chapter 27: I don't take shit from no one
Delirious pov
"Guys it's morning time, you guys told you guys where gonna come with me to go for scrap and supplies" I huffed. Marcel graved some bread and kicked the back of my legs making me fall. "Ack, what the fu-uuughmmmm" marcel straight up shoved some bread into my mouth. "Shut up and eat" my eyes became watery and my mouth began to hurt. I tried telling him to stop but the way it came out, it just didn't sound good.
We all looked at the door to see evan glaring at marcel. "Ewan (evan)" I tried to say but it came out weird. My mouth started to feel numb. I started to whimper and that gave evan a signal that made him grave the bread and rip it out of marcel's grip and my mouth. I gasped and glared at marcel. "Is anyone slightly turned on by that?" Anthony said. We all stayed silent and laughed. Marcel gave me his hand. "Come on get up" I was about to grave it but I got stopped by evan picking me up from the back. I could feel how hot evan was getting. "Umm....let's eat?" I questioned.
Little time skip
"Okay del, you gotta be careful outside, I'm giving you all this new thing tyler, mark and I invented, it has a radar, and we can comiunicate with each other by looking at the screen or making it as a hallagram" we all looked at are little pots that they gave us with awe. "Sick" mini graved my rist and showed everyone what it can do. "You press this button and it shows you a map of your surroundings, the red dots can mean movements so be careful and this also helps us watch you if you need back up or anything like that" I pat mini and the back and walk to the door. "I got you, let's go guys"
Time skip
It was me, marcel, David, lui and droid that where outside looking for shit. Lui and I were always looking out for danger or the smallest moves. I made a promise to Simone to bring marcel healthy and alive and I'm keeping it. We looked from street to street. We ended up looking at a 7 eleven. We where standing infront of the building and outside it had something written on the wall.
"It's too late run!" Marcel mimicked. "It's too late run" We all laughed. I walk up to the letters and turned around. "Is that English?" Nogla cherped. "A-a-a-and yo pense t-t-that I couldn't speak el inglish" we all laughed at Droid who was using his mexican voice to make fun of the warning. "Where's the comma? Clearly who ever wrote this is an idiot" lui quickly said. "IT'STOLATERUN!" I yelled making everyone laugh. "It's asian that's why" marcel said "it's too lae raawn" (a/n i saw this in a video and it had to be done...sorry if I offended some of you)
We all broke into a pit of laughter. "Alright alright alright that's fucked up" droid said. My lot started to blink. I pressed it and a screen was shown. In the screen, you can see evan, mark, Craig, tyler and Jack. "That was a nice one marcel" Tyler said between laughter. All of the guys found it funny except Mark and Evan. "Oh I forgot" marcel said finally realizing that we had some half asian and a half Korean. "Come on guys someone was being nice enough to write a message, a warning and you guys are laughing about the Grammer?" Mark huffed. "Come on, it had to be done" marcel smiled. "Keep looking for stuff....will be watching, keep your eyes piled, I'm counting on you lui and you too delirious" evan said.
"Aw come come you count on them but not us" nogla glared. "Cause we are more skilled then you, now come on, let's get a move on" lui said. I clicked the screen and the call ended. "Well that was a good laugh, while it lasted....but I don't take advice from anyone, especially from a stupid wrong writen wall" I smiled at my group and I kicked open the doors. The glass doors shatter and the glass fell. "Delirious! That was too loud!" Marcel yelled. "Like I said.... i don't take shit from no one"
I walked in the store to see naked girls. I stopped on my tracks and stared at the girls wide eyes and mouth slightly open. "Um...what the hell?" I asked. All the girls where all on top of each other. "Guys did you guys read on the said don't open..." David said quietly. All we could see was there backs and ass. I was disturbed. I took a step forward and I wished I didn't have done that cause as soon as I took that step they all turned to look at me. "Shit..."
On the other side
"Oh this bitches are scary!" Tyler yelled. Evan was stunned 'What if they eat them, are they friendly?' mini was looking at the creature and scanned it. "Ama call them spirls" evan glared at mini "really?! Your gonna name this things now?!"
"Evan chill, I'm gonna let's see lui since his the one all the way in the back" mini said. They saw lui looking down and tapped the screen slowly. "Are you seeing this shit? Tell us what do they do?" Lui whispered. "That's the thing we don't know and I can scan them from that far" lui cursed quietly. "I'll tell delirious to scan this bitches"
"No lui we don't want to alert them" mini said but it was to late.
Back to delirious pov
"Delirious" I hear lui wisper. "What?" I asked while not braking eye contact with this things. "Scan them" my body tensed up and they things noticed it. "Delirious relax your body" droid said. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. Ones I was a little calmer they stoped moving and they continue to stare at me. One of the things got closer to me and I begun to feel uneasy. "Hold your fire" I order. This creature was beautiful. It was awesome but soon it turned into the worst nightmare ever.
"Hey delirious~"
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