chapter 25
A/N might hate me for doing this....but someone has to die...and it won't be might already know who I'm I talking about.....and I show all my respect to that person....and to rest in peace, cause he never got to be in peace in this world.....sorry again...but I'm afraid that would have to be for another few chapters.
Delirious pov
I placed the blank paper on the table. "Well...what are you planning this killing zombies thingy should look like?" I shrugged and sit on the couch. The door was soon open and you can see lui smirking. "Well we have guns, bombs, grenades, and some other shit, but you know what we don't have? Blades~" I frown. "How in the flying fuck is that suppose to help kill-" lui quickly rose his hand at me. "Ah, say no more~" I frown and glared at him. "You see...we have everything else and I think long blades and cooler protection would be pretty awesome~ and build us some like spider man equipment!" I laughed and they all stared at me. "What?" I asked. They looked at each other and laughed. "Your fuck laugh man I love it" mark said. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Well we got are selfs some killing zombie things~"
Marks eyes widen. "Your kidding me right?! We are gonna die like that!" I shake my head. "No, if we are in trouble we have each other, and we also have that spider man thingy! See we are fine!" Mark sighed and graved the paper and drew. "Well fuck nuggets, we got to learn some marshal arts for this shit then" I smirk. "I know how, not to say, I am pretty fucking amazing~" They rolled there eyes and continued on brain storming.
Some time later
"Well I gotta go with the cindigo guys so they can help me make this....I can't do this alone ya know" he laughed. I nod and got up. "Well ama tell jack" mark shakes his head. "Nah ama tell him" I smiled and walked away.
Marks pov
I smiled and hugged jack from the back. "Hey love~" he gasped and giggled. "Mark! Ye scared me" I kissed him and smiled. "Love, I have to go with the cyndigo guys and yami to help me make this things" his smile faded. He got out of my grip and walked away. "Jaaaack" I whine "Come on, don't be like that" he turned around with tears in his eyes and a red face. He was obviously not happy but there was no way I would finish this things they asked me to do. I would finish in a few months or a year, I have too. "Why are you being like this jack?"
"Ye know damn well why I don't want ye there" he groweld. "I fuckin' hate yamimash! Cause all he is gonna do is fuckin get ye drunk and make ye have sex with him! That's why!" I glared at him "that was in the past, let it go jack" his eyes widen and groweld. "Maybe of ye learned how to keep it in yer pants then I wouldn't have to worry!" I graved him by the arm and brought him close. "Im not a little kid anymore" he looked at me in surprise.
"I don't need a fuckin' babysitter, I'm gonna go there for work! Not to fuck any god damn guy in that little group" he had tears in his eyes. He let a loud growl. "Grrrrr...." he rased his hand and slapped me across the face. (Bitch slap xD ) I let go of his hand and touched my cheek. I looked up at my short Irish man. "Well....if ye don't want me to worry about ye any more....then I won't, Ye are dead for me from now Fuck off my sight" he growled. He pushed me and walked past me. "Yer such a fuckin' hypocrite"
"What have I done" I let out a sigh and went to look for jack. I went to his room and I cross a sight that I, in a million years wouldn't expect to see. Especially form him. It was nogla picking jack up to his level but noglas back was facing me. "J-jack" I stutter. I heard a gasp. "M-MARK!" his face was red so where his eyes. Puffy and a red nose. "Fuck you mark! We are done! I don't want to see you!" My heart shattered. "N-no...." he hugged nogla and nogla was taken back. "Please....leave me alone" his voice cracked and seen him like that braked my heart even more. "No! I love you and I'm not leaving any where!" He laughs. "No, go with that mother fucker yamimash, he focked ye better then I would ever do! Hell, we haven't even focked!" My eyes widen. 'That's right! We never did!'
"Put him done David" he nods and hugged jack and carefully puts him on his feet. "No, nogla...." he graved his face and made him look at him. It made me mad and jealous but also made my heart shatter even more. "Don't worry ye'll be okay" he walked away and looked at me. "Better make things right markiplier" he groweld and walked away closing the door behind me. "Jack...I'm sorry...I never ever ment to hurt you like are the most beautiful thing is this world and loosing you is like lossing the sun or even yet lossing a part of me, you are taking my heart along with you" he looked at me not braking are eye contact. "Yea I fucked up....but...I'm only human....I know...and I learned my lesson, and I don't want to loose you again....LOVE ME!" He flinched at my yelling. "Yea we never did it....cause I don't want to rush you into things....your like a delicate rose and I don't want to damage it, understand that" he was quite and slowly walked to me. " can go further" my eyes widen. I shake my head. "Like I said...if your not ready, it's fine...ill love you for your sweetness" he smiled and jumped onto me and hugged me. "Mark...please.. I'm doing this cause I'm ready....and I want you to be my first and last one to ever do this with me" I looked at him but soon smiled. "Fine... we can always stop if you want too"
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