chapter 9- your so creepy....
"OH MY GOD!" Jandy gasped. "Osiel what the heck?!" She graved her kid and hugged him. "What where you thinking!?" She said kissing her son a million of times. "How did you follow us without us noticing?" Evan asked. "I learned that from my mommy" the kid said. I looked at her and laughed "your so creepy" She laughed and kissed him. "Oh lord, Osiel you rascal " I put my hand on the kids head and mess his hair. He giggles and looks up to me. "Your really something you know that kid? You just need more practice" ones I picked him the doors started to bang. "Fuck we have to move!" I said. We all ran to the building until we found a room with the emergency latter exit. Jandy got out and kicked the latter and fell. "Let's go" she said. "I'll go first" evan said while getting in the latter "now you go" I nod and started to climb down. "now, mommy is gonna climb down and I need you to do the same okay?" Then I heard the kid say "otay" she started to go down and we were climbing the rusty latter. "I like the view from here" jandy Said "I like my view too~"evan said, I don't even have to look at him to know his smirking. "Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes and kept on going. "Keep'er going" vanoss singed to us and we laughed. "We finally got away from the zombies" I glare at him and spat "don't you fucking jinks it!" He laughed and then.....trouble arrived. "Fucking great" I sigh.
Jacks pov
I woke up on my room, in my normal clothes. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. "Was this all a dream?"I questioned myself but then my angel arrived. "Aw, your awake" I turned around to see the most amazing man in the world. I smiled and remember what I woke up too. "Um mark?" He looked at me and sat down on a chair. "Yes?" I sigh and looked away from him. "I had a dream that we whent to a place named China town and we where all into teams then we heard sounds and we ran to them and we saw delirious and Billy and all this other people-" I was cut off by marks lips crushing into mine. I relaxed and smiled. "It wasn't a dream clover but we are safe" my eyes widen "Where's delirious and Brock and Brian?! Are they okay?" I said he hugged me and said "There fine, well mostly all of them" I squint my eyes at him.
"What do ye mean mark?"
" I mean that delirious is not here he is with vanoss and the new girl" I gasped
"what time is it?"
"It's about to be 7 why?"
"There not gonna make it are they" I said looking out the window. "There strong, they will" I turn around to see him get out of my room. "I hope yer right mark"
Delirious pov
"Fucking great " I sigh. "No one move" evan said but me being the adventures that wants to make things a little better. I moved and the latter started to make sounds. The air was blowing pretty hard too and the clouds where dark gray. The wind started to blow and blow and then the latter did a violent shake and made us scream and gasp. "Mommy um falling!" The little kid said. He let go and for having mother instincts her first thing to do is jump and try getting the kid. "MOM!" The kid yelled. "OSIEL!" She yelled ones she graved him she felt reliefed I can tell but she forgot about who is gonna save her. I took action and grave her by the ankles then me for trying to be the hero I forgot who was gonna save me. Then I felt someone grave me by the ankles aswell. I try to look back as much as I could to see evan graving on to me. "Fuck what's gonna save us out of this one" I breathed out. The thing started to shake again. "This world just wants me death doesn't it?" I growled. "SWING ME!" I heard a female voice said. "Are you crazy! If we move it we are all gonna die!" Evan yelled at her.
"if you don't swing me we are all gonna die!"
"Fuck it"
I started to swing her like about 5 times each time getting higher and higher. "When I tell you to let go you let go okay del?!" I nod and swing her one last time. "Let go!" I let go and I see her fly and protect the kid with her body. She broke the window and the latter started to shake. "Evan I need you to swing with jonathan and don't let go of him okay!" He nods and swings us. "Harder evan!" I said and he laughed. "What are you laughing at?!" I growled at him and he smirked and said "That's what she said" in a weird way that made me laugh. Then he said "okay on 3 I'm letting go okay?!" My eyes widen and looked at him "wait wha?!- AAAAAH!!"
A/N should I stop it here you beautiful basterds? Or should I keep writing? Fuck it ama keep writing. Like I saw in a picture, "keep calm and Keep'er going" xD
We swanged to jandy's direction and some how she catched me, But I felt like I was getting ripped in half with evan hanging on to me and her pulling me.
"F-fuck! Baby did you get the rope?"
"Yes mommy hele"
"Thanks cupcake"
"Del grave on to it and I'll pull you" I graved it and then I was getting pulled up. As soon as I got to the window I pushed myself in with evan falling on me. "Great" I sarcastically said. "Thanks for helping me" me and evan looked up to see her and saw that she was shaking hands with this guy. "No problem ma'm" I gave a questionet look at her. "Huh?" Me and evan said in sync. "Oh this are the guys you helped me get up" he looked at us and gasped. "De-delirious?" The man chocked out. I gasped and got up.
"No way....."
Now we can end the chapter xD hope you like it and as always stay classy
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