Chapter 21 - Rebirth of the Dark God
Still at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, holding the Set's dagger in her hand, Ahmanet tirelessly continued to unleash her curse of the Sands of Egypt on the French capital, which little by little would spread beyond the borders of the city to gradually cover the country, then finally the whole world. Because of these cursed humans, the princess had once again lost the one she loved. Her precious Setepai who, despite his disappearance, had known how to defy the fundamental laws of life and death to reincarnate millennia later in the person of Mathias and, even having the memory of his past life loss, succeeded to find her. He had managed to change her mind, to show her that she could still choose to spare humanity, but it was over. The whole world would have to pay for her suffering!
Standing amidst her titanic storm of sand and dust, Ahmanet remained static, silent but seemingly lost in the deepest thoughts. Her painful and hate-filled mind, however, gave way to thoughts, or rather visions, of a distant past. Finding herself once again in these sand dunes in the middle of the great and unforgiving Egyptian desert, Ahmanet wondered why her thoughts brought her here at this moment. Then, she discerned a silhouette, at first blurry like a mirage, advancing slowly out of the clouds of sand and dust raised by the desert winds. Ahmanet then gasped, as if seeing a ghost, and in a sense, it was.
It was Mathias, or rather not, it was his previous mortal incarnation, from the time he lived as a young soldier in the service of the pharaoh's army. Mata, that was his name. Ahmanet remembered their first meeting. When she had just been crowned young princess of the kingdom, the guard responsible for escorting her during the parade among the population was this young Mata, and very quickly, a very strong bond was born between them. But a member of the royal family could not fall in love with a common soldier, this was inconceivable and if they were discovered, Mata would be executed without the slightest mercy. Thus, in the greatest secrecy, Ahmanet and Mata maintained a romantic relationship. But over the years, the pharaoh's influence grew on Ahmanet, pushing her further and further, shaping her to become a cold and merciless being and little by little, despite the bond that united them, Ahmanet and Mata were separated. Shortly after being betrayed by her own family, Ahmanet made her pact with the god Set and Mata, still in love with her, agreed to become her Setepai, at the risk of being sacrificed to welcome the god's soul into her body. However, Mata was killed and Ahmanet imprisoned in a tomb before the ritual took place, as she already knew.
Still confused, Ahmanet saw this vision of Mata walk forward and stand right in front of her, looking at her with a tender smile. He gently touched her cheek and she could feel this pleasant warmth, as if he was really here with her. Although her heart was filled with anger and darkness, Ahmanet could not restrain this painful sadness and a tear ran down her cheek.
_"I failed again, my beloved. I waited so long for us to finally be reunited, but I lost you." sighed the cursed princess of Egypt. "Can you ever forgive me?"
Was this their curse for her pledging allegiance to darkness? She, condemned to a solitary immortality while her setepai would be condemned to reincarnations and death without ever being able to live with her? Were the gods that cruel?
Mata said nothing, just smiled at her to comfort her, making her understand by his eyes that she had nothing to be forgiven for. Ahmanet, with moist eyes, wanted to delicately touch the man's cheeks, but as soon as she touched it with her fingertips, Mata was transformed into sand which crumbled and flew away with the desert wind. Seeing the sand flying between her fingers, Ahmanet felt her heart tighten with this feeling of infernal helplessness. Falling to her knees on the sand, the princess let the tears fall, her hands on her heart. Around her, the storm was intensifying, but amid the howling of the winds, she thought she could make out an echo, a familiar voice calling to her...
Snapping out of her thoughts and back to reality, Ahmanet sat up and her heart jumped when she still heard that voice calling to her in the midst of the chaos. She looked around frantically. This voice was Mathias! Was her mind consumed by anger and guilt still playing tricks on her to torture her further? And finally, while scanning around her carefully, she saw it... This shape, at first blurry and hidden by the sandstorm, moving forward with great difficulty. Ahmanet frowned, observing better, then her expression of distrust changed to stupefaction. Emerging from the torrents of sand, fighting with all his strength against the power of the wind and protecting his face, Mathias arrived, seeing her, both separated by around fifty meters.
_"AHMANET!" shouted the young man in the storm.
The princess could have believed in an illusion of her mind aimed at torturing her, but her heart did not deceive her! It was indeed Mathias, he was alive!
_"MATHIAS!" cried Ahmanet in turn, dropping Set's dagger from her hand, running as quickly as possible towards him.
The couple eventually come together, falling into each other's arms. Ahmanet's fury faded and little by little the violent sandstorm that had begun to engulf more than half of Paris calmed, the dispersing sands evaporating into the air and the undead creatures collapsing on the ground, inert, being no longer animated by the power of the princess's curse.
Reunited, clinging to each other, Mathias and Ahmanet shared a strong and loving embrace. The princess could not stop a few tears of joy from falling, touching the young man's face with her hands as if to ensure that he was really here, in front of her.
_"Mathias ..." she sighed with love.
_"I'm here... I'm fine." he replied to reassure her, also shedding a tear of joy.
To prove to her that he was in front of her and to reassure her, he placed a short and tender kiss on her lips. Feeling this human warmth against her again was like a deliverance for the princess. After kissing her, Mathias saw all the devastation all around and looked into her eyes.
_"Ahmanet, you have to stop. This is not the solution and despite all your power, you know what humans are capable of."
_"But... they attacked us, they wanted us dead and I almost lost you once again because of them. They must learn where their true place is." Ahmanet replied with love for the young man but a hint of contempt towards the rest of humankind.
_"I know you hate them." admitted Mathias. "What you have endured over all these centuries, no one deserves it, but you have the wrong person to blame. It's that cursed god, Set... He played with your pain to better transform you into his weapon of destruction. But you are stronger than him, Ahmanet, you proved it by refusing to sacrifice me to him... So... I know that you will be able to find the strength to spare humanity and show them that even a monster has a heart. may be a monster but you are the monster I chose to love and will love until the end of time."
This loving tone of voice, this unwavering faith in her... Ahmanet clearly recognized the young human man who had been able to read her from the moment they met and knew how to bring back a part of light in her. In his former life, Mata was also this kind of open-minded and compassionate man. Although a simple guard from the commoners, he knew how to show more spirit than many of the nobles of the court. And today he was back, in a new body, a new identity, but his nature remained the same.
At first silent, the Princess of Egypt tenderly came to hug Mathias, their bodies pressed against each other and the young man shared this embrace.
_"In that case... let's go very far from here, far from these humans..." she asked. "Where we can fully live our love... I will make you... my pharaoh."
_"Pharaoh or not, it doesn't matter to me, as long as I'm with you." replied Mathias with a smile.
As the couple was finally reunited and Ahmanet's anger had managed to be appeased and thus spared the city, Lawrence stood further back, watching with relief. The other monsters in turn arrived on the square, observing with amazement that Mathias was alive and Lawrence immediately signaled them not to intervene, showing them that the young man had succeeded in calming the princess.
_"Finally... finally, I found it... after all this time, it is finally in my hands..." said a voice, ecstatic and full of madness.
Mathias, Ahmanet and the others then noted the presence of this man, whom Mathias recognized as Jonathan de Mirand. The latter had managed to follow Mathias here and had taken advantage of the couple's distracted attention to sneak up to Set's dagger, which he now held in his hands trembling with excitement, looking at it almost as if a drug addict in need. In his other hand, Jonathan held Set's ruby, which he hastened to insert into the handle of the dagger. Once the two artifacts of the dark god were united, the ruby began to flame even more, like a red flame, while the young billionaire exclaimed with demented laughter, galvanized by this power he held in his hands.
_"No..." Ahmanet breathed, guessing what he was going to do next.
_"Jonathan, don't do that!" Mathias shouted, holding out his hand.
_"Finally... you will all witness the birth of the new world order!" fanatically proclaimed Jonathan, who, influenced by the evil powers of Set, did not hesitate for a second to plunge the black blade of the dagger directly into his heart.
Jonathan then froze in a mute scream as the essence of Set left the dagger and the ruby to take possession of his body, corrupting his being and gradually erasing Jonathan's spirit and personality. A strong shockwave occurred around the body of the man being possessed. Ahmanet, Mathias and the other monsters were all thrown to the ground by the power of the wave, but quickly got back on their feet. Out of protective instinct, Ahmanet stood in front of Mathias to protect him, but he could see great worry appearing on her face.
Having accomplished its work, the dagger was slowly extracted from the flesh and then dropped to the ground, as if it no longer had any use. Jonathan was no more when he opened his eyes, completely black, an inhuman smile forming on his lips and black and translucent veins appearing on his skin becoming morbidly pale. Immediately, Ahmanet and the other monsters felt the overpowering and monstrous aura that emanated from him, that of a god. As for Mathias, he felt completely crushed by this unhealthy and inhuman presence and his whole being was seized with terrible fear. Ahmanet continued to hold his hand to support him morally, but her gaze was fully focused on the one who had just taken complete control of his new body.
_"Set..." she breathed contemptuously.
_"My dear little Ahmanet." Set replied, now speaking with Jonathan's mouth and gently cracking his neck, wiggling his fingers. "Ah, how nice it is to feel alive again. That idiot Mirand will have had his uses, unlike you. I had offered you everything, Ahmanet. Immortality, power, I would have made you the queen of a new world. And yet you gave up all of that, for a mere human."
_"Mathias is not a simple human." Ahmanet said, holding his hand and standing in front to protect him. "Beyond death, he managed to find me and destiny finally brought us together. It is true, I intended to sacrifice him at firt, but he made me realize who I really am. I am Ahmanet, princess of the mighty kingdom of Egypt! And you... you are the abomination who took advantage of my suffering and corrupted my soul! But it's over... I'll never be your slave again, Set!"
The princess had spoken, loud and firm, determined to stand up to the manipulative god. Mathias, just behind her, despite the feeling of fear and crushing felt by Set's presence, showed great pride in Ahmanet, and was determined to support her until the end. Around her, Lawrence the werewolf stepped forward, standing beside them and showing his support, ready to fight. The other monsters, the vampire lady and the creature of the black lagoon did the same, except for the little Frankenstein girl who remained safe behind and under the protection of the Invisible Man.
Set had listened and observed all this, and just gave a smirk, demonstrating that he had absolutely no doubt about his superiority. By his mere physical presence, nature itself seemed to go mad, the wind naturally growing stronger and a freezing rain with thunder beginning to fall on the city. A heavy atmosphere of death and chaos had just fallen over all of Paris, invisible but so present and almost as palpable as matter.
_"Such determination in your eyes... It's almost... amusing." the god commented in his dark and distorted voice. "Very well... it's been a long time since I had fun."
With these sadistic words, the god gently raised his arms, summoning a terrible and invisible power that filled the air. Suddenly, all the undead bodies previously controlled by Ahmanet came back to life and rose with guttural and monstrous groans, all around the human and the group of monsters.
_"Oh shit..." Lawrence grunted.
_"Uh... Ahmanet..." Mathias breathed, worried.
_"I no longer have any control over them. Set is their master now." indicated the princess.
Marya, the gothic vampire girl, gritted her teeth and prepared to fight, alongside the massive aquatic creature which growled with all its might. Lawrence rubbed his claws, gnashed his fangs and roared bestially at the undead in front of him. Ahmanet, for her part, kept her gaze fixed on Set, and vice versa. Further back, hidden behind an overturned car, the invisible man had taken his pistol and with Frankenstein, was observing the situation which was clearly not turning to their advantage.
Then, it was Set who launched the attack. With supernatural speed, he moved in an attempt to reach Mathias and pulverize his head with a punch. Everything happened so fast for Mathias that he barely blinked and saw Jonathan, or now Set, right in front of him and ready to kill him. But fortunately, Ahmanet, thanks to her also superhuman reflexes, managed to push Mathias to the ground, saving his life. Enraged by this heinous attack on her loved one, Ahmanet growled with rage towards Set who just showed a cruel smile, amused by the situation. Ahmanet and Set grabbed each other and began a fast and fierce and supernatural struggle, pushing each other violently and colliding against the walls, floor and cars in the area, Mathias barely managing to follow their movements with his gaze. At the same time, the legion of undead now controlled by Set rushed to attack the group of monsters and it was with a concert of roars that a monstrous and bloody struggle began. Mathias, his heart beating wildly, trembling with fear, knew from then on that the fight which would decide the future of the entire world had just begun.
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