chapter 23: what happen to John?
A/N: Warning still and warming for some sad stuff....idk if it's sad to you but still warning
3rd pov
"But I'm not even half way in~" evan said making delirious shiver. Evan pushed little by little until he was all the way in. "I feel- so - full" delirous pants out. Evan stays still and delirious slowly nods. "You can move now" evan nods and started to move in an out. (A/n: damn I have nothing better to do with my life so I start writing smut xD ) delirious grips whatever he could and moaned. Evan licked his ear and delirious turned a bright shade of red. "N-no, p-pull out! I'm s-still mad at y-YOU~!" Seeing him like that made delirious look so adorable. "I don't think so~ you look like your enjoying it as much as I am~" delirious whimpered. Evan then slowly pulled out."noooo! Evan! Get back in!" Delirous pouted. The taller man shakes his head and grind on delirious. "I tought you wanted me to pull out~" Delirious started to moan loudly for some reason and screaming. "GET IN!" Evan smirk and slammed back into him making him moan. "EVAN! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH~ YOUR SO BIG!~" I
He smirk ones again and kept on hitting his G-spot. "Ngh~ evan don't stop~" evan feels delirious nails digging into his back. It hurt but he didn't care. He kept on scratching him and kept on licking Evan's lips. "EVAN! I'M CLOSE~" he shouts. Evan start going even faster but his thrust was getting sloppy. "M-me too!" They but came at the same time and panted. "Delirious~ your so hot...." Evan purred. Delirious shivered as Evan pulls out. They looked at Eachother right in the eyes, but what they don't know is that 6 friends where outside listening to what was happening. They where all red, almost nose bleeding and horny. "" Tyler breath out.
Delirious pov
As we where 'finished' I sigh and looked at all the mess. My ass Hurst and I can verly walk but I walk it off. "Look what you did evan!" Evan turned to look at me and saw the sandwiches in the floor and tomatoes all over. "Eeh, I'll tell somone to clean it" I glared at him and stomped to the door. "Are you gonna open the door or what?" He smirked. " How about round 2" I blushed and flicked him off. "How about go fuck yourself, cause you raped me!" He laughed and shakes his head. "It's not rape if you like it~" I huffed and socked the door making my fist print in it. "Open this" he smirked and played with the button. "Open. This." He chuckled. "Only of I get to take you or your room princess style" I groweld. "Suck my dick" he walked close to me. "I time~" I sigh and he chuchled. He gets closer to me and picks me up. I hiss but he just kissed my nose. He opens the door and we see all the guys staring and blushing. I look at all of them and they all hade Boners. "UGH! EVAN! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" I shout at him and he laughed. "Maybe next time they'll like to watch~" I blushed and pouted. "Mini....nogla....don't go in the kitchen" they nodded fast. As vanoss was caring me we heard tyler and Scotty. "AAAAAH evan your so big~" they all laughed and all I did was grave a pot and swanged it to them. Witch hit Scotty. "Fack you!" I yelled. I sigh and looked up at evan. "Evan take me to the roof" he nods and takes me up. I see John and Osiel. I smiled at the small family. "Put me down please" evan does so and gives me a kiss on my head. "I'll be back to get you" I nod and walked carefully to them. 'Fuck me, my ass hurts but I can't let them see me like this'
"John" he turned around and smiled. "Thank God your here" I gave him a questionet look. "What's wrong?" He sighs and gives me Osiel. "Make me a promise yea del- jonathan?" I slowly nod. "What's happening?" I asked. He laughed and kept on smiling, but he was suffering. He let tears fall from his face. "Johnathan.....I can't do it without her" I was confused. "Yes you can.....she just wants you too alive and happy-" he shakes his head "no.....we promised that we wouldn't leave Osiel, but I can't be without her....knowing she won't be with me like we said in are killing me" I sigh and tried to reach out for him. He backed away and took out a pistol. "Wow wow wow wow, come on John don't act like that she wouldn't like that" he kisses Osiel's head and smiled at me while crying. "Take good care of my'll do a much better job then me" I shake my head and started to get close to him. "John, NOOOOOOOOOOO!" He graved the gun and puts it inside his mouth and pulled the trigger before i got to take the gun away from him. His body fell if the roof and into the zombies place. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I fell on the edge of the roof and yelled. I covered Osiel with my body. 'How much hell does this little kid need to go threw'
Evan's pov
After I went down all the guys where looking at me and smirking. "What?" I asked they all laughed. "Hey.....we are not judging but next it in your room and put some sound proof shit" Anthony laughed. I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. "Okay let's play 21 questions!" Tyler yelled. We all nod. "Fuck it" I said. "You go first since you said it" he nods and smirks. "Evan.....what do you like but drives you insane?~" I smirk and Imagen delirious. "I have 3 answers" Tyler pushed me. "Well say them!" I laughed and looked up at them. "Delirious...myself and you fuckboys!" We all laughed and continued. "I have a question for both panda and four0seven" they nod and looked at me. "Okay, kiss, marry, kill, marcel, tyelr and delirious.....choose wisely" I groweld. They smirked. "You go first answer is different then yours" Scotty laughed and punched panda. "Mine should be probably be saved for last, or probably not said" Anthony said. "I would marry marcel, muah! Love you marcel" marcel laughed and did the same. "I would kill tyler, cause his and fucking asshole!" Tyelr laughed and smirked "and who you gonna kiss Scott?~" Tyler purred. "Delirious....cause....his a beautiful person" I clantched my fist. They saw my action and laughed. "Okay so what is mine...." Anthony stayed there for a minute amd tought. "I would kiss delirious cause his hot, and I would say 'uuuh boy, bring that ass over here~' " he laughed and I got up and tyler pushed me down. "Chill evan...." I growled and glared at Anthony. "I would marry tyler, cause....I love that giant man.....sorry Craig your out I'm in" we all laughed and we see Craig glaring at panda. We laughed even harder and stayed silent. "And who would I kill, marcel cause there's no one else" Scotty laughed. "Say it, say the real reason" they both laughed and looked at marcel. "Black guy always dies first" we all laughed and marcel just flicked them off. "Sorry man, gotta stick with that movie thing" panda laughs. We were having such a nice time until I heard something that startled me.
we all ran to the roof. I kick open the door to see delirious on the edge with the kid. "What happen to John?"
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