chapter 37: Mary? is that you?
"How are we gonna do this without breathing that nasty green air" Brian asked. "Gas mask?" Marcel asked. "Did you bring them?" Brian asked. "Yes" lui interrupted. "Nice one lui" Tyler said. Lui gave them each a gas mask and smiled. Lui's pot begun to beep. Lui touched the screen and delirious appeared on the screen. "Lui! We are out!" Delirious said. "Sending cordinates to where we are at"
"Alright we'll meet you there" lui answered and delirious nods and disconnects. "Let's go guys"
Time skip!
"Why didn't we realize that sooner, we could of called him instead we traveled miles and miles to only find-"
"Stop complaining tyler" lui said. "Whatever"
They kept walking on another path but soon found themselves looking at something, horrific.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT- HPMH?!" (A/n lmfao I said the same thing ones I saw that shit xD).Tyler was cot of by marcel shoving his sweater in his mouth. "Shut the fuck up" marcel glared. The monster walked away into another direction. "Umm...I don't think I want to go any further ahead...i think I'll stay here" Brian said while chuckling. "No we need to stay together" marcel snapped."No let's split-"
"No!" Marcel yelled. "Sheesh, okay then" Brian said. "What is wrong with you white people and splitting up" marcel said while massaging his temples. "Let's just make sure we don't run into some other....thing"
Delirious pov
"There coming, aperation big foot" I said while smilling (a/n aperation big foot xD). "What type of aperation name is that?" Ohm laughed. "It's a good name!" I yelled. "You hear that?" Bryce asked. We stopped talking and heard some music playing. "Huh?" Ohm squinted and tried to look for what or who was making the music (a/n yea like squinting will help you see better -.-). I then heard someone singing. I walked over and then I saw who it was. "Wait- I know that person....that's....that's Mary?"
"Mary?!" I yelled. The woman turned around and walked towards me. "Mary- what the fu...." I saw the way she was walking and honestly, I got scared. She stopped and sat down on the stairs of a house. "Well hello~" She said.
"It's a little chilli out here~" she graved her flannel and tugged on it. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I live here" she said. "What about Ken? And the rest of your crew?" I asked. "After you left, jandy cursed and she graved the kid and jumped of the window" Mary explained. I felt my heart sink ones I heard jandy's name. "She begun to run and I saw marzia looking at jandy running, then she yelled that she was running away" Mary looked down and sighs. "Everyone ran after her, exept for me, she saved my life from death and she made me happy, she explained to me, even the bad things have a good side to them, and she made me realize, that what she said was true"
"What happened after everyone left?" I asked. "I couldn't just stand there with my arms crossed, I had to help her, save her like she did to me"
Ohm and Bryce appeared on either side of me. "Who is she?" Bryce asked. "A dear friend of mine..." I said while looking at her, I saw her blue eyes turned black and she smiled. "That's nice of you to say" her eyes turned blue again. 'Somethings not right...'
"So what did you do after that?" I asked. "I put on my mask and ran after her" Mary said. She shivered and hugged herself. "I saw her fall to the floor and I saw the kid running away, I knew she wasn't gonna be happy if her son died so I helped the kid first, ones one of my team - aids saw the kid, he pointed his gun at him so I graved my gun and shot the man, making it sound like he killed the kid". I took of my black sweater and handed it to her."Here, put this on" I said. She smiled and puts it on herself. "Thank you"
"Wait so who died?" Ohm asked. "Jandy" I said. They gasped and shook there heads. "No stop lying...." Bryce said. Ohm graved him and Bryce cried hard. Ohm hugged him and pulled him close to him is chest and cried aswell. "What happened after" I asked, wanting to hear everything that happened. "Ones I ran back noble pointed the gun at her and shot her, Joe and him begun to laugh and left her there to rot or get eaten, I graved her and covered her with my body, I wanted to help her so I tried reviving her" Mary bit her lip and looked up at me. "Can I tell you something?"She asked. "Yea go ahead" I said. "You know how spiders pearliz there pray to keep them and eat for later? That's what I did" she explained. "W-wait....what?" I said.
"When I was a teenager, I went to a doctors appointment, and there was this guy named Matthew fong....he was gonna put the 'flu' shot...but he put something else inside the shot, he made me special, or well that's how he told me"
"Matthew Fong...Matthew....fong, that's- that's Evan's dad" I wispered. "Im part spiders, and does pink things are my people..." she explained. "They body shift and see things like the predators do" she said. "So what are you now? The queen? Wait- if you said they body shift how can I belive your really Mary?" I asked. "Well....I dunno, I guess your just gonna have to believe" she said. "I can also shift!" She said.
"So what do does pink things eat?" Ohm asked. "Bugs, not me doe I eat regular food" she said. "Where's Ken?". "His with the group, I just tell them ama go search for supplies and I come here"
"Wait you said you paralyzed jandy, where is she" Bryce asked. She smiled and got up, she is in this house, come follow me"
Ones we got inside we all froze. "Jandy! Someone's here to say hi!" Mary sang. The person turned around and we all gasped.
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