chapter 8- SCREW YOU BILLY!
A/n Idk man I was listening to this song while writing this shit and I was like fuck it let's put it in but anyways enjoy
As a gun was pointed strait at my head I see the guys eyes full with fear. "Did you miss me delirous?~" he said pulling my hair back making me groan. "Where is your other group?" He said. I shoved him away from my face. "Hey!, don't get all up in my face" I sasily said. He growled. "Tell me now mr. Den-" I Took the risk and graved the gun and point it at him. "Give me all your shit" I order. He laughs then I heard foot steps. I heard someone gasped. "BILLY!" I heard jack yell. I kept my eyes on this guy. He looks like if I get distracted and he will take that's second to get the gun and shoot evryone. "Ah, jack~ so How is life ?~" he growled and walked behind me. "SCREW YOU BILLY!" He yelled. Then behind there was his crew. "I said give me your shit!" I growled. The Woman graved a whip and wiped my hand making me let go of the gun. As soon as I was gonna get the gun someone kicked me and made me roll into another direction. I groan and looked up at Billy. "You still took something very Inportant to me......and I will make you pay for that" he growled. I do my crazy laugh and everyone looked at me. I look up at him "she was beautiful I'll give you that.....she had soft and beautiful pale skin and silky blond hair-" "fuck you!" Billy graved the gun and shot me in the chest 5 times. I fell to the floor but ones again laughed. "WHAT THE HELL!?" he yelled, ones I got up again he shot me 2 times. "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?" I laughed and took out my machete. "Im delirious remember......I can't die" I laughed like a crazy maniac and swanged my machete in between his eyes. The sharp cold metal going threw his skull made me feel alive. His lifeless eyes and his now white skin made my blood flow normally. The Woman screamed and I turn my head to look at her. "Betsey.....I'm coming for your bitch ass" I growled and I graved my machete dragging billys dead body with me. She took steps back and cornered herself in the wall. I take out my machete out of billys head and charged at her. I stabbed her stomach like 8 times and she still kept on trying to push me off. I laugh and cut her lips with my knife. She yelled for help but that only made me smirk. I lift up my mask and kissed her by force to shut her up. I licked her bloody lips and slit her trought. "Good night" I said I put my knife back and took the machete out of her stomach. "Enough!" I heard someone say. I turn around to see Steve holding Brock and Jack while pointing a gun to there heads heads. I see Brock with puffy eyes, jack full of blood and looked more white then he already is, Brian on the floor holding his arm and mark and marcel on the floor proably knocked out. "I have something to propose to you delirious" I stayed quiet and kept an eye on him. "You choose who dies right now" there eyes widen and they started to struggle. "STEVE YE PICE OF ANUS!" jack yelled and Steve looked and him and hit him in the back is the head knocking him out and blood coming out of his body. Brock screamed for help and tried to hug jack but he was pulled back. "So you have a choice, now that we took care of that Problem" he smirked at me. "Or kill him and save all the other or get sorrounded by zombies and kill everyone" I growled. "How about you shoot me and let everyone go" I said. His smirk got bigger and laughed. "Fine, but take of your bullet pruff jacket" I sigh and take of my jacket and the bullet pruff one. Now that I was in my white tight shirt he laughed. "What a waits of a beautiful body you have" I glare at him and pushed Brock to the ground and pointed the gun at me. "Good bye h2o delirious" he laughed and as soon as he pulled the trigger I was tackled down and covered by another body. I heard 2 gun shots and as soon as I feel wet stuff on my chest I opened my eyes and looked above me. It was jandy and I look to the other side and see Steve on the floor dead with evan next to him. "Jandy?" I chocked out she looked at me and picked me up. "Cocky son of a bit bitch" she graved something from her pocket and gave it to Brock and Brian. Her body tensed up and she looked around. "Fuck zombies are coming" I look around too see zombies far away, but they where coming. "Come on grave mark, jack and you evan help me with marcel and place them in the car. I'll go get Brian cause he need more help" I look at Brock. "What avout brock?" "Don't worry about him he will be fine" I nod and graved mark and placed him in the sit then evan graved marcel and carried him to the car. After that i carried jack and placed him on the passenger sit. I saw evan helping Brian out and I deside to help. Ones they where in the car i look at her "there in the car" as soon as I looked at her I see that she was shot on the process of saving me "jandy....your bleeding" i said she looked down "Im fine now lets-" "no horse shit we are fixing you up right now-" "i said I'm FINE!" Everything was silent then she spoke up "Evan, Brock and i will go by feet" my eyes widen. "Hell nah, I don't know where the place is located, they just fucking take me there" she rolled her eyes. Brock placed a Hand on her sholder. "I'll take them" I nod and push Brock in on the car "go before it gets dark " he gets in and drives away. "WAIT HOW ARE WE GONNA GO BACK IF YOU DONT KNOW WHERE TO GO DELIRIOUS!?" She screamed. "Don't worry I didn't leave with them" I turn around and see evan smirking. "Okay good, now let's go before it gets dark" jandy Said. I groan and evan nods we started walking but for some reason I felt like we were being followed. "Let's hurry" I say. They nod and then we heard zombie noises. We looked to are right and see like 30 zombies walking, "runing" and crawling. "Oh fuck" jandy breathe out. "RUN RUN RUN!" Evan yelled. We ran and we whent into this building. The zombies where right behind us we closed all the doors until we heard a thump right behind us. "Ooof" (sound cx) jandy turned around and gasped. "OH MY GOD!"
A/N god damn! Took me ao long to write this chapter its like 7: 44 and i started like at 4 or 5 something but anyways back to whats inportant...........
*cough* *cough*
Anyways i wonder what fell right behind them xD find out on the next chapter! Don't forget to comment fav and follow for more of this creppy and crappy stories I write and like always stay classy
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