the majesty of these ancient structures. It was no wonder that the ancient Egyptians were the most powerful people of their time with such ingenuity.
Once dismounted, Ahmanet took Mathias by the hand and the two walked side by side to two imposing blocks of stone which, with a dull friction noise, slid and moved aside, revealing an entrance. Undead, non-hostile this time and dressed in tunics like servants and pieces of armor of ancient Egyptian soldiers, arrived from inside the pyramid, coming to greet Princess Ahmanet with the greatest respect by forming a hedge of honor. Thus, the couple entered the pyramid under good escort and Mathias knew that he had nothing to fear from these animated corpses under the control of his beloved.
They were now in the middle of a wide and fairly dark corridor, lit by braziers and displaying rows of paintings and hyeroglyphs on its walls.
_"Mathias, you are going to wait for me in one of the rooms and I will send for you when the time comes." Ahmanet then said. "Fear not, the guards will guide you and watch over you."
_"But... why? I can't come with you?" asked the young man, perplexed to see her so secretive.
She smiled to see him so confused, finding him cute and placed a tender, short kiss on his lips.
_"I told you another surprise was coming." she says. "You trust me, right?"
Of course, he trusted her completely, he gave her his heart and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Although consumed by curiosity, Mathias would be patient and nodded gently in response. Ahmanet smiled at him and thanked him with a look for being understanding and with a simple gesture of her head, she ordered two mummified guards to escort Mathias into a nearby annex corridor leading to a small room at the back . While accompanied by the two soldiers, Mathias glanced over his shoulder, seeing Ahmanet continuing towards the end of the main corridor, followed by the rest of the servants and guards.
He had now been waiting for a little over an hour in this small room, the only furniture in which was a small single bed, a wooden table and a chair and a candle for lighting. Mathias remained silent, thoughtful, this place reminding him of the cell where he slept when he was captive of Ahmanet. It seemed so far away and made him wonder why she had been so mysterious since they arrived here.
To pass the time, Mathias sat at the small wooden table, lighting himself with the candle, and began to write down everything he had experienced in his notebook. He planned to make a book, a sort of grimoire, to preserve the memory of this incredible adventure. The more he thought about it, the more he felt like he had become the hero of one of those stories that he was a fan of when he was young and that he was now writing. The ordinary young man, leading a most ordinary life, suddenly finds himself caught up in an incredible quest. Yes, he wouldn't be able to return to a normal life after all this, and deep down, he didn't want that. His new life suited him perfectly. He never really felt connected to the human world anyway, like an outcast.
Finally, while he was in the middle of writing the first chapter, Mathias heard the old door of the room creak and a mummified guard entered, beckoning him to come. So it was time to discover this other surprise from Ahmanet. Mathias followed him without asking questions, both nervous and impatient but remaining calm inside.
As he neared the end of the hallway, dull, repeated sounds could be heard drums. Passing through two large, beautifully crafted doors, Mathias understood immediately.
A gigantic room, with walls paved with stone and gold, sculpted and meticulously decorated pillars and displaying flaming braziers. From the ceiling hung large banners. The room was crowded with a crowd of undead servants and guards, Ahmanet's army, gathered here and standing perfectly erect and silent. Guards armed with spears and shields formed a veritable guard of honor on each side while others beat drums in slow, loud rhythms.
But it was what was at the bottom that caught his attention the most. At the top of great stone steps, was an imposing golden throne in the shape of a sphinx spreading its wings. And sitting on it... was Ahmanet. Strong, straight, serious, she immediately looked at Mathias. She no longer wore only her linen bands but also golden and royal ornaments from ancient Egypt, golden braclets on her wrists and ankles, as well as a queen's headdress on her head adorned with a golden serpent head with ruby as eyes.
She stood up and with a firm gesture of her hand ordered the drumming to stop.
_"Mathias. Come to me." she proclaimed loudly and solemnly.
The young man, a little disconcerted by this ceremony which seemed to be in his honor, swallowed a little, nervously and advanced with a timid step in the middle of the guard of honor that the ancient soldiers formed for him. He looked towards Ahmanet as he walked, seeing her still very closed, solemn, not smiling. When he arrived at the foot of the steps, he thought he should stop, but she motioned for him to come up and join her, which he did. Once faced with the princess, or rather... Seeing her, so beautiful, adorned with these royal assets, he immediately understood and was embarrassed. She was no longer a princess anymore... She was a queen! The new queen of Egypt!
_"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Mathias apologized, kneeling in front of her, out of respect and fearing having offended her.
But Ahmanet came and gently took his hands, kneeling down to put herself on the same level as him and her face became softer.
_"No, Setepai." she replied, in a loving tone. "After everything you've done for's not your place to bow."
With these words, she gently invited him to get up and stand with pride and without letting go of his hands. It was then that she turned to her army which still stood in perfect ranks. Mathias then saw Ahmanet concentrate, reciting again an incantation in the Egyptian language and letting emanate from her this power which she had inherited. Outside, from the desert, a sandstorm, spectacular but nevertheless concentrated around the pyramids, arose, as a demonstration of the power of the new kingdom that had just been born.
_"This night, a new era is born!" Ahmanet then proclaimed to his army, in front of Mathias, more than admiring. "A new era for our people, scattered across this world! I am Ahmanet, queen of the new empire of Egypt and I present to you your new king, the one who fought and refused to give up on believing in me, in us : Mathias Parrish!"
Mathias was shocked upon hearing this statement as the undead army knelt down and brandished their weapons as a sign of respect for the royal couple. Me, a king? Mathias thought, stunned. He really didn't expect such a turnaround. He had no noble blood in his veins and had no idea how to govern, he had never been interested in politics. But Ahmanet did not seem to care about his current social status, relying on his value as the chosen one of her heart who had always believed in her despite the trials. Several thoughts and questions raced through his troubled mind and he only seemed to regain consciousness of reality a few moments later, after being led by the new queen to her new apartments located in the central room of the pyramid.
The room, rectangular, high ceilings, walls and floor of smooth stone bricks, featured large braided rugs decorating the floor. Lit by small braziers suspended from columns and providing a welcome and comforting glow. On a large hand-carved wooden table was a basket filled with fruit, as well as a few glasses and a drink. Mathias now found himself seated on a very large and comfortable bed, which could easily accommodate at least four people, with scarlet sheets and blankets, surrounded by large curtains of fine, transparent silk and adorned with several soft pillows.
Ahmanet was there, still wearing her queen's crown and wearing her royal regalia, as well as this long transparent silk skirt revealing the desirable shapes of her legs. She had a glass of wine served to her by an undead servant, whom she immediately dismissed and he humbly left the room, leaving the couple alone.
Mathias remained silent at first, hesitating whether or not to ask Ahmanet the question, who sipped her glass of wine without looking at him, looking thoughtful and as if she was waiting for something.
_"Why?" the young man finally decided, breaking the silence. "Why did you make me king? I'm just a commoner, without any noble blood. I don't even know how to rule."
Fearing at first that she would take offense at this question, Mathias saw that Ahmanet did nothing, remaining perfectly calm and gently placing the glass on the table.
_"Because it is a man I decided to marry." she replied. "During my human life, I was constantly being made to believe that only blood heritage mattered. But when I met you, you made me understand that true value is measured by the sincerity of the spirit, the values and the acts transmitted by it. You risked your life for me, you believed in me, you fought for me... You are in no way one of these cowards lords, quick to hide behind their armies. Your blood is not noble, but your heart is, setepai. And it is this heart to which I gave mine."
Mathias blushed, touched by the words of his beloved queen. He felt his heart jump and the heat grow when she mentioned the word "marry." He who never thought he would get married one day, now he was going to tie the knot with a queen of Egypt and the most beautiful woman in the world.
_"Moreover, I will keep my word, my beloved." Ahmanet added. "I agree to give humanity the chance to be part of this new era that I intend to build. With you by my side, I will show everyone that humans will have nothing to fear from my power, as long as they do not will not threaten my empire."
An empire? Mathias was very surprised, even admiring, at the ambition that Ahmanet had for the future, while knowing that she would make it a point of honor to respect her word by no longer exterminating the human race. But Mathias knew that things wouldn't be that simple, even with Prodigium's support. The arrival of a monster as leader would become known and the reactions of other nations could prove to be very hostile. Mathias could not prevent a certain fear from arising in his mind about the future that loomed in this haze of uncertainty.
_"Ahmanet... You know that I will support you forever, but you know that..."
Mathias wanted to speak, but was interrupted by seeing Ahmanet undo the ties of her transparent silk dress and let it fall at her feet as she walked forward, a gaze full of sensuality fixing the young man whose cheeks turned red. Ahmanet removed her queen's headdress, then her jewelry, undoing the strips of linen that covered her body one by one. Mathias saw her strip completely naked in front of him, showing her body so perfect, so desirable. Ahmanet, very delicately, made Mathias lie down on the large royal bed, in a silence imbued with a very palpable mutual desire. Leaning over him, sitting astride him, Ahmanet lowered herself, bringing her face closer to his, their bodies pressing together and sharing a pleasant warmth.
_"Enough talk and politics." whispered Ahmanet erotically. "Tonight is the first of a new age and I want to share every second of it with you, my love... my king."
With that, the couple kissed, their lips meeting very gently at first in a series of small, shy, sweet, loving kisses.
_"I love you, Ahmanet." Mathias finally said.
The new queen of Egypt smiled, not responding with words but letting her mutual response be known through the loving look she showed and her smile, as if she had been waiting for an eternity to finally hear these words from the lips of her setepai. After two or three other short kisses, Ahmanet stood up, still sitting astride Mathias and began to gently and sensually undulate her pelvis on his, making the excitement and desire grow. Very gently she took Mathias's hands, shy, in hers and led them to her breasts so that he could touch them. It was so soft, thought Mathias, caressing them without sudden movements with his palms, guided by Ahmanet's hands. Their gazes never left each other, the spark of love and desire sparkling in their irises. He started to take off his t-shirt and she helped him, leaving the garment at the foot of the bed.
Shirtless, Mathias took the upper hand, carried away by his excitement and laid Ahmanet on the bed, finding himself on top of her. Delicately enclosing his queen's body in his arms, Mathias placed his lips on hers again for more loving, more passionate and longer kisses. Ahmanet wrapping her arms around her setepai's neck, clinging to him while kissing him with all the vigor she could muster. Their mouths opened, allowing their tongues to touch each other. After very long seconds of kissing, Mathias caught his breath then began to sensually kiss Ahmanet's neck, while groping and caressing her body, then her thigh. The princess giggled in real pleasure, wanting him to continue.
While lovingly groping each other, Ahmanet helped Mathias remove the rest of his clothes, throwing them off the bed. Ahmanet, still lying on her back, let Mathias come and place a series of kisses on her breasts, then her stomach, descending further and further. The queen of egypt closed her eyes, enjoying every second of it.
_"Gods..." she gasped with pleasure as she felt Mathias come and gently kiss her crotch while caressing her thighs, then gradually moving up her body to her lips.
_"Sorry to have surprised you." said Mathias, teasingly, between two kisses. "You looked so soft and delicious, I couldn't resist wanting to taste you again."
_"Flattering me won't save you, you know... come here..." replied Ahmanet, also with this loving and naughty voice.
Enough with the words, the couple kissed again passionately for long seconds, their heat increasing as much as their desire for each other which knew no bounds and no frontiers. They then decided to take the next step. Mathias spread Ahmanet's legs, who looked at him with intense desire. He took his place above her, their bodies touching, then delicately he penetrated her. Ahamnet moaned softly in pleasure, smiling and happy to feel that feeling of excitement again. Mathias felt it too, taking a few moments to get used to it even though he had done it before. Ahmanet looked into his eyes, silently supporting him and comforting him that he wasn't hurting her, on the contrary, she loved it and wanted to share this moment with him, all night if they wanted. Tomorrow would be another day, but this night was theirs.
_"You and I, setepai..." she breathed between her lips.
_"For eternity." added Mathias, completing the sentence.
The two of them chuckled together, their faces almost touching and Mathias brushing a lock of hair from his queen's forehead. He then began to move his pelvis, in a regular and gentle rhythm. Ahmanet closed his arms around the young man's neck, moaning and savoring this act of carnal love while coming to lovingly kiss her beloved.
In warmth and unity, the couple continued to make love. Human and monster, now united as one, in the rise of a whole new empire. More darkness would surely come one day, many other dark monsters and gods being around the world, waiting to rise. But the new monarchs of Egypt, the monster queen and her human companion, would be ready to face it, together.
Credits song : Beast by FENIKS
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this fanfic. I really like the character of Ahmanet, and I wanted to give her a story where she gets a deserved happy ending, with someone capable of seeing beyond simple appearances and seeing the human beyond the monster. We all have an inner beast, darkness, and it's up to us not to let it take over.
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