chapter 33: casual affair
"KYAAA!" Simone yelled. Everyone turned and saw three man walking towards her. "Simone!" Everyone yelled. Mini stopped and signal tyler to be quite since he was still on the line. The camara was facing what was happening so the rest of the guys could see what was happening. The two groups saw how Simone ran towards her friends.
"Uuhh, I got my eye on baby girl~" the man smirked and his words fell down his tounge. Meanwhile, Marcel grinded his teeth together and glared at the man. The man graved a claw like gun (like that thing batman uses to bring people closer to him or pull himself up and shit) and pointed it at Simone. It graved her by the waist and she gasped. "Let me get that cake bitch!" He yelled. He pulled her towards him and throws her on the ground. She protected her baby with her body no matter what. The man saw and smirked.
"Oh I see someone else someone else before got that cake before I did! Congrats to ma boy!" The man said.
"Who the fuck are you?" Droid snapped. "It's DASHIE ma boy! Now let's make things simple and tell me some answers"
"Okay...just don't hurt them..." jack said. Dashie looked at jack and walked towards him. Everyone frozen as he saw him grave him by one hand and pins him to the floor. "Listen bright eyes, you don't give the comand here..." dashie got closer to Jacks ear and sniffed him. Jack gasped and shivered. Dashie takes a deep breath before he finished his sentence. "I do~"
"How old are you sugar cakes~" dashie purred. Jack glares but answers anyways. "26" dashie licks his lips and smirks. "Nice~"
"Sir! Don't forget what the boss said" a person said. Dashie looks up and sings "nothing but some bullshit" the man sighs and said "something about that delirious guy"
"Ah that foo!" Dashie gets up and places a foot on Jacks back. "Um ma boys where is delirious?" He asked the group. Everyone tensed up and stood dead silent. Dashie laughs and motions the man to bring Simone closer to him. "Where is delirious?" He yelled. Again no one spoke. "Listen here fuck boy get out from where ever you are!" Dashie yelled. Ones again nothing. "If you don't I'm gonna blow there fucking brains out" he said while taking his guns out and pushing it to there heads. "Fine....h2o delirious...have it your way" he said. "Marcel I love you...." Simone cries. Jack closed his eyes and tought of mark. He pulled both triggers slowly until nogla yelled.
Dashie stopped and smirked. "Yes ma boy~"
"His not with us!" Nogla yelled. "He got captured by some monsters looking thing and the rest of us are looking for him!"
Meanwhile the other group on the line sighs and marcel almost fainted. "Thank that Irish fucker" he cried.
"That explains why your group is not complete" dashie said. "Wait how did you know we had more?" Jack asked. "Let's just say..." dashie looked at daniel and smirked evily. "A little friend helped me~" he said while graving jack by his face and turning him straight to daniel. "What?" Jack asked. "No his are friend!"
"Friends don't rat each other ma boy~" he said. Jack looked at the ground and didn't speak at all. "Call the boss" dashie orders. He picked up jack and threw him to daniel. Jack hissed as his ankle bends an odd way. He graved Simone and threw her. Luckily Brock was there to save her from the fall.
Dashie turned around and looked at his 5 man. "What are you waiting for, call him!" Daniel picked up jack. Jack hiss again and tries to push daniel away. "Stop" Daniel said. "Fuck you, you betrayed us" jack said. "Im sorry..."
"Sorry is not going to cut it for what you did and now probably half of are group is gonna die cause of you" jack snapped. Daniel graved jack and kissed him. Jack stopped and froze. Everyone was surprised. jack couldn't move. He had so many things flying threw his mind. Finally jack pulled himself together and pulled himself away. "W-why?"
"Cause I love you now be quite" jack stood silent and let himself get carried by Daniel. 'How I'm I gonna tell mark this!?' Jack tought to himself. "Okay guys on three we make a run for it" Daniel said. "One" he said. Everyone backed away. "Two" Daniel said. Everyone turned around. Brock had Simone and droid was carrying Osiel. "Three!" And everyone took off.
Dashie turned around and groweld. "Oh you think you can run from your boy? YOU THINK YOU CAN RUN!"
The 6 man took out there guns around and begun to shoot. "Oh fuck oh fuck OH fuck!" Mini yelled. "Take cover!" Brock yelled. "Zombies are coming!" Jack yelled. They saw a hole mob of zombies coming there way. "Does fuckers brought the zombies here with at tell there fucking yelling!" Simone yelled.
They ran and ran until they had someone. "Bam bitch! One for two!" Dashie yelled. It had hit hit daniel on the back. As they kept shooting one bullet went threw Jacks left leg. He cried out but mini threw a smoke granade. "Take jack" Daniel wispered. "No" jack said. "Im gonna buy you time"
"Jack just remember you had a special place in my heart along with all are friends, but you where special...kiss me one last time"
"But what about mark...." jack whispered. "Just one...." jack hesitated and he gave a quick kiss to daniel. "Thank you..give me your gun and I'll hold them back"
Jack gives the gun and and a few flash bombs. "Good luck...." nogla said. "Tell everyone I love them" and with that said he threw a flash bomb and he heard screams. "Go" he wispered. Nogla picked up jack carefully and begun to run. Jack saw everything that happen. He saw how daniel killed mostly everyone, but also saw how dashie killed daniel. 8 bullets in the back counting the one from earlier and a few on his chest. Jack looked at the lifeless bodies on the ground and how zombies came and started to eat them. Jack shut his eyes and clunches unto noglas sweater and sobbed.
"Im sending mark the locations where where are at and to open the doors at 8:20" mini yelled. Jack begun to feel weak. "I can't feel my arm..." Simone whispered. "I know just hold on" Brock said. "N-nogla..." jack wispered. "Mini can you teleport us instead?" Droid said. "I can! Hold on to me everyone and we will appear in the kids with problems safe station!"
"Mark...." jack wispered and darkness.
A/n: rip on real life to daniel and in this story too...he was a good ladd and rip Bernice. Oh well....I tried to make it sad and romantic but I suck....anyways hope you enjoyed and like follow and comment all that good stuff and I will talk yo y'all later pice out everyone
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